Siemens AC65, XT75, XT65, TC65 User Manual

Java User’s Guide
Siemens Cellular Engines
Version: 12 DocId: wm_java_usersguide_v12
Products: TC65, AC65, AC75, XT65, XT75
User’s Guide
Java User’s Guide
Document Name:
Supported Products:
Java User’s Guide
Confidential / Released
TC65, AC65, AC75, XT65, XT75
Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its con­tents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent are reserved.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2008
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1 Preface ....................................................................................................................... 11
2 Overview .................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Related Documents ......................................................................................... 12
2.2 Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................. 13
3 Installation ................................................................................................................. 15
3.1 System Requirements...................................................................................... 15
3.2 Installation CD for AC65/AC75 and XT65/XT75 .............................................. 16
3.3 Installation CD for TC65................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Components........................................................................................ 18 Module Exchange Suite ...................................................... 18 WTK .................................................................................... 18 SDK / JDK........................................................................... 19 NetBeans IDE 5.0 ............................................................... 19 NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 ............................................................ 19 Eclipse 3.1.2 IDE and Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.x................... 20 Eclipse 3.2.2 IDE and Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.5 or 1.6.8...... 20 GPS Evaluation Software.................................................... 21 Integrated Documentation Suite (IDS) ................................ 21
3.4 Set up Java Development Environment with Eclipse IDE (Quick Start-up) ..... 22
3.5 Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation ................................................................ 24
3.5.1 Installing the Standard Development Toolkit ...................................... 24
3.5.2 Installing the SMTK Environment........................................................ 24
3.5.3 Installing NetBeans IDE 5.0 / NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 ............................. 26
3.5.4 Installing Eclipse 3.0, Eclipse 3.1 or Eclipse 3.2................................. 26
3.5.5 Installing Borland JBuilder X, 2005 and 2006 Enterprise/Developer .. 27
3.5.6 Installing Module Exchange Suite (MES)............................................ 27
3.6 SMTK Uninstall ................................................................................................ 27
3.7 Upgrades ......................................................................................................... 27
4 Software Platform ..................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Software Architecture....................................................................................... 28
4.2 Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 29
4.2.1 ASC0 - Serial Device .......................................................................... 29
4.2.2 General Purpose I/O ........................................................................... 29
4.2.3 DAC/ADC............................................................................................ 29
4.2.4 ASC1................................................................................................... 29
4.2.5 Digital Audio Interface (DAI) ............................................................... 29
4.2.6 I2C/SPI................................................................................................ 29
4.2.7 GPS .................................................................................................... 30
4.2.8 JVM Interfaces .................................................................................... 31 IP Networking...................................................................... 31 Media .................................................................................. 31
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123 Other Interfaces .................................................................. 31
4.3 Data Flow of a Java Application Running on the Module ................................ 32
4.4 Handling Interfaces and Data Service Resources ........................................... 33
4.4.1 Module States ..................................................................................... 33 State 1: Default – No Java Running .................................... 33 State 2: No Java Running, General Purpose I/O
and I2C/SPI......................................................................... 34 State 4: Default – Java Application Active........................... 34 State 5: Java Application Active, General Purpose I/O and I2C/SPI34
4.4.2 Module State Transitions .................................................................... 35
5 Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 36
5.1 IP Service......................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Remote SIM Access ........................................................................................ 37
5.3 Power Saving................................................................................................... 37
5.4 Charging .......................................................................................................... 38
5.5 Airplane Mode.................................................................................................. 38
5.6 Alarm................................................................................................................ 38
5.7 Shutdown ......................................................................................................... 39
5.7.1 Automatic Shutdown ........................................................................... 39
5.7.2 Manual Shutdown ............................................................................... 39
5.7.3 Restart after Switch Off....................................................................... 39
5.7.4 Watchdog............................................................................................ 39
5.8 Special AT Command Set for Java Applications ............................................. 40
5.8.1 Switching from Data Mode to Command Mode .................................. 40
5.8.2 Mode Indication after MIDlet Startup .................................................. 40
5.8.3 Long Responses ................................................................................. 40
5.8.4 Configuration of Serial Interface ......................................................... 40
5.8.5 Java Commands ................................................................................. 41
5.8.6 AutoExec Function.............................................................................. 41
5.9 System Out ...................................................................................................... 41
5.9.1 Serial interfaces .................................................................................. 41
5.9.2 File ...................................................................................................... 42
5.9.3 UDP .................................................................................................... 42
5.10 GPIO ................................................................................................................ 42
5.11 Restrictions ...................................................................................................... 42
5.11.1 Flash File System ............................................................................... 42
5.11.2 Memory ............................................................................................... 42
5.12 Performance .................................................................................................... 43
5.12.1 Java .................................................................................................... 43
5.12.2 Pin I/O ................................................................................................. 44
5.12.3 Data Rates on RS-232 API ................................................................. 44 Plain Serial Interface ........................................................... 45 Voice Call in Parallel ........................................................... 45 Scenarios with GPRS/EGDE Connection ........................... 45
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123 Upload................................................................................. 46 Download ............................................................................ 47
5.13 System Time .................................................................................................... 49
6 MIDlets ....................................................................................................................... 50
6.1 MIDlet Documentation ..................................................................................... 50
6.2 MIDlet Life Cycle.............................................................................................. 50
6.3 Hello World MIDlet ........................................................................................... 52
7 File Transfer to Module............................................................................................. 53
7.1 Module Exchange Suite ................................................................................... 53
7.1.1 Windows Based .................................................................................. 53
7.1.2 Command Line Based ........................................................................ 53
7.2 Over the Air Provisioning ................................................................................. 53
7.3 Security Issues................................................................................................. 54
7.3.1 Module Exchange Suite ...................................................................... 54
7.3.2 OTAP .................................................................................................. 54
8 Over The Air Provisioning (OTAP) .......................................................................... 55
8.1 Introduction to OTAP ....................................................................................... 55
8.2 OTAP Overview ............................................................................................... 55
8.3 OTAP Parameters............................................................................................ 56
8.4 Short Message Format .................................................................................... 57
8.5 Java File Format .............................................................................................. 58
8.6 Procedures....................................................................................................... 59
8.6.1 Install/Update ...................................................................................... 59
8.6.2 Delete.................................................................................................. 60
8.7 Time Out Values and Result Codes................................................................. 61
8.8 Tips and Tricks for OTAP................................................................................. 61
8.9 OTAP Tracer.................................................................................................... 62
8.10 Security ............................................................................................................ 62
8.11 How To............................................................................................................. 62
9 Compile and Run a Program without a Java IDE ................................................... 64
9.1 Build Results .................................................................................................... 64
9.2 Compile............................................................................................................ 65
9.3 Run on the Module with Manual Start.............................................................. 65
9.4 Run on the Module with Autostart.................................................................... 66
9.4.1 Switch on Autostart ............................................................................. 66
9.4.2 Switch off Autostart ............................................................................. 66
10 Compile and Run a Program with a Java IDE......................................................... 67
10.1 Eclipse 3.1.2 (with ME Plugin 1.2.3) ................................................................ 67
10.1.1 Setup a New Project ........................................................................... 67
11 Debug Environment .................................................................................................. 72
11.1 Data Flow of a Java Application in the Debug Environment............................ 72
11.2 Emulator........................................................................................................... 73
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11.3 Java IDE .......................................................................................................... 75
11.3.1 NetBeans IDE 5.0, NetBeans 5.5 or NetBeans 5.5.x.......................... 75
11.3.2 Eclipse 3.0 and Eclipse 3.1................................................................ 81
11.3.3 Borland JBuilder X .............................................................................. 91
11.3.4 Borland JBuilder 2005 and JBuilder 2006 Enterprise/Developer........ 94
11.4 Breakpoints ...................................................................................................... 95
11.5 Switching Java “System.out” to IDE Debug Window ....................................... 96
11.6 Important Information for Java Debugging on Windows Vista ......................... 97
s Switching Emulator to IMP-NG Emulator ............................ 76 Templates............................................................................ 77 Examples ............................................................................ 78 Compile and Run ................................................................ 79 Starting Debug Session without Downloading Java Files ... 79 Displaying Java "System.out" in NetBeans IDE window..... 80 Eclipse 3.0........................................................................... 81 Eclipse 3.1........................................................................... 81 Eclipse 3.2........................................................................... 81 Using Eclipse with ME Plugin up to Version 1.2.3............... 82 Using Eclipse with ME Plugin 1.5.x..................................... 83 Using Eclipse with ME Plugin 1.6.x..................................... 85 Import Example ................................................................... 86 Compile and Debug ............................................................ 87 Starting Debug Session without Downloading Java Files ... 89 Examples ............................................................................ 92 Starting Debug Session without Downloading Java Files ... 93 Examples ............................................................................ 95
12 Java Security ............................................................................................................. 98
12.1 Secure Data Transfer....................................................................................... 98
12.1.1 Create a Secure Data Transfer Environment Step by Step.............. 100
12.2 Execution Control........................................................................................... 103
12.2.1 Change to Secured Mode Concept................................................... 104
12.2.2 Concept for the Signing the Java MIDlet .......................................... 105
12.3 Application and Data Protection..................................................................... 106
12.4 Structure and Description of the Java Security Commands .......................... 106
12.4.1 Structure of the Java Security Commands ....................................... 107
12.4.2 Build Java Security Command.......................................................... 108
12.4.3 Send Java Security Command to the Module................................... 109
12.5 Create a Java Security Environment Step by Step........................................ 110
12.5.1 Create Key Store .............................................................................. 110
12.5.2 Export X.509 Root Certificate ........................................................... 110
12.5.3 Create Java Security Commands ..................................................... 110
12.5.4 Sign a MIDlet .................................................................................... 112
12.6 Attention......................................................................................................... 112
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13 Java Tutorial ............................................................................................................ 113
13.1 Using the AT Command API.......................................................................... 113
13.1.1 Class ATCommand........................................................................... 113 Instantiation with or without CSD Support......................... 113 Sending an AT Command to the Device, the send() Method.. 114 Data Connections.............................................................. 115 Synchronization................................................................. 117
13.1.2 ATCommandResponseListener Interface......................................... 117 Non-Blocking ATCommand.send() Method....................... 117
13.1.3 ATCommandListener Interface ......................................................... 118 ATEvents........................................................................... 118 Implementation.................................................................. 119 Registering a Listener with an ATCommand Instance ...... 120
13.2 Programming the MIDlet ................................................................................ 121
13.2.1 Threads............................................................................................. 121
13.2.2 Example ............................................................................................ 121
14 Differences to the TC45 .......................................................................................... 123
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Tabl e s

Table 1: GPRS upload data rate with different number of timeslots, CS2 ................... 46
Table 2: GPRS upload data rate with different number of timeslots, CS4 ................... 46
Table 3: EDGE upload data rate with two timeslots, CS5............................................ 46
Table 4: EDGE upload data rate with two timeslots, CS9............................................ 46
Table 5: GPRS Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS2.............. 48
Table 6: GPRS Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS4.............. 48
Table 7: EDGE Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS5.............. 48
Table 8: EDGE Download data rate with different number of timeslots, CS9.............. 48
Table 9: A typical sequence of MIDlet execution ......................................................... 51
Table 10: Parameters and keywords ............................................................................. 56
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Figure 1: Overview ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 2: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: Dialog box Feature Updates............ 22
Figure 3: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: Dialog box Updates sites to visit...... 22
Figure 4: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: dialog box Search Results............... 23
Figure 5: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: dialog box Restart Eclipse ............... 23
Figure 6: Interface Configuration................................................................................... 31
Figure 7: Data flow of a Java application running on the module.................................. 32
Figure 8: Module State 1............................................................................................... 33
Figure 9: Module State 2............................................................................................... 34
Figure 10: Module State 4............................................................................................... 34
Figure 11: Module State 5............................................................................................... 34
Figure 12: Module State Transition Diagram................................................................... 35
Figure 13: Test case for measuring Java command execution throughput..................... 43
Figure 14: Test case for measuring Java MIDlet performance and handling pin-IO....... 44
Figure 15: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1........................................................ 45
Figure 16: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1 with a voice call in parallel ............. 45
Figure 17: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1 with GPRS data upload ................. 47
Figure 18: Scenario for testing data rates on ASC1 with GPRS data download............. 47
Figure 19: OTAP Overview ............................................................................................. 55
Figure 20: OTAP: Install/Update Information Flow (messages in brackets are optional) 59
Figure 21: OTAP: Delete Information Flow (messages in brackets are optional) ........... 60
Figure 22: Create new Eclipse project: Create a J2ME MIDP Midlet Suite..................... 67
Figure 23: Create new Eclipse project: New J2ME Project............................................. 67
Figure 24: Create new Eclipse project: Midlet Suite Properties ...................................... 68
Figure 25: Create new Eclipse project: work area with new created project................... 68
Figure 26: Create new Eclipse project: Create a J2ME Midlet........................................ 69
Figure 27: Create new Eclipse project: Create a New J2ME Midlet................................ 69
Figure 28: Create new Eclipse project: Edit some Java commands............................... 70
Figure 29: Create new Eclipse project: Edit “deployed” path to Jar file........................... 70
Figure 30: Data flow of a Java application in the debug environment............................. 72
Figure 31: NetBeans IDE 5.0 - installed emulators......................................................... 76
Figure 32: NetBeans IDE 5.0 - Switching to IMP-NG emulator....................................... 76
Figure 33: NetBeans IDE 5.0 - Selecting an IMP-NG MIDlet template
(e.g. project “Test”)......................................................................................... 77
Figure 34: NetBeans IDE 5.0 - selecting sample project “Hello World Sample” ............. 78
Figure 35: NetBeans IDE 5.0 - confirmation of sample project “Hello World Sample”.... 78
Figure 36: NetBeans IDE 5.0 - add emulator option “-noload”
(e.g. project “HelloSample”) ........................................................................... 79
Figure 37: NetBeans IDE 5.0 - Displaying Java “System.out” in NetBeans IDE window 80
Figure 38: Eclipse – Display of different integrated emulators........................................ 82
Figure 39: Eclipse – J2ME platform ................................................................................ 83
Figure 40: Eclipse with ME Plugin 1.5.0 – Display of different integrated emulators...... 84
Figure 41: Eclipse with ME Plugin 1.5.0 – J2ME platform.............................................. 85
Figure 42: Eclipse – Project import ................................................................................. 86
Figure 43: Eclipse - Example .......................................................................................... 86
Figure 44: Eclipse – Create package .............................................................................. 87
Figure 45: Eclipse - Configuration................................................................................... 88
Figure 46: Eclipse - Configuration................................................................................... 89
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Figure 47: Eclipse 3.2.x ME1.5.x and 1.6.x select System Java Thread
for showing breakpoint line in Java source .................................................... 90
Figure 48: JBuilder X – JDK settings............................................................................... 91
Figure 49: JBuilder X – Siemens Library......................................................................... 91
Figure 50: JBuilder X – Sample Projects......................................................................... 92
Figure 51: JBuilder X – Starting the debugging session ................................................. 92
Figure 52: JBuilder X – Edit project properties for starting the emulator......................... 93
Figure 53: JBuilder - Runtime Configuration ................................................................... 93
Figure 54: JBuilder 2006 Enterprise/Developer – JDK settings ...................................... 94
Figure 55: JBuilder 2006 Enterprise/Developer – Siemens Library ................................ 94
Figure 56: JBuilder 2006 Enterprise/Developer – Sample Projects ................................ 95
Figure 57: Emulator configuration file “switching Java System.out to serial port”........... 96
Figure 58: Using Windows Vista: Set Eclipse.exe perament to "Run as administrator".. 97
Figure 59: Mode 1 – Customer Root Certificate does not exist....................................... 99
Figure 60: Mode 2 - Server Certificate and Certificate into module are identical............ 99
Figure 61: Mode 2 - Server Certificate and self signed root Certificate
in module form a chain................................................................................. 100
Figure 62: Insert Customer Root Certificate.................................................................. 104
Figure 63: Prepare MIDlet for Secured Mode ............................................................... 105
Figure 64: Build Java Security Command..................................................................... 108
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1 Preface

This document covers the full range of IMP-NG Java products from Siemens, currently includ­ing:
1. TC65 Module
2. TC65 Terminal
3. AC75/AC65 Module
4. XT75/XT65 Module
Differences between the products are noted in the particular chapters. Throughout the docu­ment, all supported products are referred to as ME (Mobile Equipment). For use in file, directory or path names, the string “<productname>” represents the actual name of a product, for exam­ple TC65. Screenshots are provided as examples and, unless otherwise stated, apply to all supported products.
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2 Overview

The ME features an ultra-low profile and low-power consumption for data (CSD and GPRS), voice, SMS and fax. Java technology and several peripheral interfaces on the module allow you to easily integrate your application.
This document explains how to work with the ME, the installation CD and the tools provided on the installation CD.
Figure 1: Overview

2.1 Related Documents

List of documents referenced throughout this manual: [1] AT Command Set of your Siemens Wireless product [2] Hardware Interface Description of your Siemens Wireless product [3] Java doc \wtk\doc\html\index.html [4] IMP-NG, JSR228, Standard
For further documents see Chapter 3.2.
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2.2 Terms and Abbreviations

2.2 Terms and Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
API Application Program Interface
ASC Asynchronous Serial Controller
CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration
CSD Circuit-Switched Data
DAI Digital Audio Interface
DCD Data Carrier Detect
DSR Data Set Ready
GPIO General Purpose I/O
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
I/O Input/Output
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IDS Integrated Documentation Suite
IP Internet Protocol
Java ME
Java SE
JAD Java Application Description
JAR Java Archive
JDK Java Development Kit
JVM Java Virtual Machine
LED Light Emitting Diode
ME Mobile Equipment
MES Module Exchange Suite
MIDP Mobile Information Device Protocol
OTA Over The Air
OTAP Over The Air Provisioning of Java Applications
Java Mobile Edition aka. J2ME
Java Standard Edition
PDP Packet Data Protocol
PDU Protocol Data Unit
SDK Standard Development Kit
SMS Short Message Service
SMTK Siemens Mobile Toolkit
TCP Transfer Control Protocol
URC Unsolicited Result Code
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2.2 Terms and Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
URL Universal Resource Locator
VBS Visual Basic Script
WTK Wireless Toolkit
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3 Installation


3.1 System Requirements

The Siemens Mobility Toolkit (SMTK) requires that you have:
1. Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista
2. 110 Mbytes free disk space for SMTK
3. Administration privileges
4. Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4. To install the JDK version 1.4.2_09 provided, follow the
instructions in Section 3.5.1 Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.5 is required for TC65.
If a Java IDE such as NetBeans IDE 5.0, NetBeans IDE 5.5.1
Eclipse 3.1.0, Eclipse 3.1.1, Eclipse 3.1.2, Eclipse 3.2.x
, JBuilder X, 2005 or 2006 Enterprise/
, Eclipse 3.0.1, Eclipse 3.0.2,
Developer is installed, it can be integrated into the SMTK environment during the installation of the SMTK. To install one of the IDEs, follow the installation instructions in Section 3.5.3 and
Section 3.5.4 respectively.
If you wish to access the module via USB ensure that the USB cable is plugged between the module’s USB interface and the PC. Unless already done, install the appropriate USB modem driver. To do so, use the "usbmodem.inf" file supplied with your Siemens module.
Supported only for TC65
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3.2 Installation CD for AC65/AC75 and XT65/XT75

3.2 Installation CD for AC65/AC75 and XT65/XT75
The Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation CD includes:
Module Exchange Suite (MES setup is distributed on CD under "MES\Setup.exe")
WTK (is distributed as zip file on the CD e.g. "WTK\")
- various tools doc
- java docs for APIs lib
- src
- various examples
Java SDK
NetBeans IDE 5.0
netbeans-5_0-windows.exe (NetBeans IDE 5.0) netbeans_mobility-5_0-win.exe (NetBeans Mobility package 5.0)
Eclipse 3.1.2 (Eclipse 3.1.2)
EclipseME plugin 1.2.3 (Eclipse ME Plugin 1.2.3)
EclipseME plugin 1.5.0 (Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.0)
EclipseME plugin WM (only required for Eclipse 3.0.1 and Eclipse 3.0.2)
GPS Evaluation Software
ucentersetup.exe (GPS Evaluation SW)
Integrated Documentation Suite (IDS)
DSB75_HW_Description.pdf <productname>_AT_Command_Set.pdf <productname>_HW_Description.pdf <productname>T_HW_Description.pdf (only if terminal version is available) <productname>_ReleaseNote.pdf Java_UserGuide.pdf (this document) Remote_SAT_Guide.pdf AN_02_Audio.pdf AN_07_Battery.pdf AN_16_FW_Update.pdf AN_17_OTA_FW_Update.pdf AN_22_TTY.pdf AN_24_Dev_Guide.pdf AN_32_USB.pdf
Some of the content can only be accessed after the installation.
EclipseME plugin 1.2.1 is also supported, but not distributed as part of the CD.
EclipseME plugin 1.5.0 is supported by TC65, XT65/XT75 and AC65/AC75. It is distributed as part of the installation CD.
GPS Evaluation Software is only distributed as part of the XT75 CD (only for products with GPS)
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3.3 Installation CD for TC65

3.3 Installation CD for TC65
The Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation CD includes:
Module Exchange Suite (MES setup is distributed on CD under "MES\Setup.exe")
WTK (is distributed as zip file on the CD e.g. "WTK\")
- various tools doc
- java docs for APIs lib
- src
- various examples
Java SDK
NetBeans IDE 5.5.1
netbeans-5_5_1-windows.exe (NetBeans IDE 5.5.1) netbeans_mobility-5_5_1-windows.exe (NetBeans Mobility package 5.5.1)
Eclipse 3.1.2 (Eclipse 3.1.2)
Eclipse 3.2.2 (Eclipse 3.2.2)
EclipseME plugin 1.5.5 (Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.5)
EclipseME plugin 1.6.8 (Eclipse ME Plugin 1.6.8)
Integrated Documentation Suite (IDS)
<productname>_Datasheet.pdf DSB75_HW_Description.pdf <productname>_AT_Command_Set.pdf <productname>_HW_Description.pdf <productname>T_HW_Description.pdf (only if terminal version is available) <productname>_ReleaseNote.pdf Java_UserGuide.pdf (this document) Remote_SAT_Guide.pdf AN_02_Audio.pdf AN_07_Battery.pdf AN_16_FW_Update.pdf AN_22_TTY.pdf AN_24_Dev_Guide.pdf AN_26_Power_Supply.pdf AN_32_USB.pdf AN_45_Jamming_Detection_RLS.pdf
Some of the content can only be accessed after the installation.
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3.3 Installation CD for TC65

3.3.1 Components Module Exchange Suite
The Module Exchange Suite allows the developer to access the Flash file system on the cellu­lar engine from the development environment over a serial interface. File transfers from PC to module are greatly facilitated by this suite.
The Module Exchange Suite (MES) will be installed under the following directories:
MES executables (e.g. MESCopy.exe, etc.) in the windows system directory
(e.g. C:\WINDOWS\system32) The version of the MES executables can be read out by using the Windows Explorer con­text menu Properties and selecting the Version tab (e.g. MESCopy.exe Version, etc.)
MES server files under "\ModuleExchange" directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Module-
Exchange) The version of the dll files can be read out by using the Windows Explorer context menu
Properties and selecting the Version tab (e.g. MESShellExt.dll Version:,
MESServer.exe Version:, MESSearchApp.exe Version: )
The MES installation version can be found under Control Panel selecting the installed MES program and clicking on support information (e.g. version
Add or Remove Programs WTK
WTK is the directory where all the necessary components for product specific Java application creation and debugging are stored.
The version of the installed WTK is stored under the root of the WTK directory in a text file. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Siemens\SMTK\<product name>\WTK\VersionWTK.txt)
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3.3 Installation CD for TC65
This is software provided by SUN to support Java application development.
SMTK emulator uses the following JDK (stored in JavaSoft Registry key) for starting the Debug Agent:
Registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\1.4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\1.5
Registry key:
JavaHome (e.g. "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_09") JavaHome (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07")
Registry path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.5
Registry key:
JavaHome (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_09") JavaHome (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.5.0_07")
5 NetBeans IDE 5.0
This is a Java IDE provided by SUN to support Java application development. NetBeans IDE 5.5.1
This is a Java IDE provided by SUN to support Java application development. NetBeans IDE
5.5.1 is only supported on TC65 CD.
required for TC65
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3.3 Installation CD for TC65
s Eclipse 3.1.2 IDE and Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.x
This is a Java IDE provided by the Eclipse Foundation to support Java application develop­ment. The integration of SMTK into Eclipse with ME Plugin 1.5.0 is supported by the TC65, XT65/XT75 and AC65/AC75 CDs. Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.5 is only distributed on TC65 CD. The installed Eclipse Version and ME Plugin can be read out after starting Eclipse and selecting:
Eclipse menu Help
e.g. Version: 3.1.2 Build id: M20060118-1600
Eclipse menu Help
ME Plugin version: e.g. EclipseME J2ME Development Tools for the Eclipse Version: 1.5.0
About Eclipse SDK and looking for the Eclipse version:
About Eclipse SDK, press the Feature Details button and look for the
Used JDK from IDE (e.g. selecting Eclipse menu Help Details and look for "java.version" and "java.vm.version").
About Eclipse SDK Configuration Eclipse 3.2.2 IDE and Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.5 or 1.6.8
This is a Java IDE provided by the Eclipse Foundation to support Java application develop­ment. The integration of SMTK into Eclipse 3.2.2 with ME Plugin 1.6.8 is only supported by the TC65 CD. The installed Eclipse Version and ME Plugin can be read out after starting Eclipse and selecting:
Eclipse menu Help
e.g. Version: 3.2.2 Build id: M20070212-1330
Eclipse menu Help
Plugin version: e.g. EclipseME J2ME Development Tools for the Eclipse Version: 1.5.5 e.g. EclipseME J2ME Development Tools for the Eclipse Version: 1.6.8
Used JDK from IDE (e.g. selecting Eclipse menu Help Details and look for "java.version" and "java.vm.version").
About Eclipse SDK and looking for the Eclipse version:
About Eclipse SDK, press Feature Details button and look for the ME
About Eclipse SDKConfiguration
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3.3 Installation CD for TC65
s GPS Evaluation Software
The GPS Evaluation Software (u-center) was developed by u-blox AG, Switzerland. This soft­ware demonstrates the capabilities of global positioning system (GPS) part incorporated in the XT75 module.
The latest version of the GPS Evaluation Software (u-center) can be downloaded for free from the internet:
The installed GPS Evaluation Software Version can be read out after starting u-center and selecting:
u-center menu Help e.g. Version 4.00 Build Inside this dialog box you will find contact and support address as well.
Please make the following preparations before using the u-center tool together with XT75 (module with GPS support): Step 1:
Install u-center
GPS_Evaluation_SW\ucentersetup.exe (on XT75 CD)
Step 2:
Switch to transparent GPS mode by using the AT command AT^SGPSS=1,1
Step 3:
Configure the connected COM port (ASC0 of the XT75 module) by using the u-center menu Receiver
About u-center... and looking for the u-center version:
Port and Receiver Baudrate
Now the XT75 module and the u-center are ready for operation. Integrated Documentation Suite (IDS)
The Integrated Documentation Suite (IDS) is installed together with SMTK and can be accessed via index.html file under the directory “\IDS” with a browser. Another possibility to access IDS is by using the IMP-NG Java documentation “Javadoc” inside the IDE and selecting the hyperlink IDS placed inside the main menu of IMP-NG Javadoc.
Please keep in mind that the internal structure of JBuilder IDE does not support opening the IDS from inside the JBuilder IDE using hyperlinks.
A further hyperlink to IDS is located in the start menu of <productname> and can be selected via “Integrated Documentation Suite (IDS)”.
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3.4 Set up Java Development Environment with Eclipse IDE (Quick Start-up)

3.4 Set up Java Development Environment with Eclipse IDE
(Quick Start-up)
Please complete the following steps to set up your Eclipse Java development environment:
Step 1:
Install JDK 1.4.2_09
JDK 1.4\j2sdk-1_4_2_09-windows-i586-p.exe
For TC65 install JDK 1.5.0_07 , if no JDK 1.5 or higher is installed on your machine.
Step 2:
Install Eclipse 3.1.2
Unzip from CD ("\Eclipse\") to "C:\Program Files\Eclipse"
(Installation of Eclipse 3.2.2 to be employed with TC65 is completed in the same way.)
Step 3:
Installation Eclipse ME plugin 1.2.3: (Installation of Eclipse ME plugin 1.6.8 to be employed with TC65 is completed in the same way)
- Start Eclipse IDE
- Select the default workspace suggested by Eclipse
- Start ME plugin installer using Eclipse menu
Software Updates Find and Install.
Figure 2: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: Dialog box Feature Updates
Figure 3: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: Dialog box Updates sites to visit
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3.4 Set up Java Development Environment with Eclipse IDE (Quick Start-up)
- Select the path where Eclipse ME plugin is located on CD (EclipseMEplugin_123\.....")
and select „"
Figure 4: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: dialog box Search Results
- In the dialog box Verification, select Install All.
- In the dialog box Install/Update, select Yes to restart Eclipse.
Figure 5: Installation of Eclipse ME-Plugin 1.2.3: dialog box Restart Eclipse
- Eclipse IDE is restarted. Please close Eclipse IDE before continuing with installation of SMTK!
Step 4:
Installation of the product’s SMTK:
- Start "setup.exe" from CD root path.
- Choose the destination folder of Eclipse "C:\Program Files\Eclipse" in the dialog box
Select Eclipse Folder.
- Select SMTK (e.g. C:\Program Files\Siemens\SMTK) in dialog box Destination Folder.
- Use the the dialog box Select COM Port to specify the connection type for on-device debugging and MES transfer (downloading the MIDlet to the module): a) Standard 19200 Modem: Choose the COM port and set the baud rate (e.g. 115200). b) USB modem: Select "Siemens AG WM USB Modem". Note that the USB modem has to be installed previously using Siemens "usbmodem.inf" file.
- After that, MES will be installed without further user action. Please wait until setup is com­plete.
-Click Finish in the summary dialog to confirm the completed installation.
A detailed description of the SMTK installation is given in the following chapters.
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3.5 Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation

3.5 Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation
The SMTK comes with an installation CD. The installation program automatically installs the necessary components and IDE integrations. Software can be uninstalled and updated with the install program. The next sections cover the installation and removal of the SMTK and the installation of the SDK and the supported IDEs.

3.5.1 Installing the Standard Development Toolkit

1. The JDK version 1.4.2_09 is provided on the SMTK installation disk in the subdirectory “JDK 1.4”. To begin the installation, start the “j2sdk-1_4_2_09-windows-i586-p.exe“ and fol­low the instructions of the JDK setup procedure. If there is no JDK installed on the target machine the installation of the provided JDK will be offered automatically during the SMTK installation process. The JDK version 1.5.0_07 is provided and required for TC65.
2. Once the toolkit has been installed, the environment variable “path” can be altered to com­fortably use the JDK tools. This is not necessary for using the Siemens SMTK.
3. Open the Control Panel:
- Open System.
- Click on Advanced.
- Click on the Environment Variables button.
- Choose path from the list of system variables.
- Append the path for the bin directory of the newly installed SDK to the list of directories
for the path variable.

3.5.2 Installing the SMTK Environment

Before you start the installation please make sure all applications, especially the IDEs are closed.
1. Insert the CD, start setup.exe. When the dialog box appears press the Next button.
2. You will be asked to read the license agreement. If you accept the agreement, press Yes to continue with the installation.
3. A file including special information about the installation and use of the SMTK is shown. Press Next to continue.
4. You will be asked to enter the path name where Eclipse 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2 or
5. The installation software checks for the Java SDK. If there is no SDK on the system the
6. At this point, the installation software checks for a Java IDE to be integrated with the SMTK.
is installed. Please type in the folder where Eclipse with the ME plugin is installed and
3.2.x press Next. If you have not installed Eclipse or do not want to integrate the SMTK into Eclipse, please press Next without typing in a selected folder.
installation procedure now offers to install the provided JDK. If this step is refused, the setup process will not continue because a properly installed JDK is mandatory for using the SMTK environment.
A Java IDE is not necessary to use the SMTK. The IDE installation can be done at any time even if the SMTK is already installed. To integrate the SMTK into the Java IDE run the SMTK setup program in maintenance mode again. However, you can continue the setup procedure and install the IDE installation later or cancel the setup program at this stage and restart it after installing one of the supported Java IDEs. In case you wish to install a Java
Supported only for TC65
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3.5 Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation
IDE please follow the instructions below and in Section 3.5.3. If no installed IDE is found the SMTK offers to install NetBeans IDE 5.0 and NetBeans Mobility package 5.0 (NetBeans
5.5.1 and NetBeans Mobility package 5.5.1 is distributed with TC65 CD). Alternatively, you can install the SUN IDE by following the instructions in Section 3.5.3.
7. If the SDK and one or more Java IDEs are found, you will be asked to choose which IDE you want integrated into the development environment. Once an IDE has been found and selected, press Next to continue. Ensure that your Java IDE is closed.
8. Select the folder where the SMTK will be installed. A folder will be suggested to you but you may browse to select a different one.
9. Choose the path that SMTK will appear under in the Start Menu.
10. In the next installation dialog box you will be asked to to create a Dial-up Network connec­tion for on-device debugging. This Dial-up Network connection can be configured either for the Standard 119200 bps Modem integrated in Windows or the USB modem. As a result, a Dial-up Network connection will be created named "IP connection for remote debugging" (the connection will be available after the entire installation of the SMTK environment).
- If a Dial-up Network connection named "IP connection for remote debugging" is already
available for another Siemens IMP-NG product, you can choose to reconfigure the exist­ing connection by pressing Yes or leave it unchanged by pressing No.
- If you have selected Yes or if there was no on-device connection before, check either
"Serial COM port for using the standard modem installation" or "USB COM port for using the USB modem installation".
- If you have chosen the Standard 119200 bps Modem select the COM port number, click
Next. In the resulting dialog box select the baud rate and click Next again.
- If you have chosen the USB modem the available USB modems will be listed. Choose
the "Siemens AG WM USB Modem" and click Next. Note: You can reconfigure the COM port for the Dial-Up Network connection any time after the installation by starting the SMTK setup in maintenance mode and selecting “Repair” mode.
11. Select the IP address used for IMP-NG on-device debugging and the UPD port number used for switching the Java “System.out” direction to serial port output.
12. A brief summary of all entries made is shown. Press Next to continue.
13. A status message box informs you that the Module Exchange Suite (MES) will be installed now. A separate MES setup wizard opens. Please follow the setup wizard’s instructions.
14. All necessary files will be copied from the CD into the target folder.
15. This is the final step. Again, a listing of all installed components appears. Please press Fin- ish to end the installation.
How to use the "Modify" or "Repair" mode:
To open either mode click Control Panel tion and press “Modify” or “Repair”: Please keep in mind, that Windows system requires the same location of the installation CD, if you like to use “Modify” or “Repair” for the SMTK installation. The installer is searching for *.msi file and an installer message box will pop up, telling the user to locate the installation CD in the corresponding drive and path. If the installation CD is not located on the displayed drive and path, please insert the CD or copy the CD contents into the required location (drive and path).
Note for installing the SMTK environment on Windows 2000 systems:
Please delete all modems with device name "Standard 19200 bps Modem" before installing the SMTK environment on a Windows 2000 system, because this modem device is used during automatic modem installation and on-device debugging.
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Add or Remove Programs. Select SMTK installa-
Java User’s Guide
3.5 Siemens Mobility Toolkit Installation

3.5.3 Installing NetBeans IDE 5.0 / NetBeans IDE 5.5.1

1. NetBeans IDE 5.0 is provided on the SMTK installation disk in the subdirectory “NETBEANS_5_0”. To begin installation, start first “netbeans-5_0-windows.exe” and follow the NetBeans IDE 5.0 setup procedure instructions.
2. Please install next the Mobility package of Sun
NetBeans IDE 5.0. The Mobility package
is required before integration of SMTK!
The Sun windows.exe" for installation of Sun dows.exe" for installation of Mobility package of Sun
NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 is distributed with the TC65 CD. Please start "netbeans-5_5_1-
NetBeans 5.5.1 and "netbeans_mobility-5_5_1-win-
NetBeans IDE 5.5.1.
Note: The integration of the SMTK into SunTM NetBeans IDE 5.0 / SunTM NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 is done for all users.

3.5.4 Installing Eclipse 3.0, Eclipse 3.1 or Eclipse 3.2

Eclipse 3.1.2 (CD directory “\Eclipse\”) and Eclipse ME Plugin 1.2.3 (CD directory “\EclipseME_123\”) provided on the SMTK CD. The installation of Eclipse is shortly described in Section 3.4.
or Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.0 (CD directory “\EclipseMEplugin_150\”) are
Eclipse can be freely downloaded from In order to use Eclipse with the ME the EclipseME plug-in is also needed. It can be downloaded from
Using Eclipse 3.0.1 or Eclipse 3.0.2:
A customized version of this plug-in (CD directory “\EclipseME_WM\”)
for Eclipse 3.0.1 and
3.0.2 comes with SMTK. It is required to use this plug-in for Eclipse 3.0.1 and Eclipse 3.0.2,
because EclipseME plugin 1.2.3 requires Eclipse 3.1.0 and later and not installable for the older Eclipse versions 3.0.1 and 3.0.2.
Using Eclipse 3.1.0, Eclipse 3.1.1 or Eclipse 3.1.2:
Please use EclipseME plug-in 1.2.1 or 1.2.3 for Eclipse version 3.1.0, Eclipse 3.1.1 or Eclipse
Using Eclipse 3.2. (only supported for TC65):
Please use EclipseME plug-in 1.5.5 or 1.6.x. It is recommended to use Eclipse 3.2.2 with ME 1.5.5 for working with Java Debugging session.
Note: Only one selection for an Eclipse version at a time for SMTK integration is possible.
Eclipse ME Plugin 1.2.3 is not provided on TC65 CD.
Eclipse ME Plugin 1.5.0 is supported on the TC65, XT65/XT75 and AC65/AC75 CDs.
"\EclipseME_WM" CD directory is not included on TC65 CD.
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3.6 SMTK Uninstall

3.5.5 Installing Borland JBuilder X, 2005 and 2006 Enterprise/
Borland JBuilder can be purchased from There are also 30 days trial versions available on the website. Installation instructions can be found there.
Note: The installation path name of JBuilder should not include space characters.

3.5.6 Installing Module Exchange Suite (MES)

The Module Exchange Suite (MES) is installed during the SMTK installation. If you would like to install the Module Exchange Suite separately, repair or remove it, please use the Module Exchange Suite (MES) setup.exe, which is located on the SMTK installation disk in the subdi­rectory “MES”.
3.6 SMTK Uninstall
The SMTK install package comes with an uninstall facility. The entire SMTK or parts of the package can be removed. To start the uninstall facility, open the Control Panel, select Add/ Remove Programs, select the desired SMTK, e.g. TC65 Software Development Kit and follow the instructions. The standard modem and Dial-Up Network connection (DUN) are uninstalled automatically, if no SMTK IMP-NG product is installed in parallel. The user will be asked for uninstall of standard modem and Dial-Up Network (DUN) in the case, that another SMTK IMP­NG product is installed.
The Module Exchange Suite (MES) is not uninstalled automatically with the SMTK. If you would like to uninstall the Module Exchange Suite (MES) as well, please run the MES uninstall facility. To run the uninstall program, open the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs, select Siemens Module Exchange Suite (MES) and follow the instructions.
Please keep in mind, that standard modem (or USB modem), Dial-Up Network connection and Module Exchange Suite (MES) are required for a proper work of SMTK on-device debugging.
Note for customers migrating from TC45 to TC65: If you uninstall the TC45 software after the installation of TC65 you need to run the TC65 SDK and MES setup in maintenance mode to restore several files required for TC65. To do so, open the Windows Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs, select “TC65 Software Development Kit”, press the Change/Remove button and select Repair. In the same manner, reinstall the Siemens Module Exchange Suite (MES)" As an alternative, to avoid this step, remove the TC45 package, before installing TC65 SDK and MES.

3.7 Upgrades

The SMTK can be modified, repaired or removed by running the setup program on the Instal­lation CD.
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4 Software Platform

4 Software Platform
In this chapter, we discuss the software architecture of the SMTK and the interfaces to it.

4.1 Software Architecture

The SMTK enables a customer to develop a Java application on a PC and have it be execut­able on the Java enabled module. The application is then loaded onto the module. The platform comprises:
Additional Java virtual machine interfaces:
Memory space for Java programs:
Additional accessible periphery for Java applications
Micro Edition (Java METM), which forms the base of the architecture. The Java ME ically designed for embedded systems and has a small memory footprint. The ME uses: CLDC 1.1 HI, the connected limited device configuration hot spot implementation. IMP-NG, the information module profile 2 MIDP 2.0 but without the lcdui package.
AT Command API File I/O API The data flow through these interfaces is shown in Figure 7 and Figure 29.
Flash File System: around 1700k (1200k in XT75) RAM: around 400k Application code and data share the space in the flash file system and in RAM.
- A maximum of ten digital I/O pins usable, for example, as:
Output: status LEDs
- Input: Emergency Button
- One I2C/SPI Interface.
- One Digital Analog Converter and two Analog Digital Converters.
- Serial interface (RS-232 API): This standard serial interface could be used, for example,
with an external GPS device or a current meter. For detailed information see Section 4.2.
is provided by SUN Microsystems, It is specif-
generation, this is for the most part identical to
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4.2 Interfaces

4.2 Interfaces

4.2.1 ASC0 - Serial Device

ASC0, an Asynchronous Serial Controller, is a 9-wire serial interface. It is described in [2]. With­out a running Java application the module can be controlled by sending AT commands over ASC0. Furthermore, ASC0 is designed for transferring files from the development PC to the module. When a Java application is started, ASC0 can be used as an RS-232 port or/and Sys­tem.out. Refer to [3] for details.

4.2.2 General Purpose I/O

There are ten I/O pins that can be configured for general purpose I/O. One pin can be config­ured as a pulse counter. All lines can be accessed under Java by AT commands or a Java API. See [1] and [2] for information about usage and startup behavior.

4.2.3 DAC/ADC

There are two analogue input lines and one analogue output line. They are accessed by AT commands. See [1] and [2] for details.
The TC65 Terminal does not feature DAC interface.

4.2.4 ASC1

ASC1 is the second serial interface on the module. This is a 4-pin interface (RX, TX, RTS, CTS). It can be used as a second AT interface when a Java application is not running or by a running Java application as RS-232 port or/and System.out.
The TC65 Terminal and products with GPS do not feature ASC1.

4.2.5 Digital Audio Interface (DAI)

The ME has a seven-line serial interface with one input data clock line and input/output data and frame lines to support the DAI. Refer to [1] and [2] for more information.
TC65 Terminal does not feature a DAI interface.

4.2.6 I2C/SPI

There is a 4 line serial interface which can be used as I2C or SPI interface. It is described in
[2]. The AT^SSPI AT command configures and drives this interface. For details see [1].
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4.2 Interfaces

4.2.7 GPS

The on-board GPS functionality can be accessed in 4 different ways from a Java application.
AT commands via ATCommand
Java API JSR179
transparent via CommConnection
transparent via ATCommand
It is discouraged to use the forth possibility since it uses up a valuable ATCommand instance. Use Java API for non-transparent, use CommConnection for transparent GPS access. Trans­parent and non-transparent modes can not be used concurrently but it is possible and in some cases may be necessary to use AT commands concurrently with the Java API e.g. for GPS power saving modes. For details about AT command related GPS functionality see [1].
The usage of CommConnection for GPS access is very straight forward. Calling Connec­ with port-id “gps0” opens a transparent channel to the GPS module. Then all protocols supported by the GPS hardware can be used.
The Java location API (JSR179) offers three basic functionalities (for details see [3]):
location listener, a periodic call-back with current location information
proximity listener, a call-back when a specified location is close
landmark store, a storage for landmarks/way-points
The landmark store is persistent. The stores are saved to FFS under a:/lmstores/store_X.xml, where X is the number of the store (0 is the default store).
There can be 8 stores plus 1 default store each containing up to 100 landmarks in up to 8 cat­egories (“no category” also counts as a category). Using AddressInfo with the landmarks might decrease the maximum number of possible landmarks in a store, depending on the amount of AddressInfo data being used. An IOException indicates that a store is full.
There is only one store active at a time. The current store information is kept in RAM and only written to FFS when the application switches to a different store or terminates. Saving a store might take up to 45s! During this time period the VM is blocked, no processing can be done in parallel.
One of the examples that come with the product CD is a tracking application that uses the Java location API.
GPS is only supported in XT75/XT65.
Products with GPS do not feature ASC1. So System.out is set to “null” device by default (see
Section 5.9).
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