Information and Communication Mobile
ICM MP Customer Care Information SI 0604.doc
«Name_LSO» From (Name) Wilfried Werner
«Anrede» «Vorname» «Name» Dept. ICM MP CCQ GRM T
«Zeile_1» Telephone + 49 2842 95 4363
«Zeile_2» Fax + 49 2842 95 4302
«Zeile_4» Your Service Manager «Anrede_SK»«Name_SK
Telephone «Telefon_SK»
Tel : «Telefon» Our ref. SI 0604.doc
Fax : «Fax»
Date February 12, 2004
Subject: Charging Problem C60, A60, MC60
Dear «Anrede» «Name»
Some C60,A60,MC60 mobile phones are not charging the battery, even though the charging
symbol is visible in the display.
The customer will complain mobile phone does not charge the battery.
Reason of the fault is a wrong value of the resistors R167 and R362 ( 100 KOhm instead of
15 KOhm
a) Complete mobile phone:
Take the “defective” mobile phone, perform the same measurement and evaluate
the results
!!! Measured Value around the reference value and above = mobile phone OK !!!
!!! Measured Value obviously below the reference value = mobile phone Defective !!!
b) On board level:
Check the value of the resistors R167 and R362 have to be < 20K Ohm
!!! Measured Value < 20K Ohm =OK !!!
!!! Measured Value > 20K Ohm =Defective !!!
Take a “good” mobile phone and measure the current flow into the mobile phone while
a battery is charged.
!! Important !! - Wait~30 seconds to see the value of charging current
- use not
a fully charged and not deep discharged battery to perform
this measurement.
Note this value and take it as your reference value.
Mobile Phones
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft · Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Karl-Hermann Baumann · Managing Board: Heinrich v. Pierer, Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer · Members: Johannes Feldmayer, Thomas Ganswindt, Klaus Kleinfeld, Edward G. Krubasik, Rudi Lamprecht, Heinz-Joachim Neubürger, Jürgen Radomski, Erich R.
Reinhardt, Uriel J. Sharef, Claus Weyrich, Klaus Wucherer
Registered Offices: Berlin and München · Commercial Registries: Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 12300; München, HRB 6684
Group Executive Management
Information and Communication Mobile:
Rudi Lamprecht, Group President
Joe Kaeser
Lothar Pauly
Postal address:
Siemens AG
Postfach 80 17 07
D-81617 München
Office address:
Siemens AG
Haidenauplatz 1
D-81667 München
Telephone +49 89 722 0
Replace the resistors. Use
L36852-C153-J2 (will be orderable soon via the Level 2,5 section of the e-
Consider the rules given by the general test instruction V1.4
Report this fault via the fault code 11000 and report the exchanged resistor
sign. Wolfgang Royer sign. Hans-Juergen Burghart
Director Customer Care O EMEA Customer Care BA EMEA
ICM MP Customer Care Information from July 15th, 2003 Page 2 of 2