Enercept Meter H8050
Engineering Specifications
1. The power transducer shall consist of three split-core CTs hinged at both axes with the electronics embedded
inside of the master CT.
2. The transducer shall measure true (rms.) energy consumption (kWh).
3. kWh shall be expressed by contact closures (pulse output).
4. The transducer shall have a field selectable pulse output switch with the following settings: .1 kWh/pulse, .25
kWh/pulse, .5 kWh/pulse, 1kWh/pulse
5. The transducer shall be directly powered by and measure any voltage from 208-480 VAC.
6. The transducer shall be calibrated as a system and be accurate to +/ - 1% from 7 % to 100 % of the rated current
over a temperature range of 0-60° C.
7. The transducer shall conform to ANSI C12.1 metering accuracy standards.
8. The transducer shall be internally isolated to 2000 VAC.
9. The transducer case isolation shall be 600 VAC.
10. The transducer available ordering ranges shall be 100-2400 Amps.
11. The transducer shall be Veris Industries model H8050