Andover ContinuumTM
Infinet II
i2850 Series
The i2850, i2851, and i2853 controllers provide cost-effective DDC
control of individual terminal units (e.g. VAV boxes, fan-powered
induction units, unit ventilators, heat pumps).
Andover Continuum Infi net II i2850 Series
Terminal Controllers
• Comp act Termi nal Con troller s Provid e VAV
Cont rol for a Broad Range of Appl ication s
• Comp atible with Bo th Ando ver Cont inuum
and Infinit y Syste ms
• Expandable I/O Meets Additional Point
Count Needs
• Univ ersal I nputs w ith Form A and For m K
Outputs for Flexible Control Options
• Non-Vola tile Fl ash Mem ory Prov ides U tmost
Reli ability — Stor es Both Applic ation P rogram
and Operating S ystem
• Flas h Memor y Allow s Easy O n-Line Software
• On-Board Airflow Sensor
• Optional Display/Keypad Provides Easy
Operator Interface (Mounted Separately)
• View and Mo dify In formatio n with Optional
Andover Continuum Smart Sensor Display
• Local On-Board Service Port
The i2850 Series is a perfect fi t for your
VAV applications where external damper
actuators are used. And because all
i2850 Series controllers feature a built-in
expansion port for additional I/O, these
controllers are perfect for your more
demanding control applications.
Choose the i2850 Series controller with the input
confi guration that matches your application:
The i2850 has four full range universal inputs
plus a fi fth input for an on-board air fl ow sensor
for VAV airfl ow measurement.
• The i2851 contains four universal inputs as well,
but does not have the on-board air fl ow sensor
and is perfect for applications not requiring
airfl ow measurement, such as heat pumps and
fan coils.
• The i2853 is for dual-duct VAV applications. It
contains two onboard airfl ow sensors and four
universal inputs.
All three models feature an additional room sensor
input, which supports Andover Continuum Smart
Sensor, or any standard room temperature sensor;
plus three Form A relays and one Form K Tri-state
relay output.
Similar to all i2 controllers, the i2850 Series features
Flash memory, increased user memory, and a fast
(32-bit) processor for faster scan times, with plenty
of additional memory available for data logging of
your critical data.
The i2850 Series communicates with the entire
Andover Continuum In net RS-485 eld bus (i.e.
both Andover Continuum In net and Andover
Continuum In net II controllers) and is compatible
with both the Andover Continuum CyberStation
and In nity SX 8000 front-ends. Up to 254 Andover
Continuum In net devices can be networked to any
Andover Continuum network controller.
Schneider Electric