AT-2 Quick Reference
Automatic Mode Recording
Auto key
Automatic recording in Format 1
+ ALT + Auto key
Automatic recording in Format 2
Manual Recording
Manual key Start continuous printout
STOP key Stop printout
Date and Time
ALT followed by 9, 1, 1 followed by time (HHMMSS)
Confirmed by beep
ALT followed by 9, 2, 2 followed by Date (MMDDYY)
Confirmed by beep
ALT followed by 9, 4, 4 (time + 1h summertime)
ALT followed by 9, 5, 5 (time - 1h wintertime)
Copy key Extra printout in Format 1
+ ALT + Copy Extra printout in Format 2
Apply Myogram Filter
Filter key Myogram Filter on/off
Printout of System Settings
ALT followed by 0, 1, 1 printout of current system settings
ALT followed by 0, 3, 3 to initiate a system self test
ALT followed by 0,2, 5 + STOP for American English
ALT followed by 0,2, 1 + STOP for German
ALT followed by 0,2, 2 + STOP for Standard English
ALT followed by 0,2, 3 + STOP for French
ALT followed by 0,2, 4 + STOP for Swedish
ALT followed by 0,2, 6 + STOP for Italian
ALT followed by 0,2, 7 + STOP for Spanish
ALT followed by 0,2, 8 + STOP for Portuguese
ALT followed by 0,2, 9 + STOP for Russian
Electrode Placement
AT -2 Light Quick Reference Guide Art. No. 2.510520 Rev.: a
SCHILLER America 2003

AT-2 Quick Reference
Auto Mode Formats
ALT followed by 1 for Format 1
ALT followed by 2 for Format 2
ECG Format
1, 0, STOP 4 x 3 (25mm/s) +1 Rhy
1, 1, STOP 12 x 1 (25mm/s)
1, 2, STOP 8 leads 5 s ; 4 leads 10 s
1, 5, STOP No leads printed
1, 6, STOP Short form
1, 7, STOP Long form
1, 8, STOP Speed 25 mm/s
1, 9, STOP Speed 50 mm/s
Average Cycles
2, 5, STOP No cycles printed
2, 6, STOP 4 x 3 (25mm/s) +2 Rhy
2, 7, STOP 4 x 3 (50mm/s) +2 Rhy
2, 8, STOP 6 x 2 (50mm/s) +2 Rhy
Rhythm Leads
ALT followed by 3 for Rhythm Lead 1
ALT followed by 4 for Rhythm Lead 2
Extremity Leads
8, 1, STOP Lead I
8, 2, STOP Lead II
8, 3, STOP Lead III
8, 4, STOP Lead aVR
8, 5, STOP Lead aVL
8, 6, STOP Lead aVF
Precordial Leads
9, 1, STOP Lead V1
9, 2, STOP Lead V2
9, 3, STOP Lead V3
9, 4, STOP Lead V4
9, 5, STOP Lead V5
9, 6, STOP Lead V6
Measurements and Markings
3, 5. STOP without measurements
3, 6. STOP with measurements
3, 7. STOP without markings
3, 8. STOP with markings
4, 5, STOP without interpretation
4, 6, STOP with interpretation
Lead Sequence and Printout
ALT followed by 7, 1, STOP Standard lead
ALT followed by 7, 2, STOP Cabrera
ALT followed by 7, 3, STOP Simultaneous print
ALT followed by 7, 4, STOP Sequential print
ALT followed by 7, 5, STOP Auto-centering on
ALT followed by 7, 6, STOP Auto-centering off
Activating SBS and SSF filters
ALT followed by 5, 6, STOP SBS on
ALT followed by 5, 7, STOP SBS off
ALT followed by 5, 7, STOP SSF on
ALT followed by 5, 8, STOP SSF off
Interpretation Parameters
ALT followed by 6, 1, STOP “Normal/abnormal” -
ALT followed by 6, 2, STOP “Normal/abnormal” +
ALT followed by 6, 3, STOP “Unconfirmed report” -
ALT followed by 6, 4, STOP “Unconfirmed report” +
ALT followed by 6, 5, STOP Patient < 30
ALT followed by 6, 6, STOP Patient > 30
ALT followed by 6, 7, STOP Low sensitivity
ALT followed by 6, 8, STOP High sensitivity
Mains Filter, Baseline Filter and Myogram Filter
ALT followed by 8, 2, STOP Myogram filter 25 Hz
ALT followed by 8, 3, STOP Myogram filter 35 Hz
ALT followed by 8, 1, STOP Myogram filter default on
ALT followed by 8, 8, STOP Myogram filter default off
ALT followed by 8, 5, STOP Mains filter 50Hz
ALT followed by 8, 6, STOP Mains filter 60Hz
ALT followed by 8, 9, STOP Mains filter off
ALT followed by 5, 0, STOP Baseline Filter 0.05Hz
ALT followed by 5, 1, STOP Baseline Filter 0.15Hz
ALT followed by 5, 2, STOP Baseline Filter 0.30Hz
Reset to Default Settings
ALT followed by 0, 6, 6 rest unit to default settings