Schiller Argus VCM User manual

English Français
Vital Compact Monitor
Art. No.: 2.510558 Rev. a *2.510558*
User Guide Gebrauchsanweisung Mode d'emploi
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Argus VCM produced by
Mediana Co.,Ltd.
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Argus VCM produziert durch
Mediana Co.,Ltd.
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Argus VCM produit par
Mediana Co.,Ltd.
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Article Number 2.510558 Rev. a Issue Date: 2. July 2004
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This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Schiller makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Schiller shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Revision History
The documentation part number and revision number indicate its current edition. The revision number changes when a new edition is printed in accordance with the revision history of the documentation. Minor corrections and updates which are incorporated at reprint do not cause the revision number to change. The document part number changes when extensive technical changes are incorporated.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual i
Contents ARGUS VCM
Safety Information.................................................................................................................................... 1
General Safety Information............................................................................................................... 1
Warni ngs ..............................................................................................................................................1
Cautions............................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................5
Features for ARGUS VCM ................................................................................................................5
Intended Use for ARGUS VCM........................................................................................................ 6
About This Manual ............................................................................................................................6
Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays............................................................ 7
Identification of Front Panel Controls and Symbols .....................................................................7
Identification of Rear Panel Components and Symbols ...............................................................8
Description of ARGUS VCM Symbols/Indicators .........................................................................9
Description of ARGUS VCM Controls ..........................................................................................13
Setting up the Monitor........................................................................................................................... 15
Unpacking and Inspection ..............................................................................................................16
List of Components.......................................................................................................................... 16
Power Cable Connections ...............................................................................................................17
Measurement Cable Connections ..................................................................................................18
Battery Operation.................................................................................................................................... 21
Operating ARGUS VCM on Battery Power.................................................................................. 21
Charging a Low Battery ..................................................................................................................22
Low Battery Indication.................................................................................................................... 22
Using the Monitor................................................................................................................................... 23
Turning on the Monitor ...................................................................................................................23
Performing Power On and Self-Test (POST)................................................................................. 24
Setting Date and Time .....................................................................................................................26
Setting Patient Type .........................................................................................................................27
Setting NIBP Units ...........................................................................................................................28
Setting Temperature Units and Modes..........................................................................................29
Setting Pulse Tone Volume..............................................................................................................30
Setting Alarm Volume ..................................................................................................................... 31
Resetting to Factory Defaults.......................................................................................................... 32
NIBP Monitoring .................................................................................................................................... 33
General............................................................................................................................................... 34
Setup Connections............................................................................................................................ 35
NIBP Measurement Modes............................................................................................................. 36
Description of NIBP Operation ......................................................................................................36
SpO2/Pulse Rate Monitoring................................................................................................................ 41
General............................................................................................................................................... 42
Setup Connections............................................................................................................................ 43
Description of Pulse Rate Operation .............................................................................................44
Description of SpO2 Operation...................................................................................................... 44
Temperature Monitoring .......................................................................................................................47
General............................................................................................................................................... 48
Setup Connections............................................................................................................................ 48
Temperature Measurement Modes................................................................................................ 49
Description of Temperature Operation .........................................................................................49
Alarms and Limits...................................................................................................................................55
General............................................................................................................................................... 55
ii ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
ARGUS VCM Contents
Setting Alarm Limits........................................................................................................................56
Alarm Silence ....................................................................................................................................62
Reviewing Patient Data .........................................................................................................................63
General............................................................................................................................................... 63
Displaying Stored Patient Data ......................................................................................................63
Printing Stored Patient Data (Optional Printer Installed) ..........................................................65
Erasing Patient Data......................................................................................................................... 65
Printing .....................................................................................................................................................67
General............................................................................................................................................... 67
Selecting Manual or Stream Printing type.................................................................................... 67
Printing Patient Data (Manual Mode)........................................................................................... 68
Print Out Configuration.................................................................................................................. 69
RS-232 Interface....................................................................................................................................... 71
Overview ...........................................................................................................................................71
Cable Connection ............................................................................................................................. 71
Nurse Call Interface .........................................................................................................................72
Quick Guide to Operation.....................................................................................................................73
Maintenance............................................................................................................................................. 79
General............................................................................................................................................... 79
Returning ARGUS VCM and System Components ....................................................................79
Service ................................................................................................................................................79
Periodic Safety Checks .....................................................................................................................80
Cleaning............................................................................................................................................. 80
Battery maintenance......................................................................................................................... 80
Replacement of Printer Paper......................................................................................................... 81
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................83
General............................................................................................................................................... 83
Corrective Action.............................................................................................................................. 84
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)............................................................................................... 85
Obtaining Technical Assistance...................................................................................................... 86
Factory Defaults ......................................................................................................................................87
General............................................................................................................................................... 87
Parameter Ranges and Default Settings........................................................................................ 87
Specifications........................................................................................................................................... 89
Physical.............................................................................................................................................. 89
Environmental .................................................................................................................................. 89
Measurement Parameters................................................................................................................90
Compliance........................................................................................................................................ 92
Manufacturer’s Declaration ............................................................................................................93
Figure 1. Front Panel Controls and Symbols.................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2. Rear Panel Components and Symbols............................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3. AC Power Connection..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4. NIBP Cable Connections................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 5. SpO2 Sensor/Cable Connections..................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 6. Temperature Probe Connections...................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 7. ARGUS VCM Power On Self Test ................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 8. ARGUS VCM Normal Mode Before Measurement........................................................................................................ 25
Figure 9. Date and Time Setting .................................................................................................................................................... 26
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual iii
Contents ARGUS VCM
Figure 10. Patient Type Setting...................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 11. NIBP Units Setting....................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 12. Temperature Units and Modes Setting ......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 13. Pulse Tone Volume Setting............................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 14. Alarm Volume Setting................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 15. Factory Defaults Setting ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 16. NIBP Setup Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 17. Initial Inflation Pressure............................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 18. Manual mode of NIBP operation................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 19. Indication of Auto Mode Turn-Off................................................................................................................................37
Figure 20. Auto Mode Setting (i.e.) – 15 minute Period................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 21. Auto Mode of Measurement.......................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 22. STAT Mode Setting....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 23. SpO2 Setup Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 24. Pulse Rate Operation .................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 25. SpO2 Operation............................................................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 26. Temperature Setup Connections.................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 27. Temperature – Predictive Mode..................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 28. Temperature – Monitored Mode.................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 29. Example display of over 43°C or under 26°C................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 30. Systolic High Alarm Limit Setting............................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 31. Systolic Low Alarm Limit Setting................................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 32. Diastolic High Alarm Limit Setting ............................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 33. Diastolic Low Alarm Limit Setting............................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 34. MAP High Alarm Limit Setting................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 35. MAP Low Alarm Limit Setting.................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 36. Pulse Rate High Alarm Limit Setting........................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 37. Pulse Rate Low Alarm Limit Setting............................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 38. SpO2 High Alarm Limit Setting................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 39. SpO2 Low Alarm Limit Setting.................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 40. Stored Patient Data Display ......................................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 41. Printing Type Setting.................................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 42. Real-Time Printing........................................................................................................................................................ 69
Figure 43. Stored Data Printing (Batch Printing) ......................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 44. Stream Printing at Alarm Condition ............................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 45. System Information Printing ........................................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 46. RS-232 I/O connector ................................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 47. Data Port Pin Layout.................................................................................................................................................... 71
Tab le s
Table 1. Display Symbols/Indicators................................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 2. ARGUS VCM Controls .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 3. Front Panel Indications in accordance with power operation............................................................................................ 21
Table 4 . Cuf f S ize ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Table 5. SpO2 Sensors .................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Table 6. Indication of Temperature Measurement Mode................................................................................................................. 49
Table 7. Alarm Indication............................................................................................................................................................... 55
Table 8. Range of Alarm Limits (Defaults) ..................................................................................................................................... 56
Table 9. RS-232 Serial Interface Connections................................................................................................................................. 71
Table 10. Error Codes...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Table 11. Parameter Ranges and Factory Defaults ......................................................................................................................... 87
Table 12. Electromagnetic Emissions (IEC60601-1-2) ................................................................................................................... 93
Table 13. Electromagnetic Immunity (IEC60601-1-2) ................................................................................................................... 93
Table 14. Electromagnetic Immunity (IEC60601-1-2) ................................................................................................................... 94
Table 15. Recommended Separation Distances ............................................................................................................................... 95
Table 16. Cables (IEC60601-1-2) .................................................................................................................................................... 95
iv ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
Safety Information
General Safety Information
This section contains important safety information related to general use of vital signs monitor. Other important safety information appears throughout the manual in sections that relate specifically to the precautionary information. Read all precautionary
information. this manual.
Important! Before use, carefully read this manual, accessory directions for use, all precautionary information, and specifications.
Warnings are identified by the WARNING symbol shown above.
Warnings alert you to potential serious outcomes (death, injury, or adverse events) to the patient or user.
WARNING: To avoid burns, the probe must remain in the probe holder when turning
WARNING: In the USA, do not connect to an electrical outlet controlled by a wall switch because the device may be accidentally turned off.
WARNING: Impending power loss, the monitor will automatically operate by internal battery. If in doubt about the integrity of the AC power source, the monitor must be operated from its internal battery.
WARNING: Do not disconnect a power cord before the system power completely shuts down because monitor settings may be lost at this moment.
WARNING: As with any medical equipment, carefully route patient cabling to reduce the possibility of patient entanglement or strangulation.
WARNING: ARGUS VCM is not defibrillator proof. It may remain attached to the patient during defibrillation or while an electrosurgical unit is in use, but the readings may be inaccurate during use and shortly thereafter.
WARNING: If the monitor occurs to be abnormal shutdown, the monitor’s settings are back to the factory defaults.
WARNING: You must check the equipment prior to use and ensure its safe and proper use.
WARNING: Explosion hazard. Do not use ARGUS VCM monitor in the presence of flammable anesthetics or gases. Do not operate ARGUS VCM in a hyperbaric chamber, in oxygen-enriched environments, or in any other potentially explosive environment.
ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor will be referred to as ARGUS VCM throughout
ARGUS VCM monitor on or off.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 1
Safety Information ARGUS VCM
WARNING: Do not autoclave the monitor.
WARNING: Before use, carefully read sensor or probe directions for use, including all warnings, cautions, and instructions.
WARNING: Do not use damaged cuffs, sensors and other cables. Do not immerse cuffs, sensors and other cables completely in water, solvents, or cleaning solutions because the connectors are not waterproof. Do not sterilize cuffs, sensors and other cables by irradiation, steam, or ethylene oxide. Refer to each cleaning instructions in the directions for use.
WARNING: If the battery shows any signs of damage, leakage, or cracking, it must be replaced immediately, by a qualified service person, and only with a battery approved by the manufacturer.
WARNING: The monitor
used in conjunction with clinical signs and symptoms.
WARNING: The measurement of ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor can be affected by patient conditions, motions, sensors, environmental condition and electromagnetic external condition.
WARNING: It is possible that any radio frequency transmitting equipment and other sources of electrical noise such as cellular phones, due to close proximity or strength of a source, may result in disruption of performance.
WARNING: To ensure patient safety, do not place the monitor in any position that might cause it to fall on the patient.
WARNING: Disconnect ARGUS VCM and sensors during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning. Use during MRI could cause burns or adversely affect the MRI image or the monitor’s accuracy. Also, to avoid burns, remove the sensors from the patient before conducting MRI.
WARNING: During prolonged and continuous SpO2 monitoring, check the sensor site at least once every 4 hours. Inspect the patient’s skin integrity and circulation, and relocate the sensor if necessary. Tissue damage can result from improper or prolonged sensor attachment.
WARNING: Do not lift the monitor by a sensor cable or a power cord because the cable could disconnect from the monitor, causing the monitor to drop on the patient.
WARNING: ARGUS VCM may not operate effectively on patients who are experiencing convulsions or tremors.
is intended only as an adjunct in patient assessment. It must
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
Cautions Cautions
Safety Information
CAUTION: Alert you to exercise care necessary for the safe and effective use of ARGUS VCM monitor. Inaccurate data may be measured if operated or stored at conditions outside the stated ranges, or subjected to excessive shock or dropping.
CAUTION: Grounding reliability can only be achieved when equipment is connected to an equivalent receptacle marked 'Hospital Only' or 'Hospital Grade'.
CAUTION: The accuracy of the monitor may degrade if the monitor is connected to secondary I/O devices when the monitor is not connected to earth reference.
CAUTION: Never place fluids on the monitor. In case of fluid spilling on the monitor, disconnect power cord, wipe clean immediately and have the monitor serviced to ensure that no hazard exists.
CAUTION: The monitor may clearly appropriate error codes when outside of the measurable range occur.
English glish
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 3
Safety Information ARGUS VCM
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ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
Features Intended Use About This Manual
WARNING: ARGUS VCM is intended only as an adjunct in patient assessment. It must be used in conjunction with clinical signs and symptoms.
This manual contains information about ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor. ARGUS VCM monitor includes the following configuration:
Config. Features Config. Features
N Standard (NIBP + Pulse Rate) NP Standard + Printer NS Standard + SpO2 NSP Standard + SpO2 + Printer NT Standard + Temperature NTP Standard + Temperature+ Printer
NST Standard + SpO2 + Temperature NSTP Standard + SpO2 + Temperature + Printer
All information in this manual, including the illustrations, is based on a monitor configured with the Temperature, SpO2, and Printer options. If your monitor configuration lacks any of these options, then some information in this manual does not apply.
Features for ARGUS VCM
ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor is a lightweight and compact vital signs monitor measuring
130×180×278 (mm) (H×D×W) and weighing 2.7 kg. Its carrying handle is designed for instrument transport while battery-powered monitoring.
ARGUS VCM is powered by an internal battery pack that provides 2 hours of monitoring from
fully charged batteries (typical, performance is at 25 °C, with no printing and one NIBP measurement every 15 minutes). The batteries are continuously recharged when AC power (100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz) is connected to the monitor. Details are described in the Battery Operation section.
ARGUS VCM has an FND display that shows numeric patient information as well as
alphanumeric status conditions and error codes.
Auxiliary Outputs
ARGUS VCM monitor provides RS-232 I/O port for software upgrade or nurse call system.
Refer to the RS-232 Interface section for additional information.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 5
Introduction ARGUS VCM
Intended Use for ARGUS VCM
The purpose and function of the Schiller invasive blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures), functional arterial oxygen saturation, pulse rate and temperature for adult, pediatric and neonate patients in all hospital areas and hospital-type facilities. It may be used during hospital transport and in mobile, land-based environments, such as ambulances, within the specification of the environmental characteristics.
Note: Hospital use typically covers such areas as general care floors, operating rooms,
special procedure areas, intensive and critical care areas, within the hospital plus hospital-type facilities. Hospital-type facilities include physician office based facilities, sleep labs, skilled nursing facilities, surgicenters, and sub-acutecenters.
Note: Intra-hospital transport includes transport of a patient within the hospital or hospital-
type facility.
ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor is to monitor non-
About This Manual
This manual explains how to set up and use safety information relating to general use of Other important safety information is located throughout the text where applicable.
All users should read this manual thoroughly. More experienced users of be able to go to the topics for the information they require.
Read the entire manual including the Safety Information section, before you operate the monitor.
ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor. Important ARGUS VCM appears before this introduction.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays
Identification of Front Panel Controls and Symbols Identification of Rear Panel Controls and Symbols Description of ARGUS VCM Symbols/ Indicators Description of ARGUS VCM Controls
Identification of Front Panel Controls and Symbols Identification of Front Panel Controls and Symbols
27 26
2 4
23 22 21
English glish
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20
1. Blood Pressure Unit Indicators 15. %SpO2 Display
2. Systolic Blood Pressure Display 16. Mode Button
3. Patient Type Indicators 17. Pulse Amplitude Indicator
4. Diastolic Blood Pressure Display 18. Alarm Silence Indicator
5. Pulse Rate Display 19. Up/Down Selection Button
6. MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) Display 20. Alarm silence button
7. Print Setting Indicators 21. NIBP start/stop button
8. Print Button 22. Temperature Unit/Mode Indicators
9. Alarm Button 23. Temperature Display
10. Auto Indicator 24. Power Button
11. Auto Cycle Display 25. Battery Indicator
12. Auto Button 26. Charging/AC in Indicator
13. Pulse Tone/Alarm Volume Setting Indicators 27. Time Display
14. Review Button 28. Review Indicator
Figure 1. Front Panel Controls and Symbols
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 7
Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays ARGUS VCM
Identification of Rear Panel Components and Symbols
50/60 Hz
3 4 5 6
1. Handle 4. Equipotential (Ground)
2. Air Ventilator 5. Battery Cover (Replacement)
3. AC Power Connector 6. RS-232 Data Interface
Figure 2. Rear Panel Components and Symbols
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
ARGUS VCM Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays
Description of ARGUS VCM Symbols/Indicators
The symbols and Indicators of
Symbols Description
ARGUS VCM are described as follows:
Table 1. Display Symbols/Indicators
Attention, consult accompanying documents.
Type BF applied part
Type BF – Defibrillator proof
Data interface
Review Indicator
is lit when the user select the Review button to see the patient history.
Auto Indicator is on whenever NIBP automatic timed cycles are enabled.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 9
Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays ARGUS VCM
Symbols Description
Charging/AC in Indicator
is on whenever AC power is present from the wall (even if the monitor is off and is not under battery charging). The Charging/AC in indicator flashes while the battery is charging, and then remains illuminated once the battery is maintained with a trickle charge.
Battery Indicator
indicates the state of the battery. This indicator is on when the monitor uses battery power. This indicator will be flashing when the battery needs charging. It is not reset unless AC power cord has been plugged in for battery charging.
Alarm Silence Indicator is on continuously whenever the unit is in Alarm Silence mode.
Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is configured to display temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Temperature in degrees Celsius is configured to display temperature in degrees Celsius.
Temperature in Monitor mode is configured to take temperature in the monitor mode. This indicator is off when the temperature is being taken using the predictive method.
Patient type: Adult shall be on when the Patient type is adult.
Patient type: Pediatric is on when the Patient type is pediatric.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
ARGUS VCM Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays
Symbols Description
Patient type: Neonatal
is on when the Patient type is neonatal.
NIBP unit: mmHg is on when the NIBP unit setting is mmHg.
NIBP unit: kPa is on when the NIBP unit setting is kPa.
Target Pressure Setting Indicator is flashing when the NIBP target inflation pressure is under setting for NIBP measurement.
Time Indicator is on when the actual time is displayed on the time/date numeric display area. It is flashing when it is selected to set the time in the configuration mode.
Date Indicator is on when the actual date is displayed on the time/date numeric display area. It is flashing when it is selected to set the date in the configuration mode.
Manual Print Indicator is on when the print setting is the Manual Print.
Stream Print Indicator is on when the print setting is the Stream Print.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 11
Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays ARGUS VCM
Symbols Description
Pulse Tone Volume Setting indicator
is flashing when the pulse tone volume setting is selected in the setting mode.
Alarm Volume Setting Indicator is flashing when the alarm volume setting is selected in the setting mode.
Network Indicator is flashing when the monitor is set to software upgrade mode.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
ARGUS VCM Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays
Description of ARGUS VCM Controls
Table 2. ARGUS VCM Controls
Controls Description
Power Button
ARGUS VCM monitor on or off when pressed
turns for over 1 second.
NIBP start/stop button
initiates NIBP measurement when pressed. If the NIBP start/stop button is pressed again during the measurement, it will cancel the current reading.
Alarm Silence Button
allows you to silence a patient alarm temporarily and also is used to acknowledge (cancel) other non-patient alarms.
Up/Down Selection Buttons
allows you to select items within a particular settable feature in several different modes. If the Up or Down selection button is pressed and held, the unit will scroll through the available selections as if the button is being pressed repeatedly while the button is held in.
Print Button (Option)
sends the data to the printer and prints current onscreen readings if a printer is installed in the monitor. Pressing the Print button during print-out stops printing.
Review Button
allows the user to review or to erase measurement data in the memory. If pressed and held for more than 3 seconds, the monitor will erase the data.
Auto Button
puts the monitor in Auto interval selection mode, allowing the user to take automatic blood pressures at a selected increment.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 13
Description of Controls, Indicators, Symbols and Displays ARGUS VCM
Controls Description
Alarm Button
puts the monitor into Alarm Set mode, allowing the user to set alarm limits for Systolic, Diastolic, MAP, Pulse rate and SpO2.
Mode Button
puts the monitor into the Settings or Configuration mode. Once the monitor is in one of these modes, the Mode button will be used to cycle through the configuration options of the specific menu mode.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
Setting Up The Monitor
Unpacking and Inspection List of Components Power Cable Connections Measurement Cable Connections
WARNING: ARGUS VCM is a prescription device and is to be operated by qualified personnel only. ARGUS VCM is designed for use by medical clinicians. Although this document might illustrate medical monitoring techniques, the monitor must be used only by trained clinicians who know how to take and interpret a patient’s vital signs.
WARNING: In the USA, do not connect to an electrical outlet controlled by a wall switch because the device may be accidentally turned off.
WARNING: As with all medical equipment, carefully route patient cabling to reduce the possibility of patient entanglement or strangulation.
WARNING: To ensure patient safety, do not place the monitor in any position that might cause it to fall on the patient.
WARNING: Do not lift the monitor by the sensor cables or power cord because the cable could disconnect from the monitor, causing the monitor to drop on the patient.
WARNING: Disconnect ARGUS VCM and sensors/cables during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning. Using the monitor during MRI may cause burns or adversely affect the MRI image or the monitor’s accuracy.
WARNING: To ensure accurate performance or prevent device failure do not subject ARGUS VCM to extreme moisture, such as direct exposure to rain. Such exposure may cause inaccurate performance or device failure
WARNING: Do not use ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor, SpO2 sensors, temperature probes or connectors that appear damaged.
WARNING: Discarded battery may explode during incineration. Follow local government ordinances and recycle instructions regarding disposal or recycling of device components, including batteries.
WARNING: ARGUS VCM is not defibrillator-proof. It may remain attached to the patient during defibrillation or while an electrosurgical unit is in use, but the readings may be inaccurate during the defibrillation and shortly thereafter.
WARNING: Ensure that the speaker is clear of any obstruction. Failure to do so could result in an inaudible alarm tone.
CAUTION: If ARGUS VCM is to be stored for a period of 2 months or longer, it is
recommended to notify service personnel to remove the battery from the monitor prior to storage. Recharging the battery is strongly recommended when the battery has not been
echarged for 2 or more months.
CAUTION: Recycle used batteries properly. Do not dispose of batteries in refuse containers.
English glish
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 15
Setting up the Monitor ARGUS VCM
Unpacking and Inspection
ARGUS VCM vital signs monitor is shipped in one carton. Examine the carton carefully for
evidence of damage. Contact Schiller Technical Services Department immediately if any damage is discovered. Return all packing material and monitor. Refer to the Maintenance section for instructions on returning damaged items.
List of Components
Quantity Item
1 NIBP Cuff for adult (10.0 – 13.5 inch / 25.3 – 34.3 cm)
1 NIBP Cuff for pediatric (6.2 – 8.4 inch / 15.8 – 21.3 cm)
1 NIBP Hose for adult/pediatric
1 Temperature Probe with Temperature option configured
1 Temperature Probe Cover with Temperature option configured
1 SpO2 Sensor with SpO2 option configured
1 Pulse Oximetry Cable with SpO2 option configured
1 Power Cord (applicable to country of sale)
1 pack Printer Paper with Printer option configured
ARGUS VCM Vital signs monitor
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
ARGUS VCM Setting up the Monitor
Power Cable Connections Power Cable Connections
WARNING: In the USA, do not connect to an electrical outlet controlled by a wall switch because the device may be accidentally turned off.
CAUTION: For the safety of patients, use only a Schiller supplied power cord. Using an
unqualified power cord can damage the monitor, and will void the product warranty. If in doubt about the integrity of the AC power source, the monitor must be operated from its internal battery.
AC Power
Ensure that the AC outlet is properly grounded and that it is the specified voltage and frequency (100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz).
English glish
AC Power Connector
Figure 3. AC Power Connection
1. Connect the female connector end of the AC power cord to the monitor rear panel connector.
2. Plug the male connector end of the AC power cord into a properly grounded AC outlet.
3. Verify that the Charging/AC in Indicator is lit. This indicator will be flashing if the battery needs charging.
Note: If the Charging/AC in Indicator is not lit, check:
the power cord the AC power inlet
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 17
Setting up the Monitor ARGUS VCM
Measurement Cable Connections
WARNING: Do not lift the monitor by the sensor cables, or power cord because the cable could disconnect from the monitor, causing the monitor to drop on the patient.
NIBP Hoses and Cuffs
NIBP Cuff Hose Connector
1. Select the appropriate size cuff for the patient (Refer to the NIBP Monitoring
section) and apply the cuff to the selected site.
2. Connect the hose to the right panel NIBP connector (see Figure 4).
Note: For the safety of patients, and to ensure the best product performance and accuracy,
use only a cuff and a hose provided with by Schiller Technical Services.
SpO2 Cables and Sensors
Figure 4. NIBP Cable Connections
ARGUS VCM, or a cuff and hose recommended
Note: For the safety of patients, and to ensure the best product performance and accuracy,
SpO2 Sensor/ Cable Connector
Figure 5. SpO2 Sensor/Cable Connections
1. Select an appropriate sensor for the patient and desired application.
2. Apply the sensor to the selected site.
3. Connect the sensor to the cable.
4. Connect the cable to the right panel SpO2 connector (see Figure 5).
use only Schiller provided sensor pulse oximetry cables and SpO2 sensors with
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
ARGUS VCM Setting up the Monitor
Temperature Probes Temperature Probes
Temperature Probe
Temperature Probe Cover
Temperature Probe Holder
Temperature Probe Connector
Figure 6. Temperature Probe Connections
1. Insert the plug into the compatible jack on the monitor right panel.
Note: For the safety of patients, and to ensure the best product performance and accuracy,
use only Schiller provided temperature probes (see Figure 6).
Note: The temperature probes are available from Schiller sales department. For the safety of
patients, and to ensure the best product performance and accuracy, use only temperature probes that have passed the recommended biocompatibility testing in compliance with ISO10993-1.
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual 19
Setting up the Monitor ARGUS VCM
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ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
Battery Operation
Operating ARGUS VCM on Battery Power Charging a Low Battery Low Battery Indication
WARNING: Dispose of Battery in accordance with local requirements and regulation. Follow local government ordinances and recycle instructions regarding disposal or recycling of batteries.
CAUTION: If ARGUS VCM is to be stored for a period of 2 months or longer, it is
recommended to notify service personnel to remove the battery from the monitor prior to storage. Recharging the battery is strongly recommended when it has not been recharged for 2 or more months.
CAUTION: Measured or displayed data may not be assured in the low battery or the critical low battery condition.
CAUTION: Discarded battery may explode during incineration. Recycle used batteries properly. Do not dispose of batteries in refuse containers.
Note: It is recommended that the monitor remain connected to AC power source when not
in use. This will ensure a fully charged battery whenever it is needed.
Note: As the battery is used and recharged over a period of time, the amount of time
between the onset of the low battery alarm and the instrument shut-off may become shorter. It is recommended for service personnel to check periodically or replace of internal battery if necessary.
Operating ARGUS VCM on Battery Power
ARGUS VCM monitor has an internal battery that can be used to power the monitor during
transport or when AC power source is not available.
Table 3. Front Panel Indications in accordance with power operation
English glish
Monitor AC Power Battery
No operation Connected Full charged ‘Charging/AC in’ on No operation Connected Charging ‘Charging/AC in’ flashing Operation Connected Full charged ‘Charging/AC in’ on Operation Connected Charging ‘Charging/AC in’ flashing Operation Disconnected Normal battery status ‘Battery’ on Operation Disconnected Low battery status ‘Battery’ flashing
Operator’s Manual 21
Battery Operation ARGUS VCM
The monitor cannot operate with a fully discharged battery. Before turning on ARGUS VCM which battery has been completely discharged, first plug the monitor into an AC outlet to charge the battery for a few minutes. The monitor may then be powered on.
A new, fully charged battery will provide 2 hour of monitoring time under the following conditions:
No audible alarms sound No serial output devices are attached to No printing All the monitoring parameters are active with one NIBP measurement
per 15 minutes
Charging a Low Battery
1. Connect the monitor to AC power in order to charge a low or dead battery. (see the Setting up the Monitor section)
Note: A full charge of a dead battery takes approximately 12 hours while the monitor is
turned off.
Low Battery Indication
Battery Indicator is flashing when the remaining battery power is only enough for about 10 minutes of operation. The monitor will also sound an audible alarm. This will inhibit the monitor from taking printing. This audible alarm can be silenced by pressing the Alarm silence button. Connecting the monitor to AC power will terminate the alarm.
The monitor remaining the battery status of only about 3-minute operation will inhibit the monitor from taking NIBP inflation.
After a critical low battery alarm sounds for about 5 seconds, automatically shut down. You should connect the monitor to an AC power source to avoid
any loss of monitor settings and trend data
ARGUS VCM monitor will
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
Using The Monitor
Turning on the Monitor Performing Power On and Self-Test (POST) Setting Date and Time Setting Patient Type Setting NIBP Units Setting Temperature Units and Modes Setting Pulse Tone Volume Setting Alarm Volume Resetting to Factory Defaults
WARNING: To avoid burns, the probe must remain in the probe holder when turning
ARGUS VCM monitor on or off.
WARNING: If the POST (power on self-test) of ARGUS VCM is not completed successfully, do not use the monitor.
WARNING: Ensure that the speaker is clear of any obstructions. Failure to do so could result in an inaudible alarm tone.
WARNING: Disconnect ARGUS VCM and sensors/cables during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning. Using the monitor during MRI may cause burns or adversely affect the MRI image or the monitor’s accuracy.
WARNING: ARGUS VCM is intended only as an adjunct in patient assessment. It must be used in conjunction with clinical signs and symptoms.
WARNING: ARGUS VCM is a prescription device and is to be operated by qualified personnel only. ARGUS VCM is designed for use by medical clinicians. Although this document might illustrate medical monitoring techniques, the monitor must be used only by trained clinicians who know how to take and interpret a patient’s vital signs.
WARNING: Each time the monitor is used, check alarm limits to ensure that they are appropriate for the patient being monitored.
Turning on the Monitor
Before using safe to use. Proper working condition will be verified each time as described in the following procedure.
Note: Physiological conditions, medical procedures, or external agents that may interfere
with the monitor’s ability to detect and display measurements, include dysfunctional hemoglobin, arterial dyes, low perfusion, dark pigment, and externally applied coloring agents such as nail polish, dye, or pigmented cream.
Note: The parameters may be set on an individual basis, by the clinician, and these
settings will remain in effect until
ARGUS VCM, you must verify that the monitor is working properly and is
ARGUS VCM is turned on
ARGUS VCM is turned off.
Operator’s Manual 23
Using the Monitor ARGUS VCM
Performing Power On and Self-Test (POST)
CAUTION: ARGUS VCM automatically starts the Power-On-Self-Test, which tests the
monitor circuitry and functions. During POST (immediately after power-up), confirm that all display segments and indicators are illuminated and the power on beep tone sounds.
CAUTION: If any indicator or display element does not light, or the speaker does not sound, do not use the monitor. Instead, contact qualified service personnel or Schiller Technical Service Department.
1. Turn on the monitor by pressing the Power button for over 1 second.
2. The monitor automatically starts the Power On Self Test (POST), which tests monitor circuitry and functions.
3. Ensure the monitor sounds the power-on beep tones, and all displays and indicators are illuminated for 3 seconds.
4. If
ARGUS VCM detects an internal problem during POST, the monitor will display an
error code. Contact qualified service personnel or Schiller Technical Services Department.
Figure 7. ARGUS VCM Power On Self Test
ARGUS VCM Operator’s Manual
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