Procedure for work on hybrid vehicles
Procedures for all electrical work
• Work classified as electrical work may only be carried out by trained and qualified personnel who are authorised to perform such work.
• Only wear clothes made of 100% cotton.
• Wear protective goggles and rubber gloves classified for 1,000 V. There is a risk
of coming into contact with voltage class B (650 V) when working in the central
electric unit for voltage class B.
• Check that the gloves are intact. Roll them up and check that no air seeps out.
Procedures for all electrical work
04:01-00 Issue 1 en-GB 1 (6)
Scania CV AB 2014, Sweden
Procedure for work on hybrid vehicles
Before all work
1. Switch off the 15 voltage.
2. The hybrid system control switch is located by the central electric unit in the roof
panel. Switch off the hybrid system using the hybrid system control switch in the
roof panel.
3. Switch on the 15 voltage.
4. Connect SDP3. When starting SDP3, an automatic check of the voltage and in-
sulation monitor on the voltage class B circuit is performed and a check that the
control switch is switched off. Fault code 793, the hybrid system interlock loop
is open, is set when the control switch is switched off.
5. Switch off the 15 voltage.
6. Switch off the 30 voltage. Place a sign indicating that electrical work is being car-
ried out and give the name of the electrical work supervisor. If possible, lock the
30 voltage switch.
Before all work
04:01-00 Issue 1 en-GB 2 (6)
Scania CV AB 2014, Sweden