System Requirements 1
System Requirements
GML Commander is designed to run on Windows 95 or
Windows NT 4.0™. To ensure that GML Commander works
correctly , we recommend, at minimum, the following har dware
and software:
• IBM compatible PC with a 486 or higher microprocessor
(Pentium recommended)
• Windows9 5/Windows NT 4.0 o perating syst em (or high er)
• 8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended)
• 10 MB hard disk space
• VGA monitor running in standard 640 x 480 resolution
(SVGA 600 x 800 resolution recommended)
• One 3.5 inch high-density diskette drive (1.44 MB) if
installing GML Commander from diskettes
• One CD ROM drive if installing GML Commander from
• Windows-compatible mouse with mouse driver
• One serial port (com1, com2, com3, or com4) to
communicate with the controller
• A second serial port if using a serial mouse
Publication GMLC- 5.3-C DI - Marc h, 1999

2 Make a Backup Copy of GML Commander Diskettes
Make a Backup Copy of GML Commander Diskettes
When you receive GML Commander, it will be on either a
single CD ROM disc or a series of 3.5-inch high-density (1.4
MB) diskettes. If your soft ware is on disket tes, we recommend
making a backup copy of the software before installing it.
Follow standard Windows procedure for making your backup
copy of the GML Commander software.
Copyright Law to copy GML Commander except
for backup purposes to guard against accidental
loss or damage. No part of the soft ware contained
on your diskette ca n be repro duced, t ransm itte d,
or transferred without prior written permission of
the Allen-Bradley Company.
Publication GMLC- 5.3-CDI - March, 1999
It is a violation of th e Federal

Installing GML Commander 3
Installing GML Commander
Your GML Commander software comes on either a single CD
ROM disc or a series of 3.5-inch high-density (1.4 MB)
diskettes. Either way, the software is a self-installing
executable file that you load on your computer’s hard disk.
Installing from CD ROM
When you insert the GML Commander CD ROM disc in the
CD ROM drive, the installation process automatically occurs if
your computer is configured for CD ROM autorun.
If CD ROM autorun is disabled through the Windows registry
on your computer, automatic installation will not occur. You
need to follow the procedures given below for manual
Automatic Installation
To automatically install GML Commander from CD ROM:
Start Windows95 or Windows NT 4.0.
Insert the GML Commander CD ROM disc in the CD
ROM drive. The installation process automatically runs.
Follow the instructions shown on the installation program
windows to complete the installation process.
Publication GMLC- 5.3-C DI - Marc h, 1999