ProSoft Technology RLX-OPC-SRV User Manual

ProSoft Software
RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios
January 22, 2009
Please Read This Notice
The use and configuration of this software requires a reasonable working knowledge of the involved protocols and the application in which they are to be used. For this reason, it is important that those responsible for implementation satisfy themselves that the combination will meet the needs of the application without exposi ng personnel or equipment to unsafe or inappropriate working conditions.
This manual is provided to assist the user. Every attempt has been made to assure that the information provided is accurate and a true reflection of the product's functionality. In order to assure a complete understanding of the operation of the product, the user should read all applicable ProSoft documentation on the operation of the module and protocol driver.
Under no conditions will ProSoft Technology, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequentia l damages resulting from the use or application of the product. Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission from ProSoft Technology, Inc. is prohibited.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of ProSoft Technology, Inc. Improvements and/or changes in this manual or the product may be made at any time. These changes will be made periodically to correct technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
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ProSoft Technology 1675 Chester Avenue, Fourth Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 +1 (661) 716-5100 +1 (661) 716-5101 (Fax)
Copyright © ProSoft Technology, Inc. 2009. All Rights Reserved. RLX-OPC-SRV User Manual
January 22, 2009 ProSoft Technology ®, ProLinx ®, inRAx ®, ProTalk® and RadioLinx ® are Registered Trademarks of ProSoft
Technology, Inc.
Contents RLX-OPC-SRV ♦ ProSoft Software RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios
Please Read This Notice 2
Your Feedback Please........................................................................................................................2
1 Start Here 5
1.1 About the RadioLinx OPC Server .............................................................................5
1.2 Tags That Can Be Read............................................................................................6
1.3 System Requirements.............................................................................................15
1.4 Set Up Network.......................................................................................................15
2 Installing the Server 17
2.1 Choosing the Right RadioLinx OPC Server Project for Your Application...............17
2.2 Installation Process.................................................................................................18
3 Configuring the Server 19
3.1 Opening the Configuration Tool..............................................................................19
3.2 Creating a Configuration .........................................................................................21
3.3 Loading Your Configuration ....................................................................................25
3.4 Validating Your Configuration .................................................................................26
3.5 Adding a Channel....................................................................................................27
3.6 Channel Settings.....................................................................................................28
3.7 Adding a Radio........................................................................................................30
3.8 Radio Settings.........................................................................................................31
3.9 Adding Tags............................................................................................................31
3.10 Changing the Server's Update Rate........................................................................32
3.11 Adjusting an Existing Radio or Channel..................................................................32
3.12 OPC Reset Tags / Commands................................................................................32
3.13 Description of OPC "Commands" ...........................................................................33
4 Security and Password Protection 35
4.1 Password Protection for the Server ........................................................................35
5 DCOM Configuration 37
5.1 DCOM Configuration...............................................................................................37
5.2 My Computer Properties Checks............................................................................38
5.3 Component Services...............................................................................................44
5.4 RadioLinx OPC Server Properties ..........................................................................50
6 Connect to Server and Monitor Tags 57
6.1 Matrikon Example....................................................................................................57
6.2 RSView Example.....................................................................................................65
6.3 WonderWare Example............................................................................................86
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Contents RLX-OPC-SRV ♦ ProSoft Software RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios
Support, Service & Warranty 99
7.1 How to Contact Us: Technical Support................................................................... 99
7.2 Return Material Authorization (RMA) Policies and Conditions............................. 100
7.3 LIMITED WARRANTY.......................................................................................... 101
Index 107
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Start Here RLX-OPC-SRV ProSoft Software RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios

1 Start Here
In This Chapter
About the RadioLinx OPC Server............................................................5
Tags That Can Be Read..........................................................................6
System Requirements...........................................................................15
Set Up Network.....................................................................................15
For most applications, the following installation and configuration steps will work without additional programming. ProSoft Technology strongly recommends that you complete the steps in this chapter before developing a custom application.
This manual will walk you through the following tasks.
1 Setting up your network (page 15) 2 Install the server (page 17) 3 Configuring the server (page 19) 4 Security issues (page 35) 5 Setting up OPC client to monitor radios (page 57)

1.1 About the RadioLinx OPC Server

OPC is OLE for Process Control. OPC is open connectivity in industrial automation and the enterprise systems that support industry.
The purpose of the RadioLinx OPC Server is to seamlessly link customer applications to RadioLinx radios.
It will allow any application that can act as an OPC Client, such as an HMI, to interact with most RadioLinx radios to get signal strength, serial number, limited throughput information as well as other useful statistics.
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RLX-OPC-SRV ProSoft Software Start Here RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios
The RadioLinx OPC Server operates in the background on any PC. It independently manages all requests from OPC Clients for information on RadioLinx radios. The clients can be programs running either on the same PC as the OPC Server or on a separate PC connected via a network connection.

1.2 Tags That Can Be Read

The RadioLinx OPC Server manages querying the RadioLinx radios over the appropriate connections. It is configured by the user to query RLX-FH and RLX­IH radios over the appropriate Ethernet port on the PC running the RLX OPC Server. The user defines a "connection" within the RLX OPC Server for a particular Ethernet port. They then simply associate as many RLX-FH and IH Ethernet radios with that port. The OPC Server then knows to direct any queries of those radios over that connection.
Note: For RLX-FHS radios, the connection will be done through the serial port.
The RadioLinx OPC Server is software provided by ProSoft Technology to assist in using RadioLinx products. The following sections we will guide you in installation of prerequisites, RLX OPC Server software, RLX OPC Configuration Tool, setting up the network, installing Server, configuring Server and connecting to Server, and how to monitor tags.
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Notes: Only one process can communicate to a radio at the same time. Attempting to communicate with more than one process at a time can cause unpredictable results. In order to prevent multiple processes from communicating to a radio at the same time, switch the RadioLinx OPC Server into pause mode while running ControlScape. In addition, the validation option on the server will be disabled when the server is running.
1.2.1 RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot Radios
Tag Name Contracted name Data Type
RSSI RSSI Integer Firmware Version FirmVersion String SSID SSID String MAC ID MACID String Up Time UpTime Unsigned Integer Parent MAC ParentMAC String Number of Associations Associations Integers Total Bytes TX TotBytTX Integer Soft Reset* SoftReset Integer Total Good Packs TX TotGoodPacksTX Integer Total Failed Packs TX TotFailPacksTX Integer * Are also write tags. TX = Transmitted
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1.2.2 RadioLinx Frequency Hopping Radios
Tag Name Contracted name Data Type
RSSI RSSI Integer Signal-to-Noise Ration SignalToNoise Integer Associations Associations Integer Bit error Rate BitErrRate Floating Point Reset Statistics* Reset_stats Integer Serial Number SerialNum String Parent Address ParentAdd Integer Total Bytes Forward TotBytFwd Integer Total Bytes Reverse TotBytRev Integer TX Packet Errors TxPackErrs Integer Total Good Packets TotGoodPacks Integer * Are also write tags. TX = Transmitted
1.2.3 RLX-IFHE
Tag Name Description
RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indicator measurement. Unit Description Radio name IP Address The IP Address of the current radio. Unit Address:
Destination Address This register specifies the ultimate destination for the data.
Serial Number Serial number of radio (RF) module. Version Firmware version within radio module.
The unit address is, and must be, a unique identifier of each modem in a network.
1 Master 65535 Broadcast
This register determines the maximum amount of times that a packet will be retransmitted (in addition to the initial transmission).
1-65535 This feature allows a Remote unit to synchronize with a specified
‘upstream’ unit (either Master or Repeater).
65535 full roaming 1-254
specific (fixed) unit address (Master or Repeater) with which to associate
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Tag Name Description
Temperature Temperature as measured within the radio module. Voltage Supply voltage as measured on motherboard. VSWR
SoftwareVersion Core radio firmware version (.mhx file) Operation Mode: The selected mode of operation: Master, Repeater, or Remote. Link Rate:
RF Output Power:
Network Type:
Channel Mode
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. Ideally 1:1 (or 1.00), this value gives an indication of how much power is being reflected back to the radio from the antenna relative to how much is being transmitted.
This is the RF communications Link Rate. A lower link rate offers better receive sensitivity performance; a higher link rate, better throughput. All IFHx radios in a network must use the same Link Rate.
This setting establishes the transmit power level which will be presented to the antenna connector at the rear of a IFHx network. Unless required, the RF Output Power should be set not for maximum, but rather for the minimum value required to maintain. FCC regulations allow for up to 36dBi effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The sum (in dBm) of the transmitted power, the cabling loss, and the antenna gain cannot exceed 36dBi.
Type of RADIO network: Point-to-MultiPoint network (PMP), Point-To­Point network (PTP), Peer-to-Peer (P2P), or Everyone-to-Everyone (E2E)
Point-to-Multipoint Point-to-Point Peer-to-Peer Everyone-to-Everyone PMP with ACK
This option applies only to COM 1. Determines which serial interface shall be used to connect to external devices: RS232, RS485, or RS422. When an interface other than RS232 is selected, the DE9 port will be inactive.
RS485 RS422
Data Baud Rate
The serial baud rate is the rate at which the modem is to communicate with the attached local asynchronous device.
NOTE: Most PCs do not readily support serial communications
greater than 115200bps.
VALUES: bits per second (bps)
Data Format
230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, and 921600 may be selected for RS422 or RS485 Channel Modes.
This setting determines the format of the data on the serial port. The default is 8 data bits, No parity, and 1 Stop bit.
9600, 460800
8N1, 8N2, 8E1, 8O1, 7N1, 7N2, 7E1, 7O1, 7E2, 7O2
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Tag Name Description
Flow Control
Used to enhance the reliability of serial data communications, particularly at higher baud rates.
CTS Framing
Ethernet Received Bytes
Ethernet Received Packets
Ethernet Received Multi-Cast
Ethernet Transmitted Bytes
Ethernet Transmitted Packets
Ethernet Collisions
Radio Received Bytes Number of bytes received by the Radio (RF). Radio Received
Packets Radio Received Errors Number of errors received by the Radio (RF). Radio Received
Dropped Packets Radio Transmitted
Bytes Radio Transmitted
Packets Radio Transmitted
Errors Radio Collisions
COM1 Received Bytes Number of bytes received by the Serial port. COM1 Received
Packets COM1 Transmitted
Bytes COM1 Transmitted
Specifies the number of bytes received by the Ethernet port.
Specifies the number of packets received by the Ethernet port.
Specifies the number of multi-cast packets that are received by the Ethernet port.
Specifies the number of bytes transmitted by the Ethernet port.
Specifies the number of packets transmitted by the Ethernet port.
The number of invalid packets caused from multiple devices transmitting Ethernet data at the same time.
Number of packets received by the Radio (RF).
Number of received dropped packets recorded by the Radio (RF).
Number of bytes transmitted by the Radio (RF).
Number of packets transmitted by the Radio (RF).
Number of Radio(RF) transmission errors.
The number of invalid packets caused from multiple devices transmitting RF data at the same time.
Number of packets received by the Serial port.
Number of bytes transmitted on the Serial port.
Number of packets transmitted on the Serial port.
If the attached device supports hardware handshaking.
If the attached device does not support hardware handshaking.
Uses the CTS signal to gate the output data on the serial.
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1.2.4 RLX-IFHS
Tag name Description
Temperature Temperature as measured within the radio module. Unit Address
Destination Address
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This register displays the average signal strength received over the previous 4 hop intervals. Should the downstream unit(s) fail, a Master will maintain the last RSSI reading display.
VALUES: 110 to –55dBm (maximum reading)
The unit address is, and must be, a unique identifier of each IFHS radio in a network. The address value is 16-bits in length. The Master has by default, and must retain, a unit address of 1; 65535 is the broadcast address.
VALUES 2-65534 As the name implies, this register specifies the ultimate destination for a
modem’s data. Different network topologies dictate the configuration of Destination
Address: PMP: Master Destination Address = 65535, Remote Destination Address
=1 PTP : Master Destination Address = UA of Remote, Remote Destination
Address =1 P2P : Master Destination Address =65535, Destination Address of each (of
2 / pair) Remote radio is the UA of the other E2E : Destination Address of all radios=65535 (broadcast) VALUES 1-65535 This register determines the maximum amount of times that a packet will be
retransmitted (in addition to the initial transmission), noting the following specific behaviors in various network topologies:
PMP: Master will retransmit each data packet the exact number of times specified; Slave will retransmit only if necessary, and then only until a given packet is acknowledged or the value of the Slave’s retransmissions is reached (after which it will discard the packet if retransmission not successful).
PTP: Modem will retransmit to its counterpart only if necessary, and to a maximum number of the value in retransmissions. Packet is discarded if retransmissions are not successful. Recipients of packets will discard any duplicates.
In a PMP system, set retransmissions to the minimum value required as, effectively, the data throughput from Master to Remote is divided by 1 plus the number stored in retransmissions.
VALUES 0-255 Roaming dictates which radio (by Unit Address (UA)) a Remote unit will
’look’ or ’attach to’ for its upstream signal path. This feature allows a Remote unit to synchronize with a specified ‘upstream’ unit (either Master or Repeater).
The options are as follows: Roaming=65535: With this value in its roaming register, a Remote will synchronize with an
RLX-OPC-SRV ProSoft Software Start Here RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios
Tag name Description
upstream unit which has the same network address and static mask as the Remote. Should that upstream unit fail, this Remote will attempt to synchronize with another ’upstream’ unit within the same network. This ability is particularly well-suited to mobile applications.
Roaming=1-254: In most static (fixed) networks, where there are no Repeaters, the default
value of 1 is maintained: All Slaves synchronize to the Master (whose unit address (UA) is 1). In networks where Repeaters are present, the value of a Remote’s roaming value corresponds to the particular upstream radio, with which a particular Remote is intended to communicate.
( e.g. A Slave with a UA=3 may have Roaming=2, where the radio with a UA=2 is a Repeater between the Slave and the Master; the Repeater will have Roaming=1.)
When setting up 3 radios for a Master-Repeater-Slave link, be sure to set the Slave’s Roaming to the UA of the Repeater, and the Repeater’s Roaming to the UA of the Master(1). This will ensure that data is routed from the Slave through the Repeater to the Master; otherwise, if the Slave’s Roaming is left at the default value of 1, the Slave will communicate directly with the Master and bypassing the Repeater altogether.
VALUES: 65535 Full Roaming
1-254 Specific (fixed) UA of Master or Repeater with which to associate Voltage Supply voltage as measured on motherboard. VSWR
Operation Mode
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. Ideally 1:1 (or 1.00), this value gives an
indication of how much power is being reflected back to the radio from the
antenna relative to how much is being transmitted.
The operating mode defines the role of a radio. An IHFS radio may be
configured for any role required within a radio network. This is convenient
for reasons of familiarity with any/all units, as well as for hardware sparing
The default operating mode is dependent on which factory default option is
MASTER: Only one per network. In all network types data either originates
at, is destined to, or ‘passes through’ the Master.
REPEATER: May act simply as a ‘Repeater’ to store and forward data
to/from an upstream unit to/from a downstream unit (e.g. when there is a
long distance between the latter units), or, may act as a Repeater/Slave in
which case the above function is performed AND the unit may also
exchange data as a Slave within the network.
SLAVE: Interfaces with remote devices and communicates with Master
either directly or via Repeater(s). Communications between 2 or more
Slaves is possible - through the Master.
A ‘Remote’ (non-Master) modem is either a Repeater or a Slave. If a
Repeater is not being used as a Repeater/Slave (i.e. there is no device
attached to its local data port), leave its handshaking OFF (&K0) and set
the serial baud rate (S102) to 115200bps.
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Tag name Description
Link Rate
RF Output Power
Network Type
This register determines the rate at which RF communications will occur over a given network.
All radios within a particular network must be configured with the same wireless link rate.
Faster link rates result in greater throughput, however, for each ’step’ increase in link rate, there is an approximately 1dB reduction in sensitivity.
VALUES bits per second (bps)
19200 115200 172800 230400 270000 340000
This setting establishes the transmit power level which will be presented to the antenna connector at the rear of the radio. Unless required Output Power should be set not for maximum, but rather for the minimum value required to maintain an adequate system fade margin.
FCC regulations allow for up to 36dBi effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). The sum (in dBm) of the transmitted power, the cabling loss, and the antenna gain cannot exceed 36dBi.
dBm (mW equivalent) 20 (100) 21 (125) 22 (160) 23 (200) 24 (250) 25 (320) 26 (400) 27 (500) 28 (630) 29 (800) 30 (1000)
Defines the type of network: point-to-multipoint, point-to-point, peer-to-peer, or everyone-to-everyone
In a point-to-multipoint (PMP) network, the Master broadcasts data to all units, and all remote units send their data (ultimately) to the Master.
A point-to-point (PTP) network involves a Master and a Slave (with 0 or more Repeaters in-between).
Peer-to-Peer involves either communication between 2 (typically remote) units (P2P) or between all units (everyone-to-everyone - E2E).
ALL modems in a network must have the SAME value for Network Type. VALUES Point-to-Multipoint Point-to-Point Peer-to-Peer or Everyone-to-Everyone
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Tag name Description
Channel Mode
Data Baud Rate
Data Format
Radio Received Bytes
Radio rEceived Packets
Radio Transmitted Bytes
Radio Transmitted Packets
Repeaters in System
Defines the physical serial interface which will be used for data
half-duplex RS-485
full-duplex RS-485
The serial baud rate is the rate at which the modem is to communicate with
the attached local asynchronous device.
bits per second (bps)
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800,
38400, 57600, 115200, 230400
This value determines the format of the data on the serial port. The default
is 8 data bits, No parity, and 1 Stop bit.
Number of bytes received by the Radio(RF).
Number of packets received by the Radio(RF).
Number of bytes transmitted by the Radio(RF).
Number of packets transmitted by the Radio(RF).
This setting applies to the Master only. The default value is No, stating
there are no Repeaters in the network. If there are 1 or more Repeaters in
the network, configure this setting as Yes.
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1.3 System Requirements
The following system requirements are the recommended minimum specifications to successfully install and run RadioLinx OPC Driver.
Microsoft Windows compatible PC Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 or higher, Windows VISTA, or
Windows 2003
Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.0 or higher 300 mHz Pentium processor (or equivalent) 128 megabytes of RAM 300 megabytes of available disk space

1.4 Set Up Network

See the ProSoft Technology documentation on your radio.
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Installing the Server RLX-OPC-SRV ProSoft Software RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios

2 Installing the Server
In This Chapter
Choosing the Right RadioLinx OPC Server Project for Your Application17
Installation Process ...............................................................................18
2.1 Choosing the Right RadioLinx OPC Server Project for Your
1 Go to, or use the ProSoft Technology supplied
CD to retrieve RLX OPC software!
2 Open setup file and follow the install directions. The install process will copy
the RLX OPC Server and OPC Configuration Tool onto your PC.
Note: Before installing, verify that you have the Microsoft .NET Framework (version 3.0 or greater) already installed. If you don’t then download this from and continue installing RadioLinx OPC Server. Select the ServerInstaller.msi file to install.
This is an example of the Tree structure you will see. See descriptions below and select the version for your system.
The Window XP Service RadioLinx OPC Server is the recommended version. Windows XP Service RadioLinx OPC Server
This is the primary server project. The configuration tool will also be installed.
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RLX-OPC-SRV ProSoft Software Installing the Server RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios
2.2 Installation Process
1 Launch the ServerInstaller.msi file to begin the installation process. You will
be asked for a directory to install to. Select a directory that Windows will have access to for all user accounts and you would like to make the project available to.
A registry entry will be placed in the Windows Run folder in order to load some applications at Windows start up. These applications can only be launched by a Windows session if the current user account has access to the directory where the applications reside.
2 During the server installation process, you will be asked to install the OPC
Core Components 2.00 Redistributable.
Note: Unless you are 100% sure that you already have these "Core" components installed, it is highly recommended that you complete this install as well.
3 When the installation is complete, you must restart your computer. If you choose not to install the OPC Core Components and then later change
your mind, you can find the setup file for the core components in the "\Setup" subdirectory of the main RadioLinx OPC Server folder.
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Configuring the Server RLX-OPC-SRV ProSoft Software RadioLinx® OPC Server for Frequency Hopping and Industrial Hotspot™ Radios

3 Configuring the Server

In This Chapter
Opening the Configuration Tool.............................................................19
Creating a Configuration........................................................................21
Loading Your Configuration...................................................................25
Validating Your Configuration................................................................26
Adding a Channel..................................................................................27
Channel Settings...................................................................................28
Adding a Radio ......................................................................................30
Radio Settings.......................................................................................31
Adding Tags..........................................................................................31
Changing the Server's Update Rate......................................................32
Adjusting an Existing Radio or Channel ................................................32
OPC Reset Tags / Commands..............................................................32
Description of OPC "Commands"..........................................................33

3.1 Opening the Configuration Tool

When you first install the server and configuration tool, the server will not be configured to monitor your wireless radio network. The server is configured using a separate utility. The first step in the configuration process is to open the server and this utility.
Start OPC Monitor) 1 Click Start / Programs / RadioLinx OPC Server / RadioLinx OPC Monitor
2 Double-click on desktop icon for server Start OPC Configuration Tool - to open as a Client 1 Click Start / Programs / RadioLinx OPC Server / RadioLinx OPC
Configuration Tool
Double-click on RadioLinx OPC Monitor system tray icon,
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Or right click on icon, then select Configure Server.
One of the above processes brings up the RadioLinx OPC Server Configuration screen shown below.
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3.2 Creating a Configuration

There are two methods for configuring the server. You can connect to the server and then configure it directly, or you can save your configuration to disk and then load it into the server manually.
3.2.1 Configure to Server Mode
When you use the Configure to Server mode, you will connect to a server running on the same machine as the Configuration Tool. The Configure to Server will save your work to the server.
The status bar (bottom of box) should now say "Configuring to file." When you connect to local or remote server it will change to "Configuring to server."
Note: If you have not created and saved a file for your radio, please follow the instructions in Configure to File Mode for Adding a Channel (page 27), Radio (page 30) and Tags. (page 31)
Local Server Procedure
1 Click File / Configure to Server / Connect to Server / Local Server
The RadioLinx OPC Server Configuration box appears with Channel and Radio (upper left panel), Tags (upper right) and Server Time Log on bottom. If you right click on a date in Time Log, you can view details of that incident.
You can also configure a server that is running on another machine.
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Remote Server Procedure
1 Click File / Configure to Server / Connect to Server / Remote Server
Enter the IP address or the name of the computer that the remote server is running on. You can choose to attempt a secure remote connection, or not.
Note: If the IP address is not valid, you will receive a "Connection Failed" message.
Secure connections require certain Windows security options to be in place before they will work. The unsecured remote connection is a lot more reliable, but it is possible for others to intercept and interpret the messages that are sent.
2 Click OK button.
3.2.2 Configure to File Mode
This section details how to create a custom configuration for your server.
Note: Do not connect to a server using the Configuring to Server method.
If you are connected to the server, disconnect before proceeding. 1 Select File / Configure to Server / Disconnect from Server.
The status bar (bottom of screen) should now say "Configuring to file."
2 Add a Channel. Select Edit / Add Channel
3 Choose a Channel name and Channel type.
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4 Click Next. FHS is for serial connections.
5 A dialog box will appear for connection timeout. Default is 2000 milliseconds,
but you can decide your speed. Click OK.
6 Add a Radio. Select Edit / Add Radio.
- or -
7 Now that you have a Channel, you can right click on your Channel name and
select Add Radio. This will bring up the dialogue box below.
8 Choose a Name and give it your specific IP address. Click OK to accept. 9 Add or Remove Tags. Select Edit / Add/Remove Tags
- or -
10 You can right click on your Radio name and select Add/Remove Tags.
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11 To Add or Remove tags, click on appropriate button. Then, click OK.
12 Click File / Configure to File / Save to File
13 Choose a directory and file name and click Save. The Status bar shows utility
in "Configuring to file".
If you want more detailed information on the procedures above please go to Adding a channel, Adding a radio, Adding tags, and adjusting an existing radio or channel in this manual.
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3.3 Loading Your Configuration
When you are finished creating and saving your configuration in the RLX OPC Configuration Tool, you should Close it.
Note: If you saved your configuration to file, you will now need to load it into the RLX OPC Server.
If you chose the Configure to server method, none of the following steps are necessary. Skip to "Validating Your Configuration."
1 Right click on the RLX OPC Server system tray icon and make sure that the
server is stopped. If Stop is checked, the server is stopped.
2 If the server is running, select Stop to stop the server. 3 Right-click on the RLX OPC Server system tray icon and select Load
Configuration. The "Select Configuration" box opens.
4 Navigate to the directory where you saved your file and open it.
When the configuration is finished loading, the Configuration Results dialog will appear.
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The Configuration Results dialog describes the configuration that was loaded into the server. Items that are listed green were successfully configured. Red items could not be configured. Select an item in order to see more details about why it could not be loaded.
3.4 Validating Your Configuration
Before you attempt to connect to the server with your OPC client, you may want to test your configuration and make sure everything is configured properly.
1 Right-click on the RLX OPC Server system tray icon and select View
The view pane on the left of the dialog shows you what channels and radios are configured. The view pane on the right shows what tags are configured for each radio.
2 Click Validate to test the configuration.
The server will attempt to communicate to your wireless radios. After a pause, the items in the two view panes will turn green or red. Green items were contacted successfully. Red items could not be contacted.
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Radios or channels that remain white have no tags associated with them. No attempt is made to contact these items. Notice that the current values of the tags are also displayed after validating.
Note: You can re-verify you are connected by pressing validate again. This will update the values.
3 Click Close when you are finished.
Notes: Only one process can communicate to a radio at the same time. Attempting to communicate with more than one process at a time can cause unpredictable results. In order to prevent multiple processes from communicating to a radio at the same time, switch the RadioLinx OPC Server into pause mode while running ControlScape. In addition, the validation option on the server will be disabled when the server is running.

3.5 Adding a Channel

Wireless radio networks are composed of RadioLinx radios of the same type configured to communicate together. In the server, these networks are represented by channels. A channel is a communications stream for communicating to a specific type or model of radio.
The first step in configuring the server is to add a channel for your wireless network.
1 Click Edit / Add Channel
-or­Right click on top left pane and select Add Channel from the context menu.
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A dialog opens.
2 Enter a custom name for the channel. 3 Select the RadioLinx product that the channel will communicate to from the
drop down list.
4 Click OK.
Another dialog opens.
5 Enter the settings specific to your radio network into this dialog.

(See also: Channel Settings)

6 Click OK.
A channel with the given name appears in the top left view pane.
3.6 Channel Settings
Connection Timeout: The time the server will wait for a response from the radio.
3.6.1 RLX-IH Channel
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3.6.2 RLX-FHE Channel
3.6.3 RLX-FHS Channel
Name of COM port: The label of COM port that you are using to communicate to the radio.
Baud rate: The baud rate of the COM port. Parity: The parity settings for the COM port. Data bits: The number of data bits used for communication via the COM port. Stop bits: The number of stop bits used for communication via the COM port. Handshaking: The flow control used by the COM port. Timeout: The number of milliseconds that the server will wait for a response from
the radio.
Note: The settings can be copied from the properties window of the COM port that you are using to connect to the radio network. Note: The settings you enter for your FHS channel must be compatible with your com port.
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3.6.4 RLX-IFHE Channel
3.6.5 RLX-IFHS Channel

3.7 Adding a Radio

Purpose: Add radios that are part of your network to server configuration so that OPC clients can monitor radio tags.
1 Select appropriate channel. 2 Click Edit / Add Radio.
-or­Right click on appropriate channel / Add Radio… "Add Radio" dialog opens.
3 Enter a custom name for the radio. 4 Enter settings for communicating to radio.
See Radio Settings for more details.
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