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Contents PSW-PWD ♦ ProSoft Software
User Manual ProSoft Wireless Designer
Your Feedback Please........................................................................................................................2
ProSoft Wireless Designer is an application (computer program) that simplifies
the task of designing your ProSoft Wireless network, and specifying the
components for your installation.
ProSoft Wireless Designer is a fast, accurate way to develop a comprehensive
specification list and Bill of Materials for your wireless network. Use ProSoft
Wireless Designer to specify:
ProSoft Wireless Designer simplifies the task of planning and specifying your
ProSoft Wireless network. The easy to use, wizard-based interface creates a
visual layout of your radios and sites, and generates a complete Bill of Materials
including radios and accessories.
You can always find the latest version of ProSoft Wireless Designer from the
ProSoft web site at www.prosoft-technology.com
ProSoft Technical Support strongly recommends keeping your computer updated
with the current Windows service packs and hot fixes. Go to
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com (
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com) to
download and install the latest updates for your Windows operating system.
Where to Find the Manuals
For help configuring a specific module, refer to the online manuals
(documentation) for your module. You can find the manuals on the CD-ROM
supplied with your module, or you can download them from the ProSoft web site
at www.prosoft-technology.com.
ProSoft Technology, Inc. Page 7 of 91
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ProSoft Wireless Designer comes with an extensive online help system that
explains in detail how to use the program. If you have used other Windows
applications, you may already be familiar with using online help systems. If online
help is new to you, or you would like to refresh your memory, refer to Basic
Principles (page
79) for "how-to" information on Windows help.
1.1 Purpose of this Guide
The ProSoft Wireless Designer is designed to assist those involved in designing,
planning, and installing industrial wireless networks.
Given the complexity of industrial data communications, this guide takes the
reader step-by-step through the process of:
Understanding Wireless Communications
Designing Wireless Networks
Performing Path Studies and Site Survey Procedures
Selecting modems, antennas, and cables
Maintaining and troubleshooting wireless networks
Generating a Parts List to simplify ordering all the necessary components
The last section of this guide contains complete specifications for RadioLinx
Wireless Modems, ProLinx Wireless Gateways, InRAx/ProTalk Wireless PLC
modules, antennas, cables, and other wireless accessories.
ProSoft Technology’s Wireless Support Team is available to assist with wireless
network design, path studies, and product selection. ProSoft Technology offers
Site Survey services (call for a price quote) and will lend wireless products for
1.2 How to Get Help
ProSoft Technology has several ways for customers to acquire knowledge fast!
In an all encompassing support page, technical support is now right at your
fingertips. Here you get the ProSoft Knowledgebase, a community of experts and
experienced end-users on our bulletin board, as well as presentations, one-onone chat, on the go tutorials and streaming media training.
Knowledgebase: Type a question into our knowledgebase search engine.
Answers come from a technical support knowledge database built from helping
inquisitive customers like you.
Frequently Asked Questions: If you want to know ProSoft Support’s top ten
questions asked, just click on our FAQ. Using an FAQ could get you the answers
you need immediately. Check back regularly for updates.
Bulletin Board: Here’s a public forum just for you. Make comments, ask
questions, and get to know ProSoft’s automation community. Register, login, and
join the discussion.
Live Chat (8am to 5pm PST): Communicate with a Technical Support Engineer
online. This is just one more way to get one-on-one support from our
knowledgeable support staff.
Downloads: Look no further. Get manuals, datasheets, configuration utilities,
and more.
Training: Get help through our online tutorials and streaming media training
Contact: You can always call or email with your technical support questions.
Also, if you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know.
Go to www.prosoft-technology.com/support (
technology.com/support) or call +1.661.716.5100
1.3 Functional Specifications
Contains a database of all currently available RadioLinx radios, antennas,
cables, connectors and accessories
Exports Parts List, Site and Link Details, and Wizard settings into a variety of
common file formats, for import into applications such as spreadsheets,
databases and word processors
Checks wireless link feasibility based on path length and recommended
Predicts signal strength based on distance, local regulations and hardware
Fully documents your ProSoft Wireless network plan
1.4 System Requirements
ProSoft Wireless Designer is designed for computers running Microsoft Windows
and Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or newer.
Minimum hardware requirements are:
400 MHz or faster Pentium PC
128 MB RAM
CD-ROM drive
280 MB available hard drive space
The Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 is not supported on Windows 95 or
Windows NT 4, or Windows 3.x.
It is highly recommended for all platforms that you upgrade to the latest Windows
Service Pack and critical updates available from http://www.windowsupdate.com
to ensure the best compatibility and security.
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Installation is straightforward if you follow these steps:
To install ProSoft Wireless Designer:
1 Verify that your computer meets the hardware and operating system
Important: You must have "Administrator" rights on your computer to install this application.
Important: Pleaseopen and read the release notes on the CD before starting the installation. The
release notes are located in the root directory of the CD-ROM.
2 Insert the ProSoft Wireless Designer CD-ROM in an available CD-ROM drive
in your computer.
3 On most computers, the installation program will start automatically within a
few seconds. If the installation does not start automatically on your computer,
click the Start button, choose Run, and then type
Windows Explorer. In Windows Explorer, open the My Computer icon and
navigate to the CD-ROM drive. Double-click the file "Setup.exe". This action
starts the installation wizard.
4 Follow the instructions on the installation wizard to install the program.
5 Click Finish to complete the installation. If you are prompted to restart your
computer, save your work in any applications that are running, close the
applications, and allow the computer to restart.
explorer. Click OK to start
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1 Click the Start button, and then choose Programs.
2 In the Programs menu, choose ProSoft Technology.
3 In the ProSoft Technology menu, choose ProSoft Wireless Designer
4 To configure a new site, choose Design a New Network or Open an
Existing Network.
Tip: The installation program includes a sample application that you can use to familiarize yourself
with ProSoft Wireless Designer. The file is named "Wireless Oil Network.wdd", in your ProSoft
Wireless Designer installation folder, normally C:\Program Files\ProSoft\ProSoft
Wireless Designer
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2.2 Setting Application Preferences
Use the Settings (page 36) dialog box to view or modify the following application
settings and document for ProSoft Wireless Designer.
Global preferences (applies to all documents)
Measuring Units
Document preferences (applies to current network design only)
The following preferences take effect for any new sites that you add to the
current network design. Changes in this section do not apply to existing sites.
Network Name (enter the network name in this field)
Default site parts (click the button for each item to view or modify)
Region (choose the region or country from the dropdown list)
Environment (select indoor or outdoor)
Site Font (click the button to select font size and style)
Site Image Size (click the button to select small, medium or large radio icon)
Draw to Scale (select or clear the checkbox)
Show link details (select or clear the checkbox)
2.2.1 Customizing Application Colors
Use the Customize Application Colors (page 37) dialog box to select or
customize the color scheme for the Network Details, Diagram and Parts views.
To customize application colors:
1 Open the View menu, and then choose Customize Colors.
2 On the Customize Application Colors dialog box, choose a color scheme from
the dropdown list, or create your own color scheme.
3 To create a customized color scheme, click the button for an item (for
example, Background, Cell color, and so on).
4 On the color dialog box, click to select a basic color, or use the custom colors
palette to create a color.
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2.3 About the Sample Application
ProSoft has provided a sample application consisting of a variety of sites, relays
and devices, to show how a wireless network might be designed.
To open the sample application
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Open.
2 In the Open Document dialog box, choose Wireless Oil Network.wdd, and
then click Open.
The sample application describes a network that connects the Headquarters site
through a series of relay points, to a remote office ten miles away, and then to a
pair of pumps approximately two miles from the remote office.
The following illustration shows the Diagram view, with each site (radio) and its
link relationship to the next site.
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In the Diagram view, you can double-click a site (radio) or a link, and view or
modify the properties. The following illustration shows the properties for the
Office site.
Click on any of the icons or buttons in this dialog box to see additional
information, or to change your selections. The following illustration shows the
Antenna Selection dialog box, which opens when you click the Antenna icon.
On the Antenna Selection dialog box (and other dialog boxes that link from the
Site Properties dialog box), you can use the dropdown lists or text boxes to
change your selections.
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Notice that when you select a different antenna type or part number (for
example), the information in the Description fields in the dialog box is updated to
match your new selection.
The following illustrations show some of the other dialog boxes linked to the Site
Properties dialog box.
In some cases, changing a selection may cause conflicts with other equipment
you have selected. For example, if you click the Radio icon, the following
message box will open.
This warning does not stop you from selecting a different radio, however you
should understand the changes this will require for your site design.
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When you click Yes on this message box, the Radio Selection dialog box opens.
The following illustration shows the Link Properties dialog box, which opens
when you double-click a link (the colored line joining two radios).
The Link Properties dialog box shows the signal levels and link status for the link,
based on the antenna, cable and connector types selected for the two sites, as
well as the distance in miles or kilometers between the two radios.
Notice that the information on this dialog box is based on the two antennas
having a clear line of sight, without obstructions such as trees, terrain or
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The following illustration shows a link that attempts to cover a distance beyond
the transmission capabilities of the radios and antennas.
If the signal must negotiate a distance longer than the maximum range of the two
radios, or if a direct line of sight is is not possible because of the physical
features of your site, you will need to add relay points to accommodate your
To add a relay point, click the right mouse button to open a shortcut menu, and
then choose Site Tool.
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Click the left mouse button in the Diagram area, and fill in the Enter New Site
Data dialog box.
Tip: If you enter the Latitude and Longitude coordinates for each site, ProSoft Wireless Designer
will calculate the link distance automatically. Click the Lat/Long Coordinates button to enter the
Notice that you can enter the coordinates in a variety of ways. Select the tab that
shows the coordinate entry format to use. In the following illustration, the decimal
coordinates were entered from the display on a handheld GPS device placed at
the proposed location for the site. Be sure to specify the correct North/South and
East/West position for your coordinates.
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The following illustrations show the Parts List, Site Details and Link Details for
the sample application.
Notice that the Site Details and Link Details tabs show details for only one site or
link at a time. Use the Next and Previous buttons to view the rest of the sites and
links in the sample application.
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2.4 Designing a New Network
ProSoft Wireless Designer uses a setup wizard to gather the information it needs
to recommend the components required by your wireless network.
To design a new network
1 Start ProSoft Wireless Designer.
2 On the splash screen, choose Design a New Network.
Tip: If ProSoft Wireless Designer is already running, open the File menu, and then choose New.
3 Enter the network name (page 37). Choose an informative name to identify
the location and purpose for the network, and then click OK to continue.
4 On the first wizard page, choose the environment: indoor or outdoor. This
choice determines the type of antennas and other components to use.
5 Choose the radio type from the dropdown list.
oChose "I don't know" if you would like ProSoft Wireless Designer to
recommend the radio based on your answers on the next wizard pages,
for example Ethernet or Serial, and with or without 802.11x connectivity.
oIf you already know the type of radio to use, select the radio part number
from the dropdown list.
6 Choose the country or region where the radio will be installed. Each country
or region where these radios are sold has its own regulations for frequency
range, channels, and output power for wireless networks.
7 Chose whether to draw the network to scale, or to let you arrange the
network yourself.
8 Review the wizard summary for correctness, and then click Finish to add the
first site (radio) to your network.
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2.5 Adding a Site
When you have finished creating the network, you will be prompted to add a site.
To add a site:
1 In the Enter New Site Data (page
distance between the radio and the antenna.
Note: ProSoft Wireless Designer allows you to choose the measurement units to use (English or
Metric). If you prefer to enter these values in Metric units (meters, kilometers) instead of English
units (feet, miles), open the Edit menu, choose Settings, and then on the Settings (page 36) dialog
box, choose Metric.
2 If you know the latitude and longitude coordinates, click the Lat/Long
Coordinates button to enter them in the Site Coordinates (page
box now.
3 Open the File menu, and then choose Save. ProSoft Wireless Designer will
save your network using a file name based on the network name you
Tip: Use the Copy and Paste commands on the Edit menu to quickly create duplicates of parts of
your network, for example if your network design includes a number of similarly configured sites
and links.
35) dialog box, enter the site name and the
32) dialog
2.5.1 Adding another Site
A radio network consists of two or more sites (radios) connected by links. In
order for your network to communicate, you must add at least one more site.
To add another site
1 Click the right mouse button in the Network Diagram view, and then choose
Add Site.
2 On the Enter New Site Data (page
distance between radio and antenna and, if you know the latitude and
longitude for the site, click the Lat/Long Coordinates button to add the site
3 Click OK.
4 Open the File menu, and then choose Save.
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35) dialog box, enter the site name,
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ProSoft Wireless Designer User Manual
2.5.2 Entering Site Coordinates
ProSoft Wireless Designer uses the site coordinates to calculate the precise
distance between sites. Use the tabs to choose the data entry format compatible
with your GPS (Global Positioning System) device, or enter the known
geographical coordinates for the site.
To enter Site Coordinates
1 Determine the latitude and longitude coordinates for the site, using a GPS
device, or from known coordinates.
2 Right click on a site, and then choose Properties.
3 On the Site Properties (page
the Site Coordinates (page
4 Select the tab that best matches the coordinates (Decimal, Degree:Minute, or
5 Enter the site coordinates. Be sure to select the correct North/South and
East/West orientation.
2.6 Viewing Site Properties
The Site Properties (page 30) dialog box shows you all the components and
computed values associated with the current site. Use this dialog box to view or
modify the settings for Antennas, (page
and Accessories. (page
30) dialog box, click the Location button to open
32) dialog box.
31) Cables, (page 31) Radio (page 33)
To view Site Properties
1 In the Network Diagram view, select the Site to view, and then right-click to
select Properties.
2 In the Site Properties dialog box, click the icons or buttons for each
component to view or modify the selections.
Important: The Antenna, Cables and Accessories in the Site Properties are chosen by ProSoft
Wireless Designer based on the default items selected in the Settings dialog box. You may need to
modify those choices for each site to accommodate the specific requirements for each location.
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2.7 Adding a Link
In order for each site to communicate with its neighbor, you must create a link.
The link contains information on the distance between sites, which ProSoft
Wireless Designer uses to estimate the signal strength and link quality.
To add a link:
1 Click the right mouse button in the Network Diagram view, and then choose
Link Tool.
2 Move the mouse pointer to the first site, then drag the mouse pointer to the
second site.
Tip: "Drag" means click and hold the left mouse button at the starting point, and continue holding
the left mouse button as you move the mouse pointer to the ending point. Release the left mouse
button to finish.
3 In the Enter New Link Data (page 35) dialog box, enter the distance between
the sites.
4 Open the File menu, and then choose Save.
Tip: If you have already entered Latitude and Longitude coordinates for the two sites, ProSoft
Wireless Designer will calculate the link distance automatically.
2.8 Viewing Link Properties
The Link Properties (page 34) dialog box shows you information about the link
between two sites (radios), including distance, signal strength and link status.
Signal levels and link status are computed from the link distance and the
combination of components for the two sites.
To view Link Properties
1 In the Network Diagram view, double-click the Link to view
2 In the Link Properties dialog box, review the distance and link qualities, and
make a note of any changes that may be required to improve link
2.9 Adding Antennas
Antennas are selected for you automatically, based on information you provided
in the setup wizard.
To view or change the antenna for a site
1 Right click on a site, and then choose Properties.
2 On the Site Properties (page
the Antenna Selection (page
3 Use the dropdown lists to choose the antenna type and antenna part number.
4 Click OK to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard without saving.
30) dialog box, click the Antenna icon to open
31) dialog box.
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2.10 Adding Cables
Cables are selected for you automatically, based on information you provided in
the setup wizard.
To view or change the cables for a site
1 Right click on a site, and then choose Properties.
2 On the Site Properties (page
Conversion Cable buttons to open the Cable Selection (page
3 Use the dropdown lists to choose the connector types, length and cable type.
4 Click OK to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard without saving.
2.11 Adding Lightning Protection
If you choose "outdoor", lightning protection (page 75) is selected automatically.
To view or change the lightning protector for a site
1 Right click on a site, and then choose Properties.
2 On the Site Properties (page
button to open the Lightning Protector (page
3 Select (check) or clear (uncheck) the Enable Lightning Protector check box.
4 Use the dropdown lists to choose the antenna type and antenna part number.
5 Click OK to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard without saving.
Important: Outdoor antennas and radios ordinarily require lightning protection, to reduce the
likelihood damage to equipment or injury to personnel in case of lightning strike.
Lightning protection should be installed as close to the antenna as possible, and requires a
minimum 6 gauge wire (not supplied) connecting the lightning protector to ground. When properly
installed with a heavy gauge ground wire, the lightning protector is capable of protecting against
multiple lightning strikes.
30) dialog box, click the Extension Cable or
31) dialog box.
30) dialog box, click the Lightning Protector
32) dialog box.
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2.12 Modifying an Existing Network
When you save your network, ProSoft Wireless Designer creates a file containing
information about your sites, links and accessories, so that you can view or
modify your network design later.
Tip: ProSoft has provided a sample application consisting of a variety of sites, relays and devices,
to show how a wireless network might be designed. The file name is Wireless Oil Network.wdd,
Refer to About the Sample Application (page 13) to see how to use this file.
To open an existing network:
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Open.
2 Select the file, and then click Open.
Tip: ProSoft Wireless Designer remembers the last location where you opened or saved files.
When you use ProSoft Wireless Designer for the first time, it uses its installation folder (normally
You should save your work frequently when you are designing a network. You
can open the saved file later to view or modify your network design.
To save a network design
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Save.
2 ProSoft Wireless Designer will save your network using a file name based on
the network name you entered.
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2.14 Exporting Wizard Choices
You can export the setup wizard choices for your network design into a variety of
file formats, for use in other applications. The information in the exported file may
be useful for technical support and diagnostics.
The available formats are
.csv (comma separated values) for spreadsheets / databases
.txt (plain text) for word processor / email
.xml for whatever supports xml
To export wizard choices:
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Export Wizard Choices.
2 Choose the location for the export files
3 Select the file format in the Save as type dropdown list.
4 Click Save.
Tip: ProSoft Wireless Designer remembers the last location where you opened or saved files.
When you use ProSoft Wireless Designer for the first time, it uses its installation folder (normally
You can export the site details for your network design into a variety of file
formats, for use in other applications.
The available formats are
.csv (comma separated values) for spreadsheets / databases
.txt (plain text) for word processor / email
.xml for whatever supports xml
To export wizard choices:
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Export Network Details / Site
2 Choose the location for the export files
3 Select the file format in the Save as type dropdown list.
4 Click Save.
Tip: ProSoft Wireless Designer remembers the last location where you opened or saved files.
When you use ProSoft Wireless Designer for the first time, it uses its installation folder (normally
Using ProSoft Wireless Designer PSW-PWD ♦ ProSoft Software
User Manual ProSoft Wireless Designer
2.16 Exporting Link Details
You can export the link details for your network design into a variety of file
formats, for use in other applications.
The available formats are
.csv (comma separated values) for spreadsheets / databases
.txt (plain text) for word processor / email
.xml for whatever supports xml
To export wizard choices:
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Export Network Details / Link
2 Choose the location for the export files
3 Select the file format in the Save as type dropdown list.
4 Click Save.
Tip: ProSoft Wireless Designer remembers the last location where you opened or saved files.
When you use ProSoft Wireless Designer for the first time, it uses its installation folder (normally
You can export a parts list for your network design into a variety of file formats,
for use in other applications.
The available formats are
.csv (comma separated values) for spreadsheets / databases
.txt (plain text) for word processor / email
.xml for whatever supports xml
To export wizard choices:
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Export Parts List
2 Choose the location for the export files
3 Select the file format in the Save as type dropdown list.
4 Click Save.
Tip: ProSoft Wireless Designer remembers the last location where you opened or saved files.
When you use ProSoft Wireless Designer for the first time, it uses its installation folder (normally
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2.18 Printing
You can print the current view (Network Diagram, Parts List, Site Details or Link
Details. ProSoft Wireless Designer offers the following options to customize the
appearance of printed pages:
To view or modify Print Settings
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Application Print Settings.
2 On the Print Settings (page
color and header font preferences.
To view or modify Page Layout
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Page Layout
2 On the Page Setup dialog box, select paper size, source, orientation and
To view a Print Preview
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Print Preview.
2 Review the preview, and modify the print settings or page layout as needed.
To Print the current view
1 Open the File menu, and then choose Print.
2 Select the printer, page range and number of copies to print
3 Click the Print to use the selected printer to print your pages.
35) dialog box, select print scale, background
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