Pilz PNOZelock Catalog

Comparison of PNOZelog units
Comparison of PNOZelog units
Common features were described in Chapters 2.2 … 2.9. Only the features specific to individual units are described here. Table 10-1 shows the differences between the units. The pages that follow provide information on intended use, wiring and unit-specific data for each individual unit.
PNOZ e1p
PNOZ e1.1p, PNOZ e6.1p
PNOZ e1vp, PNOZ e6vp
PNOZ e2.1p
PNOZ e2.2p
PNOZ e3.1p
PNOZ e3vp
PNOZ e4.1p
PNOZ e4vp
PNOZ e5.11p
PNOZ e5.13p
Table 2.1-1: Differences between the PNOZelog units
Feedback loopFeedback loop
Feedback loop
Feedback loopFeedback loop
In series to reset circuit, monitored At terminal Y6, monitored
At terminal Y6 and/or Y7, monitored
At terminal Y6 and/or Y7, monitored At terminal Y6 and/or Y7, monitored At terminal Y6, monitored
At terminal Y6 and/or Y7, monitored
At terminal Y6, monitored
At terminal Y6 and/or Y7, monitored
At terminal Y6 and/or Y7, monitored
At terminal Y6 and/or Y7, monitored
Detection of shortsDetection of shorts
Detection of shorts
Detection of shortsDetection of shorts acracr
oss contactsoss contacts
oss contacts
oss contactsoss contacts
With terminal Y4 and A1
With Y4 and A1/S11, depending on the logic AND/OR connection With Y4 and A1/S11, depending on the logic AND/OR connection Always with detection of shorts across contacts Always with detection of shorts across contacts With Y4 and A1/S11/ S23, depending on the logic AND/OR connection With Y4 and A1/S11/ S23, depending on the logic AND/OR connection Always with detection of shorts across contacts
Always with detection of shorts across contacts
Always without detection of shorts across contacts
Always without detection of shorts across contacts
Delayed outputsDelayed outputs
Delayed outputs
Delayed outputsDelayed outputs
0, 1 or 2, depending on the AND wiring and feedback loops No
0, 1 or 2, depending on the AND wiring and feedback loops No
Output 24
Logic inputsLogic inputs
Logic inputs
Logic inputsLogic inputs
One AND and one OR input
One AND and one OR input
One AND and one OR input One AND and one OR input One AND and one OR input
One AND and one OR input
One AND and one OR input
One AND and one OR input
One AND input
One AND input
E-STOP Safety gates Light beam devices Scanners
Two-hand buttons (N/C­N/O) Two-hand buttons (N/O)
Position switch
Position switch
Mayser SM/BK safety mat Can be used to control a PSS Mayser SM/BK safety mat Can be used to control a PSS E-STOP Safety gates Light beam devices Scanners Position switches
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh@pilz.de