Features and Benefits creative™ 4.0
The moment it becomes possible.
Embroidery features
Large embroidery area
The PFAFF® creative™ 4.0
sewing and embroidery machine
features a large embroidery area
- up to 260 x 200 mm for your
unique, personal creations.
Cut Jump StitCheS in embroidery
thread end to the underside of the fabric as you embroider. It will save you time trimming after
the embroidery is completed.
The machine will trim the top jump stitches and pull the
preCiSe poSitioning
Combine designs and elements to create embroideries of unlimited size quickly and easily.
aLL StitCheS Can be Sewn in the embroidery hoop
embroidery StitCh editor
beautiful unique embellishments.
embroidery deSign SCaLing
weights of thread.
Change embroidery CoLorS
HD screen and see your embroidery in 3D view.
eStimated embroidery time iS Shown
machine automatically shows an estimation of the embroidery time for the current color block
so you know how long it takes to embroider.
muLti-SeLeCt deSignS
to move or adjust the designs. They don’t even have to be in order.
Jump to StitCh
autoSave Current State
automatically saves personalized adjustments to continue your embroidery later.
Place every embroidery design exactly where you want it.
to create unique embroidery designs.
Adjust sequences and stitches for truly creative borders and for
Increase or decrease the original design up to 20% for different
Change the thread colors in the embroidery on the PFAFF®
The PFAFF® creative™ 4.0 sewing and embroidery
Select one, several or all designs on the PFAFF® HD screen in embroidery
Enter the stitch number to jump to a specific stitch in embroidery.
Set to periodically save embroidery stitch number and position plus
Save Current State
Lets you stop at any stitch in your embroidery and save all settings.
creative 4.0

baSting in the hoop Baste fabric to a stabilizer that is already hooped. Great for knit fabrics or
other fabrics that you do not wish to hoop.
Zoom in / Zoom out For exact placement of designs, stitch points etc.
embroidery grid
hoop poSitionS
appliqué or to go to the center of the design.
more than 100 fantaStiC embroidery deSignS
PFAFF® creative™ 4.0 sewing and embroidery machine are included.
2 buiLt-in embroidery fontS
lower case plus numbers and symbols.
embroidery hoopS inCLuded
creative™ ELITE Hoop (260 x 200). Quick release on all hoops makes re-hooping simple.
make the embroidery area even Larger
creative™ 4.0 sewing and embroidery machine features the largest embroidery area
in the home sewing industry - up to 360 x 350 mm for your unique, personal creations.
uSb portS
USB ports (host and device).
The PFAFF® creative™ 4.0 sewing and embroidery machine is equipped with two
Makes customizing on the PFAFF® HD screen simple and precise.
Touch the icon to position the hoop to change the bobbin, trim around an
created by fashion designers for the
3 different sizes with scaling possibilities in upper case,
creative™ 120 Square Hoop (120 x 120),
With the optional embroidery unit the
uSb ConneCtion
machine and your computer with the USB embroidery stick or USB cable for unlimited memory.
Creative 4d™ QuiCkfont inCLuded
TrueType fonts into embroidery fonts.
Creative 4d™ organiZer
computer, turn designs into an image file, print catalogues and more.
Transfer embroidery designs between your creative™ 4.0 sewing and embroidery
Use your computer and 4D™ QuickFont to change
A program for your computer to organize your design files in your
Sewing features
Large Sewing SpaCe The sewing area to the right of the needle is super-sized for sewing large
projects – 10" to the right of the needle.
the originaL idt™ SyStem
Absolutely even fabric feed from both the top and the bottom. IDT™ system works with any stitch
forward or reverse at any stitch length or width. The original IDT™ system from PFAFF® is built right
into the machine. It can be easily engaged or disengaged as needed. Many PFAFF® accessories
and presser feet can be used with IDT™ system to ensure even seams with any stitch on any fabric.
beautifuL 9 mm high QuaLity StitCheS
stitches - over 300. Including utility stitches, buttonholes, 9 mm wide decorative stitches, quilt stitches,
cross stitches and hemstitches.
Integrated Dual Feed only from PFAFF® for over 40 years!
Select from a wide variety of beautiful high quality
creative 4.0