Perkins Engine 1104E, 1106E Troubleshooting

March 2005
1104E and
R F11 -U p ( Engine) RH11-Up ( R K 11- U p ( Engine) VK11-Up (Engine)
1106E Engines
Important Safety Information
Most accidents t basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necess
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in injury or death.
Do not operate o read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not heeded
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as “DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.
The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:
Attention! Be
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially presented.
Operations th this publication.
hat involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe
ary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
r perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
come Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
at may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
Perkins cannot anticipa te e ver y p os sible c irc u mstance t hat m ight invol ve a pote n ti al hazard . The warnings proc edure, work me thod or ope rating technique tha t is not s pecific ally rec ommended by Perkins is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the product w repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that was availabl measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you s t ar t any jo
in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool,
ill not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
e at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
b . Perkins dea le rs hav e t he m os t c ur r en t i nfo rm ati on a va il abl e.
When replacement parts are required for this product Perkins re comme nds usi ng Perkins
e ment parts or parts w ith equiva lent
re pl ac specifications including, but not limited to, phys­ical dimensions, type, strength and material.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema­ture failures, product damage, personal injury or death.
RENR2696-01 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Troubleshooting Section
Electronic Troubleshooting
System Overview .................................................... 5
Glossary .................................................................. 9
Electronic Service Tools ........................................ 12
Diagnostic Codes .................................................. 13
Indicator Lamps .................................................... 15
Replacing the ECM ............................................... 18
Self-Diagnostics .................................................... 19
Sensors and Electrical Connectors ....................... 20
Engine Wiring Information .................................... 26
Programming Parameters
Programming Parameters ..................................... 32
Factory Passwords ............................................... 32
Flash Programming .............................................. 32
System Configuration Parameters
System Configuration Parameters ........................ 34
Troubleshooting without a Diagnostic Code
Alternator Noise (Noisy Operation) ....................... 35
Alternator Will Not Charge (Charging Problem) .... 35
Battery .................................................................. 35
Can Not Reach Top Engine RPM ......................... 36
Coolant in Engine Oil ............................................ 38
Coolant Temperature Is Too High ......................... 39
ECM Will Not Accept Factory Passwords ............. 40
ECM Will Not Communicate with Other Systems or
Display Modules .................................................. 40
Electronic Service Tool Will Not Communicate with
ECM .......................... .......................................... 40
Engine Cranks but Will Not Start .......................... 41
Engine Has Early Wear ........................................ 43
Engine Misfires, Runs Rough or Is Unstable ........ 43
Engine Oil in Cooling System ............................... 46
Engine Speed Does Not Change .......................... 46
Engine Stalls at Low RPM .................................... 47
Engine Vibration ................................................... 48
Engine Will Not Crank ........................................... 49
Excessive Black Smoke ........................................ 50
Excessive Engine Oil Consumption ...................... 51
Excessive Valve Lash ........................................... 52
Excessive White Smoke ....................................... 53
Intake Air Temperature Is Too High ...................... 54
Intermittent Engine Shutdown ............................... 55
Intermittent Low Power or Power Cutout .............. 56
Low Engine Oil Pressure ...................................... 58
Low Power/Poor or No Response to Throttle ....... 59
Mechanical Noise (Knock) in Engine .................... 61
Noise Coming from Cylinder ................................. 61
Poor Acceleration or Response ............................ 62
Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code
CID 0041 FMI 03 8v Sensor Power Supply, Voltage
More Than Normal .............................................. 64
CID 0041 FMI 04 8v Sensor Power Supply, Voltage
Less Than Normal ............................................... 64
CID 0091 FMI 02 Throttle Demand Sensor Erratic Or
Intermittent .............. ............................................ 6
CID 0091 FMI 03 Throttle Demand Sensor Open
Circuit Or Shorted High ....................................... 65
CID 0091 FMI 04 T
Low ..................................................................... 65
CID 0091 FMI 08 Throttle Demand Sensor Abnormal
Signal .................................................................. 66
CID 0091 FMI 12 Throttle Demand Sensor Out Of
Calibration ....................................... .................... 66
CID 0100 FMI 03
Circuit Or Shorted High ....................................... 66
CID 0100 FMI 04 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor
Shorted Low ........................................................ 67
CID 0100 FMI 10 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor, Power
Supply Open Circuit ............................................ 67
CID 0102 FMI 03
Open Circuit Or Shorted High ............................. 67
CID 0102 FMI 04 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor
Shorted Low ........................................................ 68
CID 0102 FMI 10 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor
Power Suppl y Open Circuit ................................. 68
CID 0105 FMI 03
Sensor Open Circuit Or Shorted High ................. 69
CID 0105 FMI 04 Intake Manifold Temperature
Sensor Shorte
CID 0110 FMI 03 Engine Coolant Temperature
Sensor Open Circuit Or Shorted High ................. 69
CID 0110 FMI 04
Sensor Shorted Low ........................................... 70
CID 0174 FMI 02 Fuel Temperature Sensor Erratic,
CID 0247 FMI 09 J1939 Datalink, Abnormal
Update ................................................................ 71
CID 0253 FMI 02 CID 0262 FMI 03 5v Sensor Power Supply, Voltage
More Than Normal .............................................. 71
CID 0262 FMI 04
Less Than Normal ............................................... 72
CID 0266 FMI 02 Incorrect Crank-without-inject
inputs .................................................................. 72
CID 0320 FMI 02 Speed And Timing Sensor
Intermittent Loss Of Signal .................................. 73
CID 0320 FMI 11
Signal .................................................................. 73
Intermittent CID 0774 FMI 02 Throttle Demand Sensor No.2
Erratic Or Intermittent .......................................... 74
CID 0774 FMI 03
Open Circuit Or Shorted High ............................. 74
CID 0774 FMI 04 Throttle Demand Sensor No.2
Shorted Low ........................................................ 7
CID 0774 FMI 08 Throttle Demand Sensor No.2
Abnormal Signal .................................................. 75
CID 0774 FMI 12
Of Calibration ...................................................... 75
CID 1627 FMI 03 Fuel Injection Pump Relay Did Not
Turn Off ............................................................... 76
CID 1684 FMI 00 Fuel Injection Pump, Fuel
Temperature More Than Normal ......................... 76
CID 1684 FMI 02
Failure ................................................................. 77
hrottle Demand Sensor Shorted
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Open
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor,
Intake Manifold Temperature
d Low ........................................... 69
Engine Coolant Temperature
.......................................................... 70
Incorrect ECM Software ........... 71
5v Sensor Power Supply, Voltage
Speed And Timing Sensor Loss Of
Signal ............................................... 73
Throttle Demand Sensor No.2
Throttle Demand Sensor No.2 Out
Fuel Injection Pump, Software
4 RENR2696-01 Table of Contents
CID 1684 FMI 03 Fuel Injection Pump, Fuelling
Fault .................................................................... 77
CID 1684 FMI 04 Fuel Injection Pump, Supply
Voltage Fault ....................................................... 77
CID 1684 FMI 05 F
Width ................................................................... 78
CID 1684 FMI 07 Fuel Injection Pump, Mechanical
Fault .................................................................... 78
CID 1684 FMI 08 Fuel Injection Pump, Crankshaft
Reference Faul t .................................................. 79
CID 1684 FMI 09
Fault .................................................................... 80
CID 1684 FMI 10 Fuel Injection Pump, Fuel Shutoff
Signal Error ......................................................... 8
CID 1684 FMI 11 Fuel Injection Pump, Internal
Sensor Fault ........................................................ 81
CID 1684 FMI 12
Failure ................................................................. 81
CID 1684 FMI 14 Fuel Injection Pump, No
CID 1743 FMI 02 Engine Speed Mode Selection
Switch State, Invalid State .................................. 83
CID 1894 FMI 02
Switch State, Invalid State .................................. 83
CID 1895 FMI 02 Set Speed Control Speed Toggle
Switch, Inval
uel Injection Pump, Invalid Pulse
Fuel Injection Pump, CAN
Fuel Injection Pump, Device
ns ................................................. 82
Set Speed Control Disengage
id State ............................................ 83
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit -
Test ................................................................... 171
Fuel Injection Pump Circuit - Test ....................... 178
Indicator Lamp Circuit - Test ............................... 195
Mode Selection
Set Speed Circuit - Test ...................................... 204
Throttle Switch Circuit - Test ............................... 212
Circuit - Test .............................. 198
Index Section
Index ................................................................... 221
Troubleshooting with an Event Code
Event Codes ........................................................ 85
E015 High Engine Coolant Temperature Derate .. 85 E016 High Engine Coolant Temperature
Shutdown ............................................................ 85
E017 High Engine Coolant Temperature
Warning ............................................................... 85
E025 High Intak
E027 High Intake Air Temperature Warning ......... 86
E040 Low Engine Oil Pressure Shutdown ............ 86
E054 High Fuel T
E056 High Fuel Temperature Warning .................. 88
E100 Low Engine Oil Pressure Warning ............... 89
E190 Engine Ove E442 Engine Failed to Stop with a No-Fuel
Command ........................................................... 90
E883 Engine Fai
Disengaged ......................................................... 91
Diagnostic Fun
5 Volt Engine Pressure Sensor Supply Circuit -
Test ..................................................................... 92
Air Inlet Heate
Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test .... 104
CAN Data Link Circuit - Test ................................ 113
Data Link Circu
Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test ..... 126
Electrical Connectors - Inspect ........................... 135
Electrical Powe
Engine Oil Level Switch Circuit - Test ................. 152
Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circuit -
Test ................................................................... 157
Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test ........ 164
e Air Temperature Derate ............ 86
emperature Derate .................... 87
rspeed Warning ........................ 90
led To Stop When Fuel Solenoid
ctional Tests
r Circuit - Test ................................. 99
it - Test ......................................... 118
r Supply Circuit - Test ................. 146
RENR2696-01 5
Troubleshooting Section
Troubleshooting Section
Electronic Troubleshooting
System Overview
System Opera
The 1104 models RF, RH, RK and 1106 model VK engines were engines include an Electronic Control Module (ECM), a fuel injection pump that is electronically controlled, and a collect controls the engine operating parameters through the software within the ECM and the inputs from the various sen that control the engine operation. The parameters include all of the operating maps and customer selected p
designed for electronic control. The
ion of engine sensors. The ECM
sors. The software contains parameters
6 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Electronic Controls
Illustration 1
RENR2696-01 7
Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 2
The e lectronic system consists of the Electronic Control Module (ECM), the engine sensors, and the Machine Interface Connector (MIC). The ECM is the computer. The personality module is the software for the computer. The personality module contains the operating maps. The operating maps define the following characteristics of the engine:
Torque curves
Engine speed (rpm)
Engine Governor
The electronic controls determine the injection timing and the amount of fuel that is delivered to the cylinders. These decisions are based on the actual conditions and the desired conditions at any given time.
The governor compares the desired engine speed to the actual engine speed. The actual engine speed is determined through the crankshaft position sensor. If the desired engine speed is greater than the actual engine speed, the governor injects more fuel in order to increase engine speed.
Timing Considerations
Once the governor has determined the amount of fuel that is required, the governor must determine the timing of the fuel injection. Fuel injection timing is determined by the ECM after considering input from the following components:
Engine coolant temperature sensor
The sensor for the intake manifold air temperature
The sensor for the intake manifold pressure
8 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
At start-up, the ECM determines the top dead center positio speed/timing sensor in the fuel injection pump. The ECM decides when fuel injection should occur relative to th provides the signal to the fuel injection pump spill valve which stops fuel flow to the low pressure side. The ECM injector nozzles at the desired time. The ECM adjusts timing for the best engine performance, the best fuel economy and Actual timing cannot be viewed with an electronic service tool. Also, the desired timing cannot be viewed with
n of the number 1 cylinder from the
e top dead center position. The ECM
then forces fuel to flow to the fuel
the best control of exhaust emissions.
an electronic service tool.
Fuel Injection
The personality module inside the ECM sets certain limits on the amount of fuel that can be injected. The FRC Limit is air pressure and engine rpm. The FRC Limit is used to control the air/fuel ratio in order to control the engine’s e a higher intake manifold air pressure, the ECM increases the FRC Limit. A higher intake manifold air press cylinder. When the ECM increases the FRC Limit, the ECM allows more fuel into the cylinder.
The Rated Fuel Limit is a limit that is based on the power rating of the engine and on the engine rpm. The Rated torque outputs to conform to the power and torque curves of a specific engine model.
These limits are in the personality module and these limits cannot be changed.
a limit that is based on intake manifold
xhaust emissions. When the ECM senses
ure indicates that there is more air in the
Fuel Limit enables the engine power and
Diagnostic Codes
When the ECM detects an engine problem, the ECM generates a diagnostic code. Also, the ECM logs the dia the problem’s occurrence. The ECM also logs the number of occurrences of the problem. There are two typ codes and event codes.
Diagnostic fault codes are provided in order to indic problem has been detected by the ECM. In some cases, the engine performance can be affected when the co frequently, the operator cannot detect any difference in the engine performance.
gnostic code in order to indicate the time of
es of diagnostic fault codes. There are fault
stic Fault Codes
ate that an electrical problem or an electronic
ndition that is causing the code exists. More
If the operator indicates that a performance problem occurs, the dia of the problem. Use either a laptop computer or a hand held diagnostic tool to access the diagnostic codes. The pro
If the operator does not indicate a problem with theenginepe logged by the ECM. This situation indicates that the ECM detected an abnormal engine condition, but the abnor performance. In this situation, the system has no faults except when either of the following conditions exist:
There are several occurrences of the diagnostic
code in a ver
The ECM is indicating an active code at the
present tim
gnostic code may indicate the cause
blem should then be corrected.
rformance and a diagnostic code is
mal condition did not affect engine
y short period of time.
Diagnostic Event Codes
Diagnostic event codes are used to indicate that some operational problem has been detected in the engine electronic malfunction.
by the ECM. This does not indicate an
Programmable Parameters
Certain pa may be changed with electronic service tools. The parameters are stored in the ECM, and the parameter by passwords. These parameters are System Configuration Parameters.
System Configuration Parameters are set at the factory. System Configuration Parameters affect emission passwords must be obtained and factory passwords must be used to change the System Configuration Paramet
System Configuration Parameters are protected by factory on a computer system that is available only to Perkins distributors. Since factory passwords contain alphab tool may change System Configuration Parameters. System Configuration Parameters affect the power rating
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Programming Parameters” and Tro
rameters that affect the engine operation
s are protected from unauthorized changes
s or power ratings within the engine. Factory
passwords. Factory passwords are calculated
etic characters, only an electronic service
or the emissions.
ubleshooting, “Factory Passwords”.
RENR2696-01 9
Troubleshooting Section
Active Diagnostic Code – An active diagnostic
code alerts the an electronic system malfunction is currently present. Refer to the term “Diagnostic Code” in this glossary.
Alternating Current (AC) – Alternating current is an electric current that reverses direction at a regular interval that
Before Top Dead Center (BTC) – BTDC is the 180 degrees o reaches the top dead center position in the normal direction of rotation.
Boost Pressure (Engines that are turbocharged) –
The difference between the turbocharger outlet pressure an referred to as boost pressure. The sensor for the intake manifold air pressure measures the amount of boost.
Breakout Harness – The breakout harness is a test harnes engine harness. This connection allows a normal circuit operation and the connection simultaneously provides a signals.
Bypass Cir
used as a substitute circuit for an existing circuit. A bypass circuit is typically used as a test circuit.
CAN Data Link – The CAN Data Link is a serial communications port that is used for communication with othe application, the CAN Data Link connects the ECM to the Electronic Fuel Injection Pump.
Code – Refer to “Diagnostic Code” or “Event Code”.
Cold Mode
and for cold engine operation that includes timing that is retarded and low idle that is raised. This mode is u emissions and faster warm up time.
communication adapter provides a communication link between the ECM and the Electronic Service Too l .
Component Identifier (CID) – The CID is a number
entifies the specific component of the electronic
that id control system that has experienced a diagnostic code.
operator or the service technician that
is reoccurring.
f crankshaft rotation before the piston
d atmospheric pressure is commonly
s that is designed to connect into the
Breakout T in order to measure the
cuit – A bypass circuit is a circuit that is
r microprocessor based devices. In this
– Cold mode is a mode for cold starting
sed for engine protection, reduced smoke
cation Adapter Tool – The
Coolant Level Sensor – The coolant level sensor
detects the abs probe. The sensor then sends a signal to the ECM.
Coolant Tempe
temperature sensor detects the engine coolant temperature for cold mode operation and for Engine Monitoring.
Data Link – The Data Link is a serial communication portthatisu microprocessor based devices.
Desired Engi
is input to the electronic governor within the ECM. The electronic governor uses the signal from the throttle pos sensor, and other sensors in order to determine the desired engine speed.
Diagnostic Code – A diagnostic code is sometimes referred to as a fault code. These codes indicate an electroni
Diagnostic Lamp – A diagnostic lamp is sometimes called the is used to warn the operator of the presence of an active diagnostic code.
Digital Sensor Return – The common line (ground) from the ECM is used as ground for the digital sensors.
Digital Sensors – Digital sensors produce a pulse width modu with +8 VDC from the ECM.
Digital S
the ECM is used in order to power the digital sensors.
Direct Cu
current that flows consistently in only one direction.
DT, DT Con
of connector that is used on Perkins engines. The connectors are manufactured by Deutsch.
Duty Cycle – Refer to “Pulse Width Modulation”.
engine control is a complete electronic system. The electronic engine control monitors the engine operati control also controls the engine operation under all conditions.
Electronic Service Tool – The electronic service tool allows a computer (PC) to communicate with the ECM.
on under all conditions. The electronic engine
ence or presence of coolant at the
rature Sensor – The coolant
sed for communication with other
ne Speed – The desired engine speed
ition sensor, the engine speed/timing
c system malfunction.
check engine light. The diagnostic lamp
lated signal. Digital sensors are supplied
ensor Supply – The+8VDCsupplyfrom
rrent (DC) – Direct current is the type of
nector, or Deutsch DT – This is a type
ic Engine Control – The electronic
10 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Electronic Control Module (ECM) – The ECM is the control c provides power to the electronics. The ECM monitors data that is input from the sensors of the engine. The ECMactsasago and the power of the engine.
Engine Monit
of the electronic engine control that monitors the sensors. This also warns the operator of detected problems.
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor – The engine oil pressure sen sensor sends the signal to the ECM.
Engine Speed
speed/timing sensor provides a variable amplitude and pulse width modulated signal to the ECM. The ECM interpr and the engine speed.
Event Code
in order to indicate an abnormal engine operating condition. These codes usually indicate a mechanical problem in
Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) – This identifier indicates by the component. The FMI has been adopted from the SAE practice of J1587 diagnostics.
Flash Programming – Flash programming is the method of programming or updating an ECM with an electr of replacing components.
Fuel Rati
is based on the control of the ratio of the fuel to air. The FRC is used for purposes of emission control. When the air pressure (more air into the cylinder), the FRC increases the FRC Limit (more fuel into the cylinder).
Fuel Temperature Sensor – The fuel temperature sensor detects the fuel temperature. The ECM monitor thecalculatedfuelrateaccordingly.
Full Loa
that represents the fuel system adjustment. This adjustment is made at the factory in order to fine tune the fue is stamped on the engine information ratings plate. This parameter must be programmed.
Full Torque Setting (FTS) – The FTS is similar to the full load setting. This parameter must be progr
s the fuel temperature and the ECM adjusts
l system. The correct value for this parameter
omputer of the engine. The ECM
vernor in order to control the speed
oring – Engine Monitoring is the part
sor measures engine oil pressure. The
/Timing Sensor – The engine
ets this signal as the crankshaft position
– An event code may be activated
stead of an electrical system problem.
the type of failure that has been experienced
onic service tool over the data link instead
o Control (FRC) – The FRC is a limit that
ECM senses a higher intake manifold
d Setting (FLS) – The FLS is the number
Harness – The harness is the bundle of wiring
(loom) that con system.
Hertz (Hz) – He frequency in cycles per second.
Intake Manifo
intake manifold air temperature sensor detects the air temperature in the intake manifold. The ECM monitors the intake manifold in order to adjust injection timing and other performance functions.
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor – The air pressure in the intake manifold may be different to the air press pressure). This difference in air pressure can be caused by variable air velocity within the manifold. The differe by an increase in air pressure by a turbocharger (if equipped). The sensor for the intake manifold air pressu atmospheric pressure and the air pressure in the intake manifold.
Integrated Electronic Controls – The engine is designed with the electronic controls as a necessary part of th without the electronic controls.
J1939 CAN
diagnostic communications data link that is used to communicate between the ECM and the electronic service t
Logged Dia gnostic Codes – Logged diagnostic codes ar These codes are meant to be an indicator of possible causes for intermittent problems. Refer to the term “Di information.
MAB – Thi inside the “VPM30” Fuel Injection Pump. The MAB is a signal wire from the ECM to the Fuel Injection Pump.
Open Circuit – An open circuit is a condition that is caused or a connection that is broken. When this condition exists, the signal or the supply voltage can no longer reach
Parameter – A parameter is a value or a limit that is pro characteristics or behaviors of the engine.
agnostic Code” in this glossary for more
by an open switch, or by an electrical wire
the intended destination.
grammable. This helps determine specific
nects all components of the electronic
rtz is the measure of electrical
ld Air Temperature Sensor – The
air temperature and other data in the
ure outside the engine (atmospheric
nce in pressure can also be caused
re measures the difference between
Data Link – This data link is a SAE
e codes which are stored in the memory.
s is a Bosch acronym for the fuel shutoff
RENR2696-01 11
Troubleshooting Section
Password – A password is a group of numeric characters or a
group of alphanumeric characters that is designed to restrict access to parameters. The electronic system requires correct passwords in order to change some
parameters (Factory Passwords). Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords” for more information.
Personality Module – This module is inside the ECM. The module contains all the instructions (software) f
or the ECM and the module contains the performance maps for a specific engine. The personality module may be reprogrammed through flash progr
Power Cycled – Power cycled happens when power to the ECM is
cycled: ON, OFF, and ON. Power cycled refers to the action of cycling the keyswitch from any position to the OFF position, and to the START/RUN p
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) – The PWM is a signal tha
t consists of pulses that are of variable width. These pulses occur at fixed intervals. The ratio of “TIME ON” versus total “TIME OFF” can be varied. This ratio
is also referred to as a duty cycle.
Short Circuit – A short circuit is a condition that has an electrical c
ircuit that is inadvertently connected to an undesirable point. An example of a short circuit is a wire which rubs against a vehicle frame and this rubbing e
ventually wears off the wire insulation. Electrical contact with the frame is made and a short circuit results.
Signal – The signal is a voltage or a waveform that is used in order to transmit information typically from asensortoth
Supply Voltage – The supply voltage is a constant voltage that
is supplied to a component in order to provide the electrical power that is required for the component to operate. The power may be generated by the ECM or
the power may be battery voltage that
is supplied by the engine wiring.
System Conf
iguration Parameters – System
configuration parameters are parameters that affect emissions and/or operating characteristics of the engine.
Throttle Position – Thethrottlepositionisthe interpret
ation by the ECM of the signal from the
throttle position sensor or the throttle switch.
Illustration 3
Rated Fuel Limit – This term indicates the maximum allowable fuel position (longest injection pulse). This position will produce rated power for this engine configuration.
Reference Voltage – Reference voltage is a regulated voltage and a steady voltage that is supplied by the ECM to a sensor. The reference voltage is used by the sensor to generate a signal voltage.
Sensor – A sensor is a device that is used to detect a change in pressure, temperature, or mechanical movement. The information that is detected is converted into an electrical signal.
Throttle P
osition Sensor – The throttle position
sensor is an electronic sensor that is connected to an accelerator pedal or a hand lever. This sensor sends aPWMsign
al to the ECM that is used to calculate desired engine speed.
Switch – The throttle switch sends a signal
to the ECM that is used to calculate desired engine speed.
TopDeadCenter –Top dead center refers to the crankshaft position when the engine piston position is at the
highest point of travel. The engine must be turned in the normal direction of rotation in order to reach this point.
Tot al Tattletale – The total tattletale is the total number of changes to all the parameters that are stored i
Voltage Load Protection Module (“VLPM”) – The “VLPM” m
onitors the voltage of the electronic system. The “VLPM”will eliminate any high voltage conditions that occur. The “VLPM” will protect the fuel injection pump fr
om any high voltage conditions that could
damage the pump.
12 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Electronic Service Tools
Electronic Service Tools are designed to help the service techni electronic engines. Several tools are available to assist the service technician.
Some of the included Diagnostic Functional Tests in this manual require two short jumper wires. The jumper wires a some wiring harness circuits by shorting two adjacent terminals together in a connector.
A long extension wire may also be needed to check the continuity of some wiring harness circuits.
Electronic Service Tool
The electronic service tool can display the following information:
Event codes
Diagnostic codes
cian with the diagnosis and repair of
re used to check the continuity of
Table 1
Required Electronic Service Tools for the Use
of the Electronic Service Tool
IBM compatible PC with 266 MHz Pentium processor
64 MB of RAM 400 MB of available hard drive space CD-ROM drive
3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disk drive VGA monitor or display (800 x 600) Microsoft® Windows 2000, XP, ME, NT 4.0, 98, or 95 RS232 port with 16550AF UART
IBM compatible PC with 450 MHz Pentium III processor
128 MB of RAM 1 GB of available hard drive space 40X speed CD-ROM drive or 8X speed DVD drive
3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disk drive Super VGA monitor or display (800 x 600) Microsoft® Windows 2000, XP, ME, NT 4.0, or 98 RS232 port with 16550AF UART
Engine configuration
The electron
technician to perform the following functions:
Sensor calibrations
Flash programming
Set paramet
The following components are required to use the electronic
service tool to service the engine.
RENR2696-01 13
Troubleshooting Section
Connecting the Electronic Service Tool and the Communi
cation Adapter II
Support for the Electronic Service Tool
For authorization and ordering information, contact Perkins Help Desk - Irlam.
If you are having problems with the software, you can contact the Perkins Service Systems Support Center.
Optional Service Tools
The following
table contains service tools that may
be helpful to service the engine.
Table 2
Optional Service Tools
Part Number Description
N/A Suitable Digital Multimeter
N/A Suitable Breakout T (70 pin)
N/A Suitable Cri
N/A Suitable Cylinder Pressure Indicator
N/A Suitable Battery Load Tester
mp Tool
Illustration 4
(1) Personal computer (PC) (2) Adapter Cable (Computer Se rial Port) (3) Communication Adapter II (4) Adapter Cable Assembly
Note: Items (2), (3), and (4) are part of the Communication Adapter II Gp.
Use the following procedure to connect the Electronic Service Tool and the Communication Adapter II.
1. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF/RESET position. If the keyswitch is not placed in the OFF/RESET position, the engine may start.
2. Connect cable (2) between the “COMPUTER” end of communication adapter (3) and the RS232 serial port of PC (1).
3. Connect cable (4) between the “DATA LINK” end of communication adapter (3) and the service tool connector.
4. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. If the electronic service tool and the communication adapter do not communicate with the ECM, refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tool Will Not Communicate With ECM”.
Diagnostic Codes
his list identifies the respective faults for the CID
T FMI and the J Code FMI codes. The CID FMI codes are displayed on a laptop computer. The J Code FMI
odes are displayed on a Diagnostic Code Reader.
c The Diagnostic Code Reader is also known as the Hand Held Tool.
The Component Identifier (CID) is a number that identifies the specific component that caused a diagnostic code to be logged.
The Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) is a number that indicates the type of failure that has been experienced by the component.
The J1939 Code is another system that identifies the specific component that caused a diagnostic code to be logged.
Note: Event codes are not supported by J1939 numbers. Event codes use (CID) and (FMI) numbers. The following (FMI) numbers 0, 1, 15, 16, 17, and 18 are used for event codes.
14 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Table 3
CID FMI Code J Code FMI Code
0041 03 J0678 03
8V Sensor Powe
r Supply, voltage more than normal
0041 04 J0678 04 8V Sensor Power Supply, voltage less than normal
0091 02 J0091 02 Throttle Demand Sensor, erratic or intermittent
0091 03 J0091 03 Throttle Demand Sensor, open circuit or shorted high
0091 04 J0091 04
0091 08 J0091 08
0091 12 J0091-12
0100 03 J0100 03
0100 04 J0100 04
0100 10
0102 03 J0102 03
0102 04 J0102 04
0102 10
Throttle Demand Sensor, shorted low
Throttle Demand Sensor, abnormal signal
Throttle Demand Sensor, power supply failure
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor, open circuit or shorted high
Engine Oil Pressue Sensor, shorted low
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor, power supply open circuit
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor, open circuit or shorted high
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor, shorted low
Intake Ma
nifold Pressure Sensor, power supply open circuit
0105 03 J0105 03 Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor, open circuit or shorted high
0105 04 J0105 04 Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor, shorted low
0110 03 J0110 03 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor, open circuit or shorted high
0110 04 J0110 04
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor, shorted low
0168 02 J0168 02 Battery Voltage, intermittent or incorrect
0174 02 J0174 0
Fuel Temperature Sensor, erratic or intermittent
0247 09 J0639 09 J1939 Datalink, abnormal update
0253 02 J0234 02 Incorrect ECM Software
0262 0
0262 04 J0620 04
0266 02
0267 02
0320 02 J0637 02
0320 11 J0637 11
0321 02
0342 02 J0723 02
0590 02
0774 02
5V Sensor Power Supply, voltage more than normal
5V Sensor Power Supply, voltage less than normal
Crank without injection, switch state incorrect
External Stop Switch, data erratic or incorrect
Speed and Timing Sensor, intermittent loss of signal
Speed and Timing Sensor, loss of signal
Diagnostic Reset Switch, intermittent or incorrect
Speed and Timing Sensor No.2, intermittent signal
ECM identified missing timing pulse
rottle Demand Sensor No.2, erratic or intermittent
0774 03 Throttle Demand Sensor No.2, open circuit or shorted high
0774 04 Throttle Demand Sensor No.2, shorted low
74 08
0774 12
1627 03
1639 09
1684 00 J1077 00
Throttle Demand Sensor No.2, abnormal signal
Throttle Demand Sensor No.2, power supply failure
Fuel Pump Relay, did not turn off
Machine Security System Module, abnormal update
Fuel Injection Pump, fuel temperature more than normal
Fault Description
RENR2696-01 15
Troubleshooting Section
(Table 3, contd
1684 02 J1077 02 Fuel Injection Pump, software failure
1684 03 J1077 03
1684 04 J1077 04
1684 05 J1077 05 Fuel Injection Pump, invalid pulse width
1684 07 J1077 07
1684 08 J1077 08
1684 09 J1077 09
1684 10 J1077 10
1684 11 J1077 11
1684 12 J1077 12
1684 14 J1077 14 Fuel Injection Pump, no communications
1690 08
1743 02
1894 02
1895 02
Event Cod
E015 110 16 High Engine Coolant Temperature Derate
E016 110 00 High Engine Coolant Temperature Sutdown
E017 110 15 High Engine Coolant Temperature Warning
E025 105 16 High Intake Air Temperature Derate
E027 105 15 High Intake Air Temperature Warning
E039 100 18
E040 100 01 Low Engine Oil Pressure Shutdown
E054 174 16 High Fuel Temperature Derate
E056 174 15 High Fuel Temperature Warning
E100 100 17
E190 190 15
E883 Engine Failed To Stop When Fuel Solenoid Disengaged
Fuel Injection Pump, fuelling fault
Fuel Injection Pump, supply voltage fault
Fuel Injection Pump, mechanical fault
Fuel Injection Pump, crankshaft reference fault
Fuel Injection Pump, CAN fault
Fuel Injection Pump, fuel shutoff signal error
Fuel Injection Pump, internal sensor fault
Fuel Injection Pump, device failure
Analogue Speed Control, signal abnormal
Engine Mode Selection Switch State, invalid state
Set Speed Control Disengage Switch, invalid state
Set Speed Control Speed Toggle Switch, invalid state
Low Eng
Low Engine Oil Pressure Warning
Engine Overspeed Warning
ine Oil Pressure Derate
ne Failed To Stop With A No-Fuel Command
Indicator Lamps
Some engine applications are equipped with Indicator Lamps. Indicator lamps can be used as a diagnostic aid. There are two lamps. One lamp has an orange lens and the other lamp has a red lens.
These indicator lamps can be used in two ways:
The indicator lamps can be used to identify the
current operational status of the engine. The indicator lamps can also be used to indicate that the engine has a fault. This system is automatically operated via the ignition switch.
The indicator lamps can be used to identify active
diagnostic codes. This system is activated by pressing the Flash Code button.
16 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Use the lamps to
check the engine’s operational status or the existence of any engine faults.
Each lamp will ways in order to identify the engine’s operational status. The lamps will also be illuminated in a combination fault. These combinations of illuminated lamps have the following meanings:
The status of the lamps before the engine is cranked. This also acts as a lamp check.
When the ignition switch is turned ON, the lamps will be illuminated for 2 seconds. The lamps are then OFF unless t
Table 4
Refer to the
The lamp status with the cold starting aid in operation and before the engine is cranked.
be illuminated in a combination of
of ways to indicate if the engine has a
he cold starting aid is required.
Red lamp
The lamps will be illuminated for 2 seconds or the lamps will be illuminated until the engine is cranked.
OFF ThelampwillbeOFFunless
thecoldstartingaidis required.
Table 6
Red lamp
There are no apparent problems.
The lubricating oil pressure is low. This low oil pressure was measured after the set delay had expired.
The status of the lamps after cranking has failed to start the engine.
Table 7
OFF OFF No faults were detected.
ON OFF An electrical fault was
Red lamp
Flashing The engine was activated
when a serious fault was detected.
Other combinations of illuminated indicator lamp
The following combinations of lamp status may also be exhibited when the engine is either running or when the engine has been shut down automatically.
The orange lamp will be illuminated until the engine is ready to be cranked.
Table 5
ON OFF The status of the lamps
Then OFF OFF This is the status of the
Red lamp
withthecoldstartingaidstill operating.
lamps while the engine is being cranked. The cold starting aid is no longer operating.
This is the status of the lamps while the engine is being cranked.
Unless there is a fault, the engine monitoring system will not illuminate the indicator lamps while the engine is being cranked. For example if there is a lack of lubricating oil pressure after the start delay is exceeded. This type of fault will cause the stop lamp for the engine to be illuminated.
RENR2696-01 17
Troubleshooting Section
Table 8
OFF OFF No faults were detected.
ON OFF An electrical fault has been
Flashing ON The oil pressure is low and
Red lamp
The oil pressure is low.
Either the coolant temperature is high or the intake air temperature is high. The engine may be derated.
Either a fault has caused the engine to be shut down or the engine has exceeded the condition for a derate.
The oil pressure is low and thereisanelectricalfault.
Either a fault has caused the engine to engine has exceeded the conditions for a derate. There is also a
either the coolant temperature or the intake air temperature is high. The engine may be derated.
shut down or the
n electrical fault.
Usethelampstoidentifyactive diagnostic codes.
Table 9
0174 Fuel Temperature Sensor 165
0247 J1939 Data
0253 Personality Module 416
0342 Secondary Engine Speed
1684 Fuel Injection Pump 158
1894 Cruise Control Status Switch 427
1895 Toggle Switch for Cruise
8 Volt Power Supply
Throttle Position Sensor
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor
Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
5 Volt Power Supply
Engine Sp
Secondary Throttle Position Sensor
Mode Selector Switch for Engine Operation
Control Speed
Description Flash
eed/Timing Sensor
The indicator lamps can be used to identify an active code by flashing in a sequence that will identify the active code. The active code that is flashed by the indicator lamps is only the component identifier (CID). The indicator lamps cannot identify the fault with the component. The active code that is flashed by the indicator lamps is not a Failure Mode Identifier (FMI).
When the Flash Code feature is activated the indicator lamps will flash the codes of all active codes. Activation of the indicator lamps is achieved by cycling the keyswitch OFF and ON twice within 3 seconds.
There will be a delay of 2 seconds before the lamps start to flash the identity of any active code.
An active CID with two digits will be flashed in the following sequence. There will be a number of flashes. The number of flashes will equal the first digit. There will be a delay before a second number of flashes. The second number of flashes will equal the second digit. For example, a CID code of 41 will be four flashes, a delay and the one flash. A three digit CID code will have two delays between the sequence of flashes. A four digit CID code will have three delays between the sequence of flashes.
Each flash of the lamp will be 0.5 seconds long.
There will be a delay between each flash of 0.3 seconds.
18 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Each delay between each digit of the code will be 2 seconds.
After one active code has been identified there will be a delay of 5 s is flashed.
The sequence o restarted at any time by reactivating the cycling of the keyswitch.
econds before the next active code
f flashing the active codes may be
Replacing the ECM
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
The engine is Module (ECM). The ECM contains no moving parts. Follow the troubleshooting procedures in this manual in order to b the problem. Verify that the suspect ECM is the cause of the problem.
Note: Ensure that the ECM is receiving power and that the ECM is properly grounded before replacemen Troubleshooting, “Electrical Power Supply Circuit ­Tes t ”.
AtestECMcanbeusedinordertodetermineif the ECM on the engine is faulty. Install a test ECM in place of module into the test ECM. Program the parameters for the test ECM. The parameters must match the param following test steps for details. If the test ECM resolves the problem, reconnect the suspect ECM. Verify th replace the ECM.
equipped with an Electronic Control
e sure that replacing the ECM will correct
t of the ECM is attempted. Refer to
the suspect ECM. Flash the personality
eters in the suspect ECM. Refer to the
at the problem returns. If the problem returns,
Note: When a new ECM is not available, you may need to remove a service. The ECM must have the same serial number suffix. Ensure that the replacement ECM and the Personality M ECM. Be sure to record the parameters from the replacement ECM. Use the “Copy Configuration ECM Replacement
If the Personality Module and engine application are not matched, engine damage may result.
Perform the following procedure in order to replace the ECM.
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the service tool connector.
2. Use the “Copy Configuration ECM Replacement” function from the electronic service tool. If the “Copy Configuration” is successful, proceed to Step 4. If the “Copy Configuration” failed, proceed to Step 3.
Note: You may want to record any Logged Faults and Events for your records.
3. Record the parameters. Record all of the parameters on the “Main Configuration” screen. Also, record all of the parameters on the “Throttle Configuration” screen and on the “Mode Configuration” screen.
Note: If the parameters cannot be read, the parameters must be obtained elsewhere. Some parameters are stamped on the engine information plate, but most parameters must be obtained from the factory.
4. Remove the ECM.
a. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
b. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF
n ECM from an engine that is not in
odule Interlock Code match the suspect
” function in the electronic service tool.
Use the e in the suspect ECM. Record the parameters in the suspect ECM. The personality module can be flashed into th e engine, the parameters must be programmed into the new ECM.
lectronic service tool to read the parameters
new ECM. After the ECM is installed on the
c. Slacken the 4 mm Allen head screw and
disconnect the ECM 70-pin (P1/J1) connectors.
d. Remove the mounting bolts from the ECM.
e. Disconnect the grounding strap from the ECM.
5. Install the replacement ECM.
a. Usetheoldmountinghardwaretoinstallthe
replacement ECM. The mounting hardware should be free of damage.
RENR2696-01 19
Troubleshooting Section
b. Check that the ECM mounting hardware is
installed corr used to protect the ECM from excessive vibration. The ECM should be able to drift in the rubber gro
c. Install the ground strap for the ECM on the
d. Reconnect the J1/P1 70 Pin connector to the
ECM. Tighten connectors to a torque of 6 N·m (55 lb in).
6. Download the
a. Connect the electronic service tool to the
service conn
b. Select “WinFlash” from the “Utilities” menu of
the electron
c. Select the appropriate file.
7. If it is necessary, use the electronic service tool
to clear the rating interlock in the Personality Module. To c factory password when the electronic service tool is first connected. Activating the “Test ECM” mode will also cl
8. Use the electronic service tool to program the parameter
a. If the “Copy Configuration” procedure was
successfu Replacement” function to load the configuration file into the ECM.
ectly. The rubber grommets are
the Allen head screw on the
Flash file.
ic service tool.
lear the rating interlock, enter the
ear the rating interlock.
s. Perform the following procedure.
l, use the “Copy Configuration, ECM
Diagnostic Code – When a problem with the electronic sys diagnostic code. This indicates the specific problem with the circuitry.
Diagnostic codes can have two different states:
Active Code – An active diagnostic code indicates that an active problem has been detected. Active codes requir active codes prior to servicing logged codes.
Logged Code –
the permanent memory of the ECM. The codes are logged.
Event Code – An event code is generated by the detection of an abnormal engine operating condition. For example oil pressure is too low. In this case, the event code indicates the symptom of a problem.
Logged codes may not indicate that a repair is needed. The problem may have been temporary. The problem may of the code. If the system is powered, it is possible to generate an active diagnostic code whenever a component reconnected, the code is no longer active. Logged codes may be useful to help troubleshoot intermittent problems. the performance of the engine and the electronic system.
tem is detected, the ECM generates a
e immediate attention. Always service
Every generated code is stored in
, an event code will be generated if the
have been resolved since the logging
is disconnected. When the component is
Logged codes can also be used to review
b. If the “Copy Configuration” procedure failed,
configure the parameters individually. The paramete step 2.
9. Check for passwords are required to clear Logged Events.
rs should match the parameters from
logged diagnostic codes. Factory
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) has the ability to detect problems with the electronic system and with engine operation. When a problem is detected, a code is generated. An alarm may also be generated. There are two types of codes:
20 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Sensors and Electrical Connectors
Illustration 5
Typical example of left side sensor locations
RENR2696-01 21
Troubleshooting Section
ion 6
1104 engine
Typical location of the VLPM
tration 7
Typical example of right side sensor locations
22 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 8
Typical example of left side sensor locations
RENR2696-01 23
Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 9
1106 engine
Typical location of the VLPM
24 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 10
Typical example of right side sensor locations
RENR2696-01 25
Troubleshooting Section
Table 10
J1/P1 ECM Connector
J20/P20 Machine Interface Connector
(70-Pin Engine Harness)
J40/P40 Fuel Injection Pump (3-Pin
J100/P100 Engine Coolant Temperature
Sensor (2-Pin Connector)
J103/P103 Intake Mani
Sensor (2-Pin Connector)
J200/P200 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor
(3-Pin Connector)
J201/P201 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor
(3-Pin Connector)
J401/P401 Speed/Timing Sensor (2-Pin
70 Pin Machine
fold Air Temperature
Illustration 11
Basic engine schematic
26 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Engine Wiring Information
The wiring diagrams are revised periodically. The wiring diagram harness. For the most current information, always check the revision number of the diagram. Use the diagram with t
s will change with updates to the wiring
he latest revision number.
Illustration 12
Schematic for the fuel injection pump and ECM power supply for engines with a Machine Interface Connector that has 70 pins
Note: Each terminal end of the J1939 CAN data link must be connected with a 120 ohm terminating resistor.
Note: Some engines with a Machine Interface Connector that has 70 pins do not have the following wiring connections: 35, 50, 53, 54, 60, 62, 63, 64,
and 67. Note: Digital outputs 7,8,9,10,11,12,13, and 14 are only suitable for a 12 V system.
Machine Interface Connector
Two types of Machine Interface Connector are available. One type of connector has 70 pins and the other type has 31 pins. Illustration 13 and illustration 14 show the layout for the Machine Interface Connector with 70 pins. Illustration 15 and illustration 16 show the layout for the Machine Interface Connector with 31 pins.
RENR2696-01 27
Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 13
28 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 14
RENR2696-01 29
Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 15
30 RENR2696-01 Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 16
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