IItt’’ss aa LLaasseerr FFaaxx,, aa PPrriinntteerr
aanndd aa SSccaannnneerr,, aallll iinn aa ssiinnggllee,,
ccoommppaacctt,, ssttyylliisshh ssyysstteemm
Don’t let its size fool you! With a slim, compact body and stylish design, the UF-4000 may look
like just another pretty face, but inside its sleek exterior beats the heart of a true business fax.
Small enough to fit on your desk, this powerhouse provides a true practical solution for small
businesses and home offices.
When connected, the UF-4000 becomes an easy-to-
operate Super G3 Laser Fax, a PC Printer, Image Scanner
and a Document Management System — all with solid
performance that’s both ergonomic and economical.
The Panafax UF-4000 —
The simple solution for your business.