Palm.Net Discontinued: The Palm.Net service
is discontinued as of August 31, 2004. Any
information in this manual pertaining to
Palm.Net, PQAs (web clipping applications),
MyPalm and the WAP Browser is not
applicable after that date. For wireless email
and web browsing, we recommend you
migrate to a palmOne smartphone.
We can help you do this: Click here to learn
how to upgrade to a new solution.
3Com Corporation and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any damage or loss
resulting from the use of this handbook.
3Com Corpo ration and i ts sub si diar ies assu me n o re spon sibilit y for any loss or claims
by third part ies whic h ma y arise through th e use of t his softw are. 3Co m Corpor ation
and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion
of data as a result of malfunction, dead battery or repairs. Be sure to make backup copies
of all important data on othe r medi a to prote ct agains t dat a loss.
Important: Please read the 3Com End User Software License Agreement contained in
this handbook before using the acc ompany ing softw are prog ram(s). U sing an y part of
the software indicates that you accept the terms of the 3Com End User Software License
3.5" Softw are Diskettes A vailable
Palm™ Desktop organizer softw are is supplied on a CD-ROM disc. If yo u do not have
access to a CD-ROM driv e for your computer, you may do wnload the Palm Desktop
software from Altern atively, you can order 3.5" diskettes by
completing and mailing the diskette order card supplied in the Palm VII™ connected
organizer product package, or call to order the diskettes. See the Getting Started guide
for the appropriate phone number.
P/N: 405-0406A
A/N: 423-0233
Page ii
About This Book
Chapter 1: Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
Getting to know your Palm VII organizer.........................................3
What is a Palm VII organizer?..........................................................3
System requir e m e n ts ..... .. ... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .....4
Palm VII components ........................................................................5
Installing the ba tteries ............... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......9
Welcome to the Palm VII™ connected organizer. This handbook
describes all you need to know about how to use your Palm VII
organizer and the applications that come with it. It walks you through
viewing and entering data, using the features of the Palm.Net™
wirele ss communicat ion service, using your Pa lm VII organiz er with
your computer, and personalizing your organizer with your own
This book is designed to help you get up and running quickly on your
organizer. The beginning chapter explains the following:
■All the parts of your organizer
■The Palm VII interface
■The Palm VII wireless features
■Entering data
■Setting up security and other preferences
After you become familiar with the basic functionality, you can use
the rest of th is ha ndbook as a refer en ce for les s common tasks and for
maintaining your organizer, and also as a source of information if you
have problems operating the organizer.
About This BookPage 1
Page 2 About T his Book
Chapter 1
Introduction to Your
Palm VII
This chapter explains the physical buttons and controls on your
Palm VII™ connected organ izer, how to set up your organizer and
charg e the trans mitter, ho w to use yo u r organiz e r for th e fir s t ti me,
and how to use HotSyn c
and Palm™ Deskto p orga nizer sof twar e. This c hapter also i nt roduces
the Palm.N e t ™ wi reless commu nication se rvice and the wi re less
features of the P alm VII organizer.
Getting to know your Palm VII organizer
What is a Palm VII organizer?
With your Palm VII organizer you will no longer have trouble getting
to meetin gs and appointments on time, or rememberi ng the names
and personal details of the people you connect with. It will be easy for
you to remembe r all the items on your to do list. The organizer can
help you improve your track record in all these areas, both at work
and at home.
technology to synchronize your organizer
You can enter all your schedule details in Date Book so you can view
them by the day, week, or month; you can even set an alarm to remind
you of important meetings. Keep all your contact names, addresses,
phone numbers, and other details in Addres s Book, so you can find
them as soon as you nee d the m. Add your tasks to To Do List,
prioritize them so you don’t overlook them, and ass ign them a due
Your Palm VII organizer can be easily connected to the Internet,
without us in g a wire or an external modem, throug h a wireless
communication service maintained by 3Com. Using applications
called query applications, you can access a wide spectrum of
information available on the Internet and view that information in a
forma t that is eas y to re a d on y o u r or g a n iz e r sc re e n. Another
application, the iMessenger™ application, gives you an Internet
messaging addr e ss; so you can use your Palm VII organizer to stay
Chapter 1Page 3
connect ed by wireless Internet messag ing anytime, anywhere within
the coverage area of the wireless communication se rvice.
To make sure you don’t lose any important information, you can
synchronize your da ta with Palm Des ktop sof tware on your c omputer
so you always have a backup copy. You can set different levels of
secu rity for yo ur orga n izer so un a uthoriz e d e y e s ca nnot vie w yo ur
When you are out of the office, track your expenses for your expense
reports; the n transfer the data to your comp uter to print it ou t. You can
write, edit, and view your e-mail, and then synchronize your e-mail
with your desktop E-Mail applicati on when you re turn to your of fice.
System requirements
To install and operate Palm Desktop software, your computer system
must meet the following requirements:
■VGA monitor or better (the Quick Tour requir es a 256 color vid eo
disp lay)
■CD-ROM drive ( you can also download Palm D e sktop softwa re
from http://w, or order 3. 5" diskettes f rom 3Com)
■One available serial port
See “Activating the Palm.Net wireless communication service” later
in this chapter for information on what is required to activate the
Option al equipment
■Palm Modem
■Windows-compatible printer
Macintosh compatibility
You can connect your Palm VII organizer to your Macintosh using
Palm™ Mac Pac version 2 or higher (sold separately). For more
Page 4 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
informati o n ab o u t Ma c i n t os h co mpati b il ity, vi si t th e we b site
Palm VII components
Locating front panel controls
IR port
Power button/
Backlight control
writing area
Scroll button
Displays the app licat ions and inform a tion stored in
your organizer. It is touch-sensitive and responds to
the stylus.
The area where you write letters and numbers using
the Graffi ti
alphabet. See Chapter 2 to learn how to
write Graffiti characters.
Open the individual organizer applications that
correspond to the icons on the buttons: Date Book,
Address Book, To Do Li st, and Memo Pad. See
“Buttons pre f e rences” in Chapter 8 for details on
reassigning these button s to activate any appl ication
on your organizer.
Tip:If your organizer is turned of f , pressing any
application button activates your organizer
and opens the corresponding application.
Chapter 1Page 5
Displays text and other information that extends
beyond the area of the Palm VII organizer screen.
Pressing the lower hal f of the scroll but ton scrolls
down to view informatio n belo w the viewing area,
and pressing the upper half of the button scroll s up to
view the information above the viewing area.
IR port
Turns your organizer on or of f and controls the
backlight feature.
If your organizer is turned off, pressing the power
button turns the organizer on and return s you to the
last screen you viewed. Press the power button to
turn the organizer off.
If you have difficulty seeing the information
onscreen, use the backlight to illuminate the screen.
Press the power button and hold it down for about
two seconds to turn the backlight on or off.
You can as s i gn th e fu l l- screen pe n st ro k e to ac ti vate
the backlight. See “Pen preferences” in Chapter 8 for
more information.
Uses infrared technology to transmit data to and
receive da ta fr o m o the r Pa lm C o mp uting
devices that als o have an IR por t. See “Beaming
information” in Chapter 6 for more information.
Gives you access to the Palm.Net service. See Chapter
5 for more information. See “Buttons preferences” in
Chapter 8 to le arn h ow t o open a specific application
when you raise the antenna.
Whenever you use the wireless features of your
organizer, please observe the guidelines or
prohib itions on the use of wireless devices in yo u r
current location. For example, when you are on an
airplane, do not rai se the antenna or use the wirel e ss
features at times when the Federal Aviation
Adminis tration (FAA) or airline regulations prohibit
the use of cellular phones. You can, of course, use all
other applications of your organizer in accordance
with airline regulations for electronic devices.
Page 6 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
Locating back panel components
Reset butto n
Slides in an d out of the sl ot in t he bac k panel of
the organizer. To use the stylus, remove it
from the sl ot and hold it as yo u would a pen or
pencil. Unscrew the top of the s tylus to acce ss
the reset tool.
Under nor mal use , you shoul d n ot have to use
the reset button. See Appendix A for
information about when and how to use the
reset butt on.
Adjusts the appearance of the screen for the
clearest screen display. Depending on the
lighting conditions or temp erat ure of the
environment where you use your organizer,
you may need to adju st the setting of the
contrast control.
Battery door
Covers the AAA batteries that power your
organizer and charge the transmitter. See
“Installing the batteries” later in this chapter
for information on removing the battery door
and installing batteries.
Chapter 1Page 7
Serial port door
Protects the se rial port that fits into the
conn ec t o r of th e organiz e r cradle. The door
ensures that the connect ion surface of the
serial port remains clean and cle a r of debris.
Note: When your organizer is in the cradle,
and the cradle is connected to your
computer, you can use HotSync
technology to do a two-way exchange
of the data on your org anizer a nd your
computer. Plug the connector of the
cradle into the serial (COM) port, as
shown in the following illustration.
Important: Your organizer requires a dedicated port. It cannot share
a port with an internal modem or other device. If you are
unsure about th e location of th e s e rial port on your
computer, refer to your computer’s documentation.
Page 8 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
Installing the batteries
To use your organizer, you must install two AAA alkaline batteries.
The ba t te r i e s f it b e h in d the bat te r y door on the b a ck of th e o rg a n izer.
To install the batteries:
1. Press the tab on the batte r y door a nd li f t the batt e ry door a wa y
from the organizer.
Press tab to
2. Install the two AAA alkaline batteries supplied with your
organize r into the batter y compartment.
Note:A diagram in the i nterior of the b a ttery compar tme nt
shows the orientation of the positive (+) and negative (-)
ends of the batteries. When correctly installed, the cli ps in
the battery compartment secure the batteries in place.
3. In se rt the battery door back into place so that it is flush wi th the
back of the organizer and “clic ks” into position.
Important: Do not force the battery door. When the batteries are
correctly installed, the battery door clips smoothly into
place. If you feel resistance when replacing the battery
door, make sure the door is ali gned with the sl ots on the
back of your or ganizer, and that the batterie s are firmly
seated in the battery compartment.
Replacing batteries
Under normal conditions, depending on your usage pattern, the AAA
batteries of your organizer should provide weeks of use. When the
time comes to replace the AAA batteries, your organizer gives you
ample warning.
Chapter 1Page 9
When you replace the AAA batteries, keep these points in mind:
■Before you replace the batteries, perform a HotSync operation so
that you have a backup copy of all your data on your computer.
■When you remove the old batteries, the built-in backup power of
your organizer maintains memory data. Whenever you remove
the batteries, replace them immediately. We recommend replacing
batte r i e s within a period of one minute. If you encounter any
difficulties or delays while you’re replacing the batteries, reinstall
the original batteries and wait a few minutes for the backup power
to recharge.
■When you dispose of the AAA batteries, p lease dispose of th e m
without damaging the environment.
Setting up your organizer
and charging the transmitter
The first time you insert the AAA batteries, your orga nizer
automatical ly begins two processes:
■The batteri e s b e gin to charge the transmitter you use with the
wireless communication service. This takes about 70 minutes. As
soon as the transmi tter has been ch arged, you can acti vate the
service. See “Activating the Palm .N et wirele ss com mun icat ion
servi ce ” lat e r in this chapt e r.
■Your organize r tu rns on automati cally and Setup beg ins. Setup
consists of a short series of screens that you complete to pr e p a re
your organizer f or u se. Se tup also l ists the quer y appli cati ons t hat
are preloaded on your organizer. To complete Setup, follow the
inst ructions onscree n .
As soon as you finish Setup, you can use all the basic applications of
your organizer. See Chapter 4 for the list of your basic applications.
Upgrade information
If you already own a PalmPilot™ organizer or Palm III™ organizer,
3Com recommends that you install the version of Palm Desktop
software that comes with your new Palm VII organizer into the same
folder as your current Palm Desktop software. When you install the
new version in the same folder as the previous version, all your data
is preserved.
If you use another personal information manager (PIM), you still need
to install Palm Desktop software in order to add HotSync Manager,
Page 10 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
conduit so ftware, an d other feat ures of Palm Des ktop softwar e to your
computer .
You perform HotSync operations in exactly the same way, so you can
quickly syn chronize your old data with your new organizer.
To upgrade:
1. Read the Getting Started guide for an overview of the complete
installation process.
2. (Optional) To ensure against any data loss, go to the folder that
stores Palm Desktop software, copy your username folder, and
store the copy outside the P alm Desktop software folder.
3. Sync hroniz e your old or g a n iz e r wi t h your old Pal m D e sktop
This ensure s that the latest i nformation fr om your organizer is
on your desktop computer.
4. Follow the installation instructions in “Installing Palm Desktop
software” later in this ch ap ter.
Be sure to inst all the new soft ware in the sa me f olde r as the o ld
5. To prepare for the firs t HotSync operation that synchronizes your
new organizer with your new Palm Desktop software, go to the
HotSync Manager and choose Custom.
Note:Be sure your username appears in box at the top of the
Custom dialog box. If not, select your username.
6. For al l condui ts , cl ick Chan g e a nd se le ct the op ti o n De sktop
overwrites handh eld. Then clic k Done.
See “Customizing HotSync application settings” in Chapter 7
for more information.
7. Place your new or ga nizer in the cradle and press the HotSync
8. If the Select User dialog box appears, select your username.
9. Return to the Getting Started guide and complete the activation of
your organizer.
Each orga nizer must have a unique na me
After you comp lete the upgrade pr ocess describ e d above, you have
two or ganizers w it h the sa me name . This is an u n de s i ra bl e situati o n .
Chapter 1Page 11
Each organi ze r must have a unique name in order to prevent
unexpected results during HotSync operations and other
We strongly recommend that you perform a hard reset on your old organizer.
See “Performing a hard reset” in Appendix A for details.
A hard reset not only erases all dat a f rom the old organizer; it also
erases the name and makes that organizer a clean slate, ready to
receive a new name. The next time you perform a HotSync operation
with this old organizer, you are asked to give it a name. Be sure to give
it a unique name.
Palm Desktop organizer software
Palm Desktop software extends many of the functions of your
organizer to your computer and serves to back up all your data.
Viewing and editing your data using Palm Desktop software is
optional. However, wh en you u se it wit h your organize r and the builtin HotSync technology, you can fully synchronize the information on
your organizer with the in f ormation on your computer.
It is a good idea to back up your data in case something happens to t he
data on your organizer. Changes you make on your organizer or Palm
Desktop software appear in both places after you synchronize.
With Palm Desktop software, you can do the following:
■Work with your organizer applications on your computer. Palm
Desktop software duplicates the Date Book, Address Book, To Do
List, and Memo Pad applications on your organizer, so you can
view, ente r, and modify any data stored on your organizer.
■Back up the data stored on your organizer with HotSync
technolog y and synchronize th e data on your Palm Desktop
software. Synchronization is a one-step procedure that ensures
your data is always safe and up-to-date. See “Exchanging and
updating data: HotSync operations” in Chapter 4 for more
■Import and export data. See “Importing data” in Chapte r 2 for
more information.
■Print your Date Book, Address Book, To Do List, and Memo Pad
information on any print er.
Page 12 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
Installing Palm Des kto p softw are
The following instructions guide you through installing Palm
Desktop software. After installation, refer to the online Help in Palm
Desktop sof tware for information about how to use the soft ware.
To ensure a safe and uninterrupted installation of Palm Desktop
software, please do the follow ing be for e insta lling:
■Turn off your comp uter and connect the cradle to it. Do not put
the organizer in the cradle yet; you do that later in the process.
■If you install fr om d iske tte s, mak e sur e the ori ginal P alm De skt op
software diskettes are write-protected , and then make backup
copies of them. When you finish, install using the copies.
■Do not simply copy the Palm Desktop software files to your
computer’s hard disk. You must use the installer to pla ce the files
in their proper locations and to decompress the files.
To install Palm Desktop software:
1. Exit any open programs, including those that run automatically at
startup. Disable any viru s- scanning software.
2. Insert the Palm Desktop software CD-ROM into the computer’s
CD-ROM drive (or insert the diskette labeled Setup into the
diskette drive).
3. Click the Install bu tton to begin the installation progra m.
4. Follow the onscreen instructio ns to comple te the installat ion.
During installation you will be as ked to insert your organizer into
the cradle.
Chapter 1Page 13
Using your organizer with another PIM
If you prefer to use another personal information manager (PIM), such
as Microsoft Outlook, you still need to install Palm Desktop software
in order to add HotSync Manager, connection software, and other
features of Palm Desktop software to your computer. Th e connection
software, ca lled a conduit, lets yo u synchronize t he data between you r
organizer and your PIM.
If the i nstall ation program d etects that y ou have M icrosof t Outlook on
your computer, the program let s you choose between installing P a lm
Desktop software or installing the conduit for Outlook so that you can
use that application as your PIM.
For information on the availa bility of conduit software for the PIM
you use, conta ct the vendor of your PIM or visit th e we b site
Palm.Net wireless features
Your organizer is equipped with a transmitt er and an antenna that let
you transmit and receive data over the airwa ve s. 3Com provides the
Palm.Net wireless communication service, which you must subscribe
to in order to gain access to wir eless features.
Page 14 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
After you activate the wireless communication service, the two new
wireless features become available to you:
■Web clipping, using query applications
■Wireless Internet messaging, using the iMessenger application
Activating the Palm.Net wireless communication service
The transmitter insi de your or ganizer cont ains a rechargeabl e battery
that m u st be ch a r g e d b e f or e yo u c a n ac ti v a te the wirel e s s
communication service and use the wireless features. The AAA
batte r i e s that you i n s ta ll du ring Se tu p of y o u r organiz e r ch a rge the
transmit te r, and charging begins as soon as you insert the batteries.
Char gi ng take s about 70 minu te s .
Before you ac ti v a te th e P a lm.Net se rvice , b e su re of th e f ol l ow i n g:
■You’re with in coverage of th e network. To find detailed maps of
coverag e , visit the web site
■You’re in a location that ca n receive a strong radio signal. See
“Wireless problems” in Appendix B for tips on eliminating
obstacles to the signal.
To activate the Palm.Net service:
1. Read t he brochur e, Choosing a Palm.Net Service Plan, included in the
organizer package, describing the monthly service plans. Decide
on a plan. (You can switch plans at any time.)
2. Prepa re to ent e r th e f ollowing inform a t ion: your n a me , firm ,
billing address, phone number, current desktop e-mail address,
choice of se r vi c e pla n, and credit card in fo r ma tion (or co rp o rate
account number).
During activation y ou are also asked to create a username and
a password. You can accept one o f the usernames suggest ed by
the Activate ap p lication or cr e a te y our own; it must be at le ast
3 characters long. Your password must be 4 to 15 characters
3. Read the Palm.Net service agreeme nt, located at th e b a ck of this
4. When the charging of the transmitter is finished, raise the antenna
on the right side of your organizer by gently rotating it upwards.
Chapter 1Page 15
5. Fol low the instructions onscreen to activate the wireles s
communica tion service.
Important: Be sure to rec o rd and remember the username and
password you create during activation. You need them
both to acce ss informatio n about your usage of the serv ice
and your billing information. Your username is also part
of your addr ess on the Palm. Net netw ork — for ex ample,
To ensure the best reception: If
you are holding the organizer
in your hand, raise the antenna
to its position at 135
at the second click you feel as
you raise the a n te nna. If the
organizer is on a flat surface,
raise the antenna to its position
at 90
, located
Web clipp ing
Your organizer includes special kinds of applications called query
applications. Query applications take advantage of the wireless
functionality of the organizer to give you access to information on the
Query applications give you access to a wide spectr u m of practical
Internet inf ormation: news and business headli nes, travel
informa tion, stock qu ote s, sports scores, res t au rant revi e ws, movie
times, and much more.
It’s imprac tical, however, to browse th e Internet from a small
handheld computer and look at elaborate, animated, graphics-laden
web pages on a screen the size of your organizer ’s. So instead of we b
browsing, query appl ications offer you a more ef f icient way to access
the Internet, called web clipping.
Page 16 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
In general, web clippi ng is a simple proce ss of query-and-response.
You simply req u e st informatio n, tap a b utton that transmits your
request to the Internet, and wi thin seconds, you receive a respon se .
See Chapter 5 for more information.
Wireless Internet messaging
Like web clipping, the iMessenger appl i cation takes advantage of the
wireless functionality of your organizer to give you wireless Internet
messaging. Your organizer, like a cellular phone, uses a radio
frequency to transmit and receive infor mation. Your organizer is par t
of the Palm.Net network, which receives and store s messages sent to
you at your address, and deliv ers messages you se nd from
your organizer to the recipient’s Internet e-mail address.
After y o u ac tiv a te th e wi re l e s s co m m u n ica t i o n se rvice, whe never
you’re within the coverage area, you can communicate with anyone
who has an I nt e rne t e - m a i l ac co u n t. S ee Chapter 5 for mo re
informatio n.
Chapter 1Page 17
Tapping and typing
Tap with the stylus to get things done
Like using a mouse to click elements on a computer screen, using the
stylus to tap el em ents o n yo ur o rgani zer scree n i s th e bas ic a cti on that
gets things don e on your organizer.
The first time you start your organizer, setup instructions appear on
the screen. These instructions in clude a calibration s creen, or digitizer .
Calibrati on aligns the in ternal circ uitry of your organizer with its
touch-sen siti ve sc ree n so t hat wh en you tap an el emen t on the scre en,
the organizer can detect exactly which task you want to perform.
Important: Always use the point of the stylus for tapping or making
strokes on the organizer screen. Never use an actual pen,
pencil, or other sharp object to write on the organizer
With your organ izer turn ed on, you ca n tap the organ izer scr een to do
many operations, su ch a s the following :
■Open applications
■Submit queries to the Internet
■Check for and send messages in the iMessenger application
■Choose menu commands
■Initiate a global Find oper ati on
■Select options in dialog boxes
■Open the onscreen keyboard
Just as you can drag the mouse to select text or move objects on your
computer, yo u can also drag the styl us to sel ec t text. You can al so use
the stylus to drag the slider of any sc roll bar.
Page 18 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
Elements of the organizer interface
Menu bar
Pick list
A set of commands that are specific to the applicat ion.
Not all applications have a menu bar.
Tap a button to perform a command. Command
buttons appear in dialog boxes and at the bottom of
application screens. A command button that initiates
a wireless transaction always displays the over-theair icon:
Over-the-air icon
Tap the icons to open applications , menus ,
and Calculat or , and to f ind text in the d ata of your
basic applications .
With the curs or in an input field, tap the dot to
activate the alpha b e tic key b o ard.
With the curs or in an input field, tap the dot to
activ ate the nu meric k e y board.
Check box
When a check mark appears in a check box, the
corresponding option is active. If a check box is
empty, tapping it inserts a check mark. If a check box
is checked, tapping it removes the check mark.
Chapter 1Page 19
Pick list
Tap the arrow to d isplay a list o f choic es, and then tap
an item in the list to select it.
Scroll bar
Scroll bar
Drag the slider, or tap the top or bottom arrow, to
scroll the d is p l a y one l in e a t a time. To scroll to th e
previous page, tap the scroll bar just abo ve the slider.
To scroll to the n ext page, ta p th e scroll bar just belo w
the sli de r.
You can also scroll to the previous and next pages by
pressing the upper and lower portions of the scroll
button on the front panel of the organizer.
next arrows
Tap the up and down arrows to display the previous
and next page of information; tap the left and right
arrows to display the previous and next record.
Openin g applications
You can use the Applications Launcher to open any application
installed on your organizer. You can also open the four main
applicati ons — Date Bo ok , Address B ook, To Do Li st, and Me mo Pad
— with the application butt ons on the front pan e l of your organize r.
Page 20 Introduction to Your Palm VII™ Organizer
To Do
Tip:When you press an appl icat ion but ton on th e fr ont pan el, you
have inst ant a cce ss to th e sel ec ted ap pli cati on. You don’ t ev en
need to turn on you r organizer first.
In addition to providing a way for you to open applications, the
Applications Launcher displays the current time, battery level, and
application categor y.
To open an application:
1. Tap the Applications icon .
2. Tap the icon of the application that you want to open. If you have
many applications installed on your organizer, tap the scroll bar to
see all of your applications.
To find an application quickly, you can write the Graffiti
character for the first letter of its name. The Ap plicat io ns
Launcher scrolls to the fi rst applica tion with a name that
begins with that letter. You can also assign applications to
different categories. See “Categorizing applications” in
Chapter 3.
Chapter 1Page 21
To open an application that uses the antenna:
These applications use the antenna:
■All query applications
■iMessenger application
■Applications that support your use of the wireless features
1. Raise the antenna, located on the right side of your organizer.
you are holding the organizer
in your hand, raise the antenna
To ensure the best reception: If
to its position at 135
, located
at the second click you feel as
you raise the a n te nna. If the
organizer is on a flat surface,
raise the antenna to its position
at 90
Raising the antenna autom at ically op ens the Appl icat ions
Launcher to the Palm.Net category. When the transmitter successfully connects to the network, your organizer beeps.
2. Tap the query application that queries the Internet for the kind of
information you want.
Tip:You can set your organizer to open a specific application
whenever you raise the antenna. See “B uttons preferences” in
Chapter 8 for details.
When you install query app licatio ns, they app ear by default in the
Palm.Net category of the Appl ications Lau ncher. The icon s of query
applications and all appli cations that use the antenna are easy to
recognize: They all have a dark diamond shape as their background
and include the over-the-air icon:
ground of all query
application icons
ample query
application icon
Feel free to explore all your query applications to find out what kind
of information they offer. Despite the presence of the over-the-air
symbol in its icon, you can open an y query applicat ion without
incurring any cost.
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