Olympus WS-650S User Manual

Thank you for purchasing an Olympus
Please read these instructions for information
about using the product correctly and safely.
To ensure successful recordings, we recommend that
you test the record function and volume before use.
Digital Voice Recorder.
Register your product on www.olympus-consumer.com/register
and get additional benefits from Olympus!
• The contents of this document may be changed in the future without advanced notice. Contact our Customer Support Center for the latest information relating to product names and model numbers.
• The illustration of the screen and the recorder shown in this manual may differ from the actual product. The utmost care has been taken to ensure the integrity of this document but if you find a questionable item, error or omission, please contact our Customer Support Center.
• Any liability for passive damages or damage of any kind occurred due to data loss incurred by a defect of the product, repair per formed by the third party other than Olympus or an Olympus authorized service station, or any other reason is excluded.
Trademarks and registered trademarks
• IBM and PC/AT are the trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
• Microsoft, Windows and Windows Media are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
• Macintosh and iTunes are the trademark s of Apple Inc.
• microSD and microSDHC are the trademarks of SD Card Association.
• MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
• EUPHONY MOBILE™ is a trademark of DiMAGIC Corporation.
• DVM™ is a trademark of DiMAGIC Corporation.
• The product was developed based on noise-canceling technology under license from NEC Corporation.
Other product and brand names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respec tive owners.
Table of contents
Safe an d proper us age ....................................... 4
1 Getting started
Main fe atures .................................................... 6
Identi ficatio n of parts ....................................... 7
Display (LC D panel) ....................................................8
Power sup ply ....................................................10
Inser ting batter ies ..................................................10
Batte ry setti ngs .......................................................12
Chargin g by connecti ng to a computer v ia USB ......12
Connec t to the USB connec ting AC adapter
(optiona l) to charge ..........................................13
Turning on/o ff the power ........................................15
HOLD ................................................................16
Setti ng time and da te [Time & Date] .................17
Changin g the time and dat e ....................................18
Inser ting and eje cting a mic roSD card ...............19
Inser ting a microSD c ard .........................................19
Eject ing a microSD car d ...........................................20
[Home] dis play operat ions ................................21
Notes on t he folders .........................................22
About th e folders fo r voice record ings ....................22
About th e folder for mu sic playback .......................23
Selec ting the fo lders and f iles ..........................24
2 About recording
Record ing .........................................................25
Changin g the recordi ng scene [Rec Sc ene] .............27
Recomme nded sett ings by record ing conditi on ....28
Record ing from ex ternal micro phone or othe r
device s ...............................................................2 9
3 About playback
Playback ..........................................................31
Sett ing an index mar k or a temp mark ................... 35
Changin g the playback s peed .................................36
How to begi n segment rep eat playback .................37
Changin g the playback s cene [Play Scene] .............38
Erasi ng .............................................................39
Erasing f iles .............................................................39
Erasing a f older ........................................................39
4 About the FM radio
(For WS-760M only)
Using th e FM radio ............................................41
FM radio mo de operati ons ................................42
Preset ting radio s tations aut omatically
[Auto-pr eset] ....................................................43
Changin g the recepti on mode ................................44
Adding a ra dio statio n .............................................45
Record ing FM radio .......................................... 46
5 Menu setting
Menu set ting meth od .......................................47
+ File Menu ............................................................49
, Rec Menu ............................................................49
- Play Menu ...........................................................53
. LCD/Sound M enu................................................56
/ Device Me nu .......................................................57
FM Menu .............................................................59
Rearra nging file s [Replace] ..................................... 59
Dividi ng files [Fil e Divide] .......................................60
Changin g the USB class[USB Set tings] ....................61
Format ting the rec order [Forma t] ..........................63
6 Using the recorder on your PC
Opera ting envir onment ....................................65
Connec ting to you r PC .......................................67
Discon necting fr om your PC ....................................68
Transfe r the voice fi les to your PC .....................69
Using Wi ndows Medi a Player ............................70
Window na mes ........................................................70
Copying m usic from CD............................................71
Transfer ring music f ile to the reco rder ...................72
Copying v oice file to th e CD .....................................75
Using iTun es .....................................................77
Window na mes ........................................................77
Copying m usic from CD............................................78
Transfer ring music f ile to the recor der ...................79
Copying v oice file to th e CD .....................................80
Using as e xternal m emory of th e PC ..................81
7 Other information
Alarm m essage lis t ...........................................82
Trouble s hooti n g ...............................................8 3
Access ories (optio nal) .......................................86
Speci ficatio ns...................................................87
Technic al assist ance and sup port ......................91
Safe and proper usage
Before using your new recorder, read this manual carefully to ensure that you know how to operate it safely and correctly. Keep this manual in an easily accessible location for future reference.
• The warning symbols indicate important safety related information. To protect yourself and others from personal injury or damage to property, it is essential that you always read the warnings and information provided.
General precautions
• Do not leave the recorder in hot, humid locations such as inside a closed automobile under direct sunlight or on the beach in the summer.
• Do not store the recorder in places exposed to excessive moisture or dust.
• Do not use organic solvents such as alcohol and lacquer thinner to clean the unit.
• Do not place the recorder on top of or near electric appliances such as TVs or refrigerators.
• Avoid recording or playing back near cellular phones or other wireless equipment, as they may cause interference and noise. If you experience noise, move to another place, or move the recorder further away from such equipment.
• Avoid sand or dirt. These can cause irreparable damage.
• Avoid strong vibrations or shocks.
• Do not disassemble, repair or modify the unit yourself.
• Do not operate the unit while operating a vehicle (such as a bicycle, motorcycle, or go-cart).
• Keep the unit out of the reach of children.
Precautions relating to reception:
• Radio reception will vary substantially depending on where you are using the radio. If the reception is poor, try moving the recorder near to a window and away from electrical products such as cellular phones, televisions,  orescent lights etc.
Warning regarding data loss:
• Recorded content in memory may be destroyed or erased by operating mistakes, unit malfunction, or during repair work. It is recommended to back up and save important content to other media such as a computer hard disk.
• Any liability for passive damages or damage of any k ind occurred due to data loss incurred by a defect of the product, repair performed by the third party other than Olympus or an Olympus authorized service station, or any other reasons is excluded from the Olympus’s liability.
Precautions relating to recording:
• Olympus will not be held responsible for any deletion or corruption of recorded files caused by malfunction of the recorder or your PC.
• Content you have recorded cannot, under copyright law, be used for anything other than private consumption without the express consent of the copyright holder.
Safe and proper usage
f Danger:
• Batteries should never be exposed to flame, heated, short-circuited or disassembled.
• Never store batteries where they will be exposed to direct sunlight, or subjected to high temperatures in a hot vehicle, near a heat source, etc.
f Warning:
• Do not solder lead wires or terminals directly onto a battery or modify it.
• Do not connect the = and ­terminals together. This may cause fire, overheating or electric shock.
• When carrying or storing the batteries, be sure to put it in the provided case to protect its terminals. Do not carry or store the batteries with any metal objects (such as key rings).
If this warning is not followed, fire,
overheating or electric shock may occur.
• Do not connect the batteries directly to a power outlet or a cigarette lighter of an automobile.
• Do not insert the batteries with their = and - terminals reversed.
• If any liquid from a battery gets into your eyes, promptly wash it off with clean water and consult your doctor at once.
• Do not attempt to recharge alkaline, lithium or any other non­rechargeable batteries.
• Never use any batteries with a torn or cracked outer cover.
• Keep batteries out of the reach of children.
• If you notice anything unusual when using this product such as abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a burning odor:
1 remove the batteries immediately
while being careful not to burn yourself, and;
2 call your dealer or local Olympus
representative for service.
• Do not expose the batteries to water. Do not allow water to contact the terminals.
• Do not remove or damage the batteries insulating sheet.
• Do not use the batteries if you find something wrong with them such as leakage, color change or deformity.
• Unplug the charger if the charging is still incomplete after the specified time it should take.
• Should any batteries liquid get on skin or clothing, promptly wash it off with clean water.
• Keep batteries away from fire.
f Caution:
• Do not subject batteries to strong shocks.
• When using rechargeable batteries that have not been used for a while, be sure to recharge them before use.
• Rechargeable batteries have limited lifetime. When the operating time becomes shorter even if the rechargeable battery is fully charged under the specified condition, replace it with a new one.
Getting started
Main features
s Built-in Stereo FM tuner. You can
use the recorder as a radio (For WS-760M only) ( P. 41) .
s Dual function recorder as a digital
voice recorder and a digital music
player (For WS-760M, WS-750M
Main features
only) ( P. 25 , P. 31).
s Supports high capacity recording
media. Besides the built-in memory, you can also record into a microSD* card ( P.19 ). *
For WS-760M, WS-750M only.
s Supports the linear PCM format,
which is capable of recording sound quality equivalent to CD-level (For WS-760M, WS-750M
only) ( P. 47, P. 49).
s Supports multiple recording
formats , such as MP3 format (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) and Windows Media Audio (WMA) format ( P.4 7, P. 49 ).
s You can playback WAV*, WMA,
and MP3 form at files transfe rred from a comp uter in addition to files recorded by the device itsel f.
You can also enjoy using as a music player. * For WS-760M, WS-750M only.
s It has a built-in Variable Control
Voice Actuator (VCVA) function ( P.47, P. 50).
s The Low Cut Filter minimizes
air conditioner noise and other similar noises while recording ( P.47, P. 50).
s A directional microphone feature
has been included that allows switching between broad stereo
recording and recording with a highly directional quality (For WS-760M only) ( P. 47, P.5 0).
s Has recording scene setting and
playback scene set ting functions to register the best setting according to different usages (☞ P. 27, P. 3 8, P. 47, P.5 2, P.5 5) .
s It features various repeat fun ctions
( P.3 7, P. 47, P. 54 ).
EUPHONY MOBILE has been included to produce a natural , realistic experi ence without degrading sound qualit y (For WS-760 M, WS-750M only)
( P.4 7, P. 53 ).
s You can change the playback
equalizer settings (For WS-760M, WS-750M only) ( P. 47, P.5 5).
s You can divide files that have
been recorded by the recorder in MP3 or PCM* format ( P. 60 ). *
For WS-760M, WS-750M only.
s Index mark and temp mark
features allow you to quickly find desired locations ( P. 35).
s The playback speed can be
controlled as preferred ( P. 36) .
s Connecting this recorder directly
to the USB port links up with your PC. The data can be transferred or saved without USB cable or driver software ( P. 69, P.8 1).
This recorder is compatible with USB 2.0, enabling fast data transfer to a computer.
s It has a USB charging function
(For WS-760M, WS-750M only) ( P.12) .
s It has a backlight full-dot display
(LCD panel) ( P.8 ).
Identification of parts
4 5 6
& ^
1 Built-in stereo microphone (L) 2 Built-in stereo microphone (R) 3 Recording indicator light 4
6 Display (LCD panel) 7 Built-in speaker 8
0 9 button !
8 9
! @
(Earphone) jack (Microphone) jack
(s) (Record) button
^ 0 button &
* Batte ry cover ( Card cover ) Strap ho le
= USB connector slide lever q USB connector
(4) button
Identification of parts
Display (LCD panel)
Folder list display
For WS-760M:
Identification of parts
When [
For WS-750M:
When [
] mode is selected:
] mode is selected:
Identification of parts
For WS-650S:
1 Recording media indicator*1,
Battery indicator
2 Folder name 3 Recording media indicator*1,
Battery indicator
4 Folder name
*1 For WS-760M, WS-750M only
] mode indicator,
] mode indicator,
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
When [
3 4
] mode is selected:
File lis t display
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
When [
] mode is selected:
When [
] mode is selected:
Identification of parts
When [
] mode is selected:
! @ #
$ %
& *
Identification of parts
For WS-650S:
1 Recording media indicator*1,
Folder name, Battery indicator
2 File name 3 Recording media indicator*1,
Folder name, Battery indicator
4 File name
*1 For WS-760M, WS-750M only
File dis play
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
When [
] mode is selected:
1 2
3 4
5 6
For WS-650S:
1 2
3 4
5 6
8 9
1 Recording media indicator*1,
File name, Battery indicator
2 Folder indicator,
Recording mode indicator
3 During recording mode:
Remaining memory bar indicator
During playback mode:
Playback position bar indicator
4 Record/ Playback status indicator 5 Recording date and time 6 [ ?] Microphone Sensitivity
[û] VCVA indicator,
[Æ] Voice sync indicator,
[%] Noise Cancel indicator*1,
[$] Voice Filter indicator, [0] Low Cut Filter indicator,
8 9
[≤] Zoom MIc indicator*2
Identification of parts
Power supply
7 [í] Erase lock indicator,
[Ø] Speaker muting indicator,
Current file number/ Total number of recorded files in the folder
During recording mode:
Elapsed recording time
During playback mode:
Elapsed playback time
Identification of parts/Power supply
9 During recording mode:
Remaining recording time
During playback or stop mode:
File length
0 Playback mode indicator ! Title name @ Artist name # Album name $ Elapsed playback time %
[∞] EUPHONY indicator*1
[ù] Equalizer indicator*1
^ Current file number/ Total
number of recorded files in the folder [í] Erase lock indicator,
[Ø] Speaker muting indicator
& File length * Playback mode indicator
*1 For WS-760M, WS-750M only *2 For WS-760M only
Inserting batteries
This recorder can be used with either Ni-MH Rechargeable Bat teries or AAA Alkaline Batteries.
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
• When charging the recorder, be sure to use the supplied speci ed Ni-MH rechargeable (BR401) batteries.
• The supplied rechargeable batteries are not fully charged. Before using the unit or af ter long periods of disuse, it is recommended that you continuously charge them until full ( P.12 ).
For WS-650S:
• This recorder cannot charge rechargeable batteries.
1 Lightly press down on the arrow
and slide the battery cover open.
Power supply
2 Insert size-AAA battery,
observing the correct = and
- polarities.
3 Close the battery cover
completely by pressing to the direction A, then sliding to the direction B.
• Manganese batteries may not be used in this recorder.
• When changing batteries, AAA alkaline batteries or Olympus Ni-MH rechargeable batteries are recommended.
• Be sure to stop the recorder before replacing the batteries. Unloading the batteries while the recorder is in use may cause a malfunction such as corrupting the  le, etc. If you are recording into a  le and the batteries run out, you will loose your currently recorded  le because the  le header will not be able to close. It is crucial to change the batteries once you see only one Hash mark in the battery indicator.
• If it takes longer than 1 minute to replace the dead bat teries or if you take the batteries in and out repeatedly at short intervals,
you may have to redo the batter y and time settings. In this case, the [Battery] screen will appear. For more details, refer to “Battery settings” ( P.12 ) .
• Remove the batteries if you are not going to use the recorder for an ex tended period of time.
• When replacing rechargeable batteries, be sure to use Ni-MH rechargeable batteries (optional). The use of other manufac turers' products can damage the recorder and should be avoided.
Power supp ly
Power supply
Battery settings
Select to match the battery you are using.
1 Replace the battery and switch
on the recorder.
2 Press the + or − button to change
the setting.
Power supp ly
[Ni-MH] (õ):
Selec t when using the Olympus
Ni-MH rechargeable battery (BR401).
[Alkaline] (ú):
Selec t when using a commercially
available alkaline batter y.
3 Press the OK `/
complete the setting.
• If the “Hour” indicator f lashes in the display, see “Setti ng time and date [Time & Date]” ( P.1 7).
Battery indicator
The battery indicator on the display changes as the batteries loose power.
• When [æ] appears on the display,
replace the batteries as soon as possible. When the batteries are too weak, [s] and [Battery Low] appears on the display and the recorder shuts down.
Battery type
button to
• When playing a voice/music  le, the recorder may be reset due to the reduction of the voltage output of the batteries depending on the volume level even if [º] is displayed in the batter y indicator. In this case, lower the volume of the recorder.
Charging by connecting to a computer via USB
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
You can charge the batteries by connecting to a PC's USB port. When charging, be sure to correctly place the rechargeable batteries (supplied) into the recorder ( P.1 0).
Do not cha rge primary batteries such as alkal ine or lithium batteries.I t may cause battery leakag e heating and recorder malfunction.
1 Boot the PC.
2 Slide the USB connector slide
lever in the direction indicated by the arrow to eject the USB connector out of the recorder.
Power supply
3 Make sure that the recorder is
stopped, and connect to the PC's USB port.
4 Press the OK `/
button to
start charging.
5 Charging is completed when
batter y indication becomes to [ ¿].
Charging time: approximately 3 hours *
* It shows the approximate time when
charging the rechargeable bat tery fully from no remaining power at the room temperature. The charging time will be changed depending on the remaining amount and the state of batteries.
Connect to the USB connecting AC adapter (optional) to charge
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
It can be charged by connecting to the USBconnec ting AC adapter (A514) (optional).
1 Connect the record er to the AC
adapters USB port.
To the
USBconnec ting
AC adapter ’s
(A514) USB
2 Connect the AC adapter to a
household power outlet.
Power supp ly
To th e
power outlet
Power supply
3 Press the OK `/
button to
start charging.
Power supp ly
If [USB Connec t] has not been set
to [AC Adapt er], [Please wait] will continue to be displayed ( P. 61) .
4 Charging is completed when
batter y indication becomes to [ ¿].
• The recorder cannot be charged when the PC is not turned on. Also, it may not be charged when the PC is not switched on, or when it is in the standby, hibernate or sleep mode.
• Do not charge the recorder with the USB hub connected.
• Insert the supplied rechargeable battery and set [Battery] to [Ni-MH]. If [Battery] is set to [Alkaline], you cannot recharge ( P. 12).
• You cannot charge when [ø]*1 or []*2 blinks. Charge the batteries at the temperature from 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F). *1 [ø]: When surrounding temperature is
*2 []: When surrounding temperature is
• When using time becomes notably short
• Be sure to push the USB connector all the
• Use the supplied USB extension cable
even after the batteries are fully charged, replace them with new ones.
way in. Otherwise, the recorder may not operate properly.
depending on situations.
• Do not use USB extension cables other than the supplied cable.
Using c ables from other ma nufacturers
could result in damage to the recorder. Do not use the su pplied USB extensi on cable with device s from other manufa cturers.
Cauti ons conce rning th e rechar geable b atteri es
Read the following descriptions carefully when you use the Ni-MH rechargeable batteries.
The rechargeable batteries self-discharge while this is not in use. Be sure to charge them regularly before use.
Operating temperature:
The rechargeable batteries are chemical products. The rechargeable batteries efficiency may fluc tuate even when operating within the recommended temperature range. This is an inherent nature of such products.
Recommended temperature range:
When operating appliance:
0°C - 42°C / 32° F - 107.6°F
5°C - 35°C/ 41°F - 95°F
Storage f or a long period:
–20°C - 30°C/ –4°F - 86°F Using the rechargeable batteries outside the above temperature range may result in declining efficiency and shorter batter y life. In order to prevent battery leak age or rust, remove the rechargeable batteries from the products when you will not be using them for a long time, and store them separately.
Power supply
• This r ecorder is designe d to fully charge batteri es regardless of the ir energy level. However, for bes t results when charg ing newly pur chased rechargea ble batteries or batte ries that have not been us ed for a long time (m ore than one month), It is recommen ded to fully charge th e batteries then disch arge repeatedly fo r 2 to 3 times.
• When disposing rechargeable batteries, always observe the local laws and regulations. Contact you local recycling center for proper disposal methods.
• If Ni-MH rechargeable batteries are not fully discharged, protect against short­circuiting (e.g. by taping the contacts) before disposing.
For customers in G ermany:
Olympus has a contract with the GRS (Joint Batter y Disposal Association) in Germany to ensure environmentally friendly disposal.
Turning on/off the power
When the recorder is not being used, turn the power off to reduce battery consumption to a minimum. Even if the power is turned of f, existing data, mode set tings, and clock settings will be maintained.
Turning o n the power
While the recorder’s power is off, slide the direction indicated by the arrow.
switch in the
• The display will turn on, and the power will be turned on.
• The resume function will bring the recorder back to the stop position in memory before power was turned off.
Turning o ff the powe r
Slide the
switch in the
direction indicated by the arrow for
0.5 seconds or longer.
• The display shuts of f, and the power will be turned off.
• The resume function rememb ers the stop position before the power is turned off.
Power save m ode
If the recorder is on and stops for 10 minutes or longer (default), the display shuts of f and it goes into power save mode
( P. 57).
• To exit power save mode, press any button.
Power supp ly
If you bring the recorder is set to HOLD mode, the running conditions will be preserved, and all buttons will be disabled. This feature is useful when the recorder has to be carried in a bag or pocket. Also, you can stop to prevent accident during recording.
Set the r ecorder to HO LD mode
Slide the [
• After [Hold] appears on the display, the
• If you press any button in HOLD mode, the clock display  ashes for 2 seconds, but it will
• If HOLD is applied during playback (recording), operation is disabled with the playback
] position.
recorder is set to HOLD mode.
not operate the recorder.
(recording) state unchanged (When playback has ended and the recording has ended due to the remaining memory being used up, it will stop).
switch to the
Exit HOLD mode
Slide the A position.
switch to the
Setting time and date [Time & Date]
If you set the time and date beforehand, the information when the file is recorded is automatically stored for each file. Setting the time and date beforehand enables easier file management.
When you use the recorder for the first t ime after purchasing it, or when the batteries have been inserted without the device having been use d in a long time, the [ will app ear. When the “ flashing, conduct th e setup from Step 1.
Set Tim e & Date
” is
9 0 button OK `/MENU
1 Press the 9 or 0 button to
select the item to set.
• Select the item from the “Hour”, “Minute”, “ Year ”, “ Month” and “Day” with a flashing point.
2 Press the + or − button to set.
• Follow the same steps by pressing the
9 or 0 button to select the next item, and press the set.
• You can selec t between 12 and 24 hour display by pressing the LIST button while setting the hour and minute.
Example: 10:38 P.M
10:3 8 PM (Initial sett ing)
• You can selec t the order of the “Month”, “ Day” and “Yea r” by pressing the LIST button while setting them.
Example: July 15, 2010
7M 15D 2010Y (Initial sett ing)
15D 7M 2010Y
2010Y 7M 15D
3 Press the OK `/
or − button to
button to
complete the setting.
• The clock will star t from the set date and time. Press the OK `/MENU button according to the time signal.
• If you press the OK `/MENU button
during the setup operation, the recorder will save the items that were set to that point.
Setti ng time and date
Setting time and date [Time & Date]
Changing the time and date
While the recorder is during stop mode, press and hold the STOP (4) button to display the [Time & Date] and [Remain]. If the current time and date is not correct, set it using the
procedure below.
Setti ng time and date
9 0 button
OK `/MENU button
1 While the recorder is during
stop mode, press and hold the
• The menu will appear on the display ( P. 47) .
2 Press the + or − button to select
Device Menu
• You can change the menu display by moving the settings tab cursor.
] tab.
(4 ) but ton
3 Press the OK `/
or 9
button to move the cursor to the item to set.
• [Device Menu] will appear on the display.
4 Press the + or − button to select
Time & Date
5 Press the OK `/
or 9
• [Time & D ate] will appear on the display.
• The “Hour” will f lash on the display, indicating the start of the Time and Date setup process.
The following steps are the same as Step 1 through Step 3 of “Setting time
and date [ Time & Date]” ( P.17).
6 Press the
(4) button to close
the menu screen.
Inserting and ejecting a microSD card
• Inserting the microSD card the wrong
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
The “microSD” indicated in the instruction manual refers to both microSD and microSDHC . This recorder can be used with commercially available microSD cards as well as the built-in memory.
Inserting a microSD card
1 While the recorder is during stop
mode, open the card cover.
2 Face the microSD card the correct
way and insert it into the card slot as shown in the diagram.
• Insert the microSD card keeping it straight.
way or at an angle could damage the contact area or cause the microSD card to jam.
• If the microSD card is not inserted all the way, data may not be written to the microSD card.
3 Close the card cover securely.
• When you insert the microSD card, the recording media changeover display will appear.
4 When you are recording to a
microSD card, press the + or − button and select [
Inser ting and ejec ting a micr oSD card
5 Press the OK `/
complete the setting.
button to
Inserting and ejecting a microSD card
• It is possible to switch the recording media over to the built-in memory ( P. 47, P. 57 ).
• In some cases microSD card which have been formatted (initialized) by another device, such as a computer, cannot be recognized. Be sure to format them with
this recorder before using ( P.63).
Inser ting and ejec ting a micr oSD card
Ejecting a microSD card
1 While the recorder is during stop
mode, open the card cover.
2 Push the microSD card inward to
unlock it, and let it eject partially.
• The microSD card is visibly out of the slot and can be removed safely.
• If you ejec t the microSD card when the memor y is selected to [microSD Card], it will automatically changed to [Built-in Memory Selected].
3 Close the card cover securely.
• Releasing your  nger quickly after pushing the microSD card inward may cause it to eject forcefully out of the slot.
• Before inserting the microSD card, turn o the write protection func tion. Check the Olympus website regarding microSD cards which are con rmed operation with this recorder.
• This recorder may not recognize correctly on some microSD cards which are not compatible with this recorder.
• In the case when the microSD card cannot be recognized, remove the microSD card then put it in again to see if this recorder recognizes the microSD card.
• The processing per formance reduces in a microSD card when you repeat writing and delete. In this case, format the microSD card ( P.63).
[Home] display operations
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
As well as an vo ice recorder and a music p layer, you can also u se the recorder as a ra dio*.
* For WS-760M only.
When [
The recorder will go into [Recorder]
mode. You will be able to record and playback files recorded by the recorder ( P.25, P.3 1).
] is selected:
OK `/MENU button
1 Press the
to set the [
[Home] will appear on the display.
button repeatedly
] display.
2 Press the + or — button to select
the mode.
3 Press the OK `/
When [
The re corder will go into [Music] mode,
and you will a ble to playback music f iles transferred to the recorder ( P. 31).
When [
The recorder will go into [FM Radio]
mode, and you will be able to receive FM radio( P. 41, P.4 2).
* For WS-760M only
• During recording, you cannot switch the mode without stopping the recorder.
] is selected:
FM Radi o
]* is selected:
[Home] display operations
Notes on the folders
The built-in memor y or the microSD card can be used for the recording media (For WS -760M, WS-750M only). The voice files and the music f iles are separated into folders for voice
recordings and folders for music playback that are organized in a branching tree-st yle and saved.
About the folders for voice recordings
[Folder A] - [Folder E] within the [Recorder] folder are the folders for voice recordings. When recording with this recorder, selec t any one of the five folders and then record.
Notes on th e folders
You can change the mode on the [Home] display
(For WS-760M, WS-750M only).
Folder File
Folder A
Folder B
Folder C
Folder D
Folder E
Become s destination fo r microphone recording.
Each fol der can store up to
200 files .
When you record from the radio, the recording will be stored automatically in the
[Radio Folder] folder (For WS-760M o nly).
Files or folders located under the folder [Recorder] will not be indicated on the recorder.
Notes on the folders
About the folder for music playback
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
When trans ferring music f iles to the device using W indows Media Player, a fold er is automatically created wit hin the music playbac k folder which has a laye red structure as s hown in the diagram below. Musi c files that are in the s ame folder can be r earranged in pre ferential order an d replayed ( P.5 9) .
Notes on th e folders
First layer Second layer
Artist 01
Artist 02
Artist 03
Album 01
Album 02
Album 03
Up to 300 fo lders can be crea ted under the [Music] folder, including [Music].
Each fol der can store up to 200 f iles.
Selecting the folders and files
Change folders while the operation is stopped or played back. For information on the layered structure of the folders, see the sec tion entitled “
] displ ay*
Notes on the fold ers” ( P.22, P. 23) .
Operation of the folders for voice recordings
Selec ting the fol ders and fil es
Example: WS-760M
Opera tion of the fol ders for mus ic playback s
Folder list
Moving t hrough th e levels
Return: LIST
Each time you press this it returns up one level. The list display can be operated by the 0 button.
When you press and hold the LIST
button while moving in a hierarchy of folders, it will return to the  le display.
Proceed: OK
Each time you press this it opens the folder or file selected in the list display and proceeds down one level.
The list display screen can be
operated by the 9 button.
(First layer)
Folder list
+ or – button
Select the folder or file.
Folder list
Folder list
(Second l ayer)
File list d isplay File disp lay
File list d isplay File disp lay
] display*:
Allows the mode of the recorder to be changed ( P.21).
File display:
Information of the selected file is displayed. Enters in playback standby mode.
List display:
The folders and files recorded in this recorder are displayed.
* For WS-760M, WS-750M only
About recording
Before starting recording, select a folder between [&] to [*]. These five folders can be selectively used to distinguish the kind of recording; for example, Folder [ &] might be used to store private information, while Folder ['] might be dedicated to holding business information.
(s) button
a Recording mode b Remaining memory bar indicator c Elapsed recording time d Remaining recording time e Level meter (change according to
the recording level and recording function settings)
• [Rec Mode] cannot be changed in the recording standby mode or while recording. Configure this while the recorder is stopped ( P.47, P.4 9).
3 Press the
(4) button to stop
• [¶] will appear on the display.
For WS-760M/WS-750M:
• In mo des other than [Recorder] mode, [Cannot rec ord in this fol der] will appear if y ou press the REC (s) button. Only reco rd after you have set the mo de to [Recorder] mode on the [Home] display (☞ P.21).
• With t he WS-760M, you can recor d FM radio in [FM Radio] mode ( P.46).
1 Select the recording folder
( P. 22 to P. 24) .
2 Press the
(s) button to start
• The recording indicator light glows
and [´] will appear on the display.
• Turn the microphone in the direction of the source to be recorded.
a b
c d e
f File length
• To ensure that you do not lose the beginning of the recording, only record after con rming that the recording indicator light is lit and checking the mode indicator on the display.
• When remaining recording time is less than 60 seconds, the recording indicator light starts  ashing. When the recording time is decreasing to 30 or 10 seconds, the light  ashes faster.
• [Folder Full] will appear when the recording cannot be made any further. Select on other folder or delete any unnecessary  les before recording ( P. 39).
• [Memory Full] will appear when the memory is full. Delete any unnecessary  les before recording any further ( P. 39).
For WS-760M, WS-750M only :
• We recommend formatting the record media in the recorder before recording ( P.63).
• When a microSD card is inserted in the recorder, be sure to con rm the recording media as either [Built-in Memory] or [microSD Card] so that there is no
mistake ( P. 47, P.5 7) .
• If the REC (s) button is pressed when a function other than the record function
is speci ed, [Cannot record in thi s folder] is displayed. Select a folder from
[Folder A] through [Folder E] and star t recording again.
Settings relating to Recording
[Mic Sen se] ( P. 47, P. 49 )
[Rec Mode] *1 ( P. 47, P. 49 )
[Zoom Mic] *2 ( P. 47, P. 50 )
[Low Cut Filter] ( P. 47, P. 50 )
[VCVA] ( P. 47, P. 50 )
[V-Sync. Rec] ( P. 47, P. 51)
[Rec Scene] ( P. 47, P. 52 )
*1 For WS-760M (In [FM Radio] mode, the
only set ting of the [Rec Mode] settings you can change is the recording  le format).
Sets the r ecording sens itivity.
Sets the r ecording rate fo r each recording format.
Sets the d irectivit y of the builtin stereo microphone
This fun ction can redu ce noise fr om air condition ers, projectors and other similar noises.
Sets the t hreshold leve l for the Varia ble Control Voice Actuator (VCVA).
Sets the s tart level fo r voice sync recording.
Sets the recording settings which matc hes the recordi ng condition or environment.
*2 For WS-760M only.
While the recorder is during recording mode, press the
• [≠] will appear on the display.
• The recorder will time out after 60 minutes when left in [
Rec Pause].
Resume Recording:
Press the
• Recording will resume at the point of
(s) button again.
To quick ly check on t he record ed content s
While the recorder is during recording mode, press the OK `/
• [•] will appear on the display.
• When operating in [Recorder] mode, the last file recorded using the microphone will be play back.
• When operating in [FM R adio] mode, the recorder will automatically enter [Recorder recorded from the FM radio will play back.
] mode, and the last file
Listen ing while a udio is rec orded
If you star t recording after inserting the earphone into the EAR jack on the recorder, you can hear the sound being recorded. The recording monitor volume can be adjusted by pressing the + or button.
Connect the earphone to the
jack on the recorder.
• After recording has started, you can hear the sound being recorded through the earphone.
To EAR jack
• Recording level cannot be controlled using the volume button.
• When using the earphones, do NOT set the volume too high. Listening at very high volume may lead to hearing loss.
• Do not place earphones near a microphone as this may cause feedback.
• When the ex ternal speaker is connected while recording, there is a risk that audio feedback will occur.
Changing the recording scene [Rec Scene]
You can easily change the recording settings by selecting the scene which best matches your usage ( P.47, P.5 2) .
OK `/MENU button
1 While the recorder is during
stop mode, press and hold the
2 Press the + or − button to select
Rec Scen e
3 Press the OK `/
4 Press the + or − button to select
the recording scene.
5 Press the OK `/
Recommended settings by recording condition
The recorder is initially set to [ST XQ] (WMA format) mode so that you can make high quality stereo recordings immediately after purchasing it. The various functions relating to recording can be conf igured in detail to suit the recording conditions. The following table shows the recommended settings for some example recording conditions.
Recording condition
Lectures in large
Conferences with large c rowds.
Meetings and business negotiations with a small nu mber of people.
Dict ation with a lot of background noise.
Music p laying, wild birds singing, and railway sounds.
Recommended settings
[Rec Mode] ( P. 47, P. 49 )
[PCM]: [44.1kHz/16bit] *2 [MP3]: [128kbp s] or more [WMA]: [ST XQ]
[MP3]: [128kbp s] or more [WMA]: [ST XQ]
[MP3]: [128kbps] [WMA]: [ST XQ]
[WMA]: [HQ] [Low]
[PCM]: [44.1kHz/16bit] *2
[Mic Sen se] ( P. 47, P. 49 )
Set the mi crophone sensitivity accordin g to the volume b eing recorded.
*1 For WS-760M only. *2 For WS-760M, WS-750M only. *3 For WS- 650S only.
File names will be automatically created for files recorded by this recorder.
WS76 0001 .WMA
3 Extension: These are the  le name extensions for
the recording format when recording with this device.
• Linear PCM format* .WAV
1 User ID: The user ID name that has been set on
the Digital Voice Recorder.
2 File number:
A  le number is consecutively
assigned regardless of the changes in the recording media.
• MP3 format . MP3
• WMA format .WMA
* For WS-760M, WS-750M only.
[Low Cut Fil ter] ( P. 47, P. 50 )
[Off ]
[Zoom Mic]*1 ( P. 47, P. 50 )
[Off ]
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