Thank you for purchasing an Olympus Digital Voice Recorder. Please read these
instructions for information about using the product correctly and safely. Keep
the instructions handy for future reference. To ensure successful recordings, we
recommend that you test the record function and volume before use.
Gracias por haber comprado la grabadora digital de voz Olympus Digital
Voice Recorder. Lea estas instrucciones para obtener información sobre el uso
correcto de este producto y para su seguridad. Guarde estas instrucciones
en un lugar a mano para su referencia en el futuro. Para tener éxito en las
grabaciones se recomienda hacer un ensayo previo de la función de grabación
y su volumen.
Merci d’avoir porté votre choix sur cet enregistreur vocal numérique. Lisez ce
mode d’emploi pour une utilisation correcte et sûre de l’appareil. Conservez-le à
portée de la main pour toute consultation ultérieure. Nous vous recommandons
de tester la fonction d’enregistrement et le volume avant l’utilisation pour
obtenir de bons enregistrements.
Obrigado por ter adquirido um Gravador de Voz Digital da OLYMPUS. Leia por
favor estas instruções para obter informação sobre como utilizar correctamente
e em segurança este produto. Mantenha as instruções em local acessível para
futuras consultas.
Declaration of Conformity
Model N umber : WS- 500M/WS- 400S
Address : 3500 C orporate Park way, P.O. Bo x 610, Ce nter Valley, PA 18034-0610,
Telephone Number :1-888-553-4448
This dev ice Complies with P art 15 of the FCC Rules. Op eration is subj ect to the follow ing two conditi ons:
(1) This device may no t cause harmful i nterference , and (2) this device mus t accept any interf erence
receive d, including in terference th at may cause undesi red operatio n.
U.S. A.
Tes ted To Com ply
With FCC Standards
Canadian RFI
This digi tal apparatus d oes not exceed th e Class B limits for r adio noise emiss ions from digit al apparatus as s et out in
the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Cet appar eil numérique n e dépasse pas les l imites de la Catégo rie B pour les émi ssions de bruit r adio émanant
d’appare ils numérique s, tel que prévu dan s les Règlement s sur l’Inter férence Radio d u Départemen t Canadien des
• This manu al is a basic versio n.
Please re fer to the complet e
advanced manual either from the
stored data in the [OL_MANUAL]
folder o f the recorder or d ownload
the data f rom the OLYMPUS
• The conte nts of this docume nt
may be chan ged in the future
withou t advanced notic e. Contact
our Custo mer Support Ce nter for
the latest information relating
to produ ct names and mod el
• The utmo st care has been t aken
to ensure th e integrity of t he
contents o f this document . In the
unlikel y event that a questi onable
item, er ror, or omission is fo und,
please co ntact our Custo mer
Support Center.
• Any liabil ity for passiv e damages or
damage of a ny kind occurre d due
to data los s incurred by a def ect of
the prod uct, repair p erformed by
the third party other than Olympus
or an Oly mpus authorize d service
statio n, or any other reas on is
Trademarks and registered trademarks:
• IBM and PC /AT are the trade marks
or regis tered tradema rks of
International Business Machines
• Microso ft, Windows a nd Windows
Media are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
• Macintos h and iTunes are the
tradem arks of Apple In c.
• MPEG Layer-3 a udio coding
techno logy licensed f rom
Fraunhof er IIS and Thomso n.
• WOW XT, SRS and } sy mbol are
tradem arks of SRS Labs , Inc.
• WOW XT technology is
incorp orated under li cense from
SRS Labs , Inc
• The pro duct was develo ped based
on noise-canceling technology
under li cense from NEC
Other p roduct and bra nd names
mentio ned herein may be th e
trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owners.
Safe and Proper Usage
Before using your new recorder, read
this manu al carefully to e nsure that
you know h ow to operate it saf ely
and corre ctly. Keep this ma nual in an
easily ac cessible locat ion for future
• The warn ing symbols in dicate
important safety related
information. To protect yourself
and others from personal injury or
damage to p roperty, it is e ssential
that you al ways read the warni ngs
and info rmation provid ed.
General precautions
• Do not leave t he recorder in hot ,
humid lo cations such as ins ide a
closed a utomobile und er direct
sunligh t or on the beach in th e
• Do not sto re the recorder in p laces
expos ed to excessive mois ture or
• Do not use o rganic solvent s such
as alcoho l and lacquer thin ner to
clean the u nit.
• Do not pla ce the recorder on t op of
or near el ectric appl iances such as
TVs or refrigerators.
• Avoid reco rding or playing b ack
near cellular phones or other
wireless equipment, as they may
cause int erference a nd noise. If you
experience noise, move to another
place, or m ove the recorder f urther
away from s uch equipment .
• Avoid sand o r dirt. These c an cause
irrepa rable damage.
• Avoid stro ng vibrations o r shocks.
• Do not dis assemble, rep air or
modify the unit yourself.
• Do not ope rate the unit whil e
operat ing a vehicle (such a s a
bicycl e, motorcycle , or go-car t).
• Keep the un it out of the reach o f
Warnin g regardi ng data loss:
Record ed content in memo ry may
be destr oyed or erased by o perating
mistakes, unit malfunction, or during
repair work.
It is recom mended to back up a nd
save impo rtant content to o ther
media su ch as a computer hard d isk.
Any liabil ity for passiv e damages or
damage of a ny kind occurre d due to
data loss i ncurred by a defe ct of the
produc t, repair per formed by the
third par ty other than O lympus or an
Olymp us authorized s ervice stati on,
or any othe r reasons is exclud ed from
the Olympus’s liability.
f Danger:
• Batter ies should neve r be exposed
to ame, heated, short-circuited or
• Never sto re batteries w here they
will be ex posed to direc t sunlight,
or subjected to high temper atures
in a hot vehi cle, near a heat sou rce,
f Warning :
• Do not sol der lead wires or
termina ls directly on to a battery or
modify it.
• Do not conn ect the = and termina ls together. This ma y cause
re, over heating or elec tric shock.
• When car rying or stor ing the
batter ies, be sure to put i t in
the provi ded case to prote ct its
termina ls. Do not carr y or store the
batter ies with any meta l objects
(such as key ri ngs).
If this war ning is not follo wed, re,
overheat ing or electr ic shock may
• Do not conn ect the batte ries
direc tly to a power outle t or a
cigaret te lighter of an au tomobile.
• Do not inse rt the batter ies with
their = and - termin als reversed.
• If any liqu id from a batter y gets
into your eyes, promptly wash it o
with clea n water and consult y our
doctor at once.
• Do not at tempt to recharge
alkaline, lithium or any other non rechargeable batteries.
• Never use a ny batteries wi th a torn
or cracke d outer cover.
• Keep bat teries out of the r each of
• If you noti ce anything unu sual
when usin g this product s uch as
abnorm al noise, heat, sm oke, or a
burning odor:
1 remove th e batteries
immedi ately while bei ng careful
not to burn y ourself, and;
2 call you r dealer or loca l Olympus
repres entative for ser vice.
• Do not exp ose the batter ies to
water. Do not a llow water to
contac t the terminals.
• Do not rem ove or damage the
batteries insulating sheet.
• Do not use th e batteries if y ou
nd something wrong with them
such as lea kage, color chan ge or
• Unplug th e charger if the cha rging
is still in complete aft er the
speci ed tim e it should take.
• Should a ny batteries liq uid get on
skin or clothing, promptly wash it
o with clea n water.
• Keep bat teries away from re.
f Caution:
• Do not subj ect batteri es to strong
• When usi ng rechargeabl e batteries
that have not b een used for a
while, b e sure to recharge th em
before use.
• Rechar geable batter ies have
limited l ifetime. When t he
operat ing time become s shorter
even if the r echargeable b attery is
fully ch arged under the s peci ed
conditi on, replace it wi th a new
Getting started
Identification of parts
1 EAR (Earphone) jac k
2 MIC (Micro phone) jac k
3 Built-in stereo microphone (L)
4 Built-in stereo microphone (R)
5 Record ing indica tor light
6 LIST button
7 Strap hole
8 Display (LC D panel)
9 Built-in speaker
! REC s (Record) button
@ 0 button
# MENU button
$ – button
% INDEX/ERASE button
` button
^ OK
& 9 button
* STOP 4 button
( Battery cover
) HOLD switch
- Mode (VOIC E/MUSIC) switch*
= USB connec tor slide le ver
q USB connector
* For W S-500M only.
** F or WS-400S o nly.
Displ ay (LCD panel):
Folder list display:
" For WS-500M: A
When [VOICE] m ode is selec ted:
" For WS-400S: A
1 [VOI CE] mode indicator
Record / Playback st atus indic ator
Battery indicator
2 Folder name
" For WS-500M: B
When [MUSIC] mode is sel ected:
3 [MUSIC] mode i ndicator
Record / Playback st atus indic ator
Battery indicator
4 Folder name
File list display:
" For WS-500M: C
When [VOICE] m ode is selecte d:
" For WS-400S: C
1 Folder name
Record / Playback st atus indic ator
Battery indicator
2 File name
" For WS-500M: D
When [
] mode is se lected:
3 Folder name
Record / Playback st atus indic ator
Battery indicator
4 File name
File disp lay:
" For WS-500M: E
When [VOICE] m ode is selecte d:
" For WS-400S: E
1 File name
Record / Playback st atus indic ator
Battery indicator
2 Folder indicator
Recording mode indicator
3 During recording mode:
Remaining memory bar indicator
During playback mode:
Playback position bar indicator
4 Record ing date and tim e
5 [?] Microphone Sensitivity
[!] VC VA indicator
[%] N oise Cancel i ndicator
[$] Vo ice Filter ind icator
[0] L ow Cut Filter ind icator6 Current file number/ Total number
of recor ded files i n the folder
7 During recording mode:
Elapsed r ecording time
During playback mode:
Elapsed playback time
8 During recording mode:
Remaining recording time
Durin g playback or s top mode:
File length
9 Playback mode indicator
" For WS-500M: F
When [
] mode is se lected:
0 Title name
! Artist name
@ Album name
# Elapsed playback time
$ [#] WOW X T indicator
["] E qualizer ind icator% Current file number/ Total number
of recor ded files i n the folder
^ File length
& Playback mode indicator
Inser ting batte ries (Fig. 1)
" For WS-500M:
• When cha rging with the
record er, be sure to use the
suppli ed specifie d Ni-MH
recharg eable (BR401) batte ries.
" For WS-400S:
• This reco rder cannot cha rge
rechargeable batteries.
1 Lig htly press d own on the arr ow
and sli de the batte ry cover ope n.
2 Insert size-AAA alkaline battery,
obser ving the co rrect = and
- polarities.
3 Clo se the batte ry cover com pletely
by press ing to the dir ection A,
then sl iding to the d irectio n B.
• If the “hour” i ndicator ashes in
the displ ay, see “Settin g Time and Date [T ime & Date]”.
Charg ing by conn ecting t o a computer
via USB (Fig. 2)
" For WS-500M:
1 Boo t the PC.
2 Sli de the USB conne ctor slid e lever
in the di rection i ndicated by t he
arrow to e ject the USB co nnector
out of th e recorder.
3 Whi le pressin g the
connec t to the PC’s USB por t.
• If [Cannot charge] is displaye d, it
means tha t a battery that c annot
be charg ed is in the recorde r.
Replace t he batteries w ith
supplied ones at once.
4 button,
Turning o n/off the powe r (Fig. 3)
Turning o n the power:
Slide t he
direction that indicated by the arrow.
Turning o ff the power :
While t he record er is duri ng stop mod e,
slide t he
indic ated by the a rrow.
switc h in the opp osite
switch in the direction
Power save m ode:
If the rec order is stopp ed/not used
for over 5 mi nutes after it is t urned
on, it goe s into standby (pow er-save)
mode, an d the display shut s off. To
exit st andby mode and tu rn on the
display, press any button.
Setti ng time and da te
Time & Dat e
When you u se the recorder fo r the
firs t time after pur chasing it, or whe n
the batt eries have been in serted
withou t the device having b een
used in a lo ng time, the [Set Time & Date] will appe ar. When the “hour”
is flash ing, conduct th e setup from
Step 5.
1 Whi le the recor der is duri ng stop
mode, pr ess the
2 Pre ss the + or − but ton to selec t
Device Menu
• You can chang e the menu
display by moving the set tings
tab curs or.
3 Press the OK ` or 9 button to
move the c ursor to the i tem to set.
4 Press the
• The “hour” wi ll flash on the
display, indicating the start
of the Time and Date setup
5 Press the 9 or 0 button to
select the item to set.
6 Pre ss the + or − but ton to set.
• Follow th e same steps by
pressin g the 9 or 0 button
to selec t the next item , and press
the + or − button to set.
• You can sele ct between 12 and
24 hour disp lay by pressing the
LIST button w hile setting t he
hour and m inute.
• You can sele ct the order of th e
“month”, “day” a nd “year” by
pressin g the LIST button while
setti ng them.
7 Press the OK ` butto n to complet e
the setting.
• The clo ck will start f rom the set
date and ti me. Press the OK`
butto n according to the ti me
] (Fig. 4)
] tab.
` or 9 button.
(Fig. 5)
] mode an d [
] mode
" For WS-500M:
] mode:
Slide t he mode swi tch to [
Slide t he mode swi tch to [
Recording (Fig. 6)
" For WS-500M:
• If the RECs button is pressed
while the m ode switch is set
to [MUSIC], [Music Mode] will
flash o n the display. Set the
mode sw itch to [VOICE] b efore
1 Sel ect the rec ording fo lder.
• Pressi ng the LIST button at the
file di splay while stop ped will
return yo u to the next high er
level. Pr essing the LIST button
repeate dly will bring yo u to the
folder list display.
• Pressing button + or − at the
folder l ist display will s elect the
folder s for voice record ings.
2 Pre ss the RECs button to start
• The reco rding indicato r light
glows and [ 7] will appear on th e
a Recording mode
b Remai ning memory b ar
c Remaining recording time
d Elapse d recording tim e
e Level me ter (change accord ing
to the reco rding level and
recording function settings)
3 Pre ss the STOP4 but ton to stop
• [4] w ill appear on the di splay.f File length
Playback (Fig. 7)
" For WS-500M:
• When play ing back file s
transf erred from a PC, s et the
mode sw itch according to th e
folder type.
• When p laying back fi les
record ed on the recorde r, set the
mode sw itch to [VOICE].
1 Sel ect the fol der which c ontains th e
file s to be played bac k.
• Pressing the LIST button at the
file di splay during play back or
while sto pped will retu rn you to
the nex t higher level. Pr essing
the LIST button repeatedly
will bri ng you to the folder l ist
• Pressing button + or − a t the
folder l ist display will s elect the
folder s for voice record ings and
press the OK` or 9 button.
2 In th e File list dis play, press the + o r
− butto n to select t he file that y ou
want to pl ayback.
• In the File di splay, press the 9
or 0 button to se lect a file.
3 Press the OK ` butto n to start
• [6] will a ppear on the disp lay.
a File name
b Folder indicator
c Playback position bar indicator
d Elapse d playback time
e File length
4 Pre ss the + or − button to adjust to
a comfo rtable li stening vo lume.
• The volu me can be adjuste d
within a ra nge from [00] to [30].
5 Pre ss the
any poin t you want to sto p the
• [4] w ill appear on the di splay.
4 butto n at
Setting an index mark or
a temp mark (Fig. 8)
1 Whi le the recor der is duri ng
recor ding mode or p layback mo de,
press the
• Even aft er an index or temp m ark
is placed , recording or pl ayback
will conti nue so you can plac e
index or t emp marks in othe r
locati ons in a similar mann er.
Clear ing an Inde x Mark or
a Temp Mark (Fig . 9):1 Loc ate the inde x or temp mark
youwan t to clear.
2 Press the 9 or 0 button to
selec t the index o r temp mark to
While the i ndex or temp nu mber
appea rs for appr oximately 2
secon ds on the disp lay, Press the
• The inde x or temp mark is
• Up to 16 index an d temp marks
can be set i n a le. If you try t o
place mor e than 16 index or temp
marks, [Index Full] message
will app ear for index mar ks, and
[Tem p Ma rk Fu ll] for tem p marks.
butto n .
How to begin segment
repeat playback (Fig. p)
1 Sel ect a file t hat has a segm ent you
would li ke to play back r epeatedl y.
2 In th e file list d isplay, pres s the + or
− butto n to select t he file you wa nt
to clear.
3 Press the
4 Press the
you want t o start seg ment repea t
• [w] w ill flash on the di splay.
Press the
the pos ition wher e you want to end
segme nt repeat pl ayback.
• The reco rder repeated ly plays
` button to start
s butto n at the point
s button again at
back the s egment until the
segmen t repeat playba ck is
• As in regu lar play mode, pl ayback
speed c an be changed dur ing
segmen t repeat playba ck as well.
If an inde x mark and temp mark
are inserted or eliminated during
segmen t repeat playba ck, segment
repeat p layback will be c anceled
and it will return to regular play
Erasing (Fig. q)
1 Sel ect the fol der or file y ou want to
2 In th e file list d isplay, pres s the + or
− butto n to select t he file you wa nt
to erase.
3. While the r ecorder i s during sto p
mode, pr ess the
4 Pre ss the + butto n to select
Erase i n Folder
File Era se
5 Press the
6 Pre ss the + butto n to select
7 Press the
• The disp lay changes to [Erase!]
and erasi ng will start .
• [Erase Done] is displayed w hen
the fil e is erased. File n umbers
will be reassigned automatically.
• The locked les and les set as
read- only cannot be e rased.
• If an act ion is not selec ted within 8
seconds, the re corder will return to
stop status.
• It may take ove r 10 seconds to
complete processing. Never
remove batteries during this time
becaus e data may be corru pted. In
additi on, replace the ba tteries with
new ones i n order to ensure tha t
the batt eries will not ru n out while
• For WS-5 00M only:
You can dele te other than [Music]
folder s when the record er is set
to [MUSIC] mode. Ho wever, you
cannot d elete any folder s when
the recor der is set to [VOI CE]
• For WS- 400S only :
You cannot de lete folders th rough
] or
` button.
` button.
Using the recorder on
your PC
Operating environment
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista
(Standard Installation)
Compatible PC’s:
Windows PC’s equipped with more
than one f ree USB port
Operating system:
Mac OS X 10.2. 8 -10.5 (Standa rd
Compatible PC’s:
Apple Macintosh series equipped
with mor e than one free USB po rt
• This is an op erational env ironment
for savin g the les recor ded by
this reco rder to your PC with US B
• Even if operational environment is
satis ed, we do no t support su ch
as upgra ded OS, the mult i-boot
environment and self-modi ed PC’s.
Connecting to your PC
1 Boo t the PC.
2 Sli de the USB conne ctor slid e lever
in the di rection i ndicated by t he
arrow to e ject the USB co nnector
out of th e recorder.
3 Con nect to the PC 's USB port or to a
USB hub.
When you o pen [My Computer],
it will be r ecognized by the d rive
name of the p roduct name.
When you co nnect the reco rder
to a Mac OS, it w ill be recogniz ed
by the driv e name of the produ ct
name on th e desktop.
• [Remote] is appeared on
record er if the USB cable is
connected .
• Ref er to the user’s man ual for your PC
regard ing the USB por t on your PC.
• Be sure to pu sh the cable
connec tor all the way in.
Other wise, the recor der may not
operate properly.
• Use the sup plied USB exte nsion
cable de pending on sit uations.
• Do not use US B extension ca bles
other than the supplied cable.
Using cab les from other
manufacturers could result in
damage to t he recorder. Do not
use the sup plied USB exte nsion
cable wi th devices from ot her
• If you are us ing Windows 200 0,
Window s Media Player must b e
instal led on the PC.
Disco nnectin g from your PC
1 Click [
] on the ta sk bar locat ed
at the lowe r-right co rner of the
scree n. Click [
USB Mass St orade Devic e
• The driv e letter will dif fer
2 Whe n the safe to re move hardwa re
window a ppears, c lick [
3 Dis connect t he recorde r from the
Safely remove
depen ding on the PC bein g
1 Move the drive icon for this recorder
that is a ppear on the d esktop to th e
garba ge bin by Drag & D rop it.
• When you co nnect the reco rder
to a Mac OS, it w ill be recogniz ed
by the driv e name of the produ ct
name on th e desktop.
2 Dis connect t he recorde r from the
• NEVER di sconnect the US B while
the recording indicator light is
ashin g. If you do, the data w ill be
General points
Recording format:
WMA (Windows Media Audio)
Input level:
- 70 dBv
Sampling frequency:
[ST XQ] mode: 44.1 kH z
[ST HQ] mode: 4 4.1 k Hz
[ST SP] mode: 22 kHz
[HQ] mode: 44.1 kHz
[SP] mode: 22 kH z
[LP] mode: 8 k Hz
Frequency response:
During recording mode
(Microp hone jack):
[ST XQ] mode: 50 Hz to 19 kHz
[ST HQ] mode: 50 Hz to 15 kH z
[ST SP] mode: 50 Hz to 9 kH z
[HQ] mode: 50 H z to 13 k Hz
[SP] mode: 50 Hz to 7 k Hz
[LP] mode: 50 H z to 3 kHz
During recording mode
(Built-in stereo microphone):
80 Hz to 20 kHz
During playback mode:
20 Hz to 20 kHz
Maxim um working ou tput:
60 mW (8 Ω speak er)
Recording medium:
Built-i n NAND FLASH memor y
WS-500 M: 2 GB
WS-400S: 1 GB
Built-i n ø 16 m m round dynamic
MIC jack:
ø 3.5 mm mini-jack, impedance
2 kΩ
EAR jac k:
ø 3.5 mm min i-jack, imp edance 8 Ω
or more
Input p ower requir ement:
Batter ies: AAA bat tery (LR03) or
Olymp us Ni-MH recha rgeable
External dimensions:
94.8 mm × 38 m m × 11 mm
(without protrusions)
Weight :
46 g (including battery)
+ 22 hidden pages
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