A copy of the installation and operating instructions to be furnished to the user. A draft copy of the
instructions may be submitted if the actual document is not available. The actual document shall be
furnished to the FCC when it becomes available.
A copy of Alcatel-Lucent 9768 Metro Radio Outdoor B4 User Manual is attached to this exhibit.
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ProprietaryUse pursuant to Company instruction
Title page
Alcatel-Lucent 9768
Metro Radio Outdoor B4
User Manual
Issue 1 | February 2014
Alcatel-Lucent – Internal
Proprietary – Use pursuant to Company instruction
ProprietaryUse pursuant to Company instruction
Legal notice
Legal notice
Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective
The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Contains proprietary/trade secret information which is the property of Alcatel-Lucent and must not be made available to, or copied or used by anyone outside
Alcatel-Lucent without its written authorization.
2-1AC power system wiring color codes ................................................................................................................ 2-22-2
2-2DC power system wiring color codes ................................................................................................................ 2-22-2
2-2Drill hole pattern for right side up orientation ................................................................................................ 2-42-4
2-3Drill hole pattern for upside down orientation ................................................................................................ 2-52-5
3-1Example of 9768 MRO B4 orientations ............................................................................................................ 3-23-2
3-2Pole-mount bracket attachment to a large pole ............................................................................................... 3-33-3
3-3Pole-mount bracket attachment to a small pole .............................................................................................. 3-33-3
3-7Upper screws for attachment to wall-mount bracket .................................................................................... 3-63-6
3-8Bracket ears of the wall-mount bracket ............................................................................................................. 3-73-7
3-9Lower screws for attachment to wall-mount bracket ................................................................................... 3-83-8
3-12Bottom of the 9768 MRO .................................................................................................................................... 3-113-11
3-17FullAXS cable, inner connector body in place ............................................................................................. 3-133-13
3-18FullAXS cable, connected, and watertight .................................................................................................... 3-133-13
3-22Power connector in the connector boot ........................................................................................................... 3-173-17
3-23Connector boot over the connector ................................................................................................................... 3-183-18
The purpose of this document is to provide hardware installation instructions for
Alcatel-Lucent 9768 Metro Radio Outdoor (9768 MRO) B4.
Reason for reissue
The reissue reasons are:
Issue numberIssue DateReason for reissue
1February 2014Standard
Intended audience
The audience for this document is Installation personnel.
Supported systems
This document assumes that a continuous stream of connected devices already delivers
secure connectivity to the public network from one or more reachable places in the venue.
With this assumption, the scope of the document is only the 9768 MRO and what is
required to connect it to the network, meet its power needs, and ensure that it can be
placed into reliable service.
How to use this document
Start with the first chapter and work through the manual to the end. Once you have done
this, you will have carried out the hardware installation completely and in the proper
Safety information
For your safety, this document contains safety statements. Safety statements are given at
points where risks of damage to personnel, equipment, and operation may exist. Failure to
follow the directions in a safety statement may result in serious consequences.
Some parts of all electrical installations are energized. Failure to follow safe work
practices and the safety warnings may lead to bodily injury and property damage.
For this reason, only trained and qualified personnel (electrical workers as defined in
IEC 60215 or EN 60215 + A1 or in the National Electrical Code or in ANSI/NFPA No.
10) may install or service the installation.
Electric-shock hazard
There is a danger of electric shock if the grounding system is inadequate.
You must comply with the grounding requirements for the grounding system.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) establishes and from time to time
revises guidelines for human exposure to RF electromagnetic fields in the USA. Its Office
of Engineering and Technology then publishes these guidelines in bulletins to allow
companies, such as Alcatel-Lucent, who develop products that transmit non-ionizing RF
waves to calculate safe human exposure distances, based on a corresponding amount of
time spent within those distances.
Safe separation distance
The product with antennas equipped shall comply with RF exposure limits of FCC Part
1.1310 Table 1 (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.
The equipment must be installed and operated with a minimum separation distance,
determined by RF field evaluation, between the radiating antennas and nearby persons.
Any changes to the antenna or other equipment in the transmit path may require
re-evaluation of the exposures to electromagnetic fields.
The 9768 MRO B4 is a dual transmit/dual receive path radio supporting frequency
division duplex (FDD) LTE air interface. The 9768 MRO B4 is ideally suited to support
dense metro hot spots, with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) 2x2 operation in up
to 20 MHz of bandwidth.
Note: 9768 MRO B4 also supports a single Tx antenna (SIMO).
The 9768 MRO B4 requires a single phase, three-wire power source to provide nominal
120 -V AC, 208 -V AC, or 220 -V AC (measured at the input), line to neutral.
The following table summarizes the AC power system wiring color codes:
Table 2-1AC power system wiring color codes
ColorConnector pin assignmentFunction
BrownPin 1Line
BluePin 2Neutral
Green/YellowPin 3Ground/protective earth (PE)
N/CPin 4N/C
Power factor
The minimum power factor (ratio of working power to apparent power) is 0.92. Although
this value is above the typical power factor penalty threshold, it is unlikely to have a true
impact on rates for power consumption.
AC frequency from source
The power supply of the 9768 MRO B4 accepts frequencies ranging from 47 Hz to 63 Hz
from the voltage source, at any allowable level of voltage.
DC power system
The 9768 MRO B4 requires a -48 V DC input.
The following table summarizes the DC power system wiring color codes: