Nokia Asha 305 (RM-766)
Nokia I nte rnal Use Only | Co p yrig ht © 2012 Nokia | A ll right s reserved
Nokia Asha 306 (RM-767/RM-768)
L1L2 Service Manual
Level 1&2
Nokia Asha 305
Nokia Asha 306
Tra nsceiver chara cteristics
GSM 900/ 1800 MHz (RM-766)
GSM 900/ 1800 MHz (RM-767)
GSM 850/ 1900 MHz (RM-768)
Dis pla y
3.0” WQVGA TFT Display, 240 x 400 pixels
WAP 2.0
Bluetooth 2.1
FM Radio
IEEE 802.11 b/g WLAN
(RM-767 / RM-768)
Transceiver with BL-4U battery pack
3.5mm AV Jack
2.0mm DC Jack
Micro USB
Micro SD card slot
Asha 305
GSM-A: up to 5.5 h
Best time: up to 13.6 h
Asha 306
GSM-A: up to 5.4 h
Best time: up to 9.8 h
Talk times are dependent on network
and phone settings
Asha 305
GSM-A: up to 432 h
Best time: up to 487 h
Asha 306
GSM-A: up to 587 h
Best time: up to 620 h

Nokia Asha 305 (RM-766)
Nokia I nt ernal Use Only | Co p yri ght © 2012 Nokia | A ll right s reserved
Nokia Asha 306 (RM-767/RM-768)
L1L2 Service Manual
Ta ble of c on te nts
1. COPY RIGHT ............................................................................................................................ 4
2. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1 WARNINGS ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 CAUTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 5
3. ESD PROTECTION ................................................................................................................... 6
4. CARE AND MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................ 7
5. BATTERY INFORMATION.......................................................................................................... 8
6. EXPLODED VIEW ..................................................................................................................... 9
7. SERVICE DEVICES .................................................................................................................... 10
8. SOFTWARE UPDATE ................................................................................................................ 11
9. DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIO NS................................................................................................. 12
10. ASSEMBLY HINTS .................................................................................................................... 19
11. SOLDER COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................... 20