Nissan Nv200 2018 Owner's Manual

Nissan Intelligent Mobility guides everything we do. Were using new technologies to transform cars from mere driving machines into assistants. Together the journey is more confident, connected, and exciting. Whether its cars that assist in the driving task, or highways that charge your EV as you go along, it s all in the very near future. And its a future already taking shape in the Nissan you drive today.
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Owner receives a commercial upfit package designed, manufactured, tested and installed by an independent upfit supplier. All participating upfit suppliers must be National Truck Equipment Association membe rs. Par ts supp lied by up fit suppliers a nd any dama ge or fail ures caus ed by ins tallation or use of upfit p arts ar e not cover ed by the Ni ssan New Ve hicle Li mited War ranty. O wner should review the upfit suppliers warranty.
Nissan i s not res ponsibl e for the sa fety or quali ty of the p arts or m odific ations m ade by the up fit supplier. The Niss an Commercial Incen tive Prog ram is onl y available to
valid business entities. Program not available to retail consumers. Certain model restrictions apply. See dealer for complete details and restrictions.
Cargo shown for di splay purposes o nly. Cargo
and load capacity limited by weight and distribution. Always secure all cargo. Heavy loading of the vehicle with cargo, especially on the roof, will af fect the handling and st ability of the vehicle.
featur es.
Vehicle(s) shown equipped with third-party accessories. 5 The opti onal Rear S onar Sys tem is a conv enience, but is n ot a subst itute fo r proper backing procedures. Always turn and chec k that
it is saf e to do so bef ore back ing up. May n ot detect ever y objec t behin d you.
Available ser vices/ feature s may be sho wn. Comp atible co nnect ed devic e may be r equi red. O nly use se rvi ces/featu res an d device when safe and legal to do so. Subject to GPS and wireless net work availability and connection, and system/technology limitations. Text rates/data usage/subscription may apply. Some ser vices/ featur es provi ded by comp anies no t within Nissan o r its par tners ’ or agen ts’ con trol and may b e discon tinued at any time. For more in formation, see d eale r, Owne rs M anual, or
7 Parking aid/convenience feature. Cannot completely eliminate blind spots. May not detect every object and does not warn of moving objects. Always check surroundings
and turn to l ook behi nd you bef ore movi ng vehicle.
Never pr ogram wh ile driv ing. GP S mappin g may not be de tailed in all area s or refle ct curre nt road sta tus. 9 Claim based on years/mileage (whichever occurs f irst) co vered under the New Vehicle L imited Wa rrant y basic coverage. Wa rds Ligh t Vehicle S egmentation: 2 017/2018 Nissan N V Cargo, NV Pass enger v. i n-market Large Van Cl ass; 20 17/2018 Nissan NV200® v. in-marke t Small Van Class. Co mmercia l Vans compared onl y. Nissans New Vehicle Limited Warranty basic coverage excludes tires, corrosion coverage , and federal and California emiss ion per forman ce and def ect cove rage. O ther ter ms and cond itions a pply. See d ealer fo r comple te warran ty det ails. N V200® Taxi i s covered under a sepa rate limited warranty with a dif ferent le vel of covera ge.
Vehicle G raphic s Package s do not cove r roof of ve hicle. 11 Use the Tex t Messa ging fea ture af ter stop ping your vehicle i n a safe location. If you have to u se the fea ture while driving, exe rcise
extreme caution at all times so full atte ntion may b e given to v ehicle o peration. Compa tible sm artph one requi red. Text rates and/or data usag e may appl y.
Driving is serious business and requires your
full at tentio n. If you have to use the connec ted devi ce while driving , exercise ex treme caution at all times so full at tention may be give n to vehicle operat ion. Ex ternal devic e not inclu ded.
Air bag s are only a supple mental restraint sys tem; al ways wea r your seat b elt. Rear-facing c hild res traint s should n ot be place d in the fro nt-passe nger s seat. Air bags w ill only i nflate in certain accide nts; se e your Ow ners Manual f or more de tails .
VDC, w hich sho uld remai n on when d riving except w hen freeing the ve hicle fr om mud or sn ow, cannot p revent a ccident s due to ab rupt s teeri ng, car eles sness , or dangerou s
driving techniques.
Price is Manufac turer s Sugge sted Retail Price ( MSRP). M SRP excludes tax , title, licen se, opt ions, an d desti nation ch arge. De aler sets actual pr ice. 16 Genuin e Nissan Accesso ries are covered b y Nissans Limi ted Warranty on Ge nuine Ni ssan Rep lacemen t Part s, Genuine NISM O® S-Tune Parts , and Genuine Nissan Acces sories f or the lon ger of 12 mon ths/12,000 mile s (whichever occu rs first) or the remaining period under the 5-year/100,000 -mile (whichever occurs first) Nissan New Vehicle Limited Warranty. Terms and conditions apply. See Warranty Information Booklet for details.
Brake Assi st is onl y an aid to ass ist the d river an d is not a coll ision wa rning or av oidance d evice. It is the drivers respon sibili ty to be in co ntrol of the vehicl e at all times. Adri an Steel i s a regis tered trademark of Adrian S teel® Company. The A pp Store® l ogo is a reg istere d tradem ark of App le, Inc . All rights res erve d. Facebo ok® is a reg istere d tradem ark of Faceb ook, I nc. G oogl e Play is a tradema rk of G oogl e, In c. Modagr afics® is a regis tered tra demark o f Modagr afics , Inc. Twit ter® is a r egiste red trad emark of Twit ter, Inc. YouTub e® is a regi stered tradema rk of Google Inc . This brochure is intend ed for general descriptive and informational purpose s only. It i s subjec t to chang e and does n ot const itute an o ffer, represen tation o r warran ty (express or implied) by N issan N orth America , Inc. In terest ed part ies should confirm t he accurac y of any informat ion in this brochure a s it relates to a vehicle direc tly with Niss an Nort h Americ a, Inc. before relying on it to make a pu rchase de cision . Nissa n North A merica , Inc. reser ves the right to make c hanges , at any tim e, without prior notice , in price s, color s, mate rials, e quipme nt, specifications , and models and to d isconti nue mode ls or equi pment . Due to con tinuous p roduc t develo pment and other pr e- and post-production fa ctors , actual vehicle , materials and sp ecification s may var y from thi s brochur e. Some ve hicles s hown with opt ional e quipm ent. S ee the a ctual v ehicl e for complete accuracy. Availability and delivery times for particular models or equipment may vary. Specifications, options and accessories may differ in Hawaii, U.S. territories and other countries. For additional information on availability, options or accessories, see your Nissan dealer or contac t Nissan North America, Inc. At, you ll fin d virt ual produ ct demo nstrat ions, a w ay to “build
your own N issan ,” a deale r locato r, and more inf ormatio n about key Nissan suppor t serv ices. O r if youd pr efer, call
1-800-NISSAN-3 for answe rs to specific qu estio ns about N V200® or any othe r Nissan
vehicl e. The Ni ssan names, log os, prod uct name s, fea ture name s, and slo gans are trademar ks owne d by or licensed to Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. a nd/or its North Am erican sub sidia ries . Oth er tra dema rks a nd trade nam es are tho se of thei r respec tive ow ners.
Always w ear your se at belt , and plea se drive re sponsi bly. ©2017 Nis san Nor th America, Inc . ‘18 N V200 1820769-NCV- 9/17-50M-CGI.
TAKE ON MORE WORK. The NV200® Compact Cargo is the smart way to handle
it. With loads of room and easily upfitted,
it’s a capable hauler.2 Nimble and efficient, it’s great for tight quarters and tight budgets. And with advanced technology
along for the ride, you help minimize wasted time while
maximizing driver comfort. The 2018 NV200 Compact Cargo. TAKE ON TODAY.
NV200® Compact Cargo SVshown in Brilliant Silver with Rear Sonar System
3, 5
and Rear Door Glass Package.
2, 4
See NV200® Compact Cargo in action at:
Never miss a beat with the available Navigation
Package. With Nissan Navigation System as well as
Mobile Apps,6 a suite of high-tech
features ready to give your business a boost. Add
in a standard RearView Monitor,
and its never
been easier to tackle tough jobs.
Xtronic CVT
131-hp, 4-cylinder
36.7 turning
With a 2.0-L 4-cylinder engine and efficient Xtronic CVT®
transmission, you get a smooth and powerful drive while
keeping a watchful eye on the bottom line. Add in responsive
handling and a tight turning radius, and you’ll see why NV200
Compact Cargo is as good at maneuvering crowded streets
as it is at avoiding big fuel bills.
2, 4
Nissan Navigation
SiriusXM® Trac
& Travel Link
From flat wheel wells to a fold-down passenger seat to
a generous interior height, all 122 cu. ft. of cargo space
is ready to adapt to the job at hand. And with plenty of
integrated reinforced cargo-mounting points, securing
your cargo has never been easier.
Room for a
40" x 48" pallet
Six available oor-
mounted D-rings
9.7' maximum
cargo length
When its time to get down to business, the
NV200 Compact Cargo converts easily into
your mobile office. The fold-down passenger
seat creates a work desk, while smart storage
and power outlets are all within easy reach.
passenger seat
Flexible center
12-volt DC
power outlet
+ 5 hidden pages