Nero StartSmart Instruction Manual

Nero StartSmart
Copyright and Trademark Information
Copyright and Trademark Information
This document, like the software described therein, is provided as a license and may only be used or reproduced in accordance with the licensing agreement. The contents of this document, as well as the associated software, is subject to change without prior notice. Nero AG rejects any responsibility for the correctness of the contents of this document and rejects any claims that transcend the clauses of the guarantee agreement. This document and all of its contents are protected by copyright and are the property of Nero AG. All rights reserved. In addition , thi s document contains material that is protected by internationally valid copyright. This document may not be reproduced, transmitted, or transcribed in whole or in part without the express written permission of Nero AG. Please keep in mind that existing graphics, pictures, videos, music titles or other materials that you may wish to insert or transcribe into projects may be protected by copyright. The unauthorized use of this type of material in your projects may violate the rights of the owner of the copyright. Make sure that you obtain all necessary authorizations from the owner of the copyright. Unless you own the copyright, have permission from the copyright owner or your actions fall under the "fair use" provisions of copy­right law, you may be violating national or international copyright laws. The transcribing, re-formation, modification or publication of copyright-protected material may lead to claims for damages and the enforcement of other legal measures against you. If you are unsure of your rights, you should contact your legal advisor. Some Nero Suite applications require technologies developed by third-party manufacturers, some of which are contained in the Nero Suite as demo versions. These applications can be activated online free of charge or by sending an activation fax to have unlimited use of the version. Nero will only transmit the data necessary for activation of the technology licensed from third parties. For unlim­ited use of Nero Suite, it is therefore necessary to have an Internet connection or a fax machine. Copyright © 2006-2008 Nero AG and its licensors. All rights reserved. Nero, the Nero logo, Nero Digital, Nero Essentials, Nero Express, Nero ImageDrive, Nero LiquidTV, Nero MediaHome, Nero Pho­toSnap, Nero Recode, Nero RescueAgent, Nero ShowTime, Nero SecurDisc, Nero StartSmart, Nero Vision, InCD, Move it, and Ul­traBuffer are brands or protected trademarks of Nero AG.
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Nero StartSmart
Table of contents
1 Start Successfully 4
1.1 About the manual 4
1.2 About Nero StartSmart 4
2 Launching the Program 5 3 User interface 6
3.1 Nero StartSmart start screen 6
3.2 Updating Nero Suite 8
3.3 Defining the Currently Used Language 10
4 Setting Options 11
4.1 Setting Up Newsfeeds 12
5 Nero StartSmart Inline Functions 14
5.1 Burn Data Disc screen 14
5.2 Audio Burning Screen 15
5.2.1 Burning an Audio CD 17
5.2.2 Automatic Music Recognition 19
5.3 Audio Ripping Screen 20
5.3.1 Converting Audio CDs to MP3s 23
5.4 Copy Disc Screen 26
5.4.1 Copying methods 27
5.5 Autobackup Screen 28
5.5.1 Configuring Autobackup 29
5.5.2 Restoring Autobackup 30
5.6 Play File Screen 30
Table of contents
6 Tabs 33
6.1 Rip and Burn Tab 33
6.2 Create and Edit Tab 35
6.3 Home Entertainment Tab 36
6.4 Back Up tab 37
6.5 Selecting Default Applications for Tasks 38
7 Technical Information 39
7.1 System requirements 39
7.2 Nero StartSmart Versions 39
8 Glossary 40 9 Index 41 10 Contact 43
Nero StartSmart III
1 Start Successfully
1.1 About the manual
This manual is intended for all users who want to learn how to use Nero StartSmart. It is pro­cess-based and explains how to achieve a specific objective on a step-by-step basis.
To make best use of this documentation, please note the following conventions:
Indicates warnings, preconditions or instructions that have to be pre­cisely followed.
Indicates additional information or advice.
Start Successfully
1. Start …
The number at the beginning of a line indicates a prompt for action. Carry out these actions in the order specified.
Indicates an intermediate result. Indicates a result. Indicates text passages or buttons that appear in the program inter-
face. They are shown in boldface. Indicates references to other chapters. They are executed as links
and are shown in red and underlined. Indicates keyboard shortcuts for entering commands.
1.2 About Nero StartSmart
Nero StartSmart is the clearly arranged command center for Nero Suite. You merely have to select the desired task and the corresponding application will be launched automatically. In addition, you can select the desired language and check, via your online connection, if new program versions of Nero are available. You can use Nero StartSmart to download and in­stall them. So-called inline functions provide quick and easy access to frequently-used functions such as burning, ripping, and copying. In addition, you can configure the system to back up data automatically and play music or video files.
Nero StartSmart 4
2 Launching the Program
The Nero StartSmart icon appears on your computer's desktop after installing Nero Suite. Nero StartSmart provides easy access to all Nero Suite applications and, when installed, to
Launching the Program
Nero BackItUp and Nero MediaHome. Double-click the Nero StartSmart icon the Nero StartSmart start window.
to open
Nero StartSmart 5
3 User interface
3.1 Nero StartSmart start screen
User interface
The following buttons are available:
Displays a menu in which you can specify the settings for the inline functions,
The following tabs are available in the top area of the start screen:
Start Page
the options for news feeds (see Setting inline function options sired language (see Nero Suite Language able for your Nero Suite at
Displays a selection list of Nero applications, tools, and manuals that can be opened directly by clicking them.
Displays online help. Establishes an Internet connection to
are available for your Nero Suite (see Updating Nero Suite
Displays the start page of Nero StartSmart and welcomes you. He­re, too, is the Direct Application Launch area, where you can add applications to which you want to have fast access.
10) or check if updates are avail-
(see Updating Nero Suite 8).
Nero StartSmart start window
11), the de-
and checks if updates
Nero StartSmart 6
User interface
n Rip and Bur
Create and Edit
Home Entertainment
Back Up
The men ns on the called inline functions. T quently-used processes that can be run directly in Nero StartSmart wi ch another Nero Suite applica­tion (see Nero StartSmart inline functions The following menu icons are available:
Data Burning
u ico left side of the Nero StartSmart start screen each represent the so-
Offers you a choice of frequently occurring ripping and burning pro­jects. These are pre-configured and therefore can be easily and quickly executed.
Offers pre-configured projects for quickly and easily creating slide shows and disc labels, editing videos, converting audio files, and much more.
Offers pre-configured projects for playing and recording videos, playing audio files, viewing and recording live television programs and much mo
Provides additional pre-configured projects for backing up data, r storing backups, scheduling future backups, creating a disaster re­covery disc, and j
hese are optimally pre-configured, fre
Displays the Burn Data D selection of files. add the files to be burned, and click Burn.
ust copying a disc.
thout having to laun
isc screen, where you can quickly burn a
First name the disc and select a destination drive,
Audio Burning
Audio Ripping
Copy Disc
Play File
In the aunch Applica re which applications you want to have
L tions area, you can configu
immediate access to when Nero Suite starts up.
Displays the Burn Audio CD screen. Here, you can quickly and ea­sily create audio CDs, MP3 Jukebox discs, or Jukebox discs in the Nero Digital™
Displays the Rip Audio CD screen. Select the destination drive, output file format, and the target directory, and click Rip. It's that fast and easy to save tracks from an audio CD.
Displays the Copy Disc screen. Here, you only need to specify th source and destination drives and click Copy to get a copy of you disc.
Autobackup feature, which automatically backs up monitored fold­ers.
Displays the Play File screen. You can play audio and video files and create a playlist here.
Audio+ format.
Displays the Autobackup screen. You can set up and configure the
Nero StartSmart 7
The following button is available in the Launch Applications area:
User interface
In the yellow News area at the bottom of the Nero StartSmart screen, the news from the newsfeeds to which you have subscribed are displayed. The following buttons are available in the News area:
Displays a list of all available Nero Suite applications and, if installed, other Nero products such as Nero MediaHome and Nero BackItUp. From the list, you can choose the application you want by selecting or clearing the appropriate check boxes. The selected applications are displayed in the Launch Applications area.
Opens the Options screen for the Newsfeed inline function (see
Setting inline function options
here. Displays the complete news from the newsfeeds.
Opens the next headline of a news item in the newsfeed.
3.2 Updating Nero Suite
From Nero StartSmart, you can update Nero Suite. You can also install applications that ha­ve been enabled by entering a corresponding serial number. A prerequisite for updating or installation is the availability of an Internet connection. You can either update online or use a downloaded and stored update for the process..
11). You can subscribe to newsfeeds
To update Nero Suite, proc follows:
1. Click the Search for updates
eed as
button in the Nero StartSmart startup window.
The Update & Setup screen with a listing of all enabled Nero applications is shown. For
each application, this screen shows whether the application is installed and, if it is, its version.
Nero StartSmart 8
2. Click the Search for updates button.
User interface
Update screen
3. Click the OK button in th
e active win
dow to confirm.
The search for available updates begins and a progress window provides information on
the progress of the search. The Update/Install Now button
Click the OK button.
The Update & Setup screen shows if updates are available for each of the inst
plications. It indicates whether an install stalled application.
ation file is available for each enabled but not in-
is activated.
alled ap-
5. If you want to update or install applications:
1. Enable the check boxes in front of the required application.
2. Click the Update/Install Now button.
A window that allows you to choose between updating via the Internet and using an file
downloaded previously and stored on the computer is displayed.
6. To update or install via the Internet, click the Download button.
A window is displayed informing you of the progress and the results of the download
process. It also informs you that an existing version must be uninstalled before the up­date can be installed and automatically applied.
Installed manuals of the selected application are automatically updated to the extent that newer manuals are available on the Nero Server.
7. To use a file already available on your computer, enter the file's path in the text box of the
displayed window or click the Browse button to select the path.
Nero StartSmart 9
8. Click the OK button.
The update is executed. The relevant version designations are displayed in the Installed
Versions column.
3.3 Defining the Currently Used Language
From Nero StartSmart, you can define the language to be used by all Nero applications. You can choose a language that was installed during the installation process and is therefore available on the system.
If you want to choose a language that has not been installed, you have to first install it. To do so, modify the installation.
To define the language to be used by all Nero applications, proceed as follows:
1. In the Nero StartSmart start screen, click the button.
2. Click the Change Language entry in the displayed menu.
The Nero ControlCenter language selection screen is displayed.
User interface
3. Select the de
sired language in the top drop-down menu.
4. Click the Change language now button.
The selected language is used immediately.
Nero StartSmart 10
Language selection sc
Setting Options
Setting Options
In the Options window Use the
button > Options to open the window.
, you can define settings for the inline functions and Nero StartSmart.
The following entries are available:
Data Burning
Audio Burning
Audio Ripping
Copy Disc
Displays the Data Disc Burning Options screen. You can select the burn speed here and choose whether the data should be che­cked after burning.
Displays the Burning Options screen. In this screen you can select the burn speed and determine whether the data should be checked after burning - separately for audio CDs and Jukebox CDs.
Displays the Audio Ripping Options screen. You can specify the file format, the encoding quality (Medium, High, or Smallest file size), and the read speed.
Displays the Copy Disc Options screen. You can select the burn speed and specify whether the burn process sh initially or not, whether the data sh not, and whether or not a new on-t
Options window
ould be simulated
ould be checked after burning or
should be created from the
destination drive. source drive to the
Nero StartSmart 11
Play File
Setting Options
isplays the Play File Options screen. You can specify a folder
m which pictures are displayed in a type of slide show during
fro music playback. You can define the fade and display times in milli­seconds.
Burn and Read Speeds
The following burn and read speeds are available:
Minimum: Slowest speed for the most reliable burning. Safety mode: Moderate speed with emphasis on safety. Automatic: Optimal speed for the selected disc burner and the data to be bur-
ned. Maximum: Maximum speed of selected disc burner.
The Image Recorder is also suitable for creating an image of a disc type not supported by the connecte for instance, without having installed a DVD recorder. You can write the image to a di
Displays the Newsfeed Option val after which the next newsfeed headline is displayed in the News area and decide which newsfeeds you would like to subscribe to (see Setting Up Newsfeeds
Displays the More Options screen. You can define whether Nero StartSmart is closed, remains open or is minimized when opening a Nero application and whether the Nero StartSmart settings are sa­ved when closed. In addition, you can enable the integrated Image Recorder for all applications.
d recorder. You can therefore create a DVD image,
ny time.
sc at a
s screen. You can specify the inter-
4.1 Settin ed
g Up Newsfe s
To subscribe to newsfe
lick the New
1. C d bu
sfee tton in the Options screen.
The Newsfeed Opt
2. Use the arrow keys to s rval. It is specified in minutes.
elect the correspon g check box if you want to su
3. S din
4. Click the Subscribe bu
The Add newsfeed
5. Enter the address of th xt box.
You have subscribed to the new newsfeed and its news items appear in the News area
of the Nero StartSmart start screen.
eds, proceed as follows:
ions screen is displayed.
elect the desired update inte
to create a new newsfeed.
ndow is displayed.
e desired newsfe
Nero StartSmart 12
ed in the corresponding te
bscribe to the Nero Newsfeed.
Setting Options
6. T newsfeed s ed
o cancel a ubscription, select the resp
Options window.
7. Click the Unsubscribe
8. Confirm your choice in the
tions window.
displayed dialog box.
bed fro
m the newsfeed and it is removed from the Newsfeed Op- You have
ective entry from the list in the Newsfe
Nero StartSmart 13
+ 30 hidden pages