Nero Recode 2 User Guide

User Manual
Nero Recode 2
Copyright and Trademark Information
The Nero Recode 2 User Manual and the Nero Recode 2 Software are copyrighted and the property of Nero AG, Im Stoeckmaedle 18, 76307 Karlsbad, Germany. All rights are reserved.
This User Manual contains materials protected under International Copyright Laws. It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce, duplicate or transmit all or any part of the Guide or the software without the prior written consent of Nero AG. All brand names and trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
This manual is provided 'as is,' and Nero AG makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or title; that the contents of the manual are suitable for any purpose; nor that the implementation of such contents will not infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights.
Nero AG will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the manual or the performance or implementation of the contents thereof.
The name and trademarks of Nero AG may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this manual or its contents without specific written prior permission. Title to copyright in this manual will at all times remain with Nero AG.
Nero AG accepts no claims for the correctness of the contents of the manual. The contents of the enclosed software and the manual are subject to change.
If you are neither in possession of the copyright nor have authorization from the owner of the copyright, unauthorized copying of CDs or DVDs violates national and international legislation and can result in severe penalties.
Copyright © 2003-2005 by Nero AG
REV 1.2

Table of contents

1 About Nero Recode 2 ........................................................................ 6
1.1 What is Nero Recode 2? ................................................................ 6
1.1.1 Nero Recode 2 as a copying program ............................................. 6
1.1.2 Nero Recode 2 as a compilation program........................................ 6
1.1.3 Nero Recode 2 as a conversion program ........................................ 6
1.2 System requirements..................................................................... 7
1.3 Installation ...................................................................................... 7
1.4 Launching Nero Recode 2............................................................. 7
1.4.1 Opening Nero Recode 2 with Nero StartSmart ................................ 7
1.4.2 Launching Nero Recode 2 separately.............................................. 8
2 The Nero Recode 2 interface ............................................................ 9
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 9
2.2 Copying an entire DVD ................................................................ 10
2.2.1 DVD-Video ..................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 DVD data........................................................................................ 13
2.3 Creating your own DVD ............................................................... 14
2.3.1 DVD-Video ..................................................................................... 15
2.3.2 DVD data........................................................................................ 16
2.4 Create a Nero Digital disc............................................................ 17
2.4.1 DVD-Video ..................................................................................... 18
2.4.2 DVD data........................................................................................ 19
2.5 Advanced display......................................................................... 20
2.5.1 Selecting an import profile.............................................................. 20
2.5.2 Selecting a Nero Digital profile....................................................... 21
2.5.3 Shutting down the computer once burning has been completed ... 21
2.5.4 Book Type settings......................................................................... 22
2.5.5 Setting the burning priority ............................................................. 22
2.5.6 Configuring Nero Recode 2............................................................ 23
2.5.7 Erasing the contents of a disc ........................................................ 29
2.5.8 Obtaining information on the inserted disc..................................... 30
2.5.9 Nero Cover Designer ..................................................................... 30
3 Import profiles ................................................................................. 31
3.1 Creating an import profile ........................................................... 31
3.2 Editing an existing import profile ............................................... 38
3.3 Deleting an import profile............................................................ 39
Nero Recode Table of contents 3
4 Copying a DVD ................................................................................ 41
4.1 General information ..................................................................... 41
4.2 Copying without changing the DVD structure........................... 41
4.3 Copying (and changing the DVD structure)............................... 42
4.3.1 Importing a DVD............................................................................. 42
4.3.2 Changing the structure of a DVD ................................................... 45
5 Creating a new DVD ........................................................................ 52
5.1 Creating a new DVD ..................................................................... 52
5.2 Further options............................................................................. 55
5.2.1 Shortening videos .......................................................................... 55
5.2.2 Merging individual titles.................................................................. 56
5.2.3 Separating merged titles ................................................................ 57
6 Converting DVD-Videos and other video files to MPEG-4 files
with Nero Digital .............................................................................. 58
6.1 Converting DVD-Video titles and other video files into MPEG-4
format ............................................................................................ 58
6.2 Additional conversion options.................................................... 60
6.2.1 Selecting an audio track................................................................. 60
6.2.2 Selecting the subtitle ...................................................................... 62
6.2.3 Information on the DVD-Video title and other video files................ 63
6.3 Specifying the Nero Digital encoder settings............................ 64
6.3.1 Specifying the video settings.......................................................... 65
6.3.2 Specifying the audio settings ......................................................... 68
6.4 Chapter marks .............................................................................. 70
7 Burning a disc ................................................................................. 72
7.1 Burning a disc .............................................................................. 72
7.2 Burn options................................................................................. 72
7.3 Nero Digital settings .................................................................... 77
7.3.1 Nero Digital settings ....................................................................... 77
7.3.2 Normal mode.................................................................................. 78
7.3.3 Expert mode................................................................................... 79
8 Keyboard shortcuts......................................................................... 83
8.1 Keyboard shortcuts ..................................................................... 83
Nero Recode Table of contents 4
9 Service.............................................................................................. 84
9.1 FAQs.............................................................................................. 84
9.1.1 The copied DVD does not contain the audio tracks I selected. What
did I do wrong?............................................................................... 84
9.1.2 The copied DVD does not contain the subtitles I selected. What did
I do wrong? .................................................................................... 84
9.1.3 The DVD I made does have a DTS soundtrack but I cannot hear
any sound. What went wrong during recording?............................ 84
9.1.4 It takes different lengths of time to recode DVDs, depending on the
DVD involved. Why is that?............................................................ 84
9.1.5 I have inserted a DVD and want to copy it but Nero Recode 2 does
not recognize it. What am I doing wrong?...................................... 84
9.1.6 I created an MPEG-4 file but I only have one soundtrack. What went
wrong? ........................................................................................... 85
9.1.7 I would like to obtain a newer version of Nero Recode 2. Where can
I find out if an update is available and download it?....................... 85
9.1.8 Where can I get help with technical problems?.............................. 85
9.2 Contact.......................................................................................... 86
10 Index................................................................................................. 87
Nero Recode Table of contents 5

1 About Nero Recode 2

1.1 What is Nero Recode 2?

Nero Recode 2 is a program that performs different tasks in connection with DVD-Video titles and other video files that are not copy-protected.

1.1.1 Nero Recode 2 as a copying program

Nero Recode 2 is a program for copying and archiving DVD-Video titles that are not copy-protected onto a DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW or DVD-RAM disc.
If the source DVD is larger than the target DVD, Nero Recode 2 can compress the contents of the source DVD so that they pass on to an empty DVD disc – normally without any noticeable loss of quality.
In addition, you can remove soundtracks and subtitles with Nero Recode 2 in order to achieve maximum image quality, for example. What is special is that even the DVD menu of the source DVD remains complete if individual titles have been removed. The target DVD can alternatively be written on the hard disk in the form of a DVD-Video directory - or as a so-called disk image on the hard drive.

1.1.2 Nero Recode 2 as a compilation program

Nero Recode 2 is a program for compiling DVD-Video titles and other video files (that are not copy-protected) onto other media (CD and DVD).
If you have DVD-Video titles or other video files on different DVDs and would like to compile your favorite titles onto one DVD, you can use Nero Recode 2 to have the desired DVD-Video titles in a new compilation which you can then 'burn'. It does not matter whether you burn the compilation on a DVD or a CD.

1.1.3 Nero Recode 2 as a conversion program

Nero Recode 2 is a program you can use to convert DVD-Video titles and other
video files that are not copy-protected into the Nero Digital format (MPEG-4) and to burn them onto discs.
Nero Recode About Nero Recode 2 6
1.2 System requirements
Nero Recode 2 is installed together with NeroVision Express 3 and its system
requirements are the same. You can find more detailed information on the system requirements in the NeroVision Express 3 manual.
In addition, you will need to have a computer with a built-in DVD-ROM or DVD recorder, as otherwise you will be unable to read or burn DVDs.
1.3 Installation
Nero Recode 2 is not installed separately but together with NeroVision Express
3. In other words, after installing NeroVision Express 3 you will also automatically possess Nero Recode 2.

1.4 Launching Nero Recode 2

You can start Nero Recode 2 in two different ways – either via Nero StartSmart, the 'command center' of the Nero family of products, or directly.
1.4.1 Opening Nero Recode 2 with Nero StartSmart
Open Nero StartSmart and choose a task that you would like Nero Recode 2 to perform, e.g. 'Recode DVD-Video' or 'Convert DVD-Video Movies to Nero Digital ™'.
Nero Recode About Nero Recode 2 7
1.4.2 Launching Nero Recode 2 separately
Proceed as follows to launch Nero Recode 2:
Click on START > (ALL) PROGRAMS > Nero > Nero Digital > Nero Recode.
Nero Recode About Nero Recode 2 8

2 The Nero Recode 2 interface

2.1 Introduction
Nero Recode 2 is not only available as a full version, but also in a bundle with a
CD/DVD recorder in the Nero Recode 2 CE or Nero Recode 2 SE versions. These differ from the full version in the scale of functions they offer, in othe words they cannot perform all the tasks described in this manual and the use interface is adapted to the specific version.
The Nero Recode 2 interface is independent of the chosen task. This means that there are different commands present on the different interfaces. The individual interfaces are described in the order they appear in the selection area of the start window.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 9

2.2 Copying an entire DVD

With Nero Recode 2 CE, it is not possible to recode a complete DVD and main feature film onto a DVD disc.
A DVD may not only contain video files that can be played on a DVD player but also other kinds of data. This data cannot be played on a normal commercially available DVD player but only on a DVD-ROM/DVD burner drive in a computer. When copying a DVD, Nero Recode 2 is capable of copying both the video as well as the data contents. Of course, you can just copy the video element if you wish.
You will reach the area for copying an entire DVD by clicking on 'Recode an Entire DVD to DVD' in the start window.
or the
If you do not want to copy the entire contents of the DVD, but only the main movie, choose the 'Recode Main Movie to DVD' task. The 'Recode Main Movie to DVD' command is not available with Nero Recode 2 SE.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 10
2.2.1 DVD-Video
After clicking on the 'Recode an Entire DVD to DVD' field in the start window, the DVD-Video area of the backup window for your DVDs will open.
By clicking on 'DVD-Video Files' you will move to the Nero Recode 2 video area.
By clicking on the 'Import DVD' button you will open a dialog to import the selected DVD.
This button is only enabled if a DVD-Video title has been imported. Clicking on the 'Disable' button will remove titles that were originally present so that they will not be included when you burn your copy.
This button is only enabled if an imported DVD-Video title has been deactivated. Clicking on the 'Enable' button will activate titles that were originally disabled so that they will be included when you burn your copy.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 11
This button is only enabled if a DVD-Video title has been imported. Clicking on the 'Lock Ratio' button will stop the recorder quality of a DVD-Video title being changed automatically. However, it is still possible to change the quality setting manually by moving the slider.
This button is only enabled if a DVD-Video title has been imported and automatic modification has been prevented. Click on the 'Unlock Ratio' button to unblock the automatic modification of the recode a title's quality.
The 'Fit to Target' check box is ticked as a default. This means that the disc inserted will later be automatically recoded to fit the size of the blank disk inserted (where technically possible).
If the 'Fit to Target' check box has been ticked, you can select the target by clicking on the dropdown button. The level indicator will be adjusted depending on the target.
If the 'Fit to Target' check box has been disabled, the size of a copy can be specified independently of the disc's size limitations. It may be that it is not possible to burn the DVD structure thus created on a normal, commercially available blank disc. However, this method is suitable for playing a DVD-Video from the hard drive.
This information field indicates how much space is currently available on the disc.
The Nero Recode 2 level indicator shows how much space on the disc is occupied. As long as the bar of the level indicator is blue, the entire contents will fit onto the disc.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 12
If a red bar appears in the indicator, the amount of data is larger than the capacity of the disc.
Clicking on the '?' button will tell you more about Nero Recode 2.
If you have installed Nero Recode 2 CE without Nero SmartStart, you can enter the serial number in the area that now opens.
2.2.2 DVD data
By clicking on 'DVD Data Files' you will move to the Nero Recode 2 data area.
In contrast to the video area, the following elements are present in the 'DVD Data Files' area.
You can open a dialog to import the selected data files by clicking on the 'Add Files' button.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 13
This button is only enabled if a data file is present. Clicking on the 'Delete' button will remove any data files that have been added.
Clicking on this icon will start a dialog to let you name a folder to be created in the data section of the disc.
This icon is only enabled in a subordinate folder. If you click on this icon, the contents of the parent folder will be displayed.
Clicking on this dropdown button will open a menu and let you choose how the available files will be displayed in the folders.

2.3 Creating your own DVD

With the Nero Recode 2 CE and Nero Recode 2 SE it is not possible to compile your own new DVDs by importing and recoding DVD titles.
With Nero Recode 2 you can quickly and easily create a new DVD from DVD­Video titles (provided they are not copy-protected). This allows you to burn a 'Best of' DVD from existing DVD-Video titles and data files. Naturally enough, you can remove any subtitles and audio tracks that you do not want, just like when copying a DVD.
You will reach the area for creating your own DVDs by clicking on 'Remake a DVD' in the start window.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 14
2.3.1 DVD-Video
After clicking on the 'Remake a DVD' field in the start window, the DVD-Video area of the compilation window for your own DVDs will open.
In contrast to the copy window for a DVD, the following new buttons are present in this compilation window.
This button is only enabled if a DVD-Video title has been imported. Clicking on the 'Start / End' button will open a window in which the titles can be shortened – you must specify the first and last frame. You can find more detailed information on shortening DVD-Videos in the 'Shortening videos' section.
This button is only enabled if a DVD-Video title has been imported and at least two titles have been highlighted. Clicking on the 'Merge Titles' button will merge the two titles to one. You can find more detailed information on mixing DVD­Videos in the 'Merging individual titles' section.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 15
This button is only enabled if a DVD-Video title has been imported and two titles have been merged to form one single one. Clicking on the 'Separate' button will separate the merged titles so that the original titles are available again in their original form. You can find more detailed information on separating DVD-Videos in the 'Separating merged titles' section.
2.3.2 DVD data
By clicking on 'DVD Data Files' you will move to the Nero Recode 2 data area.
In contrast to the data window in the copy area, this window does not contain any new areas and buttons. Therefore we will not describe it in further detail here.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 16

2.4 Create a Nero Digital disc

It is not possible to compile a Nero Digital disc with Nero Recode 2 SE version.
You can use Nero Recode 2 to convert DVD-Video titles and other video files (not copy-protected) with Nero Digital quickly and easily into MPEG-4 files. Like when making your own DVD compilation, you can shorten existing titles if you only want to use certain parts of a DVD title.
You reach the field for creating a Nero Digital disc by clicking on 'Recode DVDs and Videos to Nero Digital' in the start window.
If you would not like to recode the entire contents of the disc in MPEG-4 format (Nero Digital) but solely the main feature, select the 'Recode Main Movie to Nero Digital' option.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 17
2.4.1 DVD-Video
After clicking on 'Recode DVDs and Videos to Nero Digital' in the start window, the DVD-Video area of the compilation window for converting DVD-Videos and other video files into MPEG-4 files will open.
The following new buttons (in comparison to the copy window for a DVD) are present in a Nero Digital Disc compilation window.
This button is only active if at least one DVD video title or video file has been imported and one file has been highlighted. Clicking on the 'Video' button will open a dialog where you can specify the video settings to be used during conversion. You can find more detailed information on Nero Digital settings in the section on 'Specifying the video settings'.
This button is only active if at least one DVD video title or video file has been imported and one file has been highlighted. Clicking on the 'Chapters' button will open a dialog where you will be able to set your own chapter marks. You can find more detailed information on Nero Digital settings in the section on 'Chapter marks'.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 18
2.4.2 DVD data
By clicking on 'DVD Data Files', you will jump to the Nero Recode 2 data area.
In contrast to the data window in the copy area, this window does not contain any new areas and buttons and so it is not described in further detail here.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 19
2.5 Advanced display
Clicking on the 'More' button will extend the Nero Recode 2 user interface.
Additional options are available in the Nero Recode 2 advanced display mode. You can use it to adapt the program to your personal needs and to start other functions related to DVDs.
The content of this area depends on the element of Nero Recode 2 where you clicked on the 'More' button. The following diagram shows the field where all the profiles and commands are displayed.

2.5.1 Selecting an import profile

This area allows you to select the profile you want, the settings of which will determine the result of the finished DVD. A special explanation is provided of how to specify a profile. Please read the following section on 'Creating an import profile'.
You can change the profile by clicking on the dropdown button and selecting the chosen import profile.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 20

2.5.2 Selecting a Nero Digital profile

Not all Nero Digital profiles are available in the Nero Recode 2 CE version.
This profile is only available when the 'Recode DVDs and videos to Nero Digital', or the 'Recode Main Movie to Nero Digital' task has been chosen.
This area allows you to select the desired conversion profile. Depending on the purpose of the converted DVD title, the size of the final result can vary.
You can change the profile by clicking on the dropdown button and selecting the desired profile.
Above version 2.2, Nero Recode 2 also has AVC profiles (Advanced Video Coding) for encoding to Nero Digital. Compared to non­coding quality is better for identical file sizes, or the file size is smaller fo identical coding quality. However, encoding takes more time.
VC profiles, either the

2.5.3 Shutting down the computer once burning has been completed

In the Nero Recode 2 burning dialog, the user can decide whether the computer is to be shut down once the burning procedure is finished.
This check box determines whether or not the computer will be shut down
once the burning procedure has been completed. In the default setting, this check box is disabled. In other words, the computer will not be shut down after burning but remains switched on.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 21

2.5.4 Book Type settings

The recording dialog in Nero Recode 2 lets the user determine the Book Type Setting for several DVD recorders when burning DVDs. The Book Type field of a DVD helps DVD players to identify the inserted disk and determines the DVD’s level of compatibility.
Click on 'DVD Book Type settings' on the drop-down button and select the
desired setting:
Physical disk type
Current recorder setting

2.5.5 Setting the burning priority

In the Nero Recode 2 burning dialog, the user can decide how the computer's resources should be employed when burning the disc.
Nero Recode 2 automatically selects the most suitable Book Type for this disk.
The Book Type is set to 'DVD-ROM'.
The Book Type as given on the DVD is not changed.
The Book Type setting is read by the recorder.
This area allows you to select the desired priority.
You can change the profile by clicking on the dropdown button and selecting the desired priority.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 22

2.5.6 Configuring Nero Recode 2

Clicking on the 'Configure' area will open the configuration menu of Nero Recode 2 showing various tabs which determine the behavior of the program.
Clicking on the 'OK' button will save the changes and close the window.
Import DVD
This check box determines whether (when importing a DVD with data content)
the contents will also be taken over. In the default setting, this check box is disabled. In other words, the data content of a DVD will not be automatically copied as well.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 23
Characters from languages such as Japanese and Korean which use a 16-bit Unicode character set that does not match the DVD-Video specifications are not used by Nero Recode 2. However, this restriction can be relaxed as required. In the default setting, this check box is deactivated, i.e. the DVD-Video specifications are not relaxed.
Output DVD
This check box specifies whether (when copying a DVD with elements that are
blocked for user input) these areas should be made accessible to the user. This is also the standard (default) setting. If, for example, the original DVD contains a section that cannot be jumped over (so that the contents of this section are always shown when playing) Nero Recode 2 can unblock it and the user can skip the section - or view it at fast forward. In the default setting, this check box is enabled, in other words the section is 'unlocked' and the user has access to these areas.
If the original DVD consists of two layers, there is a command on the DVD
which will stop the picture for a short time so that the laser can jump from the first to the second layer. When copying with Nero Recode 2 onto a DVD with only one layer, this command is unnecessary and can be removed. The checkbox is enabled in the default setting.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 24
Nero Digital
After creating an MPEG-4 file with Nero Recode 2, the program can determine, after the first pass, that the quality of the resulting video would be improved if the file is passed a second time.
In this case you can stipulate on this tab how Nero Recode 2 should proceed. You can change the setting by clicking on the dropdown button and selecting the desired option.
Ask me to confirm which files need a second pass.
If a second pass is meant to improve the quality, then a dialog always appears before the second pass in which you can choose if the second pass should be done or not.
Do not ask me. Always do a second pass for those files which need it.
Do not ask me. Never do a second pass-
If a second pass is meant to improve the quality, then this will be done automatically without consulting you.
second pass will never be made, even if it
improved the quality of the resulting MPEG-4 file.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 25
If you need to change the video resolution when converting to Nero Digital, a special method can be selected by clicking on the drop-down button. The standard setting 'Automatic' obviously selects the best (likely) method.
This check box determines whether the file is analyzed when importing the video. In the default setting, this check box is activated.
If you have installed the version of Nero Recode 2 CE without Nero SmartStart, you will find a dropdown list box to select the user interface language.
Clicking on the 'Enable All' button will enable all the warning messages again if
they had been manually disabled before.
This check box determines whether the program is shown in the system tray
when minimized. In the default setting, the check box is activated.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 26
This check box shows whether the disk is ejected after encoding/burning. In
the default setting, this check box is deactivated.
When burning a disk, a report on the recording process is generated. This
check box shows whether the system asks if the report should be saved. In the default setting, the check box is activated.
Preview Window
This area determines the quality of the audio output when the DVD title is being seen in the preview window.
You can change the setting by clicking on the dropdown button and selecting the desired option.
Always downmix to 2
The audio output is over a number of channels.
The audio output is in two-channel stereo (default).
channel stereo
If the computer has a sound card with digital output, the sound will be heard from the connected digital audio device.
Nero Recode The Nero Recode 2 interface 27
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