Nero PhotoShow Express - 4 Instruction Manual

Thank you for using Nero PhotoShow Express 4!
We are confident you will enjoy using this software to create memories that last for generations to come.
Your Nero Team
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The Nero PhotoShow Express 4 User’s Manual and all its contents are protected by copyright and are the property of Nero (AG). All rights reserved. This User’s Manual contains material that is protected by internationally valid copyright. This manual may not-in whole or in parts- be copied, transmitted, or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of Nero.
All trademark names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Nero rejects any claims that transcend the legal guarantee agreement. Nero does not accept any liability for the correctness of the content of the Nero PhotoShow Express 4 User’s Manual. The contents of the software supplied, as well as of the Nero PhotoShow Express 4 User’s Manual, are subject to change without prior notice. The trademarks mentioned here are only listed for information purposes.
Unless you won the copyright or have the permission of the copyright holder, the unauthorized copying of discs can represent a violation of national or international laws and may result in serious penalties.
Copyright 2006 by Nero AG
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Nero PhotoShow Express 4........................................................5
1.1 General Information.......................................................................5
1.2 General System Requirements .....................................................5
2 Installation of Nero PhotoShow Express 4 ...............................6
2.1 Installation Instructions ..................................................................6
3 THE MAIN MENU SCREEN..........................................................7
3.1 The Manage, Make and Share Buttons .........................................7
3.2 The Preferences Link ....................................................................8
3.3 Home Photos Folder......................................................................8
3.4 Folders to Watch ...........................................................................8
3.5 Camera Connection/Photo CD Auto Launch .................................8
3.6 Title Bar Buttons............................................................................9
3.7 About Saving Your Work ...............................................................9
4 THE MAKE SCREEN..................................................................10
5 THE MANAGE SCREEN ............................................................11
5.1 The Photo Finder.........................................................................11
5.2 Quick Views.................................................................................11
5.3 Photo Finder Buttons...................................................................13
5.4 The Viewer ..................................................................................13
5.5 Viewer Buttons ............................................................................13
6 MANAGING YOUR PHOTOS & VIDEO CLIPS..........................14
6.1 Creating a New Folder, PhotoShow, Quick View, or Favorite .....15
6.2 Importing Photos and Video Clips .............................................155
6.3 Searching for Photos and Video Clips .........................................15
6.4 Printing Photos ............................................................................16
7 THE EDIT SCREEN ..................................................................177
7.1 The Edit Tab..............................................................................188
7.2 The Photo Info Dialog Box...........................................................19
The Text Tab .............................................................................200
7.4 The Clip Art Tab ........................................................................211
7.5 The Playback Tab .....................................................................211
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Table of Contents
8 EDITING YOUR PHOTOSHOWS .............................................233
8.1 Creating a PhotoShow...............................................................244
8.2 One Click Styles ........................................................................255
8.3 Watching a PhotoShow .............................................................255
8.4 Adding Photos to a PhotoShow.................................................266
8.5 Adding Music to a PhotoShow...................................................277
8.6 Adding Introductory & Ending Credits to a PhotoShow .............288
8.7 Applying PhotoShow Playback Settings....................................288
8.8 Saving a Copy of a PhotoShow...................................................29
8.9 PhotoShow Authoring Suggestions .............................................29
9 THE SHARE SCREEN.............................................................. 300
9.1 About PhotoShow Circle............................................................311
9.2 Share PhotoShows....................................................................311
9.3 Email Photos .............................................................................323
10 Support Contact ......................................................................333
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Nero PhotoShow Express 4
1 Nero PhotoShow Express 4
1.1 General Information
Welcome to Nero PhotoShow Express 4, the easy photo management and sharing solution. With Nero PhotoShow Express 4 you can manage your digital photos, create musical slideshows, order photo gifts and share your photos and PhotoShows in a variety of ways.
A slideshow made with Nero PhotoShow Express 4 software is called a PhotoShow. PhotoShows are different from ordinary slideshows: they feature digital photos, with transitions and effects, animated clip art and text, and musical soundtracks.
1.2 General System Requirements
Windows® 98 SE/ME/2000/XP
Pentium Class 700MHz Processor or Better
256 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended)
Minimum 500 MB hard drive space
800x600 video display, High Color 16-bit
33.6Kbps modem or faster and Internet Service Provider
(Account required for sharing online)
Web browser that supports Flash Player
Macromedia Flash Player V.6
Nero PhotoShow Deluxe 4 Page 5
Installation of Nero PhotoShow Express 4
2 Installation of Nero PhotoShow Express 4
2.1 Installation Instructions
Prior to installing Nero PhotoShow Express 4 we recommend that you exit all open applications.
1. Insert the Nero PhotoShow Express 4 CD-ROM into your computer. The Nero PhotoShow Express 4 Installation screen is displayed if CD-ROM AutoPlay is enabled.
If CD-ROM AutoPlay is turned off, click the Start button and choose
Run. In the Run dialog, enter the CD-ROM drive’s letter and add :\setup.exe after it. Click on OK in the Run dialog to begin installation.
2. Follow the on-screen directions within the installer to install Nero PhotoShow Express 4.
At the final installer screen, click Finish to quit the installer and run Nero PhotoShow Express 4.
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This is the Main Menu screen of Nero PhotoShow Express 4, which you use to navigate through the application. You can return to it at any time by clicking on the Nero PhotoShow Express 4 logo in the top left corner of the screen.
The Nero PhotoShow Express 4 application is divided into three primary sections: Manage, Make, and Share. You can switch from one section to another by clicking the Manage, Make, or Share buttons on the Main Menu screen, or by pressing the similarly labeled tabs at the top of the screen at any other time.
3.1 The Manage, Make and Share Buttons
Click the Manage button to organize and edit your photos, print your
photos, or watch and edit PhotoShows. The Manage button drop­down menu provides quick access to commonly used Manage functions: Organize My Photos, Watch a PhotoShow, Received PhotoShows, and Import Photos and Videos.
Click the Make button to create things from your photos like
PhotoShows, screen savers, and to order photo gifts, prints, and PhotoShow DVDs.
Nero PhotoShow Deluxe 4 Page 7
Click the Share button to email photos and upload PhotoShows to
the web.
Click the About Nero link on the Main Menu screen to discover
useful information about your version of Nero PhotoShow Express 4.
3.2 The Preferences Link
Click the Preferences link on the Main Menu screen to access the Preferences Screen. Here you can set your Home Photos Folder,
choose your Folders to Watch, and adjust your camera connection and photo CD auto launch settings.
3.3 Home Photos Folder
When you first install Nero PhotoShow Express 4, it asks you to specify the folder where you keep your digital photos. This will be designated as your Home Photos Folder. Nero PhotoShow Express 4 will automatically inventory all the photos in your Home Photos Folder. You can click the Change Folder button on the Preferences screen to designate a different folder as your Home Photos Folder.
3.4 Folders to Watch
Folders to Watch are folders outside of your Home Photos Folder which you would also like Nero PhotoShow Express 4 to display (in other words, any photo folder which is not contained in your My Pictures folder). On the Preferences screen, you can click the Add Folder button to designate a folder on your computer as a Folder to Watch.
If you add or remove photos from the Home Photos Folder or a Folder to Watch, the corresponding photos will be added or removed from Nero PhotoShow Express 4.
3.5 Camera Connection/Photo CD Auto Launch
When you plug your digital camera into your computer and turn it on, Nero PhotoShow Express 4 will automatically launch and offer to import the photos and video clips on your camera into your Home Photos Folder. The same thing will happen when you insert a photo CD into your CD-ROM drive.
1. To prevent Nero PhotoShow Express 4 from automatically launching when a digital camera or media card is connected to your computer, uncheck the box to automatically launch Nero PhotoShow Express 4 when a camera or media card is connected on the preferences screen.
2. To prevent Nero PhotoShow Express 4 from automatically launching when a photo CD is inserted into your computer, uncheck the box to
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automatically launch Nero PhotoShow Express 4 when a Photo CD is inserted on the preferences screen.
3.6 Title Bar Buttons
1. Click the Question Mark button to access the application's Help Section. The Help Section will open to the topic most pertinent to the screen you are currently viewing. Because of this, the best way to find helpful information about any given topic is first to view the screen most relevant to that topic, and then click the Question Mark.
2. Click the Minimize button to minimize Nero PhotoShow Express 4 and display your desktop.
3. Click the Magnify button to view Nero PhotoShow Express 4 in full screen mode. This will reset your monitor's display resolution to 800 x 600, so that images on the screen will appear larger. Click the Magnify button again to return to your original display setting.
4. Click the Close button to close Nero PhotoShow Express 4.
3.7 About Saving Your Work
Nero PhotoShow Express 4 automatically saves any changes you make to a photo, photo folder, or PhotoShow. Changes made to photos using the edit tools can be reversed using the Undo or Revert to Original buttons (see the Edit Screen section of the Help Section for more information).
Nero PhotoShow Deluxe 4 Page 9
The Make Screen is where you can make fun things with your digital photos. Some of these items you can produce at home; others must be ordered from an online photo service. Nero PhotoShow Express 4 makes it easy to order photo gifts and professional prints online. If you don't have an account with an online photo service, you can create one from within Nero PhotoShow Express 4. Note: you must be connected to the internet to order prints and gifts from online photo services.
Click Photo Gifts to create different products with your photos on
Click Order Prints to order professional prints and have them
shipped to your doorstep.
Click PhotoShow to quickly and easily make a musical show.
Click Screen Saver to make your photos into a screen saver for
your computer.
Click Order DVD to order a personalized DVD of your PhotoShow
from custom PhotoShow DVD service.
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