How to create a basic DVD Movie using NeroVision Express 2
1. First to launch NeroVision Express 2: Go to Start->All Programs->Nero-
>NeroVision Express 2->NeroVision Express. Or you can just go to
Start->NeroVision Express

2. This brings up the NeroVision Express 2 Main Window. Select
Make DVD->DVD-Video.
3. This brings up the ‘Content’ window. From here you can add Video Files, or
Capture video directly. Click on ‘Add Video Files’.

4. This brings up the below window. Use this window to select your Video files
for this project. The Video files must be in a supported format such as AVI,
5. This brings us back to the ‘Content’ window. Here you can choose to Edit
the video you have selected, you can Create Chapters, or you can Merge

6. First let’s merge our two selected Videos. You must highlight or select both
Videos as seen below, and then click on the ‘Merge’ button in the bottom left
corner of the window.
7. As soon as you begin the merge of the two video clips, you will get this
warning message to inform you what will occur when the two videos merge
into one video. Click ‘Yes’ to continue with the merge. (Note: This does not
affect the original video files in anyway.)