Nec VERSA MINIDOCK 6000 user Manual

The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of NEC Computer Systems Division, Packard Bell NEC, Inc. (NECCSD, P BNEC) and/or its licenso rs. NECCSD and/o r its licensors, as appropriate, re­serve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document, including all de­sign, manufacturing, repro duction, use, and sales r ights thereto, except to the extent said rights are expressly granted to others.
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First Printing — September 1997
Copyright 1997
NEC Computer Syste ms D ivision, Packar d Bell NEC, Inc.
1414 Massachusetts Avenue
Boxborough, MA 01719
All Rights Reserved


This service and reference manu al contains the technical information necessary t o set up and maintain the NEC Versa® MiniDock 6000™. I t also provides hard ware and interface infor­mation for users who need an overview of the docking station’s design. The manual is written for NEC-trained customer engineers, system analysts, ser vice center personnel, and dealers.
The manual is organized as follows: Section 1 Technical Information, pr ovides an overview of the hardware and int er face
components. System specifications are listed including dimensions, weight, environment, safety compliance, and power consumption.
Section 2 Setup and Operation, takes the authorized service technician or dealer from unpacking to setup and oper ation. The section includes a description of docking station connectors, operat ing controls, and software.
Section 3 Troubleshooting and Repair, pro v ide s disasse mbly and assembly p roce- dures, and an exploded-view diagram of the docking station with part numbers.
Appendix AConnector Locations and Pin Assignments, provides a list of the internal connector pin assignments and a list of external pin assignments.
An Index is included fo r convenience.


Aampere AC alternating current AT advanced technology
(IBM PC) BBS Bulle tin Board System BCD binary-coded dec imal BIOS basic input/out put system bit binary digit bp i bits per inch bps bits per second BUU BIOS Upg rade Utilit y C centigrade Cache high- speed buffer storage CAM constant ly addressable memory CAS column address stro be CD-ROM compact disk-ROM CGA Color Graphics Adapt er CGB Color Gr aphics Board CH channel clk clock cm cen timeter CM OS comp lement ary metal oxide
semiconducto r COM communication CONT contrast CPU central processing unit CRT c athode-ray tube DAC digital-to-analog converter DC direct current DIP dual in -line package DLAB Divisor Latch Address bit DMA direct memory access DMAC DMA controller DOS disk operating system DRAM dynamic RAM DTE data ter minal equipment
ECC error checking and correction EDS error detecting system EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapt er EPP enhanced p arallel port EPROM erasable and pr ogrammable
EVGA Enhanced Video Graphics
Array F Fahrenheit FAX facsimile tran smiss ion FCC Federal Communicat ions
Commission FG frame ground FM frequency modulation Fn Function FRU field-replaceable unit GB gigabyte GND ground HDD hard diskdr ive HEX hexadecimal HGA Hercules Graphics Adapter Hz hertz IC integrated circuit ID identification IDE inte lligent device electron ics IDTR interrupt descriptor table
register IMR Interrupt Mask register in. inch INTA interrupt acknowledge IPB illustrated parts b re akdown IRR Interrupt Request register ISA Industry Standard Architecture ISR In Service register I/O input/output IPC integrated peripheral contro ller
x Abbreviations
ips inches pe r second IRQ interrupt request K kilo (1024) k kilo (1000) KB kilobyte kg kilogram kHz kilohertz kV kilovolt lb pound LED light-emitt ing diode LSB least- significant bit LSI large-scale integration Mmega mA milliamps max maximum MB megabyte MFM modified frequency modulation MHz megahertz mm millimeter ms millisecond\ MQFP metal quad flat package MSB most-significant bit NASC National Aut ho r ized Service
Center NC not co nnected NDP numeric dat a processor NMI Non-maskable Interrupt ns nanosecond NSRC National Service Response
Center PAL programmable array logic PC per sonal computer PCB pr inted circuit board PCI pe rip herals comp on ent
interconnect PFP plastic flat package PIO parallel input/output
PJQFP plastic J-lead quad flat pack PLCC plastic lead chip carrier PLL ph ase lock lo op p-p peak-to-peak PPI programmable peripheral
interface PQFP plastic quad flat package PROM progra mmable ROM QFP quad flat pack RAM random-access memory RAMDAC RAM digital-to-analog RAS row ad d r ess strobe RGB red green blue RGBI red green blue intensity ROM read -only memo ry rpm revolutions per minute R read RTC real-time clo ck R/W read/write Sslave SCSI Small Computer System
Interface SDLC Synchrono us Data Link
Contr o l SG signal ground SIMM single inline me mory module SQFP silver quad flat package SVGA Super Video Graphics Array SW switch TQFP Thin-quad flat package TSC Technical Support Center TTL transistor/transisto r logic tpi tracks per inch UART univer sal asynchronous
receiver/transmitter Vvolt Vdc volts, direct current
pixel picture element
VESA video electronics standards
association VFO variable fr equency oscillato r VGA Video Graphics Array VLSI ver y large-scale int egr ation VRAM vir tual RAM Wwatt
µf microfarad µPD microprocessor µs microsecond ohm
Abbreviations xi


Abbreviations............................................................................................................... ix
Section 1 Technical Information
Hardware Overview..................................................................................................... 1-2
Front and Top Features......................................................................................... 1-2
Left Features......................................................................................................... 1-4
Right Features....................................................................................................... 1-5
Rear Features........................................................................................................ 1-6
NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Chipset............................................................................. 1-8
PCI Bus-t o CardBus Controller (PCI1131)........................................................... 1-8
PCI to ISA Controller (PCIset 82380AB) ............................................................. 1-8
PCI to PCI controller (PCIset 82380FB)............................................................... 1-9
IDE Controller (PCI0646U).................................................................................. 1-9
I/O Address Map......................................................................................................... 1-9
In terru pt Availab ility.................................................................................................... 1-10
Specifications............................................................................................................... 1-11
Section 2 Setup and Operation
Unpacking the Unit...................................................................................................... 2-1
Environment ......................................................................................................... 2-1
Hardware Setup........................................................................................................... 2-1
Preparing the NEC Versa for Docking .................................................................. 2-3
Docking the NEC Versa........................................................................................ 2-5
Undocking the NEC Versa.................................................................................... 2-9
Software Setup............................................................................................................ 2-10
Plug and Play Soft ware Setup ............................................................................... 2-10
Running the Se tup Utilit y............................................................................................. 2-10
Us ing the Setup Utility.......................................................................................... 2-11
Section 3 Troubleshooting and Repair
Preventive Maint enance............................................................................................... 3-1
Cleaning the Docking Statio n’s Exterior................................................................ 3-1
Cleaning the Docking Statio n’s Interior................................................................. 3-2
iv Contents
Protecting the Disk Drives .................................................................................... 3-2
Required Tools and Equipment .................................................................................... 3-2
Disassembly and Reassembly........................................................................................ 3-3
Top Cover............................................................................................................ 3-4
Internal Components ............................................................................................. 3-9
Illustrated Parts Breakdown......................................................................................... 3-16
Service Informatio n...................................................................................................... 3-18
Technical Support........................................................................................................ 3-19
Product Information ..................................................................................................... 3-19
Ordering Informatio n From FaxFlash........................................................................... 3-20
Appendix A Connector Locations and Pin Assignment
1-1 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000........................................................................... 1-1
1-2 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Front and Top Features...................................... 1-2
1-3 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 LEDs................................................................. 1-3
1-4 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Left Features...................................................... 1-4
1-5 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Right Features.................................................... 1-5
1-6 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Rear Features..................................................... 1-6
2-1 AC Power Cable Connection.......................................................................... 2-2
2-2 Main Power Switch........................................................................................ 2-3
2-3 NEC Versa Expansion Port Cover.................................................................. 2-4
2-4 Stowing the Expansio n Port Cover................................................................. 2-4
2-5 Docking Status LEDs..................................................................................... 2-5
2-6 Adjusting the AC Port Guard......................................................................... 2-6
2-7 Lowering the NEC Versa ont o the MiniDock................................................. 2-6
2-8 Docking the NEC Versa................................................................................. 2-7
2-9 Opening the LCD Panal.................................................................................. 2-7
2-10 Power Button................................................................................................. 2-8
2-11 Undocking and Suspend/Resume Buttons....................................................... 2-9
2-12 Removing the NEC Versa .............................................................................. 2-10
2-13 Main Setup Screen......................................................................................... 2-12
3-1 Upper Shelter Co ver ...................................................................................... 3-4
3-2 Undock Lever Screw Lo cation....................................................................... 3-5
Contents v
3-3 Undock Shelter Screws.................................................................................. 3-6
3-4 Bottom of the MiniDock 6000 ....................................................................... 3-7
3-5 Interior of the MiniDock 6000........................................................................ 3-8
3-6 Fan Assembly Screws..................................................................................... 3-9
3-7 PCB Sub Screws............................................................................................ 3-10
3-8 Frame PCB Main........................................................................................... 3-11
3-9 Undock Unit Screw Lo cation......................................................................... 3-12
3-10 VersaBay Panel.............................................................................................. 3-13
3-11 Power Supply Unit......................................................................................... 3-14
3-12 PCB Sub........................................................................................................ 3-15
3-13 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 IPB .................................................................... 3-16
A-1 Keyboard and Mouse Ports............................................................................ A-1
A-2 COM Port...................................................................................................... A-2
A-3 Printer Port.................................................................................................... A-3
A-4 Monitor Port.................................................................................................. A-4
List of Tables
1-1 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Chip Types and Technologies............................. 1-8
1-2 I/O Address Map ........................................................................................... 1-9
1-3 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Specifications..................................................... 1-11
3-1 NEC Versa Series MiniDo ck 6000 Disassembly Sequence.............................. 3-3
3-2 NEC Versa Series MiniDock 6000 Field-Replaceable Parts............................ 3-17
3-3 Packaging and Documentation Part Numbers................................................. 3-18
3-4 NEC Service and Information Telephone Numbers......................................... 3-18
A-1 Keyboard/Mouse Pin Assignments ................................................................. A-1
A-2 COM Port Pin Assignment s............................................................................ A-2
A-3 Printer Port Assignments................................................................................ A-3
A-4 Monitor Port Pin Assignments........................................................................ A-4
A-5 Docking Expansio n Port Assignments............................................................ A-5
Section 1

Technical Information

The NEC Versa Versa 6000 Series notebook computer into a desktop system.
MiniDock 6000™ provides the user with a way to tr ansform his/her NEC
Figure 1-1 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000
1-2 Technical Information
MiniDock features ar e found on every surface of the unit . T o become familiar with these features, read each of the following sect ions.
Front and Top Features
Features on the front and to p of the NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 are shown in the fo llowing figure. Descriptions follow the figur e.
Figure 1-2 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Front and Top Features
Front and Top Feature Descripti ons
Docking Guides — ensure t hat your NE C Ver sa is aligned proper ly for docking. These guides fit into specially placed notches on the bottom of the noteboo k computer.
Eject Lever — disconnects the NEC Versa from the MiniDock do cking connec­tor . Befor e pr essing the Eject lever, you must prepare your system fo r undo cking by pressing the Undocking button or the Power button on the side of the Mini­Dock. (See Chapter 2, “Docking and Undocking, ” in the MiniDock 6000 User’s Guide for details about undocking procedures.)
Air Vents — allow the MiniDock to cool properly. Keep the vents free of paper and debris to allow for proper air circulation.
Docking Connector — fits the expansion por t on your NEC Versa to allo w for docking.
Technical Information 1-3
AC Port Guard — keeps you from accidentally do cking the NEC Versa while it is
still p lugged into t he AC adapter. When the notebook is docked, the MiniDock supplies power to r un t he system and charges the battery installed in the NEC Versa notebook , but not the battery installed in the MiniDock 6000 VersaBay II.
Notebook Glide — allows you r notebo ok compute r to glide easily t owards the
docking connector during docking and away from the connector while undocking. Docking Grips — give you the leverage you need to connect the expansion po r t
on the notebook computer to the docking connector o n the MiniDock. Docking LEDs — inform you of the current docking status, I DE dr ive access, and
diskette drive access. LEDs are shown in the following figure and LED states are described after the figur e.
Figure 1-3 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 LEDs
Status LEDs Descriptions
 Docking Status – When power is on to the MiniDock, this LED lights as fol-
Steady green when the NEC Versa is properly docked, powered up, and locked onto the MiniDock.
Blinks green while processing an undocking request.
Steady amber when power to t he MiniDock is on but no notebook com­puter is docked; when the computer is docked but not po wer ed on; or an eject request was accepted and t he computer is ready for undocking.
1-4 Technical Information
 IDE Drive Access – lights green when a CD-ROM, hard disk, or SuperDisk™
LS-120 drive installed in the MiniDo ck or NEC Versa is accessed.
 Diskette Drive Access – lights green when a standard diskette drive installed
in the NEC Versa or MiniDock VersaBay II is accessed. Also lights green when a diskette drive connected via an external FDD connector cable is ac­cessed.
Left Features
Features on t he left hand side of the MiniDock are shown in the follo wing figur e. Descrip­tions follow the figure.
Figure 1-4 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Left Features
Left Feature Descriptions
PC Card Slots — lets you install two Type II PC cards, one Type III PC card, or one Type III card in the top slot and one Type II card in the bott om slot for use while docked.
MIDI/Game Port — supports MIDI/game devices, such as a joystick or MIDI keyboard.
Serial Port — lets you connect serial devices to the MiniDo ck.
External FDD Connector — lets you connect an optional External FDD cable directly to the MiniDock.
Technical Information 1-5
Audio Port s — gives you the option of connecting ext er nal audio
devices including: a microphone, headphones, or speakers. You can also connect other audio devices to use as an out put device or input source.
Volu me Control —give s you co nt rol over the volume o f exte rnal
speakers or headphones attached to t he MiniDock. Undocking Button —releases the locking mechanism and prepares
the NEC Versa for undocking. For warm undocking, you must press the Undocking button before pressing the Eject lever to successfully undock. (See Chapter 2, “Docking and Undocking,” for details about undocking the system.)
If an eject request is rejected, the Docking LED retur ns t o solid green.
Suspend/Resume Button — puts your NEC Versa into Standby
mode to co nserve energy. To ret ur n t o Operating mode, press the but to n a second time.
Right Features
Features on t he right-hand side of the MiniDock are shown in the following figure. De­sc rip tions follow the figur e.
Figure 1-5 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Right Side Features
1-6 Technical Information
Right Feature Descri ptions
Kensington Lock Po r t — lets you secure your MiniDock using an op­tional Kensington Lock.
VersaBay II — lets you install yo ur diskette or SuperDisk drive, CD-
ROM reader, seco nd hard disk drive, or ot her Ver saBay opt ion into the MiniDock.
VersaBay II Eject Button — ejects a device installed in the MiniDock
6000 VersaBay II. Power Button — lets you power on and off the NEC Versa notebook
computer docked on the MiniDock.
Rear Features
Features on the rear o f the MiniDo ck 6000 ar e shown in the following figure. Descriptions fo llow the figure.
Figure 1-6 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Rear Features
Rear Feature Descriptions
Keybo ar d P ort — lets you connect a PS/2-style exter nal keyboard to your MiniDock.
Mouse Po r t — lets you connect a PS/2-style external mo use to your MiniDock.
Technical Information 1-7
USB Port — lets you connect one or more USB devices to the Mini-
Dock. If your NEC Versa support s USB device connection, this port o n the MiniDock wo r k s. I f your NEC Versa does not support USB device connection, this port does not work.
Power Port — allows you to connect t he MiniDock to AC power.
Always use the power cable that ships with the
MiniDock or one that is appropriate for your country. See the cable listed in the MiniDock 6000 User’s Guide. Appendix A, Specificat ions
Main Power Switch —turns power on to the MiniDock. Pressing this button t o remove power while the not ebook is docked and powered on shuts down everything and can cause a system crash.
Parallel Port — lets you connect a parallel device to the MiniDock.
External Monitor Por t — allows you to connect an external monitor .
(You may need to press
to get an image on the external monitor.
See your NEC Versa user’s guide for function key combinations.)
1-8 Technical Information
Refer to Table 1-1 for a quick summary of the chip types used in t he system. See the Abbreviations section at the beginning of this manual for a t r anslation of chip technologies.
Table 1-1 NEC Versa MiniDock 6000 Chip Types and Technologies
Chip Manufacturer Description Technology
PCI1131 Texas Instrum ents CardB us Contr oller 208- pin (TQFP) PCIset 82380AB
(Moon PCI) PCIset 82380AF
(Moon ISA) PCI0646U CMD Tec hnology,
Intel PCI to ISA Support 160-pin MQF P
Intel PCI to P CI Support 208-pin SQFP
IDE Cont r oller 100-pin SQFP
PCI Bus-to-CardBus Controller (PCI1131)
The PCI1131 supports two 32-bit CardBus credit-card-size add-in modules that give the PC access to peripheral devices, such as modems, video pro gr a mming, printers, external video monitors, and local area networks.
bandwidth significantly gr eater than that of other CardBus co nt r oller s
supports t wo 32-bit CardBus credit-card-size and also suppo r ts 16-bit PCMCIA
(Personal Computer Memory Card Industry Association) or PC Card add-in modules.
PCI to ISA Controller (PCIset 82380AB)
This chip provides the docking station with docking control and hot insertion as applicable to the PCI/ISA bus. The PCIset 82380AB integrates t he following in PCI/ISA technology:
supports full IS A including ISA masters
supports PCI at 25 Mhz to 33 Mhz
supports ISA at 7. 5 Mhz to 8.33 Mhz
provides byte swap logic, I/O recovery support, wait-st ate generation, refresh and SYSCLK generation.
Technical Information 1-9
PCI to PCI Controller (PCIset 82380FB)
This chip provides the MiniDo ck with docking control and hot insertion. The PCIset 82380FB int egrates the following in PCI/ PCI technology:
efficient repeater architecture
supports full po wer management
high performance bridge supports back-to-back data transfer.
IDE Controller (PCI0646U)
NEC uses C MD Technolog y’s PCI t o IDE con troller, pr ov iding t h e follo wing:
standard PCI to Universal Serial Bus (USB) technology
complete driver suppo r t for all major operat ing systems including MS-DOS, Win­dows 3.1, Windows NT, Windows 95, and Novell NetWare
supports isochronous and asynchronous transfer types
supports dynamic “hot” insertion and removal of devices.
Refer to Table 1-2 for the MiniDock address map.
Table 1-2 I/O Address Map
Address Function
0170 - 0177H IDE Contr oller (Secondar y ) 01F0 - 01F 7H IDE Controller (Primary) 0376H Al ternate HDD, Control and Status
0377H Al ternate HDD, Digital Input Register
03F6H Alternate HDD, Control and Stat us
03F7H Alternate HDD, Digital Input Register
(Primary) 0C28H Docking Station Control Register 0C20H NVRAM P age S election Cont r ol Register
1D00 - 1DFF H 16 Pages of 128 byte/page NVRAM
1-10 Technical Information
The assignments associated with the MiniDock 6000 are as follows:
IRQ 0 — Timer IRQ 1 — Keyboard cont ro ller
IRQ 2 — Cascade
IRQ 3 — * Modem
IRQ 4 — * Serial Po r t
IRQ 5 — * Audio
IRQ 6 — * Diskette drive
IRQ 7 — * Parallel Port IRQ 8 — Real Time Clock
IRQ 9 — * IR Port
IRQ10 — IntA (Assigned by Windows 95 Cardbus driver)
IRQ11 — IntB (Assigned by Windows 95 Cardbus driver)
IRQ12 — * VersaGlide/Mouse IRQ13 — Math Coprocessor
IRQ14 — Primary Hard Drive
IRQ15 — * Secondary Hard Drive (MD6000 Drive).
* These IRQ’s are available for reassignment (I RQ12 is available only with the NEC Versa 6020/6030).
Technical Information 1-11
Table 1-3 provides a complet e list of the NEC Versa Series MiniDock 6000 specifications.
Table 1-3 NEC Versa Series MiniDock 6000 Specifications
Item Specification Chassis Conf iguration (Size)
Width:11.58 in. (297 mm)
Connector Support
Depth:16.25 in. (416.6 mm) Height (Back): 3.66 in. (94 mm) Weight: 7.05 lb. (3.2 kg) 120 Volts, 1.5A, 60 Hz (North Ameri c a) 220-240 Vol ts, .9A, 50Hz (Eur ope) Docki ng Connec tor VersaBay II Seri al RS-232C Parallel EPP MIDI Game port VGA CRT PS/2- sty le mouse port PS/2- sty le keyboard port Mic r ophone- in Port
micr ophone jack
connects to Versa expansi on c onnec tor
20-pin connector
9-pin connector
25-pin connector
15-pin connector
15-pin port
accepts a standard monophonic
Headphone speaker
Line I n Line O ut USB  4 pin connector Ex ternal FDD Connect or  26-pin connector
Indi c ator LEDs Docking status
IDE Drive Access Diskette Driv e Access status
external audio source, stereo i nput to MiniDoc k .
connects to another audio system
accepts standard stereo headphone or ex ternal
1-12 Technical Information
Table 1-3 NEC Versa Series MiniDock 6000 Specifications (cont’d)
Item Specification Standard Software
NEC MiniDoc k 6000 S etup utility
BIO S Update Diskette
Recommended Enviro nment
Temperat ur e: 41° to 95°F (5° to 35°C)
Storage Requirement s
Administrative Compliance
UL 1950 CSA C22.2 No. 950 (D3) CE E N60950; 1992 + A1+
Relat ive Humidity: 8% to 80% (noncondensing)
Temperature: –4° to 140°F (–20° to 60° C) Relat ive Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
A2; 1993 + A3: 1995 + A-4
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