The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this
publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose,
without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native
“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instruments GmbH.
Mac, Mac OS, GarageBand, Logic, iTunes and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows, Windows Vista and DirectSound are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
Ableton Live™ is a Trademark of Ableton AG.
All other trade marks are the property of their respective owners and use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Document authored by: Native Instruments GmbH
Software version: 1.6.3 (03/2014)
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but
in making this a better product.
Native Instruments GmbH
Schlesische Str. 29-30
D-10997 Berlin
Native Instruments North America, Inc.
6725 Sunset Boulevard
5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Native Instruments KK
YO Building 3F
Jingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo 150-0001
This document explains how to use your Native Instruments (NI) hardware controller and its NI
Controller Templates to control several products from Native Instrument and other companies.
Before you start
In order to control a MIDI-enabled software with your NI hardware controller in MIDI mode,
make sure that this software is set up for receiving MIDI data from the hardware controller. If
the software you want to control is capable of sending MIDI data back to the hardware controller, select your NI hardware controller as a MIDI Out device.
Note that some programs require an assignment file to be loaded in order to be able to control
it with NI hardware controller. These files can be found in the Controller Editor application
folder’s sub folder named “Template Support Files”.
Installation instructions and additional requirements are provided at the beginning of each
1.1Document Conventions
This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information can
be expected:
Whenever this exclamation mark icon appears, you should read the corresponding note
carefully and follow the instructions and hints given there if applicable.
This light bulb icon indicates that a note contains useful extra information. This information may often help you to solve a task more efficiently, but does not necessarily apply to
the setup or operating system you are using; however, it's always worth a look.
Furthermore, the following formatting is used:
▪ Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) and paths to loca-
tions on your hard drive or other storage devices is printed in italics.
- Controller Editor Template Documentation - 9
About this Document
Document Conventions
▪ Text appearing elsewhere on the screen (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkbox-
es etc.) is printed in light blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find
the same text appearing on the screen.
▪ Important names and concepts are printed in bold.
▪ References to keys on your computer’s keyboard you’ll find put in square brackets (e.g.,
“Press [Shift] + [Return]”).
1.Sequences of ordered instructions are introduced by numbers.
Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.
Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.
- Controller Editor Template Documentation - 10
Use this Controller Editor template to control software via MIDI commands.
Note that the software needs to accept MIDI CC commands.
Select MIDI/CC as remote control surface in the software you want to control.
For detailed information please refer to your host software’s documentation. Furthermore, articles describing the setup procedure in several common host softwares are available in the NI
Knowledge Base:
2.1.2Knob/Button Pages
Control NameDescription
Button 1 (left)Shift
Button 2 (center)MIDI CC 60
Button 3 (right)MIDI CC 61
KnobMIDI CC 7 (Channel Volume)
Button 2 + Shift (Button 1)MIDI CC 62
Button 3 + Shift (Button 1)MIDI CC 63
Knob + ShiftMIDI CC 11 (Expression)
- Controller Editor Template Documentation - 11
Mackie Control Universal™
2.2Mackie Control Universal™
In software supporting the MCU protocol, this Controller Editor template provides basic transport and master volume control.
Select Mackie Control as remote control surface in your host software that supports the
MCU (Mackie Control Universal™) protocol.
For detailed information please refer to your host software’s documentation. Furthermore, articles describing the setup procedure in several common host softwares are available in the NI
Knowledge Base:
2.2.2Knob/Button Pages
Control NameDescription
Button 1 (left)Shift
Button 2 (center)MCU Button Stop
Button 3 (right)MCU Button Start
KnobMaster Volume
Button 2 + Shift (Button 1)MCU Button Home
Button 3 + Shift (Button 1)MCU Button Record
Knob + ShiftMaster Volume
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KORE Controller
3KORE Controller
3.1Ableton Live™
In the Controller Editor folder, sub folder Template Support Files/Ableton Live User Remote
Scripts, you will find the folder "Kore Controller 2" that contains a user configuration file for
1.Copy the entire folder “Kore Controller 2“ to the following location:
On Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/Ableton/ Live <current version>/User
Remote Scripts/
On Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Ableton\Live <cur-
rent version>\Preferences\User Remote Scripts\
Ableton Live™
2.Load the Template “Ableton - Racks & Mixer” using Controller Editor.
3.In the MIDI sections of Live's preferences, select Kore Controller 2 from the control surface list (probably last entry).
4.Select NI Kore MIDI as “MIDI In & Out” interface.
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3.1.2Knob Pages
Page NameDescription
Current Rack / Device8 knobs of whichever Live Rack or Drum
Rack is active or locked to hardware.
When a device other than a Rack is in focus, Device On/Off and the first 127 parameters of whichever live device/VST is
active or locked to hardware.
Sends Tracks 1-4Sends 1 & 2 for tracks 1-4. The buttons
are for Record Arm for the 1st 8 tracks.
Sends Tracks 5-8Sends 1 & 2 for tracks 5-8. The buttons
are still Record Arm for the 1st 8 tracks.
Track VolumesVolume for the 1st 8 tracks. The buttons
are still Record Arm for the 1st 8 tracks.
Drum RackDirect mapping to the 16 drum pads
visible on an active or locked Drum
Rack. The top row of buttons = the top
row of pads; touching the top row of
knobs will trigger the second row of
pads, etc. Turning the 8 knobs each
send CC's 12 -18 on channel 2 for freely assigning to MIDI learnt functions. Try
mapping to effects or macros for that
KORE Controller
Ableton Live™
MIDI Learn 1A group of 16 MIDI CC's on channel 3
for freely assigning to any parameter in
MIDI Learn 2A second group of 16 MIDI CC's on
channel 4 for freely assigning to any parameter in Live.
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3.1.3Transport Buttons
Page NameDescription
AuditionLock/unlock KORE Controller to active
3.1.4Global Controls
Page NameDescription
DialProgram Change
SoundFast Forward
EnterPrior bank of parameters for an active
device when on “Current Rack / Device”
KORE Controller
Ableton Live™
EscNext bank of parameters for an active
device when on “Current Rack / Device”
Pedal 1MIDI CC 74
Pedal 2MIDI CC 75
FS 1Play
FS 2Record
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