AUDIO 8 DJ – 10
Double-click on Audio 8 DJ Driver Setup. This will start the driver installation program,
which will show a welcoming screen rst.
Click on Next to proceed in the driver installation.
In the next step, click on Accept to accept the software license agreement.
The next screen lets you choose the installation folder. Click Next to install the driver
in the default path
C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Audio 8 DJ Driver
or click Browse to open a dialog, in which you can choose a custom installation path.
The next screen informs you that you might get system dialogs, in which you have to
conrm the installation, although the software did not pass the Windows Logo test. If
you see such a dialog, please click on coNtiNue ANywAy. Click Next to continue with the
Now you will see a smaller window that shows that the installation is running.
After a short time, the next screen is displayed. You are now asked to connect the
AUDIO 8 DJ. Please connect the AUDIO 8 DJ with the provided USB cable to a free
USB2 port of your computer.
You will see a standard information bubble coming up and you might get another time
prompted to continue installation, although a Windows Logo test has not been passed,
as described above.
On the next screen, click on Next to complete the installation.
Another Windows information bubble will come up to inform you that the installation
was successful.
Also, the last installation screen is shown. Click on exit to complete the installation.
Congratulation, you have just completed the AUDIO 8 DJ driver installation!
To access the AUDIO 8 DJ software tools, click on
Windows Start > All Programs > Native Instruments > Audio 8 DJ Driver.
The AUDIO 8 DJ requires a USB
2.0 port and will not work when
connected to a USB 1.1 port.
The AUDIO 8 DJ requires a USB
2.0 port and will not work when
connected to a USB 1.1 port.
Ple ase always refer to the
Readme le on the installation
CD as it contains last minute information
not available in the printed manual.
Ple ase always refer to the
Readme le on the installation
CD as it contains last minute information
not available in the printed manual.