Native Instruments Audio 8 DJ Operation Manual

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a com­mitment on the part of
GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior writ­ten permission by
GmbH, hereinafter referred to as
All product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners.
Furthermore, the fact that you are reading this text means you are the owner of a legal version rather than an illegal, pirated copy. It is only through the loyalty and honesty of people like yourself that NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH can continue to develop and create innovative audio software. On behalf of the entire company, thank you very much.
Written and revised by: Irmgard Bauer, Friedemann Becker, Christoph Laue, Robert Kotok.
Other valuable input from: All TRAKTOR Forum Users!
Version: 1.1 (10/2008)
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in making this a better product.
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MASSIVE was designed and developed entirely by Native Instruments GmbH. Solely the name Massive is a registered trademark of Massive Audio Inc, USA.
© Native Instruments GmbH, 2008. All rights reserved.
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1. Welcome to the AUDIO 8 DJ!
Thank you for purchasing the AUDIO 8 DJ professional USB 2.0 audio interface. The
AUDIO 8 DJ has been tailored specically to the needs of the digital DJ:
Robust and portable design for the harshest traveling and live stage conditions
Loud output levels give enough headroom for shaping the sound with lters and EQs
Monitoring LEDs continuously provide valuable information about the status of your system
8 inputs and 8 outputs allow the creation of the most advanced setups
2 phono preamps for use with digital vinyl control systems
Microphone input with zero latency monitoring
Low-latency drivers provide natural analog feel for your DJ software
24 bit digital/ analog converters deliver the ultimate sound experience to your audience
MIDI connection offers the capacity for integrating MIDI controllers into your setup
Enjoy your AUDIO 8 DJ!
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2. Safety Considerations
The following sections contain important information regarding the use of the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware.
Please read the following sections thoroughly before you install the AUDIO 8 DJ on your computer!
2.1 Warning
Before using the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware please read the manual and pay special at­tention to the instructions.
The AUDIO 8 DJ hardware contains no user-serviceable parts. Do not open it or at­tempt to disassemble or modify any internal hardware. If there appears to be a hard­ware malfunction, immediately stop using the hardware and contact NATIVE INSTRUMENTS.
Do not expose the AUDIO 8 DJ to rain, and do not use it near water or in damp or wet conditions. Also, never place anything on top of the controller, and be very careful that no objects or liquids of any kind enter the unit.
The AUDIO 8 DJ, in combination with an amplier, headphones or speakers, can pro­duce sound levels capable of damaging your ears. Do not use it for long periods of time at high volume levels. If you experience any hearing problems or ringing in the ears, consult a hearing specialist immediately.
The AUDIO 8 DJ hardware is powered via USB. Operation can be guaranteed only as a single device with a USB2 controller or with a self-powered USB2 hub.
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2.2 Caution
Before connecting the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware to other electronic components, turn off the power for all devices. Before powering your system up or down, set all volume levels to minimum. Gradually raise the volume controls while playing your instruments to set the desired listening level.
Do not place the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware in an unstable position where it might acci­dentally fall to the ground.
Before moving the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware, remove all connected cables.
Never subject the unit to extreme temperatures (e.g. direct sunlight in an enclosed vehicle or near a heat source), or high levels of vibration.
Do not use excessive force on the buttons, knobs, switches or connectors.
When cleaning the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware, use a soft, dry cloth. Do not use paint thin-
ner, solvents, cleaning uids, or chemically-impregnated wiping cloths.
2.3 Important Notes
Disclaimer: NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH cannot be held responsible for damage or
data loss caused by improper use of, or modication to, the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware or
software. It is your responsibility to back up data you don’t want to lose.
Specications subject to change: The information contained in this manual is believed
to be correct at the time of printing. However, NATIVE INSTRUMENTS reserves the
right to make changes to the specications of software and hardware at any time
without notice or obligation to update existing units.
Nameplate location: The nameplate is located on the bottom of the AUDIO 8 DJ hard­ware and lists the Production ID.
Disposal notice: Should this product become damaged beyond repair, or for some other reason come to the end of its useful life, please observe all regulations of your country that relate to the disposal of electronic products.
AUDIO 8 DJ – 7
Copyright: © NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH 2007. All rights reserved. This publica­tion may not be reproduced in whole or in part, summarized, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH.
All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their re­spective owners.
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3. System requirements
For latest system requirements, compatibility and support of the latest operating systems please see our website at:
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4. Hard- and Software Installation
This chapter addresses the installation of the drivers of the AUDIO 8 DJ as well as the installation of the helping applications Control Panel, Settings Tool and Audio Statistics.
Please follow the provided step-by-step instructions!
Ignoring the instructions below may result in the installation of wrong drivers and can potentially cause problems.
4.1 Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ
To make use of the AUDIO 8 DJ, you need to install its driver rst. The driver handles
communication between the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware and your computer.
The driver itself is not accessible in itself: like any other driver on your operating system, it is a piece of software loaded in the background when your system starts up. The driver takes care of all audio and MIDI signals coming from or going to the AUDIO 8 DJ hardware through the USB2 connection.
Although the driver itself is inaccessible, you can edit some of its settings to modify its behavior for your audio setup.
These settings can be edited. How to achieve this will be explained in detail in chapter 7 (AUDIO 8 DJ Software).
4.1.1 Installing the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Windows
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the AUDIO 8 DJ drivers on a Windows PC.
To install the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers:
Place the installation CD in the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
Use the Windows Explorer to browse the contents of the CD.
Do not connect the AUDIO 8
DJ hardware until the driver installer prompts you as the operating system may install the wrong drivers.
Do not connect the AUDIO 8
DJ hardware until the driver installer prompts you as the operating system may install the wrong drivers.
Do not connect the AUDIO 8
DJ hardware until the driver installer prompts you as the operating system may install the wrong drivers!
Do not connect the AUDIO 8
DJ hardware until the driver installer prompts you as the operating system may install the wrong drivers!
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Double-click on Audio 8 DJ Driver Setup. This will start the driver installation program,
which will show a welcoming screen rst.
Click on Next to proceed in the driver installation.
In the next step, click on Accept to accept the software license agreement.
The next screen lets you choose the installation folder. Click Next to install the driver in the default path
C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Audio 8 DJ Driver or click Browse to open a dialog, in which you can choose a custom installation path.
The next screen informs you that you might get system dialogs, in which you have to
conrm the installation, although the software did not pass the Windows Logo test. If
you see such a dialog, please click on coNtiNue ANywAy. Click Next to continue with the installation.
Now you will see a smaller window that shows that the installation is running.
After a short time, the next screen is displayed. You are now asked to connect the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please connect the AUDIO 8 DJ with the provided USB cable to a free USB2 port of your computer.
You will see a standard information bubble coming up and you might get another time prompted to continue installation, although a Windows Logo test has not been passed, as described above.
On the next screen, click on Next to complete the installation.
Another Windows information bubble will come up to inform you that the installation was successful.
Also, the last installation screen is shown. Click on exit to complete the installation.
Congratulation, you have just completed the AUDIO 8 DJ driver installation!
To access the AUDIO 8 DJ software tools, click on
Windows Start > All Programs > Native Instruments > Audio 8 DJ Driver.
The AUDIO 8 DJ requires a USB
2.0 port and will not work when
connected to a USB 1.1 port.
The AUDIO 8 DJ requires a USB
2.0 port and will not work when
connected to a USB 1.1 port.
Ple ase always refer to the
Readme le on the installation
CD as it contains last minute information not available in the printed manual.
Ple ase always refer to the
Readme le on the installation
CD as it contains last minute information not available in the printed manual.
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In this folder you will nd the Control Panel (explained in chapter 7.2 Understanding the Control Panel) and the Settings Tool (explained later in chapter 7.1 Understanding the Settings Tool).
Uninstalling the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers
To uninstall the AUDIO 8 DJ drivers from your computer:
Open C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Audio 8 DJ Driver.
Double-click the Unwise Tool to begin un-installation.
Choose AutomAtic from the following dialog.
4.1.2 Installing the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Mac OS X
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the AUDIO 8 DJ drivers on a Macintosh computer.
To install the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers:
Place the installation CD in the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
A CD icon labeled „AUDIO 8 DJ CD“ will appear on the desktop.
Click on the „AUDIO 8 DJ CD“ icon to open the content of the CD.
Click on the AUDIO 8 DJ Driver installer called AUDIO 8 DJ Driver Installer.
The installer opens and the license agreement will be displayed. Click on coNtiNue to proceed.
The next screen prompts you to agree to the terms of the software license agreement. You need to click Agree to proceed with the installation.
In the next screen, you can choose a destination for installation. As default path, Applications/Audio 8 DJ Driver is chosen. Click coNtiNue to proceed.
In the next screen, click on iNstAll.
In the next screen, click on c
. The installation continues with the USB hardware
Do not connect the AUDIO 8
DJ hardware until the driver installer prompts you, as the operating system may install the wrong drivers!
Do not connect the AUDIO 8
DJ hardware until the driver installer prompts you, as the operating system may install the wrong drivers!
The AUDIO 8 DJ requires a USB
2.0 port and will not work when
connected to a USB 1.1 port.
The AUDIO 8 DJ requires a USB
2.0 port and will not work when
connected to a USB 1.1 port.
AUDIO 8 DJ – 12
In the next screen, select a destination volume and proceed by clicking on coNtiNue.
The next screen informs you that your computer needs to be restarted when the instal­lation is done. If you have any other applications running, you should close them now, then click on coNtiNue iNstAllAtioN.
The last screen prompts you to nish the installation. Click on r
to restart the
Congratulation, you have just completed the AUDIO 8 DJ driver installation!
To access the AUDIO 8 DJ software tools, please click on
Applications/Audio 8 DJ Driver.
In this folder you will nd the Settings Tool. Read more about the Settings Tool in chapter
7.1 (Understanding the Settings Tool).
Uninstalling the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers
To uninstall the AUDIO 8 DJ drivers from your computer, please delete the following les
/Library/Audio/MIDI\ Drivers/NIUSBMIDIDriver.plugin
4.2 Installation of the Settings Tool
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the Settings Tool. Information on how to use the Settings Tool can be found in chapter 7.1 (Understanding the Settings Tool).
Ple ase always refer to the
Readme le on the installation
CD, as it contains last minute information that may not be available in the printed manual.
Ple ase always refer to the
Readme le on the installation
CD, as it contains last minute information that may not be available in the printed manual.
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4.2.1 Installing the Settings Tool on Windows
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the Settings Tool on a Windows PC.
Installing the Settings Tool
The Settings Tool will be installed along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on installing the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.2 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Windows). There is no interaction required.
Uninstalling the Settings Tool
The Settings Tool can be uninstalled along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on uninstalling the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.2 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Windows). There is no interaction required.
4.2.2 Installing the Settings Tool on Mac OS X
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the Settings Tool on a Macintosh computer.
Installing the Settings Tool
The Settings Tool will be installed along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on installing the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.1 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Mac OS X). There is no interaction required.
Uninstalling the Settings Tool
To uninstall the Settings Tool from a Macintosh computer, please delete the le Applications/
Audio 8 DJ Driver/Settings Tool.
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4.3 Installation of the Control Panel
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the Control Panel. Information on how to use the Control Panel can be found in chapter 7.2 (Understanding the Control Panel).
4.3.1 Installing the Control Panel on Windows
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the Control Panel on a Windows PC.
Installing the Control Panel
The Control Panel will be installed along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on installing the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.2 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Windows). There is no interaction required.
Uninstalling the Control Panel
The Control Panel can be uninstalled along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on uninstalling the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.2 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Windows). There is no interaction required.
4.3.2 Installing the Control Panel on Mac OS X
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the Control Panel on a Macintosh computer.
Installing the Control Panel
The Control Panel will be installed along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on installing the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.2 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Mac OS X). There is no interaction required.
Uninstalling the Control Panel
There is no option to uninstall the Control Panel from a Macintosh computer.
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4.4 Installation of the Audio Statistics Tool
This section describes the installation and the uninstall process of the Audio Statistics Tool. On PCs running a Windows operating system, the Audio Statistics Tool provides informa­tion concerning the data transfer between your computer and the AUDIO 8 DJ. Details on how to use the Audio Statistics Tool can be found in chapter 8.3 (Understanding the Audio Statistics Tool).
Installing the Audio Statistics Tool
The Audio Statistics Tool will be installed along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on installing the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.2 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Windows). There is no interaction required.
Uninstalling the Audio Statistics Tool
The Audio Statistics Tool can be uninstalled along with the driver of the AUDIO 8 DJ. Please follow the instructions on uninstalling the AUDIO 8 DJ driver given in chapter 4.1.2 (Installation of the AUDIO 8 DJ Drivers on Windows). There is no interaction required.
For Ma c OS X, th e Audi o
Statistics Tool is not necessary, therefore it does not exist.
For Ma c OS X, th e Audi o
Statistics Tool is not necessary, therefore it does not exist.
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5. Registration and Product Authorization
The AUDIO 8 DJ does not require a Product Authorization. Nevertheless, registration is recommended, as it can be helpful in case of a support inquiry or a theft. To register your AUDIO 8 DJ on the NATIVE INSTRUMENTS website, use the serial number from the product activation sticker inside your AUDIO 8 DJ box .
To register your AUDIO 8 DJ:
Open your standard internet browser
Open the NATIVE INSTRUMENTS website:
In the headline navigation, click on “Support”
On the next page, click on “Product Activation”
Since you only need to register the serial number, please read further in section B)
Serial Number Registration and click on the link labeled Register the serial number here…
If you never registered a NATIVE INSTRUMENTS product, choose Create User Account. Choose Additional Product Registration if you already are a registered user of a NATIVE INSTRUMENTS product.
In any case, the following web pages will guide you step-by-step through the registra­tion.
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6. AUDIO 8 DJ Hardware
The AUDIO 8 DJ provides a professional level interface between your preferred software and your audience:
Cirrus-Logic™ AD-DA converters guarantee a sound quality that will impress even the most discerning audiophiles.
Low latency drivers along with hi-gain output levels on all channels prove the AUDIO 8 DJ’s professional credentials.
8 inputs, 8 outputs, MIDI I/O, 1/4” headphone connector, and 20 status LEDs allow full visual control.
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6.1 Rear view and connections
IN 1/2 – OUT 1/2 (CH A): Connect the male XLR part of the multicore cABle to con- trol Deck A here.
IN 3/4 – OUT 3/4 (CH B): Connect the male XLR part of the m
ulticore cABle
to control
Deck B here..
OUT 5/6 (CH C): Connect to auxiliary input of your mixer when using the send effects.
OUT 7/8 (CH D): Connect to auxiliary input of your mixer when using the send effects.
USB: Connect the AUDIO 8 DJ to your computer via USB 2.0 here..
USB Security Hook: Wrap your USB cable around this to prevent accidental discon­nection.
MIDI IN/ OUT: Connect your MIDI device here.
GROUND: If connecting the turntable grounds to the mixer gives unsatisfactory results, ground your turntables here.
AUDIO 8 DJ – 19
6.2 Front view and connections
MIC: Connect a microphone via XLR here.
IN 5/6 (CH C): Connect to effects output of your mixer for using the send effects.
MIC GAIN: Control the microphone volume here.
MIC/ LINE Selector: Select here your input source.
IN 7/8 (CH D): Connect to second output of your mixer, e.g. for recording purposes.
INPUT MODE: Toggle between the input modes of Deck A and B (coNtrol ViNyl,
coNtrol cD/ liNe, phoNo).
HEADPHONES: Connect your headphones here if you don’t want to connect them to the mixer.
SOURCE: Toggle between IN 5/6 and OUT 7/8 as sources.
Volume: Controls the headphones volume.
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