The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
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product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners.
Manual written by Ryan Rainer
Document Version: 1.0 (01/2010)
Product Version: 1.0 (01/2010)
Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in
making this a better product.

Native Instruments GmbH
Schlesische Str. 28
D-10997 Berlin
Native Instruments North America, Inc.
5631 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
© Native Instruments GmbH, 2010. All rights reserved.

Table Of Content
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................5
1.1 AboutAlicia’sPiano................................................................................................5
1.2 AboutKONTAKT/KONTAKTPLAYER..........................................................................6
2 GettingStarted.................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Choosing a Preset ............................................................................. 8
2.2.2 Setting the Ambience ........................................................................ 8
2.2.3 More Authentic Sound ....................................................................... 8
3 InterfaceandOperation.....................................................................................................9
3.1 BasicControls........................................................................................................9
3.1.1 Knobs ............................................................................................ 9
3.1.2 Sliders ...........................................................................................10
3.1.3 Buttons ..........................................................................................10
3.1.4 Drop-Down Menus ...........................................................................10
3.1.5 Click Menus ....................................................................................10
3.1.6 Numericals .....................................................................................10
3.2 ThePerformanceView.......................................................................................... 11
3.3 ChoosingandsavingPresets................................................................................. 11
3.4 Settings................................................................................................................ 12
3.4.1 The Room Tab .................................................................................12
3.4.2 The Keys Tab ..................................................................................13
3.4.3 The Pedal Tab .................................................................................15
3.4.4 The Resonance Tab ..........................................................................15
3.4.5 The Noise Tab .................................................................................17
4 Credits...........................................................................................................................18
ALICIA’S KEYS User Manual – IV

1 Introduction
The sound of Alicia Keys’ favorite composer piano, recorded in her own studio, Oven Studios
on Long Island, New York, is now available to you as ALICIA’S KEYS.
By using premium vintage microphones and preamps and carefully analyzing Alicia’s playing
we have successfully produced the very warm, soulful and inspiring sound of Alicia’s piano
– and it’s fun to play!
The virtual piano has been tailored to reect the style and sound aesthetics of Alicia Keys
to an extent as it has never been done before for another artist. It was recorded with her
original gear, and all aspects of recording and sampling technique were designed in close
collaboration with Alicia. The result is a piano completely true to the original instrument with
the sound and feeling of Alicia’s artistic personality.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy ALICIA’S KEYS.
– Your Native Instruments Team
1.1 About Alicia’s Piano
Fully redesigned at the turn of the millennium, today’s C Series grands benet from a host of
recent Yamaha advances. The piano samples used to create ALICIA’S KEYS originate from
Alicia Keys’ own studio piano, the Yamaha C3 Neo. This grand piano is one of only three of
it’s kind in the world today.
ALICIA’S KEYS User Manual – 5

ALICIA’S KEYS is an Instrument powered by KONTAKT; you will, therefore, have to have
KONTAKT or the free KONTAKT PLAYER installed on your computer in order to use ALICIA’S
KEYS. Refer to the KONTAKT / KONTAKT PLAYER documentation to learn how to load and
congure KONTAKT Instruments.
ALICIA’S KEYS User Manual – 6