MTS Water Quality User Manual

Heat Exchanger Care and Water Quality Guide
015-164-000 C
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Publication information
Manual Part Number Publication Date
015-164-000 A June, 1996 015-164-000 B June, 1996 015-164-000 C June, 2005
Heat Exchanger Care 5
What is a heat exchanger? 5 What are the major components of my heat exchanger? 6 What ambient conditions are required? 8 What is the life expectancy of my heat exchanger? 10 What causes heat exchanger failure? 10 How can I prevent heat exchanger failure? 11 Mechanical failure with chemically induced corrosion 13 How do I know when I have a heat exchanger failure? 14 How can I improve the life of my heat exchanger? 15 What regular heat exchanger maintenance is required? 16 How do I remove corrosion? 20 How do I remove water from the hydraulic fluid after a heat exchanger failure? 20 How do I know when to replace my heat exchanger? 20
Troubleshooting 22
Heat Exchanger Care and Water Quality Guide Content
Heat Exchanger Care and Water Quality Guide
Heat Exchanger Care
MTS hydraulic power units (HPUs) are equipped with heat exchangers that are designed to remove 100% of the HPUs heat load.
Heat exchangers usually provide a long service life with little required maintenance because they have very few or no moving parts. Often, however , the heat exchanger is a neglected component of the HPU until it fails. A heat exchanger failure can result in a costly and time-consuming cleanup, especially when your cooling water supply is mixed with hydraulic fluid. Proper maintenance is therefore essential to maintaining a long life for your heat exchanger. The information that is provided below will help you get the longest possible service from your heat exchanger.
What is a heat exchanger?
A heat exchanger is a mechanical device that is used to transfer heat from one medium to another. The amount of heat transferred is directly proportional to the temperature difference between the hydraulic fluid and the cooling medium. MTS uses two types of heat exchangers: hydraulic fluid-to-water or hydraulic fluid-to-air.
Hydraulic fluid-to-
Hydraulic fluid-to-water heat exchangers are used in an HPU when an ample cooling water supply is available. Hydraulic fluid-to-water heat exchangers, also referred to as oil coolers, use heat transfer to cool the hot hydraulic fluid in the HPU by passing it over or through a conductor that separates the hydraulic fluid from the cooling water.
The two most common designs are the plate design, and the shell and tube design.
Plate design In the plate design, the hot hydraulic fluid passes between a series of copper-
coated, corrugated stainless steel plates. The herring bone design of the corrugations in the plates increases the turbulence in the fluid to maximize the transfer of heat. Cooling water passes between altenating plates to effect the heat transfer.
Shell and tube design In this design, the hot hydraulic fluid circulates through the shell and over the
outside surface of a bundle of tubes. Baffles direct the hydraulic fluid through the shell side of the unit at right angles to the tube bundle. Cooling water passes through the inside of the tubes and the heat is exchanged from the hot hydraulic fluid to the cool water. Heat is removed from the water by passing it through a cooling tower or an evaporation pond.
Shell and tube hydraulic fluid-to-water heat exchangers are available in many design variations. The straight tube design with a fixed tube bundle is used by MTS. These units are available with various baffle arrangements to create single or multiple pass heat exchangers. Multiple pass designs use less water and can be used more efficiently and at less cost when colder circulating water is available. The tubes are accessible from either end for cleaning.
Hydraulic fluid-to-air Hydraulic fluid-to-air heat exchangers, also referred to as air coolers, are similar
to the cooling system in an automobile. Hydraulic fluid-to-air heat exchangers are used in locations that do not have a sufficient water supply for cooling. Hydraulic fluid passes through a radiator while air is blown over the tubes and cooling fins to remove the heat.
Heat Exchanger Care and Water Quality Guide Heat Exchanger Care
What are the major components of my heat exchanger?
Hydraulic fluid-to-
Plate design The plate design hydraulic fluid-to-water heat exchanger has no moving parts. It
consists of a series of corrugated stainless steel plates brazed together. The direction of the herring bone design of the plates alternates to provide maximum turbulence and therefore maximum cooling efficiency. The plates are brazed together to provide strength and a compact package.
Fluid In
Water Out
Water In
Fluid Out
Cutaway View of a Plate Design Hydraulic Fluid-to-Water Heat Exchanger
Shell and tube design A shell and tube design hydraulic fluid-to-water heat exchanger has no moving
parts. It is composed of an outer shell, tubes, tube sheets, baffles (or fins), hubs and bonnets:
Cool Fluid Out
Hot Fluid In
Baffles or Fins
Cooling Tubes
Tube Sheet
Mounting Bracket
Cooling Water In
End Bonnet
Cooling Water Out
Optional Zinc Anode
Cutaway View of a Shell and Tube Design Hydraulic Fluid-to-Water Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger Care
Heat Exchanger Care and Water Quality Guide
Shell–the shell is a seamless, nonferrous tube, usually made of brass. Both
ends are welded into the hubs. The shell encloses the baffles or fins very closely to prevent any bypassing and ineffective flow areas.
Tubes–straight, seamless, nonferrous tubes are usually made from copper, a
copper-nickel alloy or stainless steel.
Tube sheets–brass tube sheets hold the cooling tubes in place. Tube sheets
are bonded to the inside of the hubs.
Baffles or fins–brass baffles or fins provide a contact area for dissipating
heat. The hot hydraulic fluid flows around the baffles (fins), while the cooling water flows through the tubes.
Hubs–forged brass hubs are used to connect the shell with the end bonnets.
Vents and drains are located on the underside of the hubs.
Bonnets–cast iron bonnets provide an unrestricted connection for cooling
water flow. Renewable zinc anodes may be attached in the bonnet to prevent electrolytic damage.
Hydraulic fluid-to-air A hydraulic fluid-to-air heat exchanger is composed of a motor and fan, tubes,
fins and a cabinet.
Tubes and Fins
Fluid In/Out Connection*
* Hot Fluid In/Cool Fluid Out connections vary between models
Cutaway View of a Hydraulic Fluid-to-Air Heat Exchanger
Motor and Fan
Fluid In/Out Connection*
Fluid In/Out
Heat Exchanger Care and Water Quality Guide Heat Exchanger Care
What ambient conditions are required?
Water-cooled heat exchangers used in HPUs, operate at a minimum ambient temperature of 4°C (40°F) and a maximum ambient temperature of 40°C (104°F).
Air-cooled heat exchangers operate effectively up to an ambient temperatures of 37°C (98°F).
A nameplate specifying operating pressures and temperatures is attached to each heat exchanger by the manufacturer. The MTS Hydraulic Power Supply Product Manual provided with your test system contains specific information on the fluid temperatures and cooling water requirements for your HPU.
The Air-Cooler to SilentFlo® HPU Integration Product Information manual provides system integration requirements for
MTS Air-Coolers used with
MTS Series 505 SilentFlo™ Hydraulic Power Units.
Heat exchangers should not be located in a corrosive atmosphere, as rapid deterioration of the brass casing, cooling element, fan and motor (hydraulic fluid­to-air units only) may take place, resulting in a shortened operating life and unnecessary replacement costs.
Water quality Water chemistry for hydraulic fluid-to-water heat exchangers, is critical for a
successful heat exchange system. Generally speaking, municipal drinking water that is pollution free, bacteriologically safe, and has a neutral pH is perfectly acceptable for hydraulic fluid-to-water heat exchangers.
Cooling tower water and natural water sources, such as wells, rivers, or ponds, must be free of pollutants and treated to reduce contaminants to the same levels as municipal drinking water.
Softened or distilled water may not be suitable as a cooling liquid because although most of the minerals have been removed there is a higher than desirable level of carbon dioxide and oxygen present in the water. High levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen will act to decrease the protective layer of minerals that form on the surface of the tube, and increase the formation of copper oxide.
If the source of cooling water is a cooling tower, the presence of contaminants that are corrosive to metals will vary over time. Contaminants must be controlled to the levels listed in the following table. Ideally, the pH level should be maintained in the 6.5–8.0 range for most applications. Chlorine should be used to limit the growth of microbiological organisms that are generated by protein decay. You must be careful not to use excessive amounts of chlorine. The chloride concentration in the cooling water must be kept to less than 5 ppm.
The following table lists the acceptable levels of common compounds allowed in the cooling water supply:
Heat Exchanger Care
Heat Exchanger Care and Water Quality Guide
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