Mitsubishi COT1000, GOT1000 Information Manual

GOT1000 Series
New Functions and New Products
Authors: Takahiro Kaneko* and Tsuguo Kawasaki**
1. Introduction
Aiming at a “true” display at factory automation (FA) workstations, the GT15 model of the GOT1000 series (hereafter, “GOT”) and the GT11 standard model were released in July 2004 wi th enhanced functions for stand-alone use, to provide a rapid response, high-definition display, enhanced troubleshooting, greater work efficiency such as reduced downtime, high value-added equipment, and lower total cost. The GT16 model, which is the successor to the GT15, was re­leased in August 2008 to meet the user demand for easy-to-understand solutions using moving images for large-volume data processing, troubleshooting and downtime reduction, and for network I/F standard fea­tures. As a lower-cost medium-size model, the GT14 was released in July 2011 featuring improved display performance and added functionality for data acquisi­tion (logging), to raise the position of th e medium-sized model to compete with new products and improved functions introduced by competitors.
Here, we introduce the new functions of the GOT and the development of the recently-launched me­dium-sized display GT14 model, in order to meet user demands such as for uniform manageme nt of informa­tion shared between personal comput ers connected to a network.
2. Functional Enhancement of GOT1000
2.1 GOT Solutions
When a failure occurs in production equipment, rapid detection of the cause and measures to prevent recurrence are essential for reducing downtime. Thus, there is a high demand for various troubleshooting functions on the display for monitoring and viewing the condition of manufacturing equipment. Table 1 shows the main GOT functions as indicators for efficiency and visualization.
With regard to the GOT incorporated in manufac­turing equipment, many functions have already been developed not only to improve the equipment operation and status check, but also to ensure a quick respo nse to failures on site by identifying the locatio n and cause of the failure, and to confirm the measures to be taken.
Table 1 GOT Solutions
Solution Efficiency and visualization GOT functions Trouble­shooting
Production/ manage­ment cooperation
On-site monitoring and coop­eration
Efficiency of troubleshooting Early investigation and analysis of the cause of troubles on site, and reduc­tion of down-time
Visualize manufacturing information by linked per­sonal computer Monitor the entire system (on site) and collectively manage data by the personal com­puter in the office Remotely visualize the screen of the on-site GOT Monitor and maintain the remote system and equip­ment
Ladder monitor function Operation log function Remote personal computer operation function MES interface FTP server function
SoftGOT-GOT link function
FTP client function VNC server function
As troubleshooting solutions, GOT has a ladder monitor function that searches for the circuit causing equipment failure in order to change the value of the faulty device; a remote operation function for operating a remote personal computer on which an operator is checking the manual; and an operation log function for saving historical data on operations performed on the GOT, to help identify and analyze the cause of faults. These functions facilitate troubleshooting at production sites.
The following functions can be used as produc­tion/management joint solutions with the GOT: an MES interface function for promptly transmitting the device values of connected equipment directly to an MES database to save and manage the data; and an FTP server function that allows a computer at an office to read and write information files collected by the GOT and files with the production control data such as m ix­ing conditions and processing conditions of materials.
In recent years, demand has increas ed for remote monitoring and maintenance of overseas factories, in particular, for viewing and operating GOT screens at production sites. In response, we have provided a SoftGOT-GOT link function as a joint solution for on-site monitoring. With this function, it is possible to display and operate the same screen as that of the on-site GOT using SoftGOT on a personal computer with a network connection to the GOT. The SoftGOT-GOT link function enables monitoring of manufacturing equip­ment by collecting screen data from the target GOT and using it as the screen data for the SoftGOT to display
*Nagoya Works **Himeji W orks 10
the same screen.
In remote monitoring and sharing, it is necessary to periodically monitor the status of the manufacturing equipment from an office using the FTP s erver functi on, but we have now added the following two functions t o quickly capture any change or abnormality at the pro­duction site, and for monitoring and operating the GOT of on-site equipment without the SoftGOT. (1) File transfer function (FTP client) (2) *VNC Server function *VNC: Virtual Network Comp uting
2.2 New functions of GOT1000 Series
2.2.1 File transfer function (FTP client)
With the conventional GOT, files for abnormality analysis obtained by the GOT (operation logs, i.e., files created by a logging function described later) can be acquired using the FTP server function by a personal computer with a network connection at the office when an abnormality occurs at the production site, without actually going to get the files. However, if such informa­tion could be obtained at the same time as the abnormal­ity occurs, the cause could be analyzed immediately.
As shown in Table 2, the new FTP client function can transmit the files for abnormality analysis to the file server managed at an office from the on-site equipm ent side, based on the information being monito red by the GOT. These files can then be used to analyze the status of the manufacturing equipment and the caus es, and quickly restore the system (Fig. 1).
Table 2 File transfer function and conventional functions
Item FTP client FTP server MES interface
Transmission trigger Transmission details Transmission Timing
Personal computer
Personal computer
On-site GOT Office personal
File File Device value
Equipment event, Time period
(FTP server)
(FTP server)
Polling monitor­ing from the office
On site
On site
On-site GOT
Equipment event, Time period
With this function, both the server and client can be generally operated. However, if operations are simulta­neously performed at both the remote and on-site loca­tions, it may cause unintended operation for the manu­facturing equipment. To avoid this, the VNC server func­tion has an operation exclusion function: as shown in Fig. 2, the GOT acting as a server exclusively manages the operations. When the client side has operational au­thorization, the GOT disables touch-panel operation and enables operation only from the client side.
On site
GOT (VNC server)
When an on-site operator has operat ional authorization, only touch-panel operation is available
When the office has operational authorization, only operation information of the mouse is available.
Periodically transmits screen image
Operation information of mouse
Personal computer (VNC client)
Fig. 2 Authorization of VNC server function
This new function enables the GOT and hence manufacturing equipment to be operat ed and control led remotely away from the production site, even from a restricted-access area such as a clean room where precision industrial products such as semiconductors and display units are manufactured.
As shown in Fig. 3, manufacturing equipment in different lines can be monitored and operated by one GOT by connecting each GOT of the equipment in multiple manufacturing systems via a network and using the remote personal computer operati on function (VNC client) of the GOT.
Manufacturing line BManufacturing line A
Manufacturing line BManufacturing line A
Displays the GOT screen
Displays the GOT screen of manufacturing line A
of manufacturing line A
Transmits the
Transmits the screen image
screen image
GOT (VNC server)
GOT (VNC server)
Transmits alarm log
Transmits alarm log file, logging file, and
file, logging file, and operation log when
operation log when an abnormality
an abnormality occurs
GOT (FTP client)
GOT (FTP client)
Fig. 1 File transfer function (FTP client)
2.2.2 VNC server function
The VNC server function transmits screen images of the on-site GOT to a remote personal computer through the network for display by the V NC client of t he personal computer to monitor and operate the GOT.
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Fig. 3 Combination of VNC server function and remote
personal computer operation function
3. Development of Medium-Sized Display GT14 Model
3.1 Market demands and challe nges of me-
dium-sized display
For medium-sized displays, there is increasing
demand for high-value-added functions to en able clear
GOT (VNC client)
GOT (VNC client)
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