Installation instructions
Integrated dishwasher
To prevent accidents
and machine damage,
read these instructions
installation or use, M-Nr, 05 620 662

iMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTmONS ................................. 3
Caring for the environment .......................................... 7
Disposal of the packing material ....................................... 7
Disposal of an old machine ........................................... 7
Opening the door .................................................. 8
Opening the door without a panel in place ............................... 8
Without the mounting bracket in place: ............................... 8
Product and Cut-out Dimensions ..................................... 9
Installation ...................................................... 11
1, install the steam deflector ......................................... 11
2, install the mounting brackets ....................................... 14
3, Install the slide skis .............................................. 14
4, install the dishwasher under the countertop ........................... 15
5. Level the legs ................................................... 16
6, install the custom door panel ...................................... 17
7. Adjust and secure the front panel ................................... 22
8, Secure the dishwasher ........................................... 23
9, Adjust the door springs ........................................... 25
10, Make the plumbing connections ................................... 26
11, Make the electrical connection .................................... 30
12, Test the unit ................................................... 32
13, Install the toekick ............................................... 33

Insta!lation, maintenance and
authorized service technician. Work by
unqualified persons could be a hazard
and may void the warranty.
maritime use or for use in mobile
installations such as caravans or
aircrafL However, under certain
conditions it may be possible for an
installation in these applications. Please
contact the nearest Miele dealer or the
Miele Technical Service Department
with specific requirements.
Inspect the dishwasher for
use a damaged uniL Contact the place
of purchase.
This dishwasher must be installed
secured to adiacent cabinetry.
If there is any doubt concerning
installation contact the Technical
Service Department.
USA 1-800-999- !360
CDN 1-800-565-6435
beneath a cooking surface or oven.
cut the intake hose or submerge in
liquid. This hose contains electrical
components that could cause iniury or
property damage if cut or submerged.

E_ectrica_ safety
Before installation, make sure the
voltage and frequency listed on the
data plate correspond with the
household electrical supply. This data
must correspond to prevent injury and
machine damage. Consult a qualified
electrician if in doubL
To guarantee the electrical safety
of this appliance, continuity must
exist between the appliance and an
effective grounding system.
It is imperative that this basic safety
requirement be met. If there is any
doubt, have the electrical system of the
house checked by a qualified
electrician. The manufacturer cannot be
held responsible for damages caused
by the lack, or inadequacy of, an
effective grounding system
Before installation or service,
work area by manually "tripping" the
circuit breaker, unplugging the unit, or
removing the fuse.
Do not use an extension cord to
connect the unit to electricity.
Extension cords do not guarantee the
required safety of the appliance, (e.g.
danger of overheating).
ChHd safety
bags etc. are disposed of safely
and kept out of the reach of babies and
young children. Danger of suffocation!
installation and will not be used,
the door to the wash cabinet should be
removed to prevent children from being
locked in the machine.
When discarding an old
' dishwasher, unplug it from the
power outlet, remove the door to the
wash cabinet and cut off the power

fectu6s par un technicien de service USA !-800-999-1360
autoris6 Miele, Les travaux effectues techserv@mieleusa,com
par des personnes non qualifi6es,
pourraient _tre dangereux et faire annu-
ler la garantie,
Cet equipernent n'a pas 6t6 con_u
pour usage maritime ou pour les
installations mobiles te!les que les rou-
Iottes ou les avions, Toutefois, il peut
6tre parfois possible de faire
I'installation de ces applications sous
certaines conditions, Veuillez contacter
le Concessionnaire Miele le plus pres
de chez-vous ou le D6partement du
service technique Miele pour leur don-
ner vos exigences precises,
Inspecter le lave-vaisselle pour voir
Si vous avez des doutes au sujet
de I'installation, contactez le D6-
CDN !-800-565-6435
du service
_]HHHHHHHH _;Jii]ii
i Ourantleprocessus ii
d installation, veuillez faire attention
ii aux rebords coupants qui peuvent
I'exp6dition, Ne pas installer ou utiliser,
un appareil endommag6, Veuillez
contacter le point d'achat,
Ce lave-vaisse!le dolt 6tre installe
sous un comptoir continu bien fix6
aux armoires adjacentes,
Ne pas installer ce lave-vaisselle
sous une surface de cuisson ou un
Ne jamais, sous aucunes circons-
ou submerger dans un liquide, Ce
boyau contient des el#merits #lectri-
ques qui pourraient causer des blessu-
res ou des d6g&ts mat@iels s'ils sont
coup6s ou submerg#s,

S6curite 61ectrique
Avant I'installation, s'assurer que la
tensionet fr6quence6num6r6es
sur la plaque signal6tique correspon-
dent b,la source d'61ectricit6 de la resi-
dence. Ces donnees doivent corres-
pondre afin d'6viter de vous blesser et
d'endommager I'appareik Consulter un
electricien qualifi6 si vous avez des
Pour garantir la s6curit6 electrique
de cet appareil, il dolt y avoir conti-
nuit6 entre I'appareil et un syst6me effi-
cace de mise _. la terre. Ce critere de
s6curite dolt absolument 6tre respect6.
Si vous avez des doutes, loire v@ifier le
systeme 61ectrique de votre maison par
un 61ectricien qualifi6. Le fabricant ne
peut pas 6tre tenu responsable des
dommages caus6s par un systeme de
raise b,la terre efficace, manquant ou
D6branc her le courant de lazone
...... de travail avant I'installation, en d6-
branchant I'appareil, retirant le fusible
ou en faisant "sauter" le disjoncteuk
Securite des enfants
S'assurer de disposer de bus les
emba,agesdep ast que,sacsetc
et de les garder hors de la port6 des
b6bes et jeunes enfants. Danger de
Si I'appareil est retir6 de son instal-
lation et que vous ne !'utilisez pas,
vous devez retirer la porte du meuble
de lavage pour empScher les enfants
de s'enfermer dons I'appareik
Pour disposer d'un ancien
lave-vaisselle, le d6brancher de la
prise, enlever la porte du meuble de la-
vage et couper le cordon @lectrique.
Ne pas utiliser de rallonge pour
brancher I'appareik Les ra!longes
ne garantissent pas la s6curit6 requise
pour I'appareil, (par ex. danger de sur-

Caring for the environment
Disposa_ of the packing
The cardboard box and packaging
protect the appliance during shipping.
These materials are biodegradable and
recyclable. Please recycle.
Ensure that any plastic wrappings,
bags etc. are disposed of safely and
kept out of the reach of children.
Danger of suffocatio!!
Disposa_ of an o_d machine
Old appliances may contain materials
that can be recycled. Please contact
your local recycling authority about the
possibilty of recycling these materials.
Ensure that the appliance presents no
danger to children while being stored
for disposal. Before discarding an old
appliance, unplug it from the outlet and
cut off its power cord and remove any
doors to prevent hazards.

Opening the door
Opening the door without a
pane[ in place
[] Gently pull on the upper portion of
the mounting bracket until the door
latch releases (small arrow),
Without the mounting bracket in
[] Grip the T shaped opening with a
finger and pull the door open,

Product and Cut-out Dimensions
G 600 Series Dishwashers
Full size models G 643 - G 663
Removing the Jeg extensions
The black leg extensions can be
removed to reduce the machine height
to 32 1/4"- 33" (819-838 ram) (see
A = Black leg extension (removable)
B = White leg (must be installed on
[] After removing the black leg
extensions, screw the white legs onto
the dishwasher.
Contact the Miele Technical Service
i re necessary.
Department for the appropriate legs. .........

Product and Cut-out Dimensions
G 800 Series Dishwashers
Full size models G 843 - G 863
greater than 35" (889 ram), extended ill
legs (part# 02 702 601) are
Contact the Miele Technical Service

1. mnstall the steam deflector
A stainless steel steam deflector is
supplied to protect the countertop from
steam and condesation when the
dishwasher is opened, If the countertop
is made of Corian®, granite, marble or
other solid, waterproof material, the
steam deflector is not required,
The steam deflector has an indicator
reflector to show when the dishwasher
is running,
If the counter is made of different
materials, the steam deflector i_i
should be positioned so it covers the _:
edge where the materials are ioined, !
Countertops with wood or laminate
ii edging should be tacked through ......
[] Remove the protective film from the
[] Squeeze the supplied silicone
sealant along the groove of the

[] Center the steam deflector in the
opening for the dishwasher and align
with the lower front edge of the
cou ntertop,
For rounded countertops it may be
necessary to pull the steam deflector
closer to the counter's edge so the
optic reflector will be visible,
[] Secure the deflector in place using
the supplied nails,
[] Wipe of any excess silicone with a
solution of liquid dish soap and warm
[] Press the optic indicator reflector in