Microtek ScanMaker i900 Quick Reference Guide

ScanWizard Pro
Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e G u i d e
The Main Windows
Preview window
displays the images
on your scan bed,
provides the tools for
image cropping/
selection, and
includes commands
for controllling
ScanWizard Pro
for Mac OS X
ScanWizard Pro for the Mac OS X has an interface consistent with the specifications of the new Apple Mac OS X system. This Quick Reference guide shows you at a glance the new interface and windows of ScanWizard Pro. For other documentation (including ScanWizard Pro for OS
8.6x-9x), refer to your Microtek scanner CD-ROM.
Scan Job Queue window lists the scan jobs to be scanned
Info window
shows a magnified view of image pixels
and their
color values
Copyright © 2002 Microtek International, Inc. I49-003347 A, March 2002 Part No. 219-20-520049
Settings window contains parameters for the scan image and provides the advanced image correction (AIC) tools for image editing
Settings window under LCH Color Space Mode
Settings window under Native Color Space Mode
Preview Window Toolbar and Menu
Scan Frame tool
defines the area of the image to be scanned
Zoom tool magnifies or reduces your view of the image
Move tool moves hidden parts of a zoomed-in image into view
Tag Windows tool sets black (shadow) & white (highlight) points, and adds/removes color cast
Selects the scan material (reflective, positive, or negative)
Click here to set the “Before” value as Black point
Performs a draft preview of the entire scan bed
Performs a detailed preview of the area within the scan frame
“Before” and “After” values
Click to remove or add color cast. “Minus” sign (-) is remove. “Plus” (+) sign is add. Default is “Minus”. Press Alt key to switch sign to “Plus”
Performs a scan
Color strip showing the color of the selected pixel
Pixel position at x/y axis of the preview image
Click to switch between LCH or Native color space display mode
Click to reset White & Black or Color Cast setting
Click here to set the “Before” value as White point
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