The Metrohm 726 Titroprocessor is a very versatile analytical instrument. It
has been designed exclusively for use in production plant and laboratories
where it covers a wide range of applications. Together with the Metrohm 717
Sample changer it is very useful when processing large series of samples
covering the whole field of titrations or for different measurement tasks.
11. Introduction. Introduction
Designed as a stand-alone precision titrator and the central unit of a comprehensive high-performance analytical system, it is predestined for mastering even the most complex applications with its various measuring inputs
and dosing device interfaces. As a result of its extensive communications
possibilities it does not just work with the wide range of Metrohm titrators,
measuring instruments and dosing units, but can also control or be controlled by any other instruments equipped with a suitable communications
interface. These capabilities mean that it is the right instrument for all automation tasks imaginable in a modern laboratory and it also offers the possibility of transferring the measuring data and results it produces to an existing laboratory information management system (LIMS).
Thanks to its extremely adaptable dialog structure and its versatile range of
functions it is not only used by experts for working out complex methods,
but also by routine analysts who wish to make their work easier with predefined methods and as simple a user interface as possible.
1.2 Application possibilities
The 726 Titroprocessor is completely designed for communication:
• Two RS 232C interfaces provide rapid communication with a balance,
PC or LIMS. A parallel interface is available for use with an external
• GLP-conform printout on the built-in thermal printer or, for versions with-
out printer, on almost any commercially available printer.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
1.2 Application possibilities
• Up to twelve Dosinos or Dosimats can be addressed for titrating or dos-
• The 726 Titroprocessor has a connection for a bar-code reader for en-
• External instruments such as conductivity meters, dosing units, ion me-
• A measuring group on the 726 Titroprocessor comprises two high-
The run sequences for processing the individual samples can be freely defined within wide limits and can be stored as methods both in the internal
memory of the Titroprocessor or separately on a separate data card and be
transferred to other instruments of the same type.
Methods can include up to 99 command steps, of which up to five can be
titration or measuring modes whose measuring data and results can be
printed out directly, transferred to a LIMS system or stored. The measuring
data produced can be reloaded at a later date and re-evaluated and recalculated.
ing tasks.
tering sample-specific data available in bar-code format.
ters or any other peripheral devices can be operated both via the two
serial RS 232C interfaces as well as via the "Remote" socket of the Titroprocessor and the "remote" socket(s) of the 717 Sample changer(s) (two
717 Sample changers can be connected at the same time). In the full
version there are 36 output lines and 24 input lines available which can
be individually set or monitored.
impedance measuring inputs for pH, redox or ISE sensors as well as an
input for a separate reference electrode. These inputs can also serve as
differential amplifier connections. A measuring input for polarized electrodes with a polarizer also forms a part of a measuring group, as does a
measuring input for Pt 1000 or Pt 100 temperature sensors.
The instrument versions with two measuring groups have twice the number of measuring connections mentioned above.
For complex automation tasks numerous functions for operating the 717
Sample changer are available. Two sample changers can be connected at
the same time; however, in an automatic method run only one of them can
be operated at once.
If series of samples are to be processed then special start and finish sequences (OMOVE and CMOVE sequences) can be defined, each of which
is processed once only at the start and finish of a series of samples. This
means that for a series of titrations the electrodes can be conditioned or
calibrated with a specific series of buffers.
The 717 Sample changer itself offers all the functions necessary for a powerful automated system. Operation of the turntable, titrating heads, pumps
and stirrers, even the 'Remote' interface of the sample changer can be carried out directly from the Titroprocessor.
Interchangeable standard sample racks are available for many sizes of
sample vessels. Freely definable "special beaker" positions can be defined
for each rack. These are used to locate the position of rinsing or conditioning beakers in the rack; these can be selected in any part-sequence.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
11. Introduction. Introduction
1.3 Instrument description
1.3.1 Model versions
The 726 Titroprocessor is available in four versions.
Versions with 1 measuring group:
2.726.0010with complete accessories, without built-in printer, but with parallel
interface for an external printer
2.726.0020as 2.726.0010, but with built-in space-saving thermal printer
(DIN A4), without additional parallel interface for a printer
Versions with 2 measuring groups:
2.726.0110with complete accessories, without built-in printer, but with parallel
interface for an external printer
2.726.0120as 2.726.0110, but with built-in space-saving thermal printer
(DIN A4), without additional parallel interface for a printer
1.3.2 Front view
Model 2.726.0010 of the 726 Titroprocessor without built-in printer.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
1.3 Instrument description
1.3.3 Rear view
Serial number
Stirrer Int A
interface A
External bus
Remote socket
Ind A2 Ind A1 Ref Pol Pt100/1000Ind B2 Ind B1 Ref Pol Pt100/1000
Sensors ASensors B
Dos. A1
Dosing Units
External Bus
Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland50-60Hz 160VA
Dos. A2
Dos. A3
Dos. A4
Dosing unit
RS 232 communi-
cation interface
RS 232 Interface 1
RS 232 Interface 2
Printer connector
(parallel interface)
Type 1.726.0010
Fuse holder
Mains switch
Mains connector
1.3.4 Peripheral device connections
InstrumentInterface designationLabel
BalanceRS 232 interface 1 or 2G
Indicator electrodesSensors A or B (Ind A1, Ind A2, ..)C
Indicator electrodesSensors A or B (Ref)C
Temperature sensorsSensors A or B (Pt100/1000)C
StirrerSensors A or B C
Dosing devicesDosing unitsA
Sample changerExternal bus B
Dosing interface 729External busB
Printer (Centronics)PrinterF
Printer (serial)RS 232 interface 1 or 2G
Bar-code readerBar-codeD
Personal computer/LIMSRS 232 interface 1 or 2G
Auxiliary instrumentsRemoteE
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
11. Introduction. Introduction
1.3.5 Measuring interfaces / Measuring inputs
The 726 Titroprocessor models 2.726.0110 and 2.726.0120 are equipped
with 2 measuring interfaces (Sensors A and Sensors B).
The diagram below shows where the sensors are to be connected to measuring interface A, which is found on all 726 Titroprocessor models.
Stirrer Int A con-
Indicator electrode
Pt100 / Pt1000
Temperature sensor
Ind A2 Ind A1RefPolPt100/1000
Sensors A
Indicator electrode
1.3.6 Data cards
Data cards can be used to store methods or measuring data and to transfer
them from one instrument to another. They are an excellent mobile storage
Right-hand side of housing
Eject button
Attention must be paid to several points when handling data cards.
So-called PC cards which meet the Standard PCMCIA 2.x (68 Pins) / JEIDA
4.x can be used.
Flash cardscan be read but not written on, e.g. the application card
(Order. no. 6.6024.000) supplied with the Titroprocessor
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
1.3 Instrument description
SRAM cardscan be read and written on.
Card battery
Data cards are battery-buffered storage media. The battery must be
changed periodically in order to avoid data loss. Make a note of the expiry
date of the battery which is given on the leaflet accompanying the card.
The expiry date of the battery refers to a storage temperature of 25°C. At
higher storage temperatures the working life of the battery is shorter. Do not
carry the card next to your body; do not store it near a heater or expose it to
direct sunlight.
1.3.7 The built-in thermal printer
Capacity: 128 KB (Order no. 6.2245.010) to 2 MB.
Titroprocessor models with built-in printer (2.726.0020 and 2.726.0120) can
additionally have a second printer (or two) connected to an RS 232 interface. However, an additionally connected printer must have a serial interface
as Titroprocessor models with built-in thermal printers do not have a parallel
printer interface.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
1.4 The keyboard
11. Introduction. Introduction
The PC-like keyboard allows comfortable editing and data input in method
development and routine use.
1.4.1 Function keys (softkeys)
The blue function keys are used for navigation within the window-oriented
operator dialog system. The function of these keys depends on the dialog
page and the particular window. The softkey bar at the lower edge of the
screen always shows the possible functions.
1.4.2 Hotkeys
The yellow hotkeys allow direct access to the most important functions or
dialog pages of the 726. Hotkeys can be used anywhere in dialog except
during the 'live' display of a curve while a determination is being carried out.
MAN CONTROL - opens the dialog page for manual operation
STATUS - displays the status information as shown on the main page
METHOD - opens the method selection window
SAMPLE - opens the sample input window
RESULT - opens a window which shows short result reports and statistics
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
1.4 The keyboard
1.4.3 Action keys
The action key have an immediate effect on the course of a method. The
<START> key starts a method; the <STOP> key ends it. The <HOLD /
CONT> key can be used to interrupt a method or to resume it.
If the <Shift> key is pressed at the same time as an action key the processing of a series of samples can be controlled directly (with Autostart 'on').
<Shift><START> (=NEXT) ends the processing of the current sample and
starts processing the next sample in the series.
<Shift><STOP> (=DELAY) stops the sample series after the current sample has been processed.
<Shift><HOLD> (=SKIP) ends the execution of the current command and
jumps to the next command line of the loaded method.
1.4.4 Manual printing
The built-in A4 thermal printer or any other connected printer can be operated manually with the yellow printer keys.
The <PRINT><PRINT> key opens the printer menu where the type of report can be
selected. Global reports and determination reports (if a determination report
is present in the working menu) can be selected.
<Shift><PRINT> (= STOP PRINT) interrupts a printout immediately.
<LINE FEED> executes a line feed on the connected printer.
<Shift><LINE FEED> (= FORM FEED) executes a form feed on the con-
nected printer.
<PRINT SCREEN> prints the current screen contents.
1.4.5 Navigation and editing keys
The <QUIT> <QUIT> key closes an editing field, a window or a dialog page and
accepts previous parameter modifications. The dialog switches to the next
higher level.
<INS> (= Insert) switches the insert mode on/off for editing an entry
<<DEL> (= Delete) deletes the character to the right of the cursor position
<Shift><DEL> deletes a complete editing field.
<HOME> places the cursor on the first editing field of a dialog window (in
navigation mode).
<END> places the cursor on the last sample silo line or command line (in
method editor).
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
11. Introduction. Introduction
<PG UP> moves the field cursor in the sample silo or method editor up by
one page.
<PG DN> moves the field cursor in the sample silo or method editor down
by one page.
<<Cursor up> moves the cursor up by one line.
<Cursor down> moves the cursor down by one line.
<Cursor left> moves the cursor one field (in navigation mode) or one char-
acter (in editing mode) to the left.
<Cursor right> moves the cursor one field (in navigation mode) or one
character (in editing mode) to the right.
1.4.6 HELP key
The <HELP><HELP> key opens a page with help texts which refer to the opened
dialog page or window. In the editing mode it opens a help window for parameter input.
1.4.7 The GLP key
The GLP key opens the dialog pages in which the basics functions for validating the Titroprocessor as an analytical system and for checking sensors
(sensor test) can be carried out.
1.4.8 Special key abbreviations
For certain functions special key combinations have been provided; these
are listed below.
ALT+Aopens a dialog window to enter the access control page
ALT+Ttransfer screen contents via the communications interface
(printscreen to RS 232 interface)
ALT+Xtransfer screen contents via the communications interface
(with screen attributes line by line)
ALT+Utransfer screen contents via the communications interface
(with screen attributes character by character)
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
ALT+Vtransfer field contents of a selected editing field via the
communications interface
+DELTitrator restart (mains on)
1.4 The keyboard
Entry of special charactersEntry of special characters
In the editing mode any character contained in the ASCII character set can
be entered. This is carried out by first entering the character ^^ and then the3-place3-place number of the required character. This is then displayed immediately.
The user dialog of the 726 Titroprocessor consists of 10 main pages, which
contain hierarchically structured subwindows.
The main page of the 726 Titroprocessor is the entry to the user dialog. All
other pages can be accessed by using the corresponding softkeys (<F1>
to <F9>).
1.5.2 The main page
Date and time
³ 97-12-02 09:24:13 MAIN PAGE Titroprocessor 726 * ready * ³
³ ³
³ Method 3455.mth Chloride in Tap Water ³
³ ³
³ Auto save on 1.7 % free ³ Pipet accurately 100.00 mL of sample in a ³³
³ Destination Data card ³ 150 mL beaker. ³³
³ ³ ³³
³ ³ Reagent: c(HNO3)=2 mol/L Dos A2 ³³
³ Auto start on 1 of 10 ³ Titrant: c(AgNO3)=0,01 mol/L Dos A1 ³³
³ Silo on in# 12 out# 1 ³ Sensor : Ag-Titrode 6.0430.100 Ind A1 ³³
³ Changer 1 Sample pos. 1 ³ ³³
³ ³
³ Ident1 Ident2 Ident3 Size Unit ³
³ Sample 971120/1 12 3455 100 mL ³
³ ³
³ Remark ³
³ ³
³ ³Config.³Load ³File ³ ³Edit ³Show ³Results³ ³Sample ³Devices³Common ³ ³
³ ³ ³method ³manager³ ³method ³curves ³ ³ ³silo ³ManCtrl³vars. ³ ³
³ User B. Miller ³ Chloride in Tap Water ³³
³ Run number 000 ³ ------------------------------------------³³
³ Statistics on 0 of 10 ³ Sample preparation: ³³
³ ³ ³³
Instrument state
Method name and comment
Application note
and trace window
Sample data
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
Softkey bar
1.5 Dialog
command with line number
Measured value
1.5.3 The trace window
During the course of a method the display windows of the application note
changes to a trace window, showing the state of the currently executed
commands. The display format depends on the current command or mode.
To navigate from page to page or from subwindow to subwindow you can
use the blue function keys <F1> to <F9> . These function keys alter their
meaning or functionality, depending on the dialog page or window that is
shown on the screen. The function of the corresponding function key is always shown at the bottom of the screen. It is called the softkey bar. The
function keys (<F1> to <F9>) are called softkeys.
Allfällige Modifikationen der Parameter werden übernommen. A dialog page
or window can be left or closed by pressing the <QUIT> key. Any prior modifications of parameters will be accepted.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
The shortcut keys of the rightmost key column on the keyboard allow direct
access to some important dialog windows or features.
1.5.5 Field cursor
To navigate on a page or in a dialog window you can use the cursor keys
<ç>, <è>, <é> or <ê>. The position of the so called field cursor is
indicated by the black field background of the edit field the cursor is pointing to. To navigate right or left within a line you can use the <TAB> key or
the <Shift><TAB> key combination, respectively. The <HOME> key sets
the field cursor to the first edit field of a page or dialog window.
1.6 How to edit
To edit an entry of an edit field just type in the new value or press the
<SPACE> key. In most cases a picklist is shown, from which you can select
a given value by using the cursor keys <êê> and <éé>. The selection must
be confirmed with <ENTER> or the picklist may be closed by pressing the
<QUIT> key. The field cursor will turn into a block cursor which indicates the
edit mode.
The PC-like keyboard allows comfortable editing of text or numeric entries.
To erase any character use the <DEL> (forward deletion) or the
<BACKSPACE> key (<[ çç ]> backward deletion). The <INS> key switches
the insert mode to the overwrite mode and vice versa.
• The [Help on entry] softkey may be used to open a window with a short
explanation of the meaning or the content of the entry field to be edited.
The entry range and one or more examples for entry values will be
• The [Select] softkey opens the picklist of the selected entry field. If no
picklist is available, the [Select] softkey is displayed in gray letters to indicate that its function is not available.
• The [Cancel] softkey rejects any modifications and resets the former
field content. The edit mode will be canceled as well.
Modifications of field contents are to be confirmed with the <ENTER> or the
<QUIT> key. The latter will terminate the edit mode.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
If the edit mode (entry on the configuration page, or press the <INS>key) is
set to 'overwrite', you can simply type in the first letter or the first two letters
of an entry item and press <ENTER> to change the content of an entry field
with a selector list. If this entry can be uniquely assigned to an item of the
selector list, it will be automatically completed.
1.6 How to edit
To change the destination memory of data files for use with the auto save
function, set the field cursor to the destination field on the Titroprocessor's
main page. Type 'd' then and press the <ENTER>key. The entry of the de-
stination field will be set automatically to 'Data card'.
This is the quickest way to modify entry fields .
1.6.1 Navigation in edit mode
In edit mode the cursor keys <çç> and <èè> allow the navigation within an
entry field. To access other fields in the same line use the <TAB> key or the
<Shift><TAB> key combination, respectively. The cursor keys <êê> and
<éé> allow vertical navigation.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
2 Installation
2.1 Instrument setup
The 726 Titroprocessor is supplied together with the specially packed accessories in packaging containing shock-absorbing foam which provides
excellent protection. Please store this special packaging as it guarantees
damage-free transport of the instrument.
Please check immediately on receipt whether the shipment is complete and
undamaged (compare with delivery note and list of accessories on page
290). If transport damage is established see section 13.7 Warranty
(p. 287).
22. . InstallationInstallation
Place the 726 Titroprocessor in a convenient working position in the laboratory; this should be vibration-free and not exposed to corrosive atmospheres or contamination by chemicals.
2.2 Mains supply
Follow the instructions given below for connection to the mains
supply. If the instrument is operated with the mains voltage incorrectly set and/or the wrong mains fuse there could be a danger of
Setting the mains voltage
Before switching on the 726 Titroprocessor for the first time check that the
mains voltage set on the instrument (can be seen in the mains voltage selector) corresponds to the local mains voltage. The mains voltage selector is
located on the rear panel of the instrument: please refer to following page.
If the mains voltage is incorrectly set then it must be set correctly by sliding
the mains voltage selector with the help of a screwdriver:
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
230V: 220V ... 240 V ± 10%
115V: 100V ... 120 V ± 10%
2.3 Mains connection
Earth socket
115V: 100V...120V 10%
230V: 220V...240V 10%
Mains voltage selector
Mains switch
Mains connection
50-60Hz 160VA
2.3 Mains connection
2.3.1 Fuses
Two fuses S1S1 and S2S2 are built into the 726 Titroprocessor as standard;
both are type 2 ATH (2 A, slow-blow, with high switching capacity, Metrohm
order no. U.600.0107).
Make sure that the instrument is never operated with any different type
of fuse as otherwise there is a fire hazard!
Fuse holder
Rear view
For continued protection replace only
WARNING - Fire Hazard -
with the same type and rating of fuse
To change blown fuses proceed as follows:
Exchange fuse S1 (zero conductor, 2 ATH)
• Remove mains cable from mains connector.
• Use a screwdriver to turn fuse holder S1S1 to the left until it can be pulled
• Pull out the fuse holder, remove the blown fuse and replace it with a
spare fuse (2 ATH).
• Insert the fuse holder in the instrument, press it down with a screwdriver
and then turn it to the right to fix it in position.
Exchange fuse S2 (phase, 2 ATH)
• Remove mains cable from mains connector.
• Use a screwdriver to push fuse holder S2S2 upwards until it can be pulled
• Pull out the fuse holder, remove the blown fuse and replace it with a
spare fuse (2 ATH).
• Insert the fuse holder in the instrument and push until it clicks into place.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
2.3.2 Mains cable and mains connection
The instrument is supplied with one of three types of cable:
• 6.2122.020 with plug SEV 12 (Switzerland, …)
• 6.2122.040 with plug CEE(7), VII (Germany, …)
• 6.2133.070 with plug NEMA 5-15 (USA, …)
which has three leads and is fitted with a plug with an earthing pin. If a different plug has to be fitted then the yellow/green lead (IEC standard) must
be connected to the earth (protection class 1). If no earthed socket is available then a proper earth connection must be made via the earthing socket
of the instrument.
Any break in the earthing lead, whether inside or outside the instrument, can cause the instrument to become a hazard!
Insert the mains cable into the mains connector of the 726 Titroprocessor.
2.3.3 Setting up the thermal printer
22. . InstallationInstallation
Insert paper (only for the built-in printer)
The thermal printer of the Titroprocessors (models 2.726.0010 and
2.726.0110) is supplied without inserted paper. The thermal paper
6.2237.040 included with the accessories (roll approx. 40 m ≅ 130 A4
pages) is inserted into the printer as follows:
• Switch on 726 Titroprocessor.
• Lift up the printer cover.
• Make sure that the roll of thermal paper
6.2237.040 has a straight edge; if necessary,
carefully tear off the paper at the first perforation.
• Insert paper spool 6.2241.020 in thermal paper roll 6.2237.040.
• Place the roll of paper with the paper spool in the two recesses at the
sides of the printer so that the paper leaves the roll from the rear and the
file hole margin is on the left-hand side when seen from the front.
• Carefully insert the straight-edged paper manually into the paper guide
slot to the limit stop and hold it there.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
Paper transport
• Press the two keys <Shift> and <FORM/LINE FEED>. The paper will
be fed in automatically and transported to the correct position.
• Close the cover of the paper storage compartment.
2.4 Data card handling (PC cards)
2.4 Data card handling (PC cards)
The 726 Titroprocessor can write data onto SRAM storage cards and read
this data in at a later date. The following data cards (memory cards) can be
used as storage cards:
• 6.2245.010 Metrohm Data card (capacity 128 kB)
• Commercial SRAM cards of any capacity with the hardware format
JEIDA 4.0 (68 pin) as well as PCMCIA cards based on them
Because of different file systems PCMCIA cards cannot be used at
the same time for the 726 Titroprocessor and PCs.
When handling data cards with the 726 Titroprocessor the following points
are important:
Data card preparation
The following preparations are necessary before data cards are used for the
first time:
• New data cards are supplied with a separately included battery. This
should be inserted in the data card according to the accompanying description.
• Data cards can only be inserted in the instrument in the position shown
below. The included label should be attached to the top of the data card.
• The data card battery has a limited life; this is given in the accompanying
leaflet. In order to avoid accidental loss of data, the date when the battery is due to be exchanged should be written on the data card label.
• Before data can be stored on the data card it must be formatted. Pro-
ceed as follows:
• Insert data card in the 726 Titroprocessor (see above drawing).
• Select file manager with the softkey [File manager] on the main
page. Change the memory area with the softkey [Change storage],
select 'data card' with the cursor keys and press <ENTER>.
• If an unformatted card has been inserted a system window appears
on the display. Enter <f> to format the card.
• A query about the card name is then made. A name with max. 20
characters can be entered; this will now be displayed in the file manager whenever the card is inserted. When the entry has been completed the data card is formatted with <Enter>.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
22. . InstallationInstallation
Data card insertion and removal
• The data card can only be inserted in den 726 Titroprocessor in one
particular position (see above illustration). It must be pressed firmly
into the slot provided until the eject button fully protrudes.
• A data card inserted into the Titroprocessor slot can be ejected by
pressing the eject button and then removed manually.
Data cards are sensitive to electrostatic charges. Make sure that
you are earthed each time you insert or remove a data card (e.g.
by previously touching the earthed green 726 Titroprocessor
Changing the battery
• The battery of the data card has a limited working life which is given
in the leaflet accompanying the card. Please note that the working life
of batteries depends on the storage temperature. Data cards or
spare batteries should therefore be stored as cool as possible (in any
case below 25°C).
• The date for the next battery change should be marked on the data
card label (see above). In order to avoid accidental data loss the
battery should be replaced by this date at the latest.
• Insert the data card in the 726 Titroprocessor.
The battery must only be exchanged with the card inserted in the
instrument, as otherwise the data stored on the card will be lost.
The card is powered by the Titroprocessor while the battery is being changed.
• Change the battery according to the accompanying description.
• Mark the data card label with the new date for the next battery
change (see under ”data card preparation” above).
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
2.5 Safety information
2.5 Safety information
If failure or malfunctioning occurs during operation of the 726 Titroprocessor
we recommend that the diagnostic functions are first used to try and determine the cause (see page 260). If this does not help to rectify the failure or if
the cause of the malfunction cannot be remedied then please consult the
service department of your local Metrohm agency.
If opening the instrument cannot be avoided then the following safety
measures must be strictly observed:
The instrument must be disconnected from all electricity supplies before opening. Make sure the mains plug has been pulled
Only in exceptional cases should the instrument be opened while it is
switched on. As this exposes current-conducting components it should only
be undertaken by an expert who is familiar with the associated dangers.
Electronic components are sensitive to static electricity and can be destroyed by discharges. Before touching any components inside the instrument both the person and his tools should be earthed by grasping an
earthed object (e.g. the instrument housing or a radiator) in order to eliminate any static electricity.
If it becomes apparent that the instrument can no longer be operated safely
then it should not be used at all.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
2.6 Connections
2.6.1 System components and peripheral devices
717 Sample changer
22. . InstallationInstallation
External bus
Dosinos /
The 726 Titroprocessor can be extended to provide an automated and
comprehensive analytical system.
700 Dosinos
729 Dosimat
bar-code reader
729 Dosimat
685 Dosimats
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
Metrohm cables should always be used to connect Metrohm instruments
and accessories, as only these guarantee interference-free data transmission. For instruments from other manufacturers please observe the manufacturer's recommendations.
The Titroprocessor offers the following connections:
• 4 dosing devices, further (up to 8) dosing devices can be connected via
the 'External bus' (see below).
• 2 measuring groups (models 2.726.0010 and 2.726.0020 have only 1
measuring group) each with measuring inputs for 2 indicator electrodes
(or combined measuring electrodes), 1 reference electrode, 1 polarizable electrode (voltammetry/amperometry, KF titrations), 1 Pt100/Pt1000
temperature sensor connection, 1 stirrer connection
• 1 'External bus' connection for up to two 717 Sample changers and/or
up to 8 dosing devices, to be connected via Dosimat interfaces 729 (4
dosing devices per interface)
• 2 serial RS 232 connections (25-pole) for balance, printer or personal
computer (LIMS, automatic data storage or remote control of the 726 Titroprocessor)
2.6 Connections
• 1 parallel printer connection for any external printer (only for models
• 1 bar-code reader connection (9-pole) for entering sample data
• 1 remote connector (25-pole) with 8 input and 8 output leads for control-
2.6.2 Dosing devices
2.726.0010 and 2.726.110)
ling external peripheral devices (e.g. Relay Box, KF Oven, etc.). Each
717 Sample changer has a further remote connector (25-pole) with 8 input and 14 output leads which can be directly addressed from the 726
Dos. A1
Dos. A3
Up to 4 dosing devices can be
directly connected to the rear panel
of the Titroprocessor. For connecting a 685 Dosimat you need a
6.2134.000 cable.
Dos. A2
Dosing Units
Dos. A4
Dosing devices are recognized by
the addresses A1 to A4.
Two different types of Metrohm dosing device are available for selection:
• 685 Dosimat, with the normal exchange units.
• 700 Dosino, with 710 dosing unit
700 Dosino
10 ml
Dosinos are operated by the 726 Titroprocessor
in the standard configuration, i.e. the reagent is
drawn in from the bottle via Dosino port 2 (filling
port) and added via port 1 (dosing port). The port
occupancy cannot be changed when a Dosino is
used with the 726 Titroprocessor.
685 Dosimats and 700 Dosinos can be combined
as required.
Switch off the 726 Titroprocessor before connecting an instrument
to it. When it is switched on again the Titroprocessor automatically
recognizes the new instrument.
If more than four dosing devices are to be connected then the additional
dosing devices should be connected via 729 Dosimat interface to the
'External bus' (for connections see sample changer below).
Plug the 729 Dosimat interface directly into the 'External bus' socket of the
Titroprocessor or, if installed, into the corresponding socket of the
717 Sample changer.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
2.6.3 External bus
22. . InstallationInstallation
The external bus allows external instruments to be controlled by the 726 Titroprocessor. Sample changers and dosing devices such as the 685 Dosimat or the 700 Dosino can communicate bi-directionally with the Titroprocessor (=bus master).
External devices must be connected with EBus cables according to the following scheme:
Bus master
Each external instrument is identified by an EBus address. When the Titroprocessor is switched on they are automatically identified. An EBus address
must be set for each external device (1…9, A…F; 0 stands for the busmaster).
External deviceEBus
Sample changer 1
External deviceExternal device
External bus
Address selector
The corresponding EBus address can be set with
a screwdriver. The EBus address selector is usually located on the rear panel of the external device.
1…2 lifts, 0…4 pumps,
1…4 stirrers
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
Sample changer 2
Dosimat interface 1
Dosimat interface 2
Devices such as sample changers which consume a lot of current should
be connected in the first position of the EBus chain. This is particularly important if the relevant sample changer is equipped with more than one
pump. The 729 Dosimat interfaces should be connected to the 717 Sample
The 726 Titroprocessor and the Dosimat interfaces must be connected to
the same earth. A line distributor should be used to supply all devices on
the external bus.
The 726 Titroprocessor must be switched off before a peripheral device is connected.
1…2 lifts, 0…4 pumps,
1…4 stirrers
1…4 Dosimats (B1…B4)
1…4 Dosimats (C1…C4)
2.6 Connections
Dosimat A2
Dosimat A1
Address 1
External Bus
Dosimat A3
Dosimat A4
Address 2
Dosimat B3
Address 1
Dosimat B4
Dosimat C3
Address 2
Dosimat C4
Power cables
Line distributor
Dosimat B1
Dosimat B2
Dosimat C1
Dosimat C2
2.6.4 Sample changers
External Bus
One or two 717 Sample changers can be connected to the 'external
bus' sockets of the 726 Titroprocessor. Take care that the address
selector disk is set correctly (see above). Please connect up larger
systems according to the above diagram.
Two 717 Sample changers can be connected at the same time;
however, they cannot be used simultaneously in one automatic
method. It is possible to change the active sample changer within a
method (see command 'CHANGER').
Manual operation of a sample changer while the other sample
changer is busy carrying out a method is possible and does not
present any problems.
726 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
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