This Short Operating Guide has been kept
very short. You will find only a brief
introduction to the operation in section 3.
For all details, please refer to the on-line
Help in the program. This will provide you
with the necessary information anywhere in
the program quickly and conveniently.
8.714.8053 Short Operating Guide
26.11.97 / dö
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in Switzerland by Metrohm AG, CH-9101 Herisau 1997
4.4 Index .................................................................................58
IC Metrodata for Win95
1.1 General information
1 Introduction
1.1 General information
«IC Metrodata for Win95», the new evaluation tool consisting of the
1.714.0310 PC Board, the 6.2145.010 Dongle and the 6.6027.153
Software, is a versatile integrator system for all chromatographic methods, especially ion chromatography. The evaluation software is based
on Windows 95
multitasking and easy export of data to other Windows applications.
«IC Metrodata for Win95» offers the following possibilities:
• 1.714.0310 PC Board for analog/digital conversion with a resolution
of 24 bit and a voltage range of ± 2.5 V, data acquisition rate up to
60 points/s.
• Two entry channels that can be used simultaneously or independently from each other.
and supports the corresponding functions such as
• Data acquisition via methods that contain the corresponding acquisition and evaluation parameters, either with the 1.714.0310 PC
Board or with the 1.714.0010 CSI interface.
• Real time monitoring of chromatograms during recording.
• Diverse possibilities for graphical representation and manual re-
processing of chromatograms.
• Calibration with internal or external standard method, multipoint calibrations with linear, quadratic or cubic regression.
• Free formatting of result printouts.
• Automatic reprocessing of evaluated chromatograms ("Queue").
• Export and import possibilities for chromatograms and reports.
• Remote control of IC instruments.
1.2 System requirements
Computer recommended min. 486 processor running
at 33 MHz or faster, 1 free slot
IC Metrodata for Win95
Operating system Windows 95
Disk space min. 4 MB on hard disk
RAM min. 8 MB, recommended 16 MB
2 Installation
2 Installation
Protection against static charges
Electronic components are sensitive to static charging and can be
destroyed by discharges. Before you touch the PC board or any of
the components inside the PC, you should earth yourself and any
tools you are using by touching an earthed object (e.g. housing of
the instrument or a radiator) to eliminate any static charges which
2.1 Hardware installation
The hardware installation comprises the installation of 1 or 2 PC boards
in a free PC slot, the installation of the dongle in a LPT port and the
connection of the PC board to 732 IC Detector and 733 IC Separation
Center. Proceed as follows:
Installation of 1
PC Board (1.714.0310)
1) Switch off PC and disconnect power cable from the power socket.
2) Disconnect all other cables to computer peripherals (keyboard,
display, printer, etc.).
3) Check 1.714.0310 PC Board: the two jumpers at position 4 and 6
have to be installed.
4) Disassemble PC and install 1.714.0310 PC Board in a free slot
(see instruction manual of the PC).
5) Reassemble PC.
IC Metrodata for Win95
2.1 Hardware installation
Installation of 2nd PC Board (1.714.0310)
1) Switch off PC and disconnect power cable from power socket.
2) Disconnect all other cables to computer peripherals (keyboard,
display, printer, etc.).
3) Change jumper settings on board 2: only jumper at position 6
must be installed.
4) Disassemble PC and install 1.714.0310 PC Board in a free slot
(see instruction manual of the PC).
5) Reassemble PC.
Installation of the 6.2145.010 Dongle
1) PC with 1 LPT port
Install 6.2145.010 Dongle into the LPT1 printer port. Insert printer
cable into the dongle.
2) PC with 2 LPT ports
Install 6.2145.010 Dongle into the LPT2 printer port. Insert printer
cable into the LPT1 printer port.
Check PC
1) Plug in all cables of the peripheral units at the PC.
2) Connect power cable to the power socket.
3) Switch on PC.
4) Check if the PC boots normally and all PC components and peripherals run properly.
5) Switch off PC.
IC Metrodata for Win95
2 Installation
Connect IC system 1
1) Connect 6.2128.140 cable to socket 1 (channel 1) of the PC board.
2) Connect the two open cable endings to the sockets "Integr. Start"
on the right terminal block 38 of the 733 IC Separation Center so
that the two connections "COM" and "RUN" are connected with
each other.
3) Connect the black banana plug to the black socket and the red
banana plug to the red socket of the analog output 11 (0…1 V) of
the 732 IC Detector.
Kabel 6.2128.140
Connection of the PC board to the 732/733 IC System
Connect IC system 2
1) Connect the second 6.2128.150 cable to socket 2 (channel 2) of
the PC board.
2) Connect the two open cable endings to the sockets "Integr. Start"
on the left terminal block 45 of the 733 IC Separation Center (two
channel system) or the right terminal block 38 of the 733 IC Separation Center (one channel system) so that the two connections
"COM" and "RUN" are connected with each other.
3) Connect the black banana plug to the black socket and the red
banana plug to the red socket of the analog output 11 (0…1 V) of
the 732 IC Detector.
IC Metrodata for Win95
2.2 Software installation
2.2 Software installation
The installation program copies the files from the installation diskettes
to the drive and directory you specify and creates the following subdirectories:
Data Directory for data files (*.chw)
Methods Directory for method files (
Reports Directory for report files (without extension)
and graphic files (
Installation with Windows 95
1) Start Windows 95. Find a drive that has at least 4 MB free storage
2) Insert installation disk into drive A.
3) In the Start menu, select the menu item Run and enter a:setup. Follow the instructions of the setup program.
4) Make a backup copy of your installation diskettes.
Update from version 1.38 and 1.38a
1) During the installation (see above), specify a new directory for the
2) Copy the old data and method files into the subdirectories
Methods in the new program directory.
3) Delete the old program directory.
Full program version and demo version
The 6.2145.010 Dongle is part of the standard equipment of the
6.6027.153 full program version. Install this dongle into LPT port 1 or 2
(see section 1.3).
The 6.6027.158 demonstration version of "IC Metrodata for Win95" contains only the software without dongle. With this version no chromatograms can be acquired, but all other functions are identical with the
full program version. You can upgrade your demo version at any time if
you install a 6.2145.010 Dongle into the LPT port.
Please send us your 8.714.8067 Registration card as soon as possible
so we can register you as an official user. Only registered users will get
updated program versions at a special price.
IC Metrodata for Win95
The data files *.chw and the method files *.mtw are not writeprotected. To prevent these files from being deleted by mistake,
switch on the write-protection or make a backup copy in another
2 Installation
2.3 First program start
Double-click the software icon to start the program. The program
window with the opening picture is opened and the Log In window
appears on the screen:
Do not enter any password here, just click the
Log In button. The follow-
ing window appears:
Enter company, division and name and click the
OK button. This win-
dow appears only one time after software installation.
Afterwards a window appears with the message
Serial port [COM#]
Click the
IC Metrodata for Win95
OK button.
specifying the next free serial port for remote control.
New hardware found:
2.4 Security system
2.4 Security system
The «IC Metrodata for Win95» program has a security system based on
the list of users. Every user has his unique password and one of the following access levels:
Novice Only most commonly used parameters can be
modified by the user. Recommended for routine
users. Existing data files cannot be overwritten, they
are saved under a new name (8
creased by +1).
Master Most parameters are available for modification with
exception of hardware configuration parameters.
Recommended for method development.
Administrator Access to all parameters. Recommended for soft-
ware installation and modification of user lists.
It is recommended to make user lists and enter passwords as a first
action after system installation. So, select the menu item Op-
tions / Security
entering a password. The
and click the Log In button in the Log In window without
Security options window appears, where us-
ers and passwords can be entered:
character is in-
IC Metrodata for Win95
Enter user name, password and access level for all users. Don't forget
to make one of the user an Administrator, otherwise this menu will never
be opened again. At the end, click the
OK button.
After the security system is successfully configured the program
prompts for the password every time the system starts and installs the
user name that corresponds to the password. This user name stamps
all methods, chromatograms and reports created during the working
session. It is possible at any time to change the user with the menu
Options / Lock system.
2 Installation
2.5 Interface configuration
Open the menu item Options / Interfaces for configuration of the interfaces to the IC system.
1.714.0310 PC Board
MBoard1 driver for operation of the first PC board Board1 with 2
channels is installed automatically during the software setup.
If a second PC board is installed, select
click the
Load device button. Select the file MBoard2.dew for operation of
second PC board with 2 channels and click the
Board2 with the mouse and
OK button.
1.714.0210 PC Board
Select Board1 with the mouse and click the Delete device button. Confirm the question
Click the
Load device button, select the m732b1.dew file for operation of
the first PC board with 2 channels and click the
If a second PC board is installed, select
click the
Load device button. Select the file m732b2.dew for operation of
second PC board with 2 channels and click the
Do you really mean do delete device Mboard1? with Yes.
OK button.
Board2 with the mouse and
OK button.
1.714.0010 CSI Interface
Select one of the serial interfaces
click the
Load device button. Select the csi.dew file for operation of the
COM1…COM4 with the mouse and
CSI interface with 1 channel.
The csi*.mtw methods are configured for the COM2 interface. If you
use a different serial interface, the
/ Acquisition Setup
has to be changed accordingly.
Acquisition parameter under Method
IC Metrodata for Win95
3.1 General remarks
3 Learning by doing
3.1 General remarks
Main menu
After starting the "IC Metrodata for Win95" program and entering the
password, an empty window with the following menu items appears:
File Open, save, close, import and delete chroma-
tograms, methods, sample data tables
(Queue/Batch), print, page layout
View Display settings for chromatograms
Acquire Load and run methods
Process Reports, re-integration, peak editor, calibration
Method Develop and modify methods
Options Settings for interfaces, remote control of instru-
ments, fonts, colors, security system, change of
Window Arrange and select windows
Help On-Line Help
All chromatograms and reports appear in its own windows which can
be tiled horizontally or vertically or displayed on the full screen.
By selecting the menu item
Help / Index or by using the <F1> key you
can get help on the current topic anywhere in the program.
Green texts can be clicked to jump to a different Help topic.
Magenta texts identify the dialog item, parameter or button in the
corresponding window.
Blue textsidentify important information.
IC Metrodata for Win95
You should back up your data in the directories "Data", "Methods" and
"Reports" at regular intervals using an appropriate backup tool.
3 Learning by doing
3.2 Developing a new method
This section describes the procedure how to develop a new, userspecific method based on a standard method.
• Insert separating column in IC system and condition it.
• Prepare standards and sample.
Load standard method and run
• Click on
• Select the file
or select Load method and run from the Acquire menu.
1m732b1.mtw in the File Open window and click the OK
• In the
Start Run window, enter a sample name as Ident to character-
ize the chromatogram (max. 14 characters, e.g. "standard").
• Enter the estimated analysis time as
• Select the tabs
Sample, Eluent, Measure and Processing to enter
more parameters to characterize sample and acquirement conditions if required.
• Click the
OK button.
The window for the on-line display of the chromatogram opens.
The window title line contains sample name, method and run number (e.g. standard (1m732b1.mtw) The status display below
shows the message
IC Metrodata for Win95
3.2 Developing a new method
• Set injection valve at 733 IC Separation Center to "FILL" (manually
or by program) and fill sample loop with standard.
• Set injection valve at 733 IC Separation Center to "INJECT" (manu-
ally or by program). The data acquisition is started automatically.
The status display shows
Measure, beside it running time, analysis
time and measuring signal (in mV) are displayed. As soon as the
analysis time has passed, the data acquisition is stopped automatically and the chromatogram is integrated.
Modify integration parameters
• Click on
or select Integration of the Method menu.
IC Metrodata for Win95
• As
Delay, enter the time delay before starting peak integration at
the first peak to be detected.
• Click the
Apply button. The chromatogram is reintegrated.
• Repeat this procedure for all other integration parameters until the
result satisfies your expectations. Click
Apply after each parameter
• Close the
Integration Parameters window with OK.
3 Learning by doing
Enter components for calibration
• Click on or select Calibration / Components of the Method
menu. An empty table for components is displayed below the
• Click the Add button in the components window. A first line is
added to the table containing peak number, retention time and a
standard name.
• Replace the name
Peak1 in the column Name by the component
name of the first peak. The values of the other columns can be left
• Enter data for all other components by clicking first the Add button
and then entering the component names in the
Name column in the
new line.
IC Metrodata for Win95
3.2 Developing a new method
Enter concentrations for calibration
• When all components have been entered click the Concentrations>>
• Enter the desired concentration unit (e.g. ppm) in the
tion units
• Click the
Add button. The Add level window appears.
• Enter the desired number in the
OK a new column is added in the Concentrations window.
Create calibration level field. After
IC Metrodata for Win95
• Enter the concentrations of all components in the new
Level col-
3 Learning by doing
Start calibration
• Click the Calibrate button. The Recalibration window appears.
• Select the desired
• Click the
OK button in the Concentrations window.
Level and click on OK.
Display calibration curves
• Click the
Graphs>> button in the Components window.
• Select the desired component in the
calibration curve should be displayed.
• Close the
• Close the
Component window by clicking OK.
Components window below the chromatogram by clicking
Component field for which the
IC Metrodata for Win95
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