McIntosh MR-71 Owners manual

MR 71
Audio Outputs
Stereophonic FM Multiplex Monophonic FM Remote Amplifiers Off-The-Air Recording Antenna Connections
Stereophonic FM Multiplex Monophonic FM
Muting Threshold Dial Panel Lights Output Adjust
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Judging from the stereo equipment you own, you rank high among discriminating music listeners. You are probably no freshman when it comes to stereo. Never-the-less we ask you to read and carefully follow these instructions to insure a successful partnership between you and your new stereo equipment.
You now have "THE BEST." Used properly you are in for thousands of hours of musical enjoyment.
If you are in a hurry, read page 3 first. This gives you a brief outline of what each control and indicator does. Reading time for this manual is 30 minutes. This is time well spent.
The Mclntosh MR 71 is a precision engi-
neered, highly sensitive FM Multiplex Tuner.
The research staff of Mclntosh Laboratory has developed five new tuner circuit improve­ments for the MR 71.
1. Automatic stereo-mono switching that is "clickless" and completely electronic. (Patent applied for.)
2. Multipath indicator to eliminate multi-
path reception by showing when your anten-
na is rotated to the correct position for mini-
mum multipath distortion.
3. Double tuned input circuits before the first R.F. amplifier to reduce spurious re­sponses.
4. New D'Arsonval movement meters of increased sensitivity which do not need zero setting adjustments.
5. A new computer designed filter to re­duce noise from stations broadcasting sub­carrier auxiliary music services. No other tuner uses such a filter.
The MR 71 also uses the exclusive Mc­lntosh PANLOC method of installation. The PANLOC system gives you absolute ease of installation, operation, and maintenance.
PANLOC is the first professional installation
technique to be used on stereo instruments.
In the PANLOC system a metal shelf is mounted first. The tuner slides into position on this shelf. Depressing the PANLOC but­tons on the front panel locks the tuner firmly into place for normal operation. To unlock the tuner depress the PANLOC buttons a second time. The tuner can now slide from the front panel. The tuner will lock into this position, preventing accidental release of the tuner from the installation. Depressing the holding latches allows the tuner to be taken out of the PANLOC shelf or to slide back into position against the mounting panel.
The finest possible reception of FM mono-
phonic and FM multiplex stereophonic broad­casts is assured by the Mclntosh MR 71 tuner.
Once you have enjoyed the outstanding performance of the MR 71, you will under­stand why Mclntosh products have earned
their reputation as "THE BEST." Your Mc-
lntosh MR 71 tuner will give you years of the finest possible FM reception, and will be a
valued part of your home music system.
The MR 71 tuner has a 6DS4 high-grain
Nuvistor for the first RF amplifier. The Nuvis­tor (triode) operates into a second triode tube to form a cascade amplifier. Careful design of the operating characteristics allows the cascade amplifier to handle a wide dynamic
range of signals with excellent signal-to-
noise ratio.
A double-tuned RF input circuit combined
with the Nuvistor-tube cascade amplifier
reduces spurious signals to an extremely low
value. Sensitivity is increased to the highest
possible rating, while still retaining high
A newly developed Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) circuit greatly simplifies tuning. As the tuning knob is moved, the AFC circuit automatically cuts off for sharpest tuning. After the station is tuned in, the AFC circuit gradually comes into operation over a 3
second interval. The AFC action automatically
brings the tuning to minimum distortion. This automatic tuning repeats its action each time the tuning dial is moved to a new sta­tion. The amount of AFC action is fully ad­justable with a front panel control.
The AFC circuit is unique. It uses a silicon diode in place of a conventional tube. The silicon diode improves the overall AFC per­formance. It is unaffected by temperature changes. It has no warm-up drift and elimi-
nates the chance of tube filament hum. A temperature-compensated narrow band de­tector supplies operating signals to the AFC circuit. This insures positive AFC action. The
narrow band detector also operates the FM tuning meter amplifier and the ultrasonic muting circuit.
The Mclntosh developed ultrasonic muting circuit automatically suppresses all intersta­tion noise, including the noises usually heard tuning in and out of a station. Weak or distant stations that can't override the background noise and interference are suppressed by the muting. A front panel switch allows muting to be cut off for listening to weak and noisy stations. A back panel adjust control is fac­tory set to the correct muting threshold level.
The mixer output is amplified through five
intermediate frequency stages with flat­topped highly selective response curves. The IF transformers have wide band re­sponse with maximum adjacent channel
rejection. Construction of the IF transformers assures electrical stability and resistance to mechanical shock and vibration. More than adequate gain is provided to operate both limiters on the weakest signals. Two com­plete limiters are used for the best possible signal-to-noise ratio.
A separate wide band detector handles only audio frequencies for low distortion and wide frequency response.
Both the RF and IF circuits are completely shielded in excess of FCC requirements for suppression of radiation of the FM oscillator and IF frequencies.
The MR 71 multiplex decoder uses a Mclntosh developed detector. The advantage of this circuit is the elimination of critical adjustments necessary with commonly used multiplex matrixing methods. The L-R (left minus right) stereo sidebands are detected. Then automatically combined with the L+R main carrier signal. The left and right chan­nel signals are then produced with excellent separation.
A temperature stabilized 19KC amplifier locks in a highly stable 38KC synchronous oscillator. This method gives exceptional noise immunity. Balanced detectors cancel the 38KC signal components in the output, providing low distortion and reduced sus­ceptibility to spurious signals. Tape record­ing interference is minimized by this method.
A highly selective computer designed filter reduces noise from stations broadcasting auxiliary music services. The filter reduces
the frequency band from 63-74KC approxi-
mately 50db. The filter response slope is 275db per octave. The noise is eliminated
without affecting normal program material.
The MR 71 has a multiplex stereo indicator
which lights when the dial pointer crosses a
station broadcasting multiplex stereo. A unique circuit using a transistor operates the
Your Mclntosh MR71 tuner will give you many years of pleasant and satisfactory performance. If you have any questions concern­ing the operation or maintenance of this tuner please contact:
Customer Service
Mclntosh Laboratory Inc.
2 Chambers Street
Binghamton, New York Our telephone number is 723-5491. The direct dial area code is 607.
Mclntosh Laboratory Incorporated guar- period of 90 days from date of purchase,
antees this equipment to perform as adver- This guarantee does not extend to compo-
tised. We also guarantee the mechanical and nents damaged by improper use nor does it
electrical workmanship and components of extend to damage incurred during transpor-
this equipment to be free of defects for a tation to and from Mclntosh Laboratory, Inc.
An application for a FREE 3-YEAR FAC- fined in the 3-year factory service contract. TORY SERVICE CONTRACT is included in the If the application is not mailed to Mclntosh pocket in the back cover of this manual. The Laboratory, only the services offered under FREE 3-YEAR FACTORY SERVICE CONTRACT
the standard 90-day guarantee will apply on will be issued by Mclntosh Laboratory upon this equipment. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 3 receipt of the completely filed out applica- YEARS OF FREE FACTORY SERVICE BY
tion form. The term of this contract is de- FILLING IN THE APPLICATION NOW.
Design subject to change without notice.
MPX stereo indicator lamp. The transistor is controlled by a noise-rejecting differential detecting bridge circuit. The circuit discrimi­nates between noise and the 19KC multiplex pilot signal. The indicator will light only on
the 19KC signal present in a multiplex stereo
The MR 71 uses a new Mclntosh developed automatic mono-stereo switching circuit. (Pat. Pend.) The switching is electronic with­out switching clicks or transients.
The circuit switches smoothly and silently
when the 19KC multiplex carrier is present.
The multipath signal indicator on the tun­ing dial is an electron ray tube. This is an exclusive Mclntosh development. Multipath signal reception causes moderate to severe distortion and poor stereo channel separa-
tion. By knowing the presence of multipath
reception, a directional FM antenna may be rotated to reduce or eliminate the multipath
signal. The MR 71 multipath indicator shows
if there are multipath signals present by rapid fluctuation of the electron ray beams.
With the antenna correctly positioned, the
indicator beams remain relatively steady, showing that multipath distortion has been eliminated.
Two pairs of audio output jacks are on the
back panel. One pair of jacks is controlled only by the front panel volume control. The other pair of jacks is controlled only by the back panel output adjust controls. Two stage feedback type preamplifiers on both chan-
nels provide low impedance outputs. More than sufficient output volume is available to feed power amplifiers as well as preamplifiers.
A new type of mechanical tuning assembly gives the MR 71 extremely smooth flywheel tuning action. The tuning capacitor is driven directly, and in turn drives the pointer. Back-
lash is eliminated with this design. A teflon lined pointer carriage and nylon pulleys re­duce friction and wear to give an unusually smooth and quiet dial action.
Turn antenna so the eye is steady.
Adjust to desired volume.
Tune for Max. reading.
Power off. Use stereo-auto position: will switch automatically from stereo to mono.
Will light only on stations
broadcasting MPX stereo,
Tune for center of black area.
Continuously variable, use
Max. position for MPX reception.
Tuning . . . select
desired station
In ... eliminates interstation noise. Out . . . use to receive weak stations.
+ 14 hidden pages