McIntosh MPI-4 Brochure

The MPI 4 is a laboratory-grade in­strument. It continuously monitors the quality of the performance of a stereo system. It can sample and dis­play signals from the tuner, preampli­fier and power amplifier without re­connecting cables.
As a tuning aid exact FM station selection and precise tuning is seen. Displays of FM are signal strength, modulation percentage and multipath interference; of audio signals are stereo balance, amplitude, phase and channel separation. Output power of the power amplifier can be seen at any instant during program perform­ance, or stored to develop a trend over several minutes. With the addi­tion of test records, the MPI 4 can show compliance and trackabilily of
a phono pickup, frequency response of the preamplifier and power ampli­fier, audio distortion and stereo speaker balance. In the dual trace mode, the left and right stereo chan­nels appear simultaneously and sepa­rately on the screen for direct com­parison.
In short, the MPI 4 is a professional
measuring instrument that assures
you continuously that your system is performing as expected. You never again need to wonder about the per­formance of your stereo.
• maximum performance from your stereo system •"once in
• a view of the separation provided on any signal source
• absolute balance of your stereo channels from phono cart
Each channel of stereo signal is displayed individually in the dual trace mode of opera­tion. Comparison of the signals assists in comparison of recordings, the quality of stereo information in the source and much other valuable information.
The MPI4
The audio level of stereo signals is dis­played as two vertical columns on the screen. The height of each column is deter­mined by the power or amplitude of the input signal.
Action can be stopped and held to permit close comparison between the highest levels attained by left and right channels.
You will protect your record investment, extend the life of your records, and reduce needle wear when the turntable is properly set up. With the aid of test recordings the MPI 4 will assist in this proper set up. The display assists in properly adjusting for
proper tracking force, best tracing vs track­ing force, anti-skate, proper phasing, and
channel separation.
You'll see signal strength, center channel FM tuning and a reference for multipath distortion elimination. The image is a dis­play of the tuner IF curve. Signal strength is the vertical axis. Horizontal center is the center of the detector and IF curves. Proper
tuning gives minimum distortion and maxi­mum listening pleasure on all kinds of FM broadcasts.
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