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McIntosh system architectures.
D/A Converter
s distinctions among CD players grow ever finer, those seeking the ultimate
in sonic purity find salvation through separation – one box for the transport,
one box for the converter. In any case, the proliferation of digital sources argues
for the use of one, multi-input D/A converter. The MDA700 features a breakthrough balanced/parallel design that uses eight of Burr-Brown’s best D/A chips
for music reproduction of unparalleled clarity. With four digital inputs and automatic selection of the correct sampling frequency, the McIntosh MDA700 will
ensure uniformly excellent sound from all of a system’s digital sources.
Featured Technologies
BALANCED/PARALLEL DESIGN. Eight of Burr-Brown’s best 20-bit D/A chips in a balanced/
parallel configuration yield one of the best conversion performances ever obtained. The balanced
section cancels noise and distortion artifacts, while the parallel section reduces conversion
step errors and improves linearity.
correct sampling frequency to match the input signal requirements. Front panel LEDs indicate
48kHz, 44.1kHz, or 32kHz.
FOUR SELECTABLE DIGITAL INPUTS. Two coaxial and two optical digital inputs can be
selected by front panel pushbuttons or via a McIntosh remote control.
BALANCED CONNECTIONS. A premium feature not usually found in consumer audio gear,
balanced connections guard against induced noise and allow long cable runs without compromising sound quality. A balanced connection between the MDA700 and a McIntosh
Control Center with a balanced input (e.g., C42) provides 40dB more noise protection than would
an unbalanced (“single-ended”) connection.
DATA IN/OUT. These link the MDA700 to other McIntosh system components (e.g., the
MCD751 CD Transport) for complete remote control.
REMOTE POWER CONTROL. This enables the MDA700 to turn on/off with other McIntosh
system components.