The 960L
Now available in 3 Versions
The 960L
Lexicon’s flagship multi-channel
digital effects system. The 960L
supports 8 channels of balanced
analog I/O and 8 channels of
AES/EBU digital I/O in various
configurations. It comes standard
with one DSP card and provides
support for an optional second DSP
card that doubles the available
processing power. It now comes
standard with Automation and
The 960LDigital
A more affordable, digital I/O
version of Lexicon’s flagship multichannel digital effects system.
The 960LD is identical to the 960L,
without the balanced analog I/O.
But, the A/D analog input and
D/A analog output cards are
available as separate options.
Hardware Options
The 960LStereo
The newest addition to the 960L
family – a stereo version of Lexicon’s
flagship multi-channel digital effects
system. The 960LS is similiar to the
960L, without multi-channel
processing and AES/EBU digital I/O.
But, Multi-Channel Processing
software and AES/EBU digital I/O
cards are available as separate
options. The 960LS supports the
Automation option, and, when
Multi-Channel Processing is
enabled, the LOGIC7 UpMix option.
Reverb DSP Card
A second reverb DSP Card doubles the processing power of the 960L, 960LD, or 960LS to
support stereo configurations with up to eight machines at 44.1/48kHz or four machines at
88.2/96kHz. It also allows the 960L and 960LD to support surround configurations with up
to four machines at 44.1/48kHz or two machines at 88.2/96kHz.
A second LARC2 allows shared control of a single 960L mainframe.
AES/EBU Digital I/O Card
Offers eight channels of AES/EBU digital I/O at sampling rates up to 96kHz.
A/D Analog Input Card
Offers up to eight channels of high-quality 24-bit A/D conversion at sampling rates up to
96kHz with XLR connectors.
D/A Analog Output Card
Offers eight channels of high-quality 24-bit D/A conversion at sampling rates up to 96kHz
with XLR connectors.
960L, 960LD, 960LS
Requires Software
Version 2.0 or above
960L, 960LD, 960LS
Requires Software
Version 2.0 or above
960L, 960LD, 960LS
Standard on
960L and 960LD
960L, 960LD, 960LS
Standard on
960L and 960LS
960L, 960LD, 960LS
Standard on
960L and 960LS
Software Options
Automation Package
Allows program loads, parameter adjustments, pan moves, and mutes to be
recorded and played back synchronized to incoming MIDI time code. Up to 100
sessions can be saved and recalled to restore the entire state of the machine,
including word clock settings, DSP card configuration, and I/O routings.
Delays & Additional 96kHz Reverbs Package
Includes four stereo and five multi-channel delay algorithms, as well as stereo and
surround 96kHz Plate and Chamber reverb algorithms.
LOGIC7 UpMix Algorithm Package
Derives multi-channel surround output from stereo input sources. The LOGIC7 UpMix
algorithm can generate surround mixes from stereo masters, serve as a reference for a
full multitrack-to-surround mix, produce surround pan effects from stereo input
sources, create surround ambiences from stereo input sources within a full multitrack
mix, and convert stereo reverbs into surround reverbs.
Multi-Channel Package
Enables multi-channel functions such as surround algorithms and configurations.
When these functions are enabled, the 960LS will support the complete Delays &
Additional 96kHz Reverbs Package and the LOGIC7 UpMix Algorithm Package.
960L*, 960LD*, 960LS with
Software Version 3.0 or above
*Standard on units shipped with
Software Version 3.0 or above
960L, 960LD, 960LS with
Software Version 2.5 or above
Receive at no charge when the
unit is registered online at
960L*, 960LD*, 960LS** with
Software Version 4.0 or above
*Standard on units shipped with
Software Version 4.0 or above
**With Multi-channel option
Standard on
960L and 960LD
960LS with Software
Version 4.0 or above
The 960LDigital
The 960L
The 960LStereo
A Harman International Company
Printed in USA
Part #072-13376 REV4
©2002, Lexicon Inc.
3 Oak Park, Bedford, MA 01730-1441 USA | Tel: 781-280-0300 | Fax: 781-280-0490 |