Version 2.5 Software Release
Lexicon, Inc.
Delay Algorithms
Simple Delay is a basic delay algorithm. It features one
delay line for each input channel (in 5-channel operation,
the center channel input is split between the left and right
input channels). Each delay line has a single output
"voice". Each voice has independent delay time, output
level, feedback control, filtering, and panning. The
feedback path also features high-pass and low-pass filters,
as well as diffusion. Each voice has up to four seconds of
delay time.
In addition to the basic voice architecture described
above, Simple Delay also has diffusion control. This controls
diffusors on the input and in the feedback path. Simple
Delay is available in Stereo, Quad, and 5-channel
configuration of the DSP card.
There are two types of parameters available in the Delay
algorithms. There are general parameters, which affect
the entire algorithm, and delay voice parameters, which
affect the individual voices. To toggle between the two
types, press the EDIT key. Alternatively, press the ALG key
and select from the popup menu.
General Parameters
LvlMST Controls the level of all delays.
FbkMST Controls the level of all feedbacks.
DelMST Controls the length of all delays.
Diffus Controls the amount of diffusion on input and
feedback. At a minimum, the diffusor has no
effect. As diffusion increases, the signal
becomes "smeared."
FbRoll Controls the low-pass filter in the feedback
FbHipass Controls the high-pass filter in the feedback
Hold Provides infinite hold for audio in delays. Each
delay loops at its delay length. When Hold is
set to ON, no input signal is admitted into the
delay. Voices can still be panned, and filters
and gains can still be adjusted. Changes in
delay length or feedback will not take effect
until Hold is set to OFF.
Ctr In Adjusts center input level (this is only available
in 5-channel configurations). Unless the center
channel audio is discrete, it is recommended
to set the center input 6dB below the InLvl
parameter setting.
InLvl Controls input level. Normally, this value can
be set to 0dB. High levels of diffusion or strong
low-frequency content may require a setting
of -6dB or lower.
Mix Controls the wet-to-dry mix ratio.
Delay Voice Parameters
Each delay voice has a name. L1 indicates Left 1, R2
indicates Right 2, and so on.
Gain Adjusts voice gain from positive full scale to
negative full scale. Be aware of the position of
LvlMST when making gain adjustments.
To reset the parameter to OFF, hold down the
FINE ADJ key and touch the fader lightly.
Delay Time Adjusts delay length, which can be
accomplished with the fader or the +/- keys.
FINE ADJ can be used to achieve the correct
delay length setting. Be aware of the position
of DelMST when making delay adjustments.
Fbk Adjusts voice feedback from positive full scale
to negative full scale, although full scale will
probably cause unpleasant sounds. A nonzero value will cause the delay to be fed back
into the input. A voice can be fed back even
when its gain is off. Be aware of the position
of FbkMST when making Fbk adjustments.
To reset the parameter to OFF, hold down the
FINE ADJ key and touch the fader lightly.
Filt Controls the filter of each voice. In the center
position, the filter is flat. Below center, the
filter becomes low-pass, removing more
high-frequency content as the fader is
lowered. Above center, the filter is high-pass,
removing low-frequency content as the filter
is raised. This only affects voice output, not
To reset the parameter to flat, hold down the
FINE ADJ key and touch the fader lightly.
Pan Adjusts voice pan. Press the JOYSTICK button
to engage the panner for the current voice.