The function library LenzeMemDrv.lib can be used for the following Lenze PLCs:
Typefrom hardware versionfrom software version
9300 Servo PLCEVS93XX−xI6A6.0
9300 Servo PLCEVS93XX−xT6A6.0
Drive PLCEPL102001A6.0
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2002 Lenze Drive Systems GmbH
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This Manual contains information about the LenzeMemDrv.lib function library for the Drive PLC
Developer Studio.
· The LenzeMemDrv.lib function library includes functions for read/write access to the
additional backup memory (RAM, FLASH) of the PLC.
1.1.1Conventions used in this Manual
This Manual uses the following conventions to distinguish between different types of information:
Variable identifiers
are written in italics in the explanation:
· Use bReset..."
Information about the conventions used for the variables of the Lenze system blocks, function blocks
and functions can be found in the appendix of the DDS online documentation Introduction into
IEC61131−3 programming". The conventions ensure universal and uniform labelling and make
reading the PLC program easier.
Lenze functions/function blocks
can be recognized by their names. They always begin with an L_":
· Use the function L_MemCopyToRam..."
Program listings
are written in Courier", keywords are printed in bold:
· IF (ReturnValue < 0)THEN..."
LenzeMemDrv.lib EN 1.1
Function library LenzeMemDrv.lib
Preface and general information
1.1.2Layout of the descriptions
All function/function block and system block descriptions contained in this Manual have the same
FunctionFunction block (FB)/
Headline stating the function and the function identifier
Declaration of the function:
· Data type of the return value
· Function identifier
· List of transfer parameters
Short description of the most important properties
Function chart including all
associated variables
· Transfer parameters
· Return value
Table giving information about the
transfer parameters:
· Identifiers
· Data type
· Possible settings
· Info
Table giving information about the
return value:
· Data type of the return value
· Possible return values and their
– The return values are listed
according to priority in
descending order, i.e. the
return value with the highest
priority is listed first.
Additional information
(Notes, tips, application examples, etc.)
System block (SB)
FB/SB chart including all
associated variables
· Input variables
· Output variables
Table giving information about the
input and output variables:
· Identifiers
· Data type
· Type of variable
· Possible settings
· Info
1.1.3Pictographs used in this Manual
Use of
Warning of
material damage
More notesTip!
Signal words
Stop!Warns of potential damage to material.
1.1.4Terminology used
TermIn the following text used for
DDSDrive PLC Developer Studio
FBFunction block
GDCGlobal Drive Control (parameterization program from Lenze)
Parameter codesCodes for setting the functionality of a function block
SBSystem block
Possible consequences if disregarded:
Damage to the controller/drive system or its environment
Indicates a tip or note.
LenzeMemDrv.lib EN 1.1
Function library LenzeMemDrv.lib
Preface and general information
1.2Version identifiers of the function library
The version of the function library can be found under the global constant
C_w[Function library name]Version .
Version identifiers as of PLC software version 7.x:
· In the example, "01050000" stands for version "1.05".
Version: 01050000
LenzeMemDrv.lib EN 1.1
Function library LenzeMemDrv.lib
Preface and general information
LenzeMemDrv.lib EN 1.1
Function library LenzeMemDrv.lib
2.1General information about the memory management
2.1General information about the memory management
Lenze PLCs offer the oppportunity to copy parts of the variable memory of the PLC (e.g. global
variables, arrays, etc.) into a backup memory. In this way, you can, for instance, create recipe
memories or measured−value memories.
2.2Overview of the memory management functions
The below figure gives you an overview of the memory management functions available:
PLC variables
State functionMemory transfer function
Block 1
64 KByte
Block 2
64 KByte
Block n
64 KByte
Access via CodesDownload from Lenze software tools
Segment 1
64 KByte
Segment 2
64 KByte
Segment n
64 KByte
Drive PLC Developer Studio
Global Drive Loader
The type and size of the backup memory depends on the Lenze PLC used. This is why you cannot
use all functions of the LenzeMemDrv.lib function library for all Lenze PLCs.
· In the following sections you can find an overview of the functions supported by the individual
Lenze PLCs.
LenzeMemDrv.lib EN 1.1
Function library LenzeMemDrv.lib
2.2Overview of the memory management functions
In addition to the functions of the LenzeMemDrv.lib, the operating system of the PLC includes
codes which allow the following memory−related functions:
· Reading/writing data of a RAM block by means of autoincrement access" while the PLC
program is running (C0504 ... C0508).
· Activating a read/write protection for the FLASH memory (C2006/C2007).
Detailed information can be found in the relevant PLC Manuals.