Leica M680 2 x 2
2 independent zoom systems,
2 independent focusing systems
Surgical microscope for reconstructive,
hand, heart and spinal surgery, urology
and gynaecology

The Leica M680 innovation:
Identical working conditions
for surgeon and assistant.
The Leica M680 surgical microscope, with its two independent
zooms and its two independent internal focusing systems, is the
first instrument to offer ideal conditions for co-operation between
surgeon and assistant. The magic 2x2 formula brings more individual freedom within the teamwork. Each surgeon can use a handor footswitch to bring the image into focus and, depending on the
momentary requirements of the particular user, can engage either
a high magnification for detailed observations or a low magnification for an overall view. This results in better and quicker team
work. Naturally, the Leica M680 can also be used like a conventional surgical microscope, and under these
circumstances the two independent zooms
can be coupled at the touch of a key, the
individual focusing possibilities remaining
Mechanical, optical and electronic components have been combined in the Leica M680
at a level never before seen in a surgical
microscope, resulting in a compact high-technology instrument.
The fascinating advance of technology in this field is perceptible
in the diagram opposite, and goes a long way towards meeting
medical requirements.
The Leica M680 offers new opportunities in reconstructive, hand,
heart and spinal surgery, and also in urology and gynaecology.

The claims of high technology:
High technology must serve the needs of the user. lt must not
become an end in itself. The targeted application of electronics
can expand the performance range of an instrument consider-
ably, and the function of high-tech within this framework is to
make the instrument easier to use and more reliable, and to
improve the convenience available
to the user. This is the philosophy of
the Leica researchers and designers
who are behind the development of
the Leica M680.
The pride of our designers
The Leica M680: A technological work
of art, consisting of 283 optical,
electronic and precision-engineered
2x surgical know-how
Microsurgery from two sides: Two
pairs of eyes and two pairs of hands
can do more for the patient if the
optics and ergonomics are right for
both the surgeon and the assistant, as
they indeed are in the Leica M680.

The optics of the Leica M680:
You simply see more.
Optical quality and intense illumination always have been the traditionally-outstanding features of Leica surgical microscopes.
Now the Leica M680 has set new standards even there. The
remarkable depth of field has been described by users as «fourfingers deep». The fields of view have been enlarged 50% to give
the full overall picture, reducing or even eliminating the need to
refocus or reposition in certain surgical disciplines. The brilliant,
high-contrast image permits meticulous work even at low magnifications. Thanks to the perfect three-dimensional impression and
the outstanding resolution, the observer simply sees more.
The powerful light source ensures that the brightness of the field
observed remains constant over the whole magnification range,
so the eyes are not constantly readjusting to new light levels. T wo
illumination prisms ensure that the output of the 50-watt halogen
lamp is fully exploited, and supply more than enough light for all
applications. The uniquely-high transmissivity of the optical components can be demonstrated with a simple but impressive test:
Even with the microscope illuminator switched off, fine structures
can be clearly observed at any magnification using normal room
Partial lesion of the median nerve,
hand joint.
Photographs by kind permission of
Dr B. Forster, Switzerland
Not just a piece of glass
The high-performance objectives are
a silent witness to the combined traditional
expertise and state-of-the-art knowledge of
Leica in Switzerland, and of its personnel.