Ever since their introduction by Horatio S. Greenough, stereomicroscopes have
worked according to the optical principles based primarily on Ernst Abbe’s
research. For over a century, ingenious optics designers and engineers have
worked to push magnification, resolution and image fidelity to the limit permitted
by optics. In doing so, they have always been constrained by the interrelation bet-
ween three factors: the higher a microscope’s resolution, the lower the available
working distance. If one increases the distance of the optical axes, the three-
dimensional image seen by the observer becomes distorted a cube then becomes
a tower, a flat surface curves towards the observer.
Limits are made to be broken.
LeicaM205 A and M205 C are the first stereomicroscopes in the world that can
offer a 20.5 : 1 zoom. This accomplishment, however, was not enough for Leica’s
engineers. With the new FusionOptics™, they have succeeded in taking yet
another step beyond previous limits. Besides the greater magnification, they have
also increased the resolution to 1050lp/mm, which corresponds to a resolved struc-
ture size of 476nm.
Of course, this performance increase is reflected in your daily work: Set up your
specimens on the microscope table with comfortable freedom of movement and
discover details that were previously unrevealed, even in stereomicroscopy.
A Step Towards Infinity