Latitude 571 572 User Manual
Report No. 14020770 001
Appendix 8:
User Manual
(Total: 47 pages, include this page)
130 mm
130 mm
140 mm
140 mm
1.0 Welcome
Congratulations for your purchase of this heart rate monitor. It is designed for ease of use during sport activities.
In order to learn and apply the various functions of your new heart rate monitor, please read this user manual carefully.
1.1 General
It is important for you to understand Estimated Maximum Heart Rate (EMHR), training zone, upper heart rate limit and lower heart rate limit before you begin. This information helps you to achieve the maximum health benefits out of your workout.
We recommend user to consult the medical practitioner or registered physician before setting your personal training-schedule and target. Or you can set your own upper and lower limit using the EMHR as a reference guide. You may estimate your EMHR using the following formula:
220 – age = EMHR.
! This product set, like most electron ic or
mag n e t i c de v i c e s, may int e r f e r e wi t h pacemakers. We recomm end patients with pacemakers to consult with their doctor before using this product set.
! Make sure that you fully understan d the
functions and limitations of th is pr oduct set before using it.
! This product set is a supplementary d evice for
measuring heart rate; it is NOT a subst itute for any medical devices. You should periodica lly compare the heart rate reading provided by this product set with the re ading fro m a doctor.
Care and Ma in te na nc e
Avoid rough usage or s ev ere imp acts to thi s p roduct s et.
Sto re this p ro duct se t in a dry
pla ce when it is not in use.
C l e a n y o u r p r od u c t s e t
o c c a s i o n a l l y w i t h a s o f t moi stened cloth.
DO NOT e xp ose this prod uct
s e t t o c h em i ca ls s u ch a s ga s oli n e an d al c oho l ; th e se ch e m i c a l s w i l l d ama g e t h i s pro duct set.
2.0 Functions of the Operating Keys
To tur n ON the Backlight fo r few seconds.
To view the daily alarm time.
Hold down the button to enter daily alarm setting mode.
To take a l ap tim e i n e xer ci se stopwatch mode.
To change the setting valu e under setting mode.
To change mo des among the d i f f er e nt m ai n f un c ti o n modes.
Hold do wn the b utton to enter/exit a setting mod e.
To change modes amo ng diffe rent setting sub-modes.
3.0 Functions of the chest strap
Conn ec tor
To ch ange modes among different exercise sub-modes.
Hold down the butto n to pop the exercise mode function m enu.
To change the setting valu e under setting mode.
Fron t
Elas ti c Ban d
Batt er y cov erCont ac t
Cont ac t
(con ta ct wi th s ki n)
4.0 Wear the Chest Strap
Connect one connector w ith
1 2
the che st strap. Ens ure that the connector is comple tely lodged int o the ch est strap.
Extend the elastic band for all owi ng loos e fit ting th e chest stra p on you r chest.
Fit the chest strap on your
chest with o ne han d.
C o nn ec t t he o pp os i te
connecto r to the chest stra p with anoth er han d.
IMPORTANT: This Che st str ap mus t be wor n dire ctly on your skin. DO NOT wear the chest stra p on the top of your cloth es. Ot herwise, the ch est strap CANNO T get the hear t rate s ignal.
NOTE: In dry s easo ns, wet the conta cts with water to m ake th e signal tr ansm ission no rmal .
Fasten the elastic band until
it is fitt ed o n yo ur chest comforta bly.
Move the chest strap until
the two con tacts are firm ly contacte d with the skin of your chest .
Pre caution s / Tips
The re ar e two contacts loca te d on the bac k of the Che st st rap. These two co ntacts MUST
mak e firm co nt act with the user's skin during measu rement.
DO N OT take h eart rate measuremen t w hen divi ng or under wate r.
Cle an the c ontacts occasion al ly by ap plying a few d ro ps of wa ter, and wi pe it dr y with a
pap er towel to remove any re si dual greas e.
DO N OT use bo dy cream; it w ill insu la te the sign al between the s kin and the contact s.
Cle an your skin w ith soap and w ater for a better sign al transmiss ion.
For those with extremely dry s ki n, app ly som e conduc ti ve gel or water t o increa se
con ductivi ty.
Adj ust the chest strap with the suppl ie d el astic band unti l it holds on your chest firm ly t o
avo id loose wh en exercis e.
Avoid doin g any awkward mot ion durin g measureme nt, it will cre ate an in ac curate hear t rate
rea ding.
5.0 Main Functions Mode
Press (M) to navigate among different main function modes following the below diag ram.
Normal Time ModeDaily Alarm Mode
Countdown Timer Mode
Exercise Mode
Key Operations Between M ain Funct ion Modes
Lap Recall Mode
6.0 Setting Normal Time and User Personal Data
Holding do wn (M) i n Normal Time M ode to e nter/exit Setting Display.
Normal Time Mode
Reset Second
Set Minute*
Set Hour*
* Press the (+ ) o r ( -) to cha nge the setting. Hold down
the button w ill change at a fa ster pace for
setti ngs
Set Weigh t*
Set Day*
Set Month*
Set Year*
Set Wei ght Unit (kg/lb )*
Set 12/24 forma t*
Set Chime ON/OF F*
Set Key t one ON/OF F*
Normal Time and User Personal Data Settin g
Set Height*
Set Height Unit (cm/in ch)*
Set Bir th year*
Set Gen der Male/Female*
7.0 Daily Alarm Mode - Alarm ON/OFF and Setting
Holding down (+) in Normal Tim e Mode to
Keep holding down 'AL OFF ' appears
(+) until 'AL ON' or to set daily alarm.
Normal Time Mode
view Daily Alarm Mode.
Daily Alarm Mode
Alarm ON
Alarm OFF
Set Minute*
* Press the (+ ) o r ( -) to cha nge the setting. Hold down
the button wi ll cha nge at a faste r pace .
Daily Alarm S etting
Set Hour*
8.0 Exercise Mode
When Exercise Mode is selected, the Exercise function will be activated automatically, OR press (+) to activate the f unction i mmediately.
!) Th e Ch est strap MUST be paire d wi th t he Wa tch in advance. See 8.6 for the detailed pairing opera tions.
2) The Chest strap MUST be worn on the user 's chest properly be fore using the Exercise Mode. See 4.0 f or the deta ils.
3) If NO heart rate reading or l ong respo nse time, See 8.7 for the resolution s.
4) The He art Rate measurement will keep mo nitoring if not losing heart rate signal for 1 min. This can be re sumed by re -entering this exerci se mode.
Put on t he Wat ch
Put on th e
2. ches t st ra p
Get yo ur
3. hear t ra te
Maximum/Average Heart Rate Display
8 Seconds
Maximum/Average Heart Rate Display
Exercise Mode
heart rate acquired
Heart rate (bpm)
Maximum/ Avera ge Heart Rate
Stand-alone Exercise Time
Below Zone Time
In Zone Time
Normal Time
Fat Bur n
Calorie Expenditure
Above Zone Time
8.1 Exercise Mode - Estimated Maximum Heart Rate (EMHR) and % EMHR
Heart rate (bpm)
Exercise Mode
EMHR and % EMHR:
EMHR = 220 - user age.
Example: What is the EMHR fo r Tom at his 53? EMHR = 2 20-53 = 167.
Percentage of Estimate d Maximum H eart rate (% EMHR)
% EMHR = Acquired heart rate 4 EMHR X 100%
Example: What is if has acqu r a heart rate
%EMHR =1004167 X 100% = 60%
The Application of % EMHR
% EMHR is a useful figure for an alyzing t he cardio-fitness of a pe rson.
% EMHR can be used to define the u pper and low limit of a target zone for tr aining.
How this Watch Assis ts your Training Program
% EMHR auto calculation fu nction:
This watch displ ays the % EMHR of the current he art rate immedi ately once a heart rate is acquired.
NOTE: The user MUST set his/her gender, birth year, heig ht and weig ht into the
the % EMHR for Tom he i ed of 100?
8.2 Exercise Mode - Heart Rate Zone and Zone Ti mer
Heart Rate /
Upper Limit (e.g., 75% EMHR)
Lower Limit (e.g., 55% EMHR)
The Heart Rate Alert funct ion:
In general, keeping t he heart rate at a particular zone (the up per and low l imit of the zone are defined by certai n % EMHR) can a chieve one’s training goal.
See 8.6 to select a Zone Type or set the upper and lowe r limit for the target zone.
See 8.4 to turn ON or OFF the Zone Alert F unction. The 'ZONE' in dicator w ill appear on the display if the Zone Alert F unction i s ON.
When this function is set, it indicates (audible and visua l In dication) the curre nt h eart rate either above, withi n or below th e target heart rate Zone to t he user.
WARNING: Overl oading your heart cause s severe imp acts to your health and even death, consult your doctor for getting more information about your heart condition before setting a target zo ne for your t raining.
Zone Ti mer:
Below Zone Timer: Th e timer wil l count if th e current heart rate is below the target zone (e.g. below 55% EMHR) .
In Zone Timer: The timer will count if the cu rrent h eart rate is within the target zone (e.g., between 55% and 75% E MHR).
Below Zone Timer: The timer w ill count if the curren t heart rate is above the target zone (e.g., above 75% EMHR ).
Audi bl e & Vi sual
Indi ca tio n (A le rt ON )
'Bee p'
In-Zone (Target zone for a particular objective)
'Bee p'
Below Zone
Heart Rate Zone
Audi bl e & Vi sual
Indi ca tio n (A le rt OF F)
Above Zone
Above Zone Time
In Zone Time
Below Zone Time
8.3 Exercise Mode - Calorie Expenditure and Fat Burn
Calorie expenditure
Calorie Expenditure
The Calorie Expenditure and Fat Bur n Estimation:
The Ex ercise Mode estimates the calorie expenditure and Fat Burn of the user for an exercise by the acquired heart rate, exercise intensive and the user’s perso nal data (i.e., age, gender, hei ght and weight)
NOTE: The user MUST set his/he r gender, birth year, heig ht and weig ht into the Watch bef ore the measurement, otherwise these estimations are not correc t. S ee 6 .0 for the setting details.
Fat Burn
Fat burn
8.4 Exercise Mode - Reset Exercise Screens and Turn ON/OFF Zone
Hold down (- ) until 'RESET THIS' or 'RES ET ALL ‘ is displayed, release (-) to reset the Exercise Mode f or the curr ent screen or all screens.
Hold down (-) u ntil 'HR-ALM ON/OFF' i s displ ayed, r elease (-) t o turn ON or OFF the Heart Rat e Zo ne Alert function. If H eart Rate Zone Alert functio n is ON, a 'ZONE' indicator will be appear ed. See 8.2 for the details of Heart Rate Zone Alert.
Maximum/ Aver age
Heart Rate
Stand-a-alone Exercise Time
Zone Time
In Zone
*Res et AL L on ly
Normal Time*
Fat Bur n
Zone Time
hold hold
Rese t
Rese t th e Cur re nt S cre en
Rese t ALL Scr ee ns
Set Zo ne Al ert O N/ OF F
The curr en t scre en
rese t
to zer o
scre en s
rese t
to zer o
The Z on e
Alert i s set ON
(a 'Z ON E'
or OF F
8.5 Exercise Mode - The Stand-alone Ti mer
Press (+) to start the stand-alone ti mer for timing your exercise.
During co unting, press (+) to view and recor d a lap time with la p heart rate o r hold down (+) to stop the time r.
Hold down (-) until 'RESET T HIS' is dis played, release (-) to reset the tim er.
1)The record ed Lap Times and Lap Heart Ra tes can be reviewed from the Lap Recall Mode.
2) Resetting the timer wil l clear ALL Lap Time and Lap H eart Rate r ecords.
* This watch c an record u p to 25 laps. ** The Maximum c ounting range is up to
9 hours 59 minutes and 59 seco nds.
Stop Counting
lap heart rate
Lap no.
Counting Counting
lap time**
5 Seconds
Take Lap Time*
Stand-alone Exercise Timer
8.6 Exercise Mode - Exercise Mode Setting
Hold down (M ) in Exe rcise Mod e to enter/exit Setting Displ ay.
Exercise Mode
User Defined
Zone Type*
Healt h
(50-6 5%EMH R)
Fat Bur n
(55-7 5%EMH R)
Pair the chest strap with the Watch
Above Zone ON/OFF*
Alert ON Alert OFF
Set Exercise Intensity*
Below Zone ON/OFF*
Exercise Mode Setting Di splay
* Press the (+) or (-) to
ch a n g e t h e se t t i n g . Hold down the button will change at a faster pace for some settings.
Set Upper Limit*
Set Lower Limit*
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