d even if the power is turned
Service Bulletin Ref. No.
2KW-0021 (A397)
<Date> December 24, 2010
Upgrade of the Main Firmware (Ver.005.003)
Upgrade of the Engine Firmware (Ver.006.003)
CD-ROM Upgrade (Ver.1.2)
FS-C2026MFP, FS-C2126MFP
The following contents were changed.
Content of Changes
<Firmware upgrade>
No. Item Content
1 Support for KTST and
2 Change of the operation
when setting up the
<CD-ROM upgrade (Ver.1.2)>
3 Support for KTST and
Language support
The frequency of toner disposal at Drum Refresh will be recorded to the
EEPROM which is executed by turning the power ON when setting up the
Toner may be disposed more than anticipated when the power is turned OFF
and ON again since drum refresh is executed multiple times when the power
was turned ON first, but the same operation is executed again if turning the
power OFF. If this operation is executed without the toner container, amount of
the toner in the developer unit may decrease so that it cannot be recovered by
the toner supply of one time and the machine may be in Toner LOW condition.
This was changed so that only the remained times of toner disposal at Drum
- New manuals (Operation Guide and FAX Operation Guide).
Program No. Ver. Status Date Current Ver. Remark
ENGINE 2KW_1000006003 006.003 11/12 005.002
SYSTEM 2KW_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2026MFP
SYSTEM 2KX_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2126MFP
SYSTEM 2KW_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2026MFP (KMKR)
SYSTEM 2KX_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2126MFP (KMKR)
SCANNER 2KW_1200005001 005.001 2010/9/27 -
Optional language 2KX_81BR001013 001.013 - -
Optional language 2KX_81KR001013 001.013 - -
Optional language 2KX_81CN001011 001.011 - -
Optional language 2KX_81TW001011 001.011 - -
PANEL 2KW_7000000002 000.002 - -
FAX BOOT/APL* 2KX_5500003001 003.001 - - FS-C2126MFP
BOOT (2KX_5000.001.019) 001.019 - - FS-C2126MFP
APL (2KX_5100.003.001) 003.001 - - FS-C2126MFP
European Service & Development Center (ESDC)
Korean (for KMKR)
* The firmware to be supplied for FAX
←←←← New
←←←← New
←←←← New
←←←← New
←←←← New
←←←← New
←←←← New
Service Bulletin Ref. No.
For the KM sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware at the download center on the ESDC.net.
When upgrading the firmware or replacing a board, please upgrade each kind of the firmware to the latest version at the same
KMC’s Classification
Field Measure: No particular problem is expected. However, please use the optional language firmware
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: KTST/KMTW: Since the first production (F/W, CD-ROM)
(CD-ROM) After using up the old stock
2KW-0021 (A397)
<Date> December 24, 2010
Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
matching the firmware. Otherwise, the characters may be garbled.
Other specs.: (F/W) Planned from the December 2010 production
European Service & Development Center (ESDC)