Service Bulletin Ref. No.
<Date> February 4, 2011
Upgrade of the Scanner Firmware (Ver.007.001)
2KW-0023 (B038)
FS-C2026MFP, FS-C2126MFP
The firmware was upgraded as follows.
Content of Change
No. Item Details FW
1 Change of the solenoid
Program No. Ver. Status Date Current Ver. Remark
ENGINE 2KW_1000006003 006.003 11/12 005.002
SYSTEM 2KW_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2026MFP
SYSTEM 2KX_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2126MFP
SYSTEM 2KW_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2026MFP (KMKR)
SYSTEM 2KX_2F00005003 005.003 - 004.009 FS-C2126MFP (KMKR)
SCANNER 2KW_1200007001 007.001 2010/12/11 005.001
Optional language 2KX_81BR001013 001.013 - -
Optional language 2KX_81KR001013 001.013 - -
Optional language 2KX_81CN001011 001.011 - -
If the reverse pressure solenoid is not opened, paper skew or jam might be
caused when conveying paper in duplex mode. Therefore, this was corrected.
Korean (for KMKR)
←←←← New
Optional language 2KX_81TW001011 001.011 - -
PANEL 2KW_7000000002 000.002 - -
FAX BOOT/APL* 2KX_5500003001 003.001 - - FS-C2126MFP
BOOT (2KX_5000.001.019) 001.019 - - FS-C2126MFP
For the KM sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware at the download center on the
When upgrading the firmware or replacing a board, please upgrade all kinds of the firmware to the latest version at the same
APL (2KX_5100.003.001) 003.001 - - FS-C2126MFP
* The firmware to be supplied for FAX
KMC’s Classification
Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
Field Measure: No particular problem is expected. However, please use the optional language that fits the
firmware. Otherwise, the characters may be garbled.
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: Will be informed later.
European Service & Development Center (ESDC)