Service Bulletin
SB Number:
SB 2MA-001
Firmware upgrade (Main v004.007)
Creation Date: 28/02/2012
Contents of changes
1 The Gloss mode option has been renamed as follows:
From High/Low to On/Off
2 The Toner log may not be correctly shown in the Event log.
3 The Print speed has been improved.
4 Characters may appear garbled, when printing PDF data directly from the Machine.
5 Polish characters may appear garbled on the print-out, when printing PDF data directly from the Machine.
6 Characters may be partially skipped, when printing PDF data directly from the Machine.
7 Print-out may fail and “PDFConversionError” report may be printed, when printing PDF data directly from the
8 The following KPDL errors may occur when printing PDF data directly from the Machine:
• /undenedresult, Offending Command: --show--
• /invalidrestore, Offending Command: --restore--
• /syntaxerror
9 Incorrect characters may be printed in a large font, when printing PDF data directly from the Machine.
10 KPDL error may occur, when printing KPDL or PDF data.
11 Undesired characters and lines may appear, when printing PCL Macro data.
12 Ruled lines may not appear on the print-out, due to improper PCL Macro data processing.
13 If the Command Center message in an optional language is stored on the Hard disk, it may not be correctly
indicated during sleep mode.
14 LF code may be ignored during SMB protocol printing.
15 The Command Center settings may not be changed.
Type Program No. Check SUM Version Status Date Applicable model(s)
MAIN 2MA_2F00004007 ---- 004.007 15/11/2011 FS-C2026MFP+
MAIN 2MB_2F00004007 ---- 004.007 15/11/2011 FS-C2126MFP+
ENGINE 2KW_1000011002 1599 011.002 ---------- FS-C2026MFP+/2126MFP
SCANNER 2MB_1200002001 7411 002.001 ---------- FS-C2026MFP+/2126MFP
FAX BOOT/APL 2KX_5500007001 ---- 007.001 ---------- FS-C2126MFP+
Note: Please upgrade all the rmware at the same time.
Field measure When the above mentioned phenomena occur, please upgrade the rmware to the latest
KMIS Service Department, Kyocera Mita Europe B460/ SB 2MA-001
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