KROHNE UFM3030 User Manual

KROHNE 06/20057.30935.32.00
DIN A4: 7.10028.31.00
Service Handbook
Universal 3-Beam ultrasonic flowmeter
UFM 3030 K/…EEx compact ultrasonic flowmeter UFC 030 F/…EEx ultrasonic flow converter UFS 3000 F/…EEx ultrasonic flow sensor
Subject to change without notice.
Electromagnetic flowmeters Variable area flowmeters Mass flowmeters
Ultrasonic flowmeters
Vortex flowmeters Flow controllers Level measuring instruments Pressure and temperature Heat metering Communications technology Switches, counters, displays and recorders Engineering systems & solutions
General advice on safety
Do not instal l, operat e or maint ain this flow m eter wit h out reading, under standing and f ol lowing the factor y-supplied in str uctions , other wi se inju ry or damage may r esu lt.
Read these instructions carefully before starting installation and save them for future reference.
Obs erve all war nings and instr u ctions marked on the pr oduct.
Use only m a ins supply wi th protec tive ea rthi ng c onnected.
Do not use the product with removed covers under wet conditions.
Consider handling and lifting instructions to avoid da ma ge.
Install the product securely and stable.
Install and connect cabling proper to exclude damage or harmful situations.
If the product does not operate normally, refer to the service instructions or refer to qualified
KROH N E servi ce en gi neers.
There are no op erator-servi c eab le parts insi de the product.
The following symbols may appear in this manual or on the product
ATTENTIO N: r ef er to oper ating and installation instructi ons !
DANGER: ris k of elec tric shock!
PROTECTIVE conductor terminal!
These terms may appear in this manua l or on the product:
WARNING statement: identify conditi ons or practice that could result in injury or loss of life.
CAUTI ON statemen t : identify c o nditions or practice that could result in dam a ge t o th e pr oduct or othe r pr oper ty.
2 UFM 3030
This do c ument contains impor t ant information on the product. KROHNE attempts t o be as accurate and up-to-date as possible but assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Nor does KROHNE make any com m it m ent to upda t e the inf ormation contained herein. T hi s m anual an d all ot her documents are subject to change w it h out prior notic e.
KROHNE will not b e lia ble for any damage of any kind by using its product , in cl u ding, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.
Th is disc laimer does not app ly i n ca se KROHNE ha s ac ted on purp os e o r with gr os s n egligence. In the event any applica ble l aw does n ot allow such limita tions on implied wa rr a nt i es or the exclusion of limitation of certain damages, you may, if such law applies to you, not be subject to some or all of th e above di sclaimer, exclus ions or limit ations.
Any product purchased from KROHNE is warranted in accordance with the relevant product docum entation and our Terms and Condition s of Sal e.
KROH N E reser ves the r ight to al ter the co ntent of its d o cuments, incl udi ng this di sclaimer in any way, at any time, for any reason, without prior notification, and will not be liable in any way for possib le consequences of such changes .
Product liability and warranty
Responsi bility f or suitabilit y and int end ed us e of t his ultrasonic f l ow meter rests solel y with the user. Improper inst allation and oper at i on of the flow meter (syst em ) ma y l ead to los s of warr a nt y.
In addition, the Term s an d Conditions of Sale ar e applic a ble and are the basi s for the purchase contract.
If fl ow meter s need to be returned to KROHNE , pleas e note the informa tion given on the la st pages of t he installati o n and oper at i ng instructi ons. KROHNE regret s that t hey cann ot repair or check flow meter(s) unless accompanied by the completed form (see last pages of the installation and operating instructions).
Items included with order
UFM 3030 ult ras onic flow meter , com pr is ing of a flow sensor, UFS 3 000 and a sig nal converter, UFC 030 either built tog ether as a compact system or supplied as two separat e pieces, in the size as indicated on the packaging box
Signal cable (only in case of a separate system)
Special t ool for opening the converter housi ng
Documentation supplied
Condensed installation and operat i ng manual
For Ex- units: installation and opera ting instru ctions for use i n hazardous areas
Instruction card : o v er vi ew of the co nfiguration menu and display ma rkers
Product information CD
Appro v al d oc uments, unless r epr oduced in the installatio n and oper a ting instructions
Cert ific ate of sy st em calibration dat a
UFM 3030 3
This instrument is develo ped a nd manufactur ed by: KROHNE Altometer
Ker kep la at 12 3313 LC Dordr echt The N et h erla n ds
For information, mai ntenance or servi c e pleas e co ntact your nearest local KROHNE repr esentative.
Notes on the ser vice handbook
This service handbook is divided into four parts for easy use. All ultrasonic flow meters are factory­set to your or der sp ecificati ons . Th erefore, no furt h er adjustments ar e necess ary prior to init ia l start­up. Condens ed installation and operating instr uctions are available for installatio n and init i al start-u p.
Part A Chapter s 1, 2 and 3; System installati o n and star t - up. Install ati o n, con nec ting and
powering the flow meter.
Part B Chapter s 4 and 5; The sign al conv er ter. Operato r cont rol and function ing of the
signal converter. Part C Chapters 6 and 7; Functional checks and service. Servicing the flow meter. Part D Chapters 8, 9 and 10; Technical data. dimensi ons, block dia gram and ultrasonic
measuri ng principl e.
4 UFM 3030
Table of contents
Introduction 6
1.1 Cautions 6
1.2 Unpacking and inspection 6
1.3 System description 6
1.4 Av ailable ver si ons 7
1.5 CE A pprovals 7
2 Mech a n ic a l in sta llatio n 8
2.1 Handli n g t he flowmeter 8
2.2 Installation location and position 8
2.3 Special installation requirem ents 9
2.4 Pipe fl anges 10
2.5 Pipes with cathodic pr otection 11
3 Connecting the signal converter 12
3.1 Safety instr ucti o ns 12
3.2 Converter terminal box 12
3.3 Power supply connection 12
3.4 Co n nec tion of s ens or cables ( UFM 303 0 F only) 13
3.5 Electrical connection of the sig nal i np ut s an d outputs 14
3.6 Connect i on diagram exam ples 16
4 Start-up 17 5 Operating the signal converter 18
5.1 Fron t panel a nd oper at ing keys 18
5.2 Menu structure and func tion of operati ng keys 19
6 Description of functions 28
6.1 Menu structure 28
7 Functional checks 40
7.1 Test functions of the signal converter Function 2.1 to 2.5 40
7.2 Measuri ng zero flow v alu e 41
8 Servi ce an d Repair 42
8.1 Replacement of elect r onic u nit of sign al convert er 42
8.2 Replacement of ultr as onic flow sensor in separ ate systems 42
8.3 Change of po wer s upp ly fu s e 43
8.4 Cleaning 44
8.5 Turning the display circuit board 44
8.6 Turn ing the signal c onv er ter hous ing 44
9 Returning the flow meter for service or repair 45 10 Dimensions 46 11 Block diagram 46 12 Ultrasonic measurement principle 47
12.1 Transit time differential method 47
12.2 Three beam ultr asonic measurement 47
UFM 3030 5
Part A System Installati on and Start-up
1 Introduction
1.1 Cautions
Only for flow meters supplied with a voltage over 5 0 VAC.
Refer all maintenance or servi c e to tra i ned KROHNE service eng ineers.
Mains power s hall be disconnected from the product before performing any maintenance. This product is prepared for and can only function with the rated AC mains voltage as indicated on the nameplate. This product is a Class 1 device (earthed) and requ ir es a c orrect connecti on to prot ective earth. The protective ear th conductor of the m ain power s h all be properl y connected to the marked protective earth terminal to ensure safety from electric shock for the operator and its environment. For detail refer to this s er vi ce handbook.
1.2 Unpacking and inspection
This pro du ct has been thorou ghly inspected and t ested before shi pment and is ready for
After carefully unpacking, inspect for shipping damage before attempting to operate. If any
indi c ation of mechanic al damage is found contact immediately the r esp on sible trans por t s ervi c e and your local KROHNE representative.
A simpl e oper at i ng check of the electr oni c s after unpacki n g and bef ore permanent installation is
advisable to ascertain whether it has suffered damage during shipment. Confirm for the correct mains voltage printed on the namepla te. I f it diff ers f rom th e ordered produc t pleas e co n tact y our local KROHNE representative.
Afte r connectin g to t he m ain s , ch eck i f th ere is any i n dica tion on the dis p lay an d if the b acklight
of the display is lighted. If not, contact your local KROHNE representative for advice.
1.3 System description
The UFM 3030 ultra sonic flow meter is a precis ion instr ument designed for li n ear, bi/directional flow measur ement of liquids. Flow measurem ent val ues c a n be outp ut vi a t he standard anal og and- or pulse/f requency out puts. Via a user friendly operat or int er f ac e (HMI) the unit can be set up for a wide range of applications. Next to actual volumetric flow measurement the unit can be configured to perform flow totalization (pl us, mi nus and sum ). Also measurement and output of t he liqu id so nic velocity can be configu r ed. Op tionally the unit c an b e set to perfo rm one of the followi n g additional functions:
Ca lc ulate a nd ou tput corrected stan dar d volumetri c or mas s f low usin g the extern a l pres sure
and temperature inputs
Batch function
Heat function, combining T1, T2 and volume
6 UFM 3030
1.4 Available versions
The UFM 3030 consists of a flow sensor ( UFS 30 00) and a signal conv ert er ( UFC 030), which can be built i nt o a comp act flo w m eter, UF M 30 30 K or a separate fl o w m eter, UF M 3030 F. Both flow sensor and signal converter are available with an approval for use in hazardous areas. Special c od es and regulati ons apply i n thes e ar eas and are refer r ed to in the instructions for hazardous area versions, supplied as a separate manual.
UFS 3000 UFC 030 UFM 3030 K
1.5 CE Approvals
EMC, Electr oma gn e tic Compatibility Directive
The produ ct complies wit h the requi r em ent s of t he harm o nis ed standards u nd er the EMC directive 89/336/EEC.
Low Voltage Directive
The produ ct compl ies with the requir em ent s of t he Lo w Voltage Directi v e 73/23/EEC and is designed in accordance with EN IEC 61010-1 first and second edit ion . (s afety req uirements for elec tr ica l equipment for measurement , control and laboratory use part 1) Lo cal saf e ty regul a t io ns shall b e obs erved in c ombination with t he measu res special to this product to avoid dangerous situations.
Pressure Equipment Directive
The KROHNE organisation com plies with the requirements of Modu le H of the Pr ess u re Equipment Di rective 97/23 /EC ( full quali t y assurance).
Please refer to the CE declaration for more detailed information.
UFM 3030 7
2 Mechanical installation
2.1 Handling the flowmeter
Important: Do not lift the compact flowmeter by the signal converter housing or the terminal box. Check the weight of the flowmeter as indicated on the type plate before handling the unit. When handli ng the flowm eter avo i d hard blows, jolts or impacts.
Do not plac e the fl owmeter on the sign al conver ter housing.
2.2 Installation location and position
The UFM 3030 flow meter can be instal l ed in hori zo ntal, sli ghtly ascendin g or vertical pipelines. If insta lled i n a horizontal or s lightly asc e ndin g pip elin e, a lways i ns tall the c onv ert er or terminal box in vertical positi o n opposite th e flow sens or ei ther with the conver ter up or down, but never in horizontal position.
8 UFM 3030
If requi red the po sit io n of the signal con verter ca n be m odifi ed b y turning th e dis p lay circ u it b oard thr ough 90° or 18 0° t o achi eve a hor izontal posit ion of the display. In additi on the signal converter housing may be turned through 90° opposite the flow sensor. For an exact description of this procedure, refer to chapter 8.6.
The measuring tube must be completely filled at all times for proper flow measurement, as the sensor s bec ome non-wetted, a los s of si gnal message will be disp layed. There is no damage when thi s occ u rs.
Flow dir ect ion. The UFM 3030 is a bi-dir ec tional flo w meter . Note the indicati ng arrow for the positive direction on the flow meter.
It is recommended to protec t t h e signal converter fr om direct sunlight to prol ong the life. Alth ough no direct damage will occur, installation of a sunshield is advised. Do not expose the signal converter to excessive vibration. To protect the flow meter from excessi v e vibrati on su pport t he pip eline on either si de of th e flow meter. Make sure there is sufficient room next to the pipe flanges to fit the bolts and nuts.
To achieve t he spec ified accur acy of the flow meter , a straig ht inlet s ection of 10 × DN (D N = met er size) an d an outlet section of 5 × DN should be applied.
Norm all y zero s ett i ng is not necessary , but if r equired the zero p oin t can b e checked and the meter can be re-zeroed under stationary flow conditions (see Function 1.01.03 of the converter menu). To f orc e zero flow , a shut - off valve should be p ro v ided u pstr eam a nd/ or do wnstream of the flow sens or.
Mixi ng different fluid products. Install the fl ow meter upstream of mix ing point or at minim um dist an c e of 30× D N (DN = meter size) do wnstream of the mixing point, otherwise the flow meas urem ent may be unstable.
Ambient temperature all flow meters: -40 to +65°C/ -40 to +149°F Product temperature compact flow meter: -25 to +140°C/ -13 F to +284°F Prod u ct tempera ture separate flow meter: -25 to +1 8 0 °C/ -13 to +356°F Special v er s ions are availa ble for higher proces s temperatur es.
In case of a pipel ine running alo ng a wall: pl eas e obs er v e a minim um distance between pipe centreline and the wall of at least 0.5 m (1.6 ft).
2.3 Speci al installation requirem ents
To avoi d meas ur ing er rors and malfunctioning of the flow meter due to gas or air inclusions or an empt y pipe, please observe t he following precau t io ns:
UFM 3030 9
Sinc e gas will collect at the highest point of a pipe, in s tallati on of the flow meter at that locati o n should be avoided at all times. Also installation in a down going pipe should be avoided since a compl et ely fi lled pipe may not be guaranteed due to casca di ng aff ects. Additionally flow profile distortion is possi ble.
Long h orizontal pip es: ins tall in slightly ascending pipe section. If not possi ble, ensur e adequate velocity to prevent air, gas or vapour from collecting in upper part of flow tube As a partial ly filled meter will report higher than actual flow rat es, or n ot meas ure (as transduc er pair s becom e non-wetted).
Open feed or dis c h arge: Install m eter in a lower ed section of the pipe to ensur e a full pipe condition thro ug h th e meter .
Down goin g pipel ine over 5 m (16 ft) lengt h: install air vent  downstr eam of th e flow meter. To prevent vacuum . While thi s wil l n ot harm t he m eter, it may cause gas es to com e out of s olution (cavit ate) and int erfere with proper m easurements.
Always install control valves downstream of flow meter in order to avoid cavitation or distortion of flow profile.
Never i nstall flow meter on a pump suct i on side in order to avoid cavitation or flas hing in the flow meter.
2.4 Pipe flanges
Refer to dimensional dra wings for flange s pacing and in addition allow for thickness of gaskets. Insta ll flow meter in line with pipe axis. Pip e fl an ge faces must be parall el to each other, max. Per missible deviation: Lmax - Lmi n 0.5 mm (0.02").
10 UFM 3030
2.5 Pip es with cathodic protection
Pipes with electric corrosion protection are generall y insulated inside and outside so that t he fluid has no conductive connection to ground. The flow meter must be insulated from the pipe. Note the foll owing when in stallin g th e flo w m eter:
The pipe fl a nges must be connected to each other usin g a copper cable (L), but must not be connected to the flow meter. The bolts for the flange connections and the gaskets must be insulated. Use sleeves and washers that are m ad e of ins ula ting material (these must be provided by customer).
1. Flange of flow sensor
2. Gas ke t
3. Pipe flange
4. Bol t
5. Nut
6. Washer
7. Insula t ing sle e ve
Follow grounding instructions. Use 4 mm2 ( AWG 10 ca ble). No te: No earthing c ables are sup plied b y KROHNE.
UFM 3030 11
3 Connecting the signal converter
3.1 Safety instructions
This product is designed for use in accordance with EN IEC 61010-1 for Installation Category 2 and Pollut i on Degr ee 2. Haza r dous voltag es are pr esent within thi s pro du ct during normal operation. The product is designed for Pr otection Class I and should never be operated without prot ective earthi ng. T he pr odu ct sha ll al s o never b e oper ated with covers rem ov ed unl ess equivalent prot ecti on of the operator and its environment fr om accidental contact with hazar dous inter n al voltages is provided. Always fol l ow basic and local safet y pr ecau t i ons when using thi s product t o r educ e ri s k of injury from electrical shock , spr ead of fir e or other dangerou s sit uat io ns.
3.2 Converter terminal box
The converter termi nal box is accessible after removi n g t he rear (blind) cover of the
el ect ro n ics sec tion using t he s pecial wr enc h s upplied with th e flow meter.
Do not damage the screw thread and the gasket, never allow dirt to accumulate, and make
sure tha t the sc rew t hr ead i s w ell grea sed, using Tef lo n gr e ase a t all t i mes. A damaged gaske t must be replaced imme d iately!
Do not cross or loop the cables in the terminal box of the signal converter. Use separate cable
entries for power supply and signal cables.
Special regulations apply to in stallation in hazardous areas (see installation instruction s for
hazardous areas).
3.3 Power supp ly connection
In case of con nection to the mains supply voltage: Environmenta l co nditions
The UFM3030 is desi gned to operate safe under the follo wi ng c onditi ons :
Suita ble for indoor and outdoor use, the instrument is usable up to protecti on cat egory IP67
(IEC 60529)
Use up to an altitu d e of 2000 m ab ov e see level
Suita ble for an operati on ambient tempera ture range -40°C to +65° C
Suitable for an storage temperature range -40°C to + 80°C
Suitable for use in atmo s pheres wit h a relative humidity up to 80%
Over voltages up to category II on the mai n sup ply voltage ( IEC 603 64- 4-4 43 )
Connected to protective earth conductor ( Protection Class I)
Rated pollution degr ee 2
This in s trument is intend ed f or permanent connection to the mains. It is requir ed
(f or example for servic e) t o mount a n external switch or circuit br eaker near the product for disconnection from the mains. It must be easily reachable by the operator and marked as the dis c onnecting dev ic e f or this product. The swi tch or circuit break er ha s to be suitable for the ap plic ation and shall als o be in accor dance with to loc al (safety) requirements and of the building installa t ion . (IEC 60947 -1 /-3 ).
The pro tec tive conducto r cl am p t erminal size M5, pres s- fitted in the t erminal compart ment (near the ma in c onnection termin als), shall alwa ys t o be c onnected to the protective ear th conductor of the mai ns supply. Con ducto rs up to 4 mm² (11 AWG) b e connect ed to this termin al. The diameter of t he cond uct ors of the mains supply, in c ludi ng the protective earth c o nduct or s h all be i n accor danc e wit h the general and local requir ements.
12 UFM 3030
It is not allowed to use the protective conductor terminal for any other connection than the pro tectiv e ea rth co nduct o r.
IP 67 i s only warranted when using suitable cabling with the cable glands and covers mounted as specified.
The power supply terminals has thre e conne c tions
Th ere is a sep ar ate earthing that must be connected:
Terminal Function Specification
10 Reserved G round connection Not for pro tective earthing L / L1 Live power sup ply Mains vol t age AC supply:
100 V AC < U < 240 V AC: -15%, +10% SELV AC/D C suppl y: DC: 18-32 V dc AC: 24 V AC: -10% +15%
N / N1
Neutra l po wer suppl y PE: Prot ect i v e gro und connecti on
FE: Functional ground connection
Pr ot ective co nduc to r cl amp terminal. Conductors up to 4 mm² (11 AW G) need to be connected to this terminal.
3.4 Connection of sensor cables (UFM 3030 F only)
For the UF M 303 0 F the sens or s must be con nected using the factory supplied M R06 ca b le between the flow sensor terminal box and t he converter housing terminal box. For the UFM 3030C this is connected at the factory. Both the flow sensor terminal s and t he c onver ter sensor termi na ls should be connected using the appropr i a t e num ber s i ndi cated on the sensor cabl e. )
Cable diameter: 11 mm (0,433 inch), minimum bending radius: 8 x cable diameter.
UFM 3030 13
3.5 Electrical connection of the signal inputs and outputs
The termin al to connect the electr ical sig nal i nputs and outputs consis t o f 6 connections. For standard instrumen ts
For instr uments with a communi c at i on module
For wiring of the signal inputs and outputs it is advised to use unshielded twisted pairs. Inter nal ci r c uit of t he signal inputs a nd out p ut s
of the converter
Terminal A1 Analog input 1, for temperature
A2 Analog input 2, for temperature or
I/C Combined Current outp ut (I) and
Function Specification
Common ground -
0(4) to 20 mA measur em ent. Configuration via menu option 3.2.2. and 3.2.3.
Ri = 58,2 Ω,
fuse: 50 mA
0(4) to 20 mA pressure measurement. Configuration via m enu option 3.2 .4. and 3.2. 5.
Ri = 58,2 Ω,
fuse: 50 mA
Current output (I): I 22 mA, Rload 680 Digital input (C). Current output (I) Incl . Har t communication Function can be set via m enu option
Ω. Umax = 15Vdc.
Digital input (C): low = 0-5 VDC, high = 15-
32 VDC. Will be switc hed off when current
output activated.
3.4.0. and 3.6.0.
P Pulse/frequency output. Function can
be set via menu option 3.5.0.
I max: 150 mA
Umax: 32Vdc, 24Vac
Max frequency: 2 kHz
V+ DC po wer s upply f r om con v erter for
active wir ing of inputs a nd outputs
14 UFM 3030
22 VDC at full loa d, 24 VDC maximum. I
100 mA.
D+ Communication connection+ For fieldbus communication D- Communication connection - For fieldbus communication P/I/C Combined c urrent output (I) digit al
ou tput ( C) and p uls e out put (P). See
See individual I/C terminal and P terminal
specifications. indi v id ual I/C t erm in al an d P ter minal functions
The electr ical input and output signals can be connected eit her in active or in passiv e m od e. I n active mod e DC supply voltag e is provi ded from the V+ terminal. In passiv e mode supply voltage is provi ded from an external source. Please obs er v e ins t r ument polarit y: cur rent (I) is always flowing towards I, C, P, A1, A2 terminals (current sink). Note! Never use the active and passive mode at the same terminal simultaneously. If HART communication is used, do not connect the pulse/frequency output P in active mode.
UFM 3030 15
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