OpenText Konica Minolta bEST iOption MFP Connector for RightFax 10.5
Administrator’s Guide
OpenText Konica Minolta bEST iOption MFP Conn. for RightFax 10.5 Administrator’s Guide ii
OpenText RightFax 10.5 bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP. This document was last updated October 10, 2012.
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Chapter 1 Configuring the OpenText RightFax bEST Connector
for Konica Minolta MFP ...................................................5
Overview of the bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP .... 5
Localization support .............................................................. 6
RightFax Server Support and Requirements.......................... 6
The Repository Folder .......................................................... 6
Konica MFP Support and Requirements............................... 6
Configuring a Walkup Account for Guest Users .................... 6
Configuring Connector Settings on the RightFax Server ....... 7
Installing the OpenText RightFax bEST Connector for Konica
Minolta MFP on Konica Minolta MFP Devices ....................... 8
Uninstalling the OpenText RightFax bEST Connector for
Konica Minolta MFP from Konica Minolta MFP Devices ........ 9
Enabling NT Authentication .................................................. 10
Enabling Email...................................................................... 10
Securing Communication Channels ..................................... 10
Changing FTP configuration ............................................... 11
Enabling WebDAV .............................................................. 11
SSL Configuration .............................................................. 11
Securing OpenAPI communication ..................................... 12
Troubleshooting the bEST Connector for
Konica Minolta MFP ............................................................. 12
Event Logging .................................................................... 12
Registration Application Events Logging............................. 12
Changing the Port Number on the RightFax Server ...........
Changing the OpenAPI port number ..................................
Application Timeout............................................................
Understanding the RightFax
External Document Connector .....................................
Overview of the RightFax External Document Connector ...
EDC Monitor Overview ........................................................
Using EDC Monitor ..............................................................
Viewing and Clearing Processor Events ..............................
Viewing Processor Events .................................................
Clearing the Event Log .......................................................
Working with Processor Services ........................................
Viewing the Status of Services ...........................................
Starting and Stopping Services ..........................................
Adding Processors .............................................................
Removing Processors ........................................................
Monitoring Remote EDC Processes ....................................
Advanced Configuration Overview .......................................
Adjusting the Advanced Configuration Settings ...................
Setting Advanced Repository Options ................................
Setting DataFlow Options ..................................................
Using the bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP, users scan
and transmit faxes by following this basic process:
1. The user enters fax transmission information on the Konica
Minolta MFP and scans the document. The Konica Minolta
MFP saves the document as an image file, creates an
associated job file and then saves the files in the repository
folder on the network.
2. EDC picks up the files from the repository, converts the image
file to a file format appropriate for use by the RightFax server,
and then places it in the RightFax send queue for transmission.
3. The RightFax server transmits the file as a fax or email
message to the destination specified by the user.
Chapter 1
Configuring the OpenText Konica Minolta bEST MFP
Connector for RightFax 10.5
Overview of the bEST Connector for Konica
Minolta MFP
The OpenText RightFax bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP
is a two-way connector that provides bi-directional communication
between the RightFax server and a Konica Minolta Multifunction
device (MFP). Users can scan documents on the Konica Minolta
MFP and transmit them as fax or email messages through the
RightFax server. They can use personal RightFax Phonebooks,
scan and send documents, and use custom cover sheets and
billing codes.
The bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP connects the
RightFax server and Konica Minolta MFPs by using a software
module called the External Document Connector (EDC).
The EDC monitors folders on your network called “repositories” for
Konica Minolta documents to process and transmit. All Konica
Minolta MFPs that will submit fax jobs to the RightFax server must
be configured to store scanned documents in the same network
folder that EDC will use as a repository. See your Konica Minolta
documentation for instructions on setting this folder location.
OpenText Konica Minolta bEST iOption MFP Conn. for RightFax 10.5 Administrator’s Guide 6
Localization support
The following languages are supported by the bEST Connector for
Konica Minolta MFP:
Portuguese (Brazil)
By default, the application appears in the language of the device. If
the device language is not supported, English is used.
RightFax Server Support and Requirements
The OpenText RightFax bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP
is installed as part of RightFax 10.5 but must be purchased
separately and activated through the Product Licensing Utility.
Refer to the RightFax Installation Guide for specific information on
server requirements and instructions for installing and activating
optional modules.
Note If you have upgraded a system that did not previously include
EDC, you may need to add EDC separately. Run the RightFax Product
Suite installer from the Windows control panel (Programs and Features
or Add/Remove Programs). On the Select Features page of the
installation wizard, select External Document Connector and follow the
on-screen prompts.
Also required:
IIS 7.0 or later with File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Services enabled
The Repository Folder
Outbound faxes originating from the Konica Minolta device will be
placed in a virtual folder called “KonicabEST” in IIS on the server
where RightFax is installed. This folder is created automatically
when the Connector is added with the EDC Configuration Wizard.
The location of the virtual folder is
Konica MFP Support and Requirements
The RightFax bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP is
supported by Konica Minolta bizhub Multi-Functional Peripherals
(MFP). The Konica MFP must:
support OpenAPI 3.6 or later
have iOption Toolkit installed
For a list of supported Konica Minolta MFP devices, see
on the OpenText Web site.
Configuring a Walkup Account for Guest Users
When RightFax 10.5 is installed, a user called Walkup is
automatically created. The OpenText RightFax bEST Connector
for Konica Minolta MFP is designed to use the Walkup account so
users can create and send faxes from the Konica Minolta MFP
device even if they don’t have a RightFax user account. The
features that are available to these users depend upon how the
Walkup user is configured. If you want to provide a general
phonebook for guest users, you must create a phonebook for the
Walkup account. If you want to allow users to send documents as
e-mail, you must configure the Walkup account to use e-mail. For
information about creating a user and configuring user profiles,
refer to the OpenText RightFax Administrator’s Guide.
Configuring the OpenText RightFax bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP 7
Users with accounts on the RightFax server may log in at the Konica
Minolta MFP device using their RightFax user name and password.
Features for sending faxes that are available to the user in the
account are also available on the Konica Minolta MFP device.
The following lists RightFax requirements and recommendations
for users, including the Walkup user, to use the Konica Minolta
MFP to send faxes. Refer the OpenText RightFax Administrator’s
Guide for information about creating and configuring users.
Create or import a personal phonebook (Recommended.
The phonebook will appear blank if the user account does
not have a phonebook.)
Configure the account to send e-mail (Recommended. The
user will not have the option to send documents attached to
e-mail if the user account is not configured to send e-mail.)
Set up a default cover page for the account (All cover pages
available to the user are also available for use with the
Konica Minolta MFP device.)
Configuring Connector Settings on the RightFax
To configure the bEST Connector for Konica Minolta MFP, use the
EDC Configuration Wizard that is included as part of the RightFax
server installation. To run the EDC Configuration Wizard:
1. On the Start menu of the RightFax server, click All Programs
and then click OpenText. Click RightFax EDC Monitor.
2. If you are running EDC Monitor for the first time, you will be
prompted to initialize EDC. Click Yes. The EDC Configuration
Wizard appears.
If EDC has already been initialized, EDC Monitor will open in its
default Activity view. On the Tools menu, click EDC
3. On the first page of the configuration wizard:
If you are installing the connector for the first time, select
Add/Remove modules and then click Next.
If you want to make changes to an existing connector,
select Modify a module and then click Next.
4. On the Add/Remove Modules page, slect the KMbEST MFP
chck box. If a Module Dependencies dialog box appears, click
OK to continue; the additional modules will be installed
automatically. Click Next.
5. On the Wizard Summary page, verify that the information is
correct and click Next to configure the connector.
6. On the Select Module page, select KMbEST MFP in the list of
modules and then click Next.
7. On the Print Notifications? page, select Print Notification if
you want a transmission status message to be automatically
printed on the MFP each time it is used. Click Next.
8. On the Email Notifications? page, select Email Notifications if
you want a transmission status message to be automatically
emailed to the sender for each fax sent. If you select this
option, specify an SMTP server name, the email address from
which notification emails should be sent, and a name that will
appear as the sender of email notifications. Click Next.
9. On the Wizard Summary page, review the information. Click
Back to make changes, or click Finish if you are done.
When you add this module, the following sites are created in IIS
on the RightFax server:
KonicabEST site
KonicabESTDIB site
KonicabEST FTP site
After installation, ensure the the authentication mode in IIS is set
to “Anonymous” for all of the above sites.