Konica Minolta MAGICOLOR 2 CX User Manual

magicolor CX Reference Guide
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Other product names mentio ned in this manua l may also be trademar ks or register ed trademarks of their resp ective owners. Regis tered trademark s are regis tered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks may also be regis tered in other countries. QM S, magicolor, and the QMS logo ar e regis tere d tradem ar ks of Q MS, Inc., and Crown, the Crown seal, and PS Executive Series are trademarks of QMS, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of Ad obe Systems In corpor ated for a page descr iption language and may be registered in cer tain jur isdictions. Throug hout this manual, “PostScript Level 2” is used to refer to a set of capabilities define d by Adobe Systems for its PostScript Level 2 page descrip tion language. Th ese capabilities, am ong others, are implemented in th is pr odu ct through a Q MS -developed emulation that is com patible with Adobe's PostScript Level 2 language. Adobe/Adob e Systems Inco rporated. 3Co m, 3+Open/3Com Cor poration. Ald us, Aldus PageMaker, Aldus FreeHand/Aldus Corporation. Apple, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Macintosh, TrueType/ Apple Computer, Inc. VINES/Banyan. CompuSer ve /H & R Block. DEC, DECnet, VMS/ Digital Equipment Cor poration. Phone NET/Farallon Computing, Inc. Hewlett-Packard, HP, PCL, HP-GL, LaserJet/H ewlett-Packard Co. IBM PC, Token-Ring/International Business Machines Cor poration. Intel/Intel Cor poration. Microsoft, M S-DOS/Microsoft Corporation. Novell and NetWare/Novell, Inc. Quar kXPress/Quar k, Inc. TOPS/Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX/U NIX Systems Laboratorie s.
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included with your Q MS printe r is Copyrighted © 1996 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be reproduce d, modified, displayed, transferred, or copied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in part, without the express written per mission o f QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighte d © 1996 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL
36618. All Rights Reser ved. This manual m ay not be copied in whole or in par t, nor transferred to any other media or language, without the expr ess written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Typographic Conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:
Mixed-Case Courier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
lowercas e bold
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE File and utility na mes Press the Enter key (PC) or Return key (Macintosh) ^ Press and hold down the Ctrl key (PC)
» Note:
Notes contain tip s, extra information, or impo rtant infor m ati on
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or computer
Information displayed in the printer message window
PostScript operators and DOS commands
Variable information in text
that deserves emphasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to a void
equipment damage, process failure, or extreme annoyance.
Warnings indicate the possibility of personal injury if a specific procedure is not performed exactly as des cribed in the manual.
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch beschriebene Vorgehensweise, da sonst Verletzungsgefahr bestehen könnte.
Products Covered by this Manual
This manual describes the following versions of the printer : a version with 8 MB RAM, a version with 20 MB RAM, a ver­sion with 32 MB RAM, and a version with 40 MB RAM . The 32 MB and 40 MB versions come standard with an internal hard disk, a SCSI interface, and an Ethernet or Token-Ring network interface.


1 Printer Configuration

Configuration Methods ................................................................1-2
The Configuration Menu ..............................................................1-4
About the Contr ol Panel .............................................................. 1-5
The Message Window 1-6 The Control Panel Indicators 1-7 The Control Pa nel Keys 1-8
About the Configurati on Menu ................ ..... ....... ....... ......... .....1-10
Accessing the Configuration Menu 1-11 Selecting Configuration Menu Options 1-11 Changing Character Information 1-13 Saving Configuration Changes 1-15 Canceling Configuration Changes 1-16 Restoring the Factory Default Configuration 1-16 Clearing Warning Messages 1-16
Operator Control Menu ..............................................................1-17
Administration Menu ................................................................. 1-20
Communications 1-20 This menu contains several options that allow you to configure
the printer's communication parameters to match the host
and application parameters 1-20 Emulations 1-34 Special Pages 1-49 Printer Start-Up Options 1-52 Memory 1-53 Printer Engine Features 1-60 Miscellaneous 1-63 Disk Operations 1-65

2 Printer Options

Available Options and Accessories ........................................... 2-2
The Sheet Feeder ......................................................................... 2-4
The Envelope Cassette ............................................................... 2-8
Installing the Envelope Cassette 2-8
Font Cards .................................................................................. 2-12
Using Font Cards 2-12
Security Cards . ........ ......... ............ ......... .......... ........... ........ ....... 2-14
Using a Security Card 2-14 Installation Menu 2-18 Using Passwords 2-19
Removing and Replacin g the Con trol ler Board ... ......... ....... ... 2-20
Removing the Controller Board 2-20 Replacing the Controller Board 2-21
Single In-Line Memory Modules (SIMMs) ................................ 2-23
The Intellifont SIMM ................................................................... 2-26
Increasing the Disk Cache Size 2-28 Verifyin g the Installation 2-28 Accessing the Fonts 2-29
Interface Daughterboards .................................... ..................... 2-30
Connecting a Macintosh to a LocalTalk Interface .................. 2-33
QMS magicolor CX Referenceii
Installing an Internal IDE Hard Disk .........................................2-34
Attaching External Hard Disks ..................................................2-37
Formatting a Hard Disk ... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ......... ....... ....... .....2-39
Installing Fonts ...........................................................................2-41
Removing Fonts 2-42
Installing an Emulation ..............................................................2-44
Updating System So ftware . ........ ....... ............ ......... ............ .......2-45
Choosing the Appropriate System Software Fil e s for
Downloading 2-45 Installing the System Software 2-46 Downloading System Software to a Functional Printer—
SYSTEMDL.PS 2-48 Downloading System Software to a Functional Printer—
SYSTEM.DL 2-51 Downloading System Software to a Non-Functional Printer 2-56

3 Technical Specifications

Print Engine Speci ficati on s ... ..... ...... ..... ... ..... ....... ....... ...... ... ..... ..3-2
Controller Specifications .............................................................3-3
Environmental Requirem ents ....................... .. ..... ...... ... ..... ..... .. ..3-4
Print Media and Consumables ....................................................3-4
Options, Accesso ries , and Replacem en t Parts .. .............. ..... ....3-5
Pinout and Cabl e Speci ficati on s .......... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... .....3-5
Communi cation M odes .. ....... ...... ....... ....... ..... ......... ......... ....... ...3-11
Simultaneous Interface Operations (SIO) 3-11 The Emulation Sensing Processo r (ESP) 3-11 Parallel Interface Modes 3-12 End Job Mode 3-13
Document Optio n Com man ds .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .......3-20
Updated DOC Command s .......... .............. ................... ............ ..3 -22
Updated PCL 5 DOC Commands 3-22
Notices ........................................................................................ 3-35
Contents iii
FCC Statement 3-35 Canadian Users Notice 3-35 Laser Safety 3-36 Warranty Considerations 3-36

A QMS Customer Support

Sources of Supp ort ................. ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ... ..... ....... ....... ..... . 2
Your QMS Vendor 2 Your Application Vendor 2 Q-FAX 2 The QMS Corporate Bulletin Board System 3 CompuServe 3 Internet 3 The QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) 4
QMS World-wide Offices .................................................................5



QMS magicolor CX Referenceiv

Printer Configuration

In This Chapter . . .
“Configuration Methods” on page 2
“The Configuration Menu” on page 4
“About the Control Panel” on page 5
“About the Config uratio n Menu” on pa ge 10
“Operator Control Menu” on page 17
“Administrati on Menu” on page 20
Configuration Methods

Configuration Methods

You can configure the printer in the following ways:
Through an application or a driver
Through the printer control panel
Through PS Executive Series Utilities
Through printer commands
Through a remote console (for network users)
Using an Application or Driver
The best way to control the printer is through your application and a printer driver. See chapter 1, “Connecting the Printer,” in the user’s guide, and your application documentatio n for information on choos ­ing, installing, and using a prin ter dri ver. You should also read the Printing section of your applica tio n documen tation.
Using the Control P ane l
The printer’s control panel has two functions: (1) it allows you to change the printer’s default settings through the configuration menu and (2) it displays the current status of the printer. The configuration menu is set at the factory for most typical printing environments, so most users don’t have to use the control panel often. Typically, you or the system administrator might make a few one-time changes, depending on your printing environment. If you do make changes in the control panel, it’s important to realize that any commands given by your application or printer dri ver will override the control panel set­tings.
This chapter describes the options available through the control panel and how to use it. Chapter 4, “Troubleshooting,” of the user’s guide lists the status messages displayed in the control panel.
Using PS Executive Series Utilities
You can also use the PS Executive Series Utilities (shipped with your printer) to control the printer from your host. See the README file on
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-2
Configuration Methods
the utilities disk for informat ion on inst alli ng the ut ilit ies, and see the utilities on-line help for details on using the software.
Using Printer Commands
Printer commands ( such as PostScript operators, QMS Document Option Commands [DOCs], and HP PCL and HP-GL commands) allow advanced users to enable fe atu res on a per-job basis.
Refer to your language documentation for specifics on HP PCL and HP-GL commands.
QMS Document Opt ion Com ma nds are added to the beginning of a print file and, when interpreted by the printer, turn on specific file pro­cessing or document handling features. For example, you can use DOC to specify an emulation, select a specific inputbin or media size, or choose page orientation. For more information , order the QMS Crown Document Option Commands manual from your QMS vendor. See chapter 3, “Te chnical S pecif icati on s,” of this manual for a list of DOCs this printer supports.
Using Remote Console
If a network interface is installed in the printer, the network adminis­trator can configure the printer through remote console. To avoid con­fusion in a shared printing environment, only the system administrator should make configuration changes.
» Note:
If remote console has the print er off line, pressin g the Online/ Offline key will not take effect until the console puts the printer back on line.
Printer Configuration
The Confi gu ration

The Configuration Menu

Online/ Offline
Previous Next
Operator Control
Select Select
Copies Collation Orientation Inputbin Chain Inputs
Color Separation
Color Model Manual Feed Size Media
Disk Operations
(appears only if a hard
disk is installed)
Install Option Remove Option Format Disk Collation Spool Overflow
Timeouts LocalTalk Serial Parallel Network
Special Pages
Color Balance P age
Service Pa Calibration Pa Header Pa
Trailer Pa Header Inputbin Trailer Inputbin Status Page Type
Print Status
Registration Page
K Mem For Spool K Mem For PSHeap K Mem PSFonts K Mem Emulation K Mem Emul. Temp K Mem Display K Mem Disk Cache K Mem FrameBuff MB Printer Mem. Enable Disk Swap
ESP Default Postscript PCL5 HP-GL LinePrinter
Startup Options
Do Start Page Do Sys Start Do Error Handler
Image Alignment Default Paper Input 1 Name Input 2 Name Outputbin Name Clear Warnin Def. Resolution Pa
e Recovery
y Saver
Man Feed Timeout
Restore Defaults Reboot System
New Flash Image Keypad Lan
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-4
About the Control Panel

About the Control Panel

The control panel, located on the front of the printer, allows you to direct the printer’s operation. In addition, it displays the current status of the printer, including any condition that needs your attention.
The control panel consists of the following parts:
A 2-line, 32-character message window displays status and con­figuration information.
Eight LED indicators provide print er statu s informa tion.
Eight keys allow you to navigate the printer’s configuration.
Printer Configuration
About the Control Panel

The Message Window

The control panel message window provides status and configuration information. Status messages are listed in chapter 4, “Troubleshoot ­ing,” of the user’s guide. Status messages display in order of priority if the printer is on line; they don't displ ay if the printer is off line.
When you're in the Configuration menu, the top line of the message window displays the name of the current menu, and the bottom line displays the name of an option within that menu.
Setting the Message Window Language
Status messages and configuration menus can be displayed in the message window in English, French, German, or Spanish. If you need to change the message window language, use the Keypad Lan­guage option in the Administration/Miscel laneou s menu.
Keypad Language
Administration Miscellaneous
Keypad Language
The printer must be restarted for changes to the Keypad Language menu to take effect. You can either let the printer restar t automatically after you save the change and exit from the configuration menu, or you can wait for the change to take effect the next time you manually turn on the printer.
English (default), French, German, Spanish
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-6

The Control Panel Indicators

Lights when the printer is on line and r eady to accept and process new print jobs.
Lights when the printer is receiving data from one or more of the simultaneous interfaces. This indicator is usually accompanied by a status message in the message window.
Lights when the printer requires operator intervention. This indicator is usually accompanied by a status message in the message window.
Lights when the standard paper cassette is selected.
Lights when the optional, lower paper cassette is selected.
About the Control Panel
Printer Configuration
Lights when manual feed is selected using the Tray Select key.
Lights when the media in the active cassette has been defined to be paper. When this LED and the Transparency LED are both off, it means that the Thick Stock media option (in the Operator C ontrol/ M e dia menu) has been selected.
Lights when the media in the active cassette has been defined to be transparency. When this LED and the Paper LED are both off, it means that the Thick Stock media option (in the Operator C ontrol/ M e dia menu) has been selected.
About the Control Panel

The Control Panel Keys

The printer control panel has eight function keys. The top row of keys (Online/Offline, Tray Select, Media, Cancel) is for frequently used operations. The bottom row of keys is used to navigate menus, select options, and enter values.
» Note:
When you're in configuration mode (that is, if you have entered the menu by pressing the Menu key), the printer ignores the Tray Select, Media, and Cancel keys.
Press the Online/Offline key once to take the printer off line (the indicator goes out). You must take the printer off line before using all other keys except the Cancel key.
When the printer goes off line, the communication ports are closed, so no new data is accepted. The printer continues printing until it has finished all jobs in process. Although jobs continue to compile and print using the data alr eady received, a job may be interrupted, causing it to wait for more incoming data before printing resumes.
When the printer is off line, press the Online/Offline key once to place it back on line and ready to accept new print jobs (the indicator goes back on). If a remote console has the printer off line, pressing the Online/Offline key will not take effect until the console puts the printer back on line.
The Tray Select key allows you to select the cassette from which to draw print media: the standard (upper) cassette, the optional (lower) cassette, or the manual feed tray.
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-8
About the Control Panel
The Media key i s used to tell the printer whether paper or transparencies are in the currently selected cassette. The factory default for both upper and lower cassettes is paper.
Press the Cancel key to cancel the “oldest” print job currently printing, interpreting, or spooling; or t o send an end-of-job indicator to print jobs waiting for incoming data. The printer then resumes printing other print jobs in the queue. If you press the Cancel key by mistake, or if you decide not to cancel a print job after pressing this key, press the Menu key to “cancel” the Cancel key’s function.
Press the Menu key to acce ss the configuration menu after the printer goes off line. When you’re changing printer configuration, press this key to cancel a change (before pressing the Select k ey), to return to a previous menu, or to return to a previous c haracter when entering character information.
Press the Select/Copy ke y to access a menu or to choose a displayed menu option. If you have the CrownCopy copier option installed, use this key to access the Copy menu. The CrownCopy documentation contains information on using the copier option.
Press the Previous key to return to the previous selection or option for the current menu. When changing character information, use this key to return to the previous choice for the current input character.
Press the Next key to advance through the list of selections or options for the current menu. When changing character information, use this key to advance to the next choice for the current input character.
Printer Configuration
About the Configuration Menu

About the Configuration Menu

The printer’s configuration menu allows you change the default printer configuration settings. Any changes made to the configuration will reside as new default settings and affect all subsequent print jobs.
The options in the configuration menu are organized under these main menus:
Operator Control Menu Use this menu to select document processing options such as
copy count, choosing input and output paper bins, chaining input bins, and duplexing (if a duplexing unit is installed). Docum ent processing selections are usually specified within individual jobs since each job has its own requirements. However, if there’s no way of specifying these selections within an applicatio n, use the control panel to change selections, send the job, and then change the defaults back.
» Note:
job through the control panel is not recomm ended in a shared environment. When many systems are using the same printer, there’s no way of making sure that no other jobs are sent to the printer while the defaults are changed. The Operator Control menu may be password protected with an optional security card if the system administrator does not want users changing defaults.
Administration Menu
Use this menu to maintain printer-host communica tion informa­tion, and for selecting and configuring printe r emulations, config ­uring special pages, printing engine calib ration, and confi guring hard disks, if present.
Defining document processi ng selectio ns for a par ticul ar
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-10
About the Configuration Menu

Accessing the Configuration Menu

To access the configuration menu, make sure the printer is idle (IDLE displays in the message window), then press the Online/Offline key to take the printer off line (the Online/Offline indicator is not lighted), and finally press the Menu key.
For example, the following table shows how to use control panel keys to access the printer configuration menu. Press the control panel keys in the order shown. The printer responds by displaying a status mes­sage or configuration menu in the message window.
» Note:
You may need to press the Next key more t han one time to
advance through the list of options.
Press this key
Online/ Offline
The printer must be off line and idle before you can access the config­uration menu.
to... The message
window reads...
Tur n off the Online/Offlin e indicator and ready the printer for configuration.
Access the configuration menu. CONFIGURATION

Selecting Configuration Menu Options

Once you access the configuration menu, you use the contro l panel keys to move through the menu. Use the following keys:
Press this key to...
Next Advance to the next option or submenu within a menu. Previous Return to the previous option or submenu within a menu. Select Select an option or enter a submenu.
Printer Configuration
About the Configuration Menu
For example, the instructions below show how to change the default printer emulat ion from ESP to PostScript :
Press this key
Online/ Offline
Online/ Offline or Menu
to... The message
window reads...
Tur n off the Online/Offlin e indicator and ready the printer for configuration.
Access the configuration menu. CONFIGURATION
Advance to the Operator Control/ Administration menu.
Access the Administration menu ADMINISTRATION
Access the Communications menu. COMMUNICATIONS
Advance to the Communications/Parallel menu.
Access the Parallel menu. PARALLEL
Advance to the Parallel/Emulation menu. PARALLEL
Access the Emulation menu. EMULATION
Advance to the Emulation/PostScript menu.
Select PostScript as the default emulation. POSTSCRIPT
After 3 seconds you are returned to the Parallel/Emulation menu.
Exit from the menu (Online/Offline) or return to the previous menu (Menu). You are prompted to save your change(s).
Advance to the Save Changes?/Yes option.
Select Yes. The print er finishes pr inting any print jobs in process, saves your change, and returns to idle.
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-12
About the Configuration Menu

Changing Character Information

Sometimes, rather than selecting an opt ion, you need to enter char­acter information, like a number or a word.
Entering character information through the control panel is similar to setting the time and date on a digital watch. Use the following keys to change the current input character:
Press this key to... Next Previous
When you exit the character selection process, the printer verifies character information and confir ms it in the message window. If char­acter information is valid, you’re returned to the previous menu; if it’s invalid, you’r e retur ned to the input field. Press the Menu key to can­cel any changes to the character information.
Advance to the next choice for the current input character. Return to the previous choice for the current input
character. Advance the cursor to the next character (or if the cursor’s
on the
character farthest to the right, this key exits the
character selection process). Return the cursor to the previous character.
If the current character information is longer than the value that you need to enter, replace each extra character with a space. The printer interprets a space at the end of character information as a blank.
For example, to change the HP-GL emulation scaling percent , press the control panel keys in the order shown in the following table. (Underlining indicates the current input character in the message win­dow.)
Press this key
Online/ Offline
Printer Configuration
to... The message
window reads...
Tur n off the Online/Offlin e indicator and readies the printer for configuration.
Access the configuration menu. CONFIGURATION
About the Configuration Menu
Next (5 times)
Online/ Offline or Menu
Advance to the Administration menu. CONFIGURATION
Access the Administration menu ADMINISTRATION
Advance to the Communications/ Emulation menu.
Access the Emulations menu. EMULATIONS
Advance to the Emulations/HP-GL menu. EMUL ATIONS
Access the HP-GL menu. HP-G L
Advance to the HP-GL/Scaling Percent menu.
Access the Scaling Percent menu. SCALING PERCENT
Lower the current character to 0. SCALING PERCENT
Select 0 and move the current character to the next 0.
Advance the current character to 5. SCAL ING PERCENT
Select 5 and move the current character to the last 0.
Select 50 as the default scaling percent. 50
After 3 seconds you are returned to the HP-GL/Scaling Percent menu.
Exit from the menu (Online/Offline) or return to the previous menu (Menu). You are prompted to save your change(s).
Advance to the Save Changes?/Yes option.
Select Yes. The print er finishes pr inting any print jobs in process, saves your change, and returns to idle.
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-14
About the Configuration Menu

Saving Configuration Changes

Before the printer can accept print jobs with configuration changes, the changes must be saved.
For example, to save configuration changes after exiting a menu, press the control pa nel keys in the order shown in the following table. The printer responds by displaying a status message in the message window.
Press this key
Online/ Offline or Menu
Online/ Offline
» Note:
The printer may need to be restarted before certain changes to
to... The message
window read s. ..
Exit from the menu (Online/Offline) or return to the previous menu (Menu). You are prompted to save your change(s).
Advance to the Save Changes?/Yes option.
Select Yes. The printer finishes printi ng any print jobs in process, saves your change, a nd returns to idle.
Turn on the Online/Offline indicator and ready the printer to accept and print jobs.
the Administration menu take effect. Some changes restart the printer automatically while others display the message REBOOT NOW? in the control panel message window. If this message appears, select YES to restart the printe r and have the change(s) take effect immediately, or select NO to wait until you manually restar t the print er for changes to take effect.
Printer Configuration
About the Configuration Menu

Canceling Configuration Changes

If you change a configuration option and then decide to cancel that change, you can do so when exiting the configuration menu.
For example, to cancel your configuration changes, press the control panel keys in the order shown in t he following table. The printer responds by displaying a status message in the message window.
Press this key
Online/ Offline or Menu
Online/ Offline
to... The message
window reads...
Exit from the menu (Online/Offline) or return to the previous menu (Men u) and be prompted to save your change.
Select No. The printer finishes printing any print jobs in process, does not save your changes, and returns to idle.
Turn on the Onlin e/Offline indicator and ready the printer to accept print jobs.

Restoring the Factory Default Configuration

If you need to cancel all of the configuration changes you have made, you can reset all of the configuration settings to their factory defaults. See “Restore Defaults” on page 63 for more information.
» Note:
Remember that any changes made to the configuration menu are lost when the factory defaults are restored. If your printer has a hard disk and you have enabled disk swapping (recommended to take advantage of a hard disk), you should re-enable it after restoring factory defaults.

Clearing Warning Messages

Use the Clear Warning option to clear a status message that doesn't automatically clear afte r the related correcti ve action is taken. See “Clear Warning” on page 60 for more information .
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-16

Operator Control Menu

The Operator Control menu consists of the following submenus:
Copies Collation Orientation Inputbin Chain Inputbins Col or Model Color Separation Manual Feed Size
Operator Control Menu
» Note:
The printer must be turned off and on again before changes to this menu take effect (except changes to the Copies menu). The Media key on the printer's control panel provides a faster means of changing this setting, but doe s not con tai n a thick stock option.
While it is usually preferable to select in your application the number of copies you want to print, you can change the default number of copies for all print jobs through the printer control panel.
Operator Control
Notes: Sets the default number of copies for all subsequen t p rint jobs until the printer is turned off and on again. This setting has no effect on jobs generated by applications such a s FrameMaker that specify a copy number outside of the printer driver.
001 (default)-999
Use this option to arrange multiple copies of a document in sequential order.
Operator Control
Notes: For additional information on collation, see chapter 2, “Printing,” in the user’s
On (default), Off
Printer Configuration
Operator Control Menu
Specifies whether text and graphics are placed on the page in a portrait or landscape orientation.
Operator Control
Allows you to select the default cassette (inputbin) from which media is drawn into the printer.
Operator Control
Notes: The lower inputbin refers to the optional lower cassette. The current default inputbin is indicated by the appropriate LED on the print control panel.
Chain Inp u tbins
Allows you to “chain” input bins (cassettes) so that when the first input bin empties, the print er will aut oma tically draw media from the second input bin with the same size and type of media.
Operator Control
Chain Inputbins
Notes: Use the Operator Control/Inputbin menu to set the default input bin. Make sure the two bins use the same size and type of media.
Landscape, Portrait (default)
Upper (default), Lower
On (default)—Switch to the next input bin with the same size and type of media when the default input bin is empty.
Off—Don’t switch inputbins; use only the default input bin.
Color Separation
Use this option to turn color separation on or off.
Operator Control Color Separation
On, off (default)
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-18
Operator Control Menu
Color Model
Use this option to select between full-color or monochrome printing.
Operator Control
Color Model
Monochrome, Full Color (default)
Manua l Fe ed Size
Use this option to select the size of the print medium to be fed manually.
Operator Control
Manual Feed Size
Notes: The Envelope setting should be used if y our env elope siz e doesn’t match any of the other listed enve lopes sizes.
Letter (default), Legal, A4, Executive, Com10, and DL
Use this option to tell the printer what type of media is in each tray so the printer can optimize output for that media type.
Operator Control
Notes: First select a media tray (upper for the standard cassette slot, lower for the optional sheet feeder, or manual for the manual-feed tray). Then select paper, transparency, or thick stock for that tray. When the Thick Stock media option has been selected, both the Paper LED and the Transparency LED on the printer control panel are off.
Paper (default), transparency, t hick stock
Select Paper for printing paper, envelopes, or labels. Select transparency for printing on overhead transparency film. Select thick stock (for the manual-feed tray only) for printing on stock that is between 24 and 43 lb (90 g/m
and 163 g/m2). The factory default is paper.
Printer Configuration
Admi nistr ati on Menu

Administration Menu

The Administration m enu consists of the following submenus:
Communications Emulations Special Pages Startup Options Memory Engine


This menu contains several options that allow you to configure the printer's communicat ion parameters to m atch the host and appli cati on parameters
The Timeouts opt ions limit the amount of time the print er waits on transmission from the host for various types of data.
PostScript Emulatio n Tim eou t
The PostScript emulation tim eout is the maximum number of seconds the PostScript emulation waits for incoming data.
Administrati on
PS W ait Time out
00000-99999 00030 (30 sec.) (default)
Emulation Timeout
The emulation timeout is the maximum number of seconds emulations ot her than PostScri pt (such as HP-GL, HP PCL5, and Lineprinter) wait for incoming data.
Emul Tim e ou t
Notes: A value of 000 is the same as infinity (no timeout).
00000-99999 00005 (5 sec.) (default)
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-20
Admi nistr ati on Menu
Print Job Timeout
The print job timeout is the maximum numb er of secon ds the printer processes a print job before it ends the job.
Administrati on
Job Timeout
Notes: A value of 000 is the same as infinity (no timeout).
00000-99999 00000 (infinity, no timeout) (default)
ESP Timeout
The ESP timeout is the maximum number of seconds the printer waits to match an emulation before print ing the job in the default emulation.
Administrati on
ESP Timeout
Notes: A value of 000 is the same as infinity (no timeout).
00000-99999 00003 (3 sec.) (default)
Serial Interface
Use the Administration/Communications/Serial menu to set the serial interface communication values used for printer-host communication.
Enables or disables the serial port
Administrati on
Serial Mode
Notes: The printer must be restarted for changes to the Mode menu to take effect. You can either let the printer restart automatically after you save the change and exit the Configuration menu, or you can wai t for the change to take effect the next time you manually turn on the printer.
Printer Configuration
Interactive (default)—Establish two-way communication between the host and the printer.
Noninteractive—Establish one-way communication from the host to the printer.
Disabled—Turn off serial communication with the host. The printer stops accepting print jobs over the serial interface.
Admi nistr ati on Menu
Sets the serial interface emulation.
Min K Sp ool
Sets the minimum numbe r of kilobytes of system m emo r y allocated to th e ser ial int erface.
Administrati on
Min K Spool
Notes: This value must be less than K Mem For Spool. A 00000 value does not turn off the spooling buffer for the serial interface.
If the value is set to 00000, the printer calculates the Min K Spool automatically at initialization.
ESP (default), Hexdump, PostScript, PCL5, HPGL, Lineprinter
Other optional emulations also appear, if installed.
00000-99999 00015 (default)
The printer must be restarted for changes to the Min K Spool menu to take effect. You can either let the printer restart automatically after you save the change and exit the Configuration menu, or you can wait for the change to take effect the next time you manually turn on the printer.
Spoo ling Timeout
Sets the number of seconds the interface waits for data from the host before terminati ng a spooled pri nt job.
Administrati on
Spo ol Timeout
00000-99999 00030 (default)
QMS magicolor CX Refe re nce Guide1-22
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