Konica Minolta bizhub C220, bizhub C280, bizhub C360, bizhub C452, bizhub C552 Operation Manual

for Customer Engineer
Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 1
CS Operations
bizhub C452/C552/C652/C220/C280/C360 LK-101 LK-102 LK-103 LK-105 License Authentication Operation Guide
for Customer Engineer
Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 2
About this guidebook.......................................................................................4
Outlines of Functions....................................................................................... 4
License Operations.......................................................................................... 5
Necessary information to perform License operation.................................. 6
Input/ Display confirmation procedure when operation the license
management..................................................................................................... 8
Requirements for using License Activation Base Functions....................... 8
Instruction for part replacement ..................................................................... 8
Activation.......................................................................................................... 9
Overview of Activation Operation ....................................................................................9
Necessary Hardware......................................................................................................... 9
Necessary Information....................................................................................................10
Relation of Hardware, Requirement/ Condition, and Information.................................10
Flow chart for Activation ................................................................................................11
Activation using [License Install Utility]........................................................................12
Activation Procedure ......................................................................................................13
Deactivation.................................................................................................... 36
Overview of Deactivation operation...............................................................................36
Necessary Hardware.......................................................................................................36
Necessary Information....................................................................................................37
Relation of Hardware, Requirement/ Condition, and Information.................................37
Flow chart for Deactivation ............................................................................................38
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Deactivation Procedure..................................................................................................40
Repair.............................................................................................................. 51
Overview of Repair Operation ........................................................................................52
Necessary Hardware.......................................................................................................52
Necessary Information....................................................................................................52
Relation of Hardware, Requirement/ Condition, and Information.................................53
Flow chart for Repair ...................................................................................................... 54
Repair Procedure............................................................................................................55
Overview of Initialization operation ...............................................................................63
Necessary Hardware.......................................................................................................63
Necessary Information....................................................................................................63
Relation of Hardware, Requirement/Condition, and Information..................................64
Flow chart for Initialization.............................................................................................65
Initialization Procedure...................................................................................................66
Operation procedure when executing particular operation........................75
1. When using the License already activated on the ot her MFP,........................................75
2. When replacing NV RAM wit h a new one, .....................................................................75
3. When replacing Service EEPROM,..............................................................................76
for Customer Engineer
Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 4
About this guidebook
In the firmware, the lic ense act ivation system is newly adopted. S om e additional functions will be available after the lic ense activation. This guidebook explains outline and operation procedure of Lic ense Management.
¾ i-Option fi rmware is also i ncluding some addi tional functions that can be used without
the authenti cation. For the expl anation of those f unctions. Please ref er to the PRI f or the firmw a r e .
Outlines of Functions
¾ “License Activation Base Functions” are i ncl uded in the firmware. Activation Base
Functions have sev er al ty pes of functions. (Please refer to the functions listed below.) Those functions are included in the firmware. If you purchase the license and activat e the License Activation Base Functions, the functions will be available. Also, the function enhancements do not necessary Activation ar e incl uded in the firmware. About those functions, please refer to not this guidebook but PRI distributed with the firmware or the following chapter.
¾ License Activation Base Function s
In this guidebook, the functions like “LK-101, LK - 102, LK-103, LK-105” (You need to purchase the lic ense when using these functions.) ar e cal led “License Activation Base Functions”. LK-101
Web browser function, Image panel, and it is possible to register the picture (thumbnail) in the address book on the image panel.
Enhancement of PDF encrypti on (response to public key and AES, function that can write title/ creator when sending PDF file, etc .)
LK-103 Includes “LK- 101” and “LK-102”.
LK-105 Searchable PDF
Searchable PDFs are created by processing scanned data with OCR (Optical Character Recogni tion). * You need to install the OCR Dictionary Data to the MFP.
for Customer Engineer
Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 5
License Operations
When you start, stop or repair using t he lic ense act ivation base functi ons, those operations, Activation, Deac tivation, Repair or Initiali zation, have to be made as you intended. There are 4 types of License Operations.
License Operations
This is the operati on to enable License Activation Base Functions and make the functions operational. It is possible to execute this operation in Administrator Mode or Servic e Mode.
This is the operati on to inv alidate the activat ed Lic ense Activation Base Functions. It is possible to execute this operation in Servic e M ode.
It is necessary to exec ute this operation when the error of lic ense management state is display ed on the control panel. If it occurs, the License Activation Base Func tions are temporaril y di sabl ed. To recover the condition, Repair operation has to be performed. It is possible to execute this operation in Servic e M ode.
Execute this operation when the error state is not resolved after performing Repair. Basically, execute Initialization only when the error of license management state occur s after performing Repair. When performing t he oper ation, please confirm t hat t he error of license management state occur s under what conditions (executed operations, parts replacement, sett ing change and so on). It is possible to execute this operation in Servic e M ode.
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 6
Necessary information to perform License operation
You need to get necessary information for each operation and send i t to MFP and LMS to execute the license operations. Following chart shows necessary informati on for eac h operation.
Activation Deactivation Repair Initialization To LMS From LMS
Serial Nu mb er
Token Number
X X X(*1) X(*2) X
Request Code
License Code
X X(*1) X(*2) X
Function Code
X X X(*1) X(*2) X
Deactivation code
Deactivation Complete Code
Repair Request Code (Repa ir Demand Code)
Rep air Code (Repair Permission Code)
Initialization Code
X X(*3)
*1 If you exchange NVRAM when performing Repair, you need this information.
*2 Require when re-activate the functions after the i nitialization. *3 Necessary to contact t he support t o ac quire the code.
Explanation of those Num ber s used on those oper ations/ Codes are as f ollows.
Serial Number
Serial Number f or MFP body.
Token Number
Token Number is printed on the Token Kit, or will be informed when purchasing the license. You need this number t o enable License Activation Base Functions.
Request Code
This is ID Number t o recognize the indiv idual MFP. Serial Number information i s also included in the Request Code.
License Management Serv er (LMS)
The Server performs license management. When you activate/ deactivate or make other operations for License Activ ation Base Functions, you need to access the License Management S erver (Web site).
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License Code
Use this code to MFP when you activate License Activation Base Functions. License Management S erver (LMS) issues this code.
Deactivation Code
This code is issued f rom LMS. This code is prepared on LMS when the necessary information is entered in LMS. After receiving the code, you need to enter it in MFP through the contr ol panel to perform the deactivati on.
Deactivation Complet e Code
The information indicates to let LMS know the deactivation operati on has been complete properl y. MFP issues this code.
Repair Request Code (Repair Demand Code)
On the Service activ ates the err or of li cense management state m ay be detec ted, and it is displayed on the control panel. At this time, you need to issue Repair Request to LMS. The information issued to request the Repair Code (Repair Permission Code).
Repair Code (Repair Permission Code)
When you enter the Repair Request Code (Repair Demand Code) to LMS, informati on to solve the error of license management state is issued from LMS. This informati on is Repair Code ( Repair P ermission Code).
Initialization Code
In the event that the error of li c ense management state is not resolved, the license has to be reset to the initi al conditi on forcibly. The information used to do it is the initializ ation code and issued from LMS.
After that, it is necessary to ac tivate the license again, to use the functions.
Function Code (bizhub C452/ C552/C652/C220/C280/C360)
Use this code to specify the f unction to activate or deactivate.
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Input/ Display confirmation procedure when operation the license management
Details about the procedure are described from the next page. You need to execute the license operation on the LMS/ PC (Web browser)/ MFP panel.
It is possible to input/ display information in the following ways.
z Use the printing fr om MFP. z Display the inf ormation on the panel or input the information from panel. z Display the information on the PC. Input the i nformation from ( PageScope Web
Connection) or Web browser screen.
* Actual screen may be different from the operation procedure screen in this guidebook.
Requirements for using License Activation Base Functions
¾ You must prepare the followings to use the License Activation Base Functions.
z Additional Memory : Additional Memory i s included in Upgrade Kit (UK-203). z T oken Certificate: Token Certificate is included in License Kit.
z You need to install the OCR Dicti onar y Data to the MFP.
Instruction for part replacement
¾ If you need replacement of NVRAM or Service EEPROM, please exchange it for new
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 9
You need to perform Activation to use License Activ ation Base Functions. The following is the explanation about the Activation.
Overview of Activation Operation
Find Token Number on Token Certificate, and get Serial Number and Request
Code from MFP. From PC, access to LMS using Web browser, and input Token Number, Serial Number and Request Code to LMS. License Code and Function Code are output from LMS. If you input the codes to MFP, Activation will be completed.
Who to perform the operation
z MFP Administrator z Customer engineer (Sales person)
- You need to install the OCR Dictionary Data to the MFP.
Necessary Hardware
MFP Upgrade Kit (UK-203 additional memory etc.) License Kit (LK-101/LK-102/LK-103/LK -105, Token Certificate) PC License Management S erver (LMS) (BT manages this server.)
Token Certific ate
[Serial Number] [Request Code]
[Token Number]
[License Code] [Function Code]
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 10
Necessary Information
S er ial Number (13 digits) Request Code (30 digi ts) Token Number (20 digits) License Code (30 digits) Function Code
Relation of Hardware, Require ment/ Condition, and Information
Necessary Hardware Requirement/ Condition Information
FW for i-Option is installed to the MFP. Additional memory (UK-203) is installed.
[Serial Number] [Request Code]
License Kit (LK-101/LK-102/LK-103/LK-105)
Token Certific ate
[Token Number]
Upgrade Kit (UK-203)
Additional memory Pen etc.
Web browser Internet Access environment
License Management Server (LMS)
BT manages this Server. [License Code]
[Function Code]
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 11
Flow chart for Activa tion
There are 3 steps to perform Activation.
1. Gather Information from MFP/ Kit
2. Acc ess to LMS
3. MFP Activation
The following is the flow chart for the Activation.
Light blue
Access to LMS using Web browser.
Get the [License Code] and [Function Code] from LMS.
Confirm that access to LMS using Web browser is possible.
Prepare PC
Pr epare t he M F P
(FW for i-Option)
(additional memory)
Get the [Serial Number] [Request Code] from MFP
Prepa re License Ki t.
Input th e following informa tion to LM S . [Serial Number] [Request Code] [Token Number]
Input [License Code] and [Function Code] to MFP, and activate the function (Activation).
Complete Ac tiv a tio n
Find the [Token Number] on Token Certificate.
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Activation using [License Install Utility]
It is possible to issue the Lic ense Code from LMS, and activate the MFP function using License Install Utility. Please refer to the Users Guide of License Install Utility for the detailed procedure.
Caution: When you issue the License Code and activat e the MFP function, you need to use the same PC that installed “Lic ense I nstall Utility”.
for Customer Engineer
Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 13
Activation Procedure
The following is the step by step pr oc edur e to activate License Activation Base Functi ons.
1. Gather infor ma tio n from MFP/ Kit 1-1. Find [Token Number] from License Ki t. 1-2. Get [Request Code] and [Ser ial Number] from MFP.
2. Access to LMS 2-1. Access to LMS and get [License Code] and [Function Code].
3. MFP Activation 3-1. Input [License Code] and [ Function Code], and activ ate the function.
When using each code, please pay attention “U” and “V”, “0(number)” and “O(alph abet)”. “0 (Number)” is not used in [Request Cod e] and [License Code].
Here are necessary inf ormation (operation) and ac quisi tion procedure in the above steps.
Information ( oper ation) Acquisition Procedure Note Token Number Token Certificate (Lic ense Kit) 20 digits alphanumeric Request Code a) MFP panel
- Administrator Mode
- Service Mode
b) PSWC (Administrat or M ode)
30 digits alphanumeric
Serial Number Get Serial number when taki ng
Request Code. Serial Number Label
13 digits alphanumeric EG .) A00H020012345
License Code LMS (Web browser) 30 digits alphanumeric Function Code LMS (Web browser) Activation (Input License Code)
a) MFP panel
- Administrator Mode
- Service Mode
b) PSWC (Administrat or M ode) *If it i s possible to acc ess MFP and LMS from the PC, you can perf orm the procedure (fr om getting Token Number to performing activation) from “License Install Utility”. (About the detailed pr oc edur e, please refer to “License Install Utility” of Users Guide.)
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 14
1. Gather information from MFP/ Kit
1-1. Find [Token Number] from Lic ense Kit .
1-2. Get [Request Code] and [Serial Number] from MFP.
2. Access to LMS
3. MFP Activation
a) Purchase License Kit and get Token Certificate.
License Kit (LK-101/ LK-102/ LK - 103/ LK-105)
Tok en Certificate
b) Token Number is described in Token Certificate.
20 digits alphanumeric EG.)1234-5678-90ab-1234-5678
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1. Gather information from MFP/ Kit
1-1. Find [Token Number] from Lic ense Kit .
1-2. Get [Request Code] and [Serial Number] from MFP.
Acquisition pr oc edur e : MFP panel <Administrator Mode> MFP panel <Service Mode> •PSWC
2. Access to LMS
3. MFP Activat ion
Get [Request Code] and [Seri al Num ber ] from MFP panel <Administrator Mode>. a) Login to Administrator Mode and press [Forward].
b) Select [License Set tings]. *Voice Guidance Function (LK-104) is available in Japanese Market only.
c) Select [Get Request Code].
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 16
d) Select [Yes] and press [OK].
e) Press [Print List ] and print displayed [Request Code] and [Serial Number].
Or write down [Request Code] and [ S erial Number].
*Please pay attenti on “ U” and “V ”, “ 0 (number)” and “O (alphabet)”. “0 (Number)” is not used in [Request Code]. e’) When selecting [ P rint List], please press [Start] or Start button after selecting the paper tray.
When printing it, [Request Code] and [Serial Number] will be pr inted as sample below.
f) Exit from Administrator Mode and go on to the next step [2. Access to LMS].
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 17
1. Gather information from MFP/ Kit
1-1. Find [Token Number] from Lic ense Kit .
1-2. Get [Request Code] and [Serial Number] from MFP.
Acquisition pr oc edur e: MFP panel <Administrator Mode> MFP panel <Service Mode> •PSWC
2. Access to LMS
3. MFP Activat ion
Get [Request Code] and [Seri al Num ber ] from MFP <Service Mode>. a) Enter in Servic e Mode, and then press “Stop”,”9”. The “Billing Setti ng” screen wil l appear.
Select [License Management].
b) Select [Request Code] .
c) Print displayed [Request Code] and [Serial Number], or write t hem down.
Press Start button to print the information.
*Please pay attenti on “ U” and “V ”, “ 0 (number)” and “O (alphabet)”. “0 (Number)” is not used in [Request Code].
d) Exit from Service Mode and go on to the next step [2. Access to LMS].
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 18
1. Gather information from MFP/ Kit
1-1. Find [Token Number] from Lic ense Kit .
1-2. Get [Request Code] and [Serial Number] from MFP.
Acquisition pr oc edur e: MFP panel <Administrator Mode> MFP panel <Service Mode> •PSWC
2. Access to LMS
3. MFP Activat ion
Get [Request Code] and [Serial Num ber] from PSWC. a) Login to PSWC in the Administrator mode.
b) Select [Mai ntenance] > [License Settings] and click [Displ ay] .
c) “Get Request Code” screen is displayed. Click [OK ].
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 19
d) Write down displayed [Request Code] and [Serial Number], or print this page.
*Please pay attenti on “ U” and “V ”, “ 0 (number)” and “O (alphabet)”. “0 (Number)” is not used in [Request Code].
(If you access LMS using the sam e P C that access to PSWC, you can input Request Code using Copy-and-Paste.) e) Go on to the next step [2. Access to LMS].
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1. Gather information from MFP/ Kit
2. Access to LMS
2-1. Access to LMS and get [License Code] and [Function Code] .
Acquisition pr oc edur e: LMS <Administrator Menu> LMS <CE Login>
3. MFP Activation
• Get [Li c ense Code] and [Function Code] from LMS <A dmi nistrator Menu>.
a) Access to the following URL from PC connected to the internet.
*During the procedur e with LMS, when you need to return the previous screen, press the back icon on the web browser. b) Click [Administrator Menu].
*When performing t he activation from CE Login, please ref er to Page 24.
c) Click [License Registr ation].
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d) Select the display Language.
e) Input Serial Number of MFP to [MFP Serial Number] and click [ Next].
f) Input [Request Code] and cl ick [Next].
* Please pay attention “U” and “V” , “0 (number)” and “O (alphabet)”. “0 (Number)” is not used in [Request Code]. *If there is no need to input Request Code, the following message is di spl ay ed. “No input of Request Code is needed. Please click the “Next” button.” g) Input [Token Nu mber], select the License Kit (Product Descri ption) that needs activ ation, and click [Add].
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h) Click [OK].
i) Check [Token Number] and [Product Description] and click [Next].
If you find a mistake, click [DEL] but ton and start from the operation “g)” again.
j) Click [Generate License Code].
* If there is no need to input Request Code, the input on the text box will be r estr icted. (operation h) In this case, it is possibl e to generate License Code without input ting Request Code.
k) Click [OK].
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Issued by BT-CSO Ver 1.01 23
l) Click [Print] butt on to print this page or write them down. * Please pay attention “U” and “V” , “0 (number)” and “O (alphabet)”. “0 (Number)” is not used in [License Code].
(When you access MFP and LMS from the same PC, you also use Copy and Paste to enter the code.) m) Close the window and go on to the next step [3. MFP Activation].
+ 53 hidden pages